• Published 5th Apr 2016
  • 1,596 Views, 14 Comments

Why I'm Loud - RayDawn

My name is Vinyl Scratch and I'm one of the loudest people at Canterlot High School. My music makes me loud, not my voice, because I am mute. I wasn't always like this, I used to talk, but then "it" happened. What is"it?" I'll tell you.

  • ...

The Apology

I came to in the arms of my sister and with my friends surrounding us. With the student body farther away, murmuring among themselves. I looked around and Tavi hugged me tighter. "It's okay, Vinyl. You don't need to think about that night." Tavi whispered in my ears as I silently sobbed. Then, Pinkie spoke up.

"Are you okay, Vinyl?" Pinkie asked me in a worried voice.

I shook my head no. "Kind of guessed..." Pinkie said. "But needed to ask. Want me to throw you a party to make you feel better?" Again, I shook my head no.

"Let me talk to her Pinkie." Celestia appeared from the multitude of faces from the crowd.

"Oki doki loki!" Pinkie said, with little enthusiasm. It was a little funny for her to say such a weird statement with a serious look, but that did little to ease my sorrow, or pry my face from Tavi's shoulder.

"Vinyl..." Celestia said my name and I looked up at her, which made her pause and look at me blankly.

After what felt like a millennia, Celestia spoke up. "I apologize for anything that I may have said to hurt your feelings. I never thought that I would end up hurting one of my students with that speech." She paused again and looked down. She pulled herself together and made herself stoic again. "Do you wish to speak about why you reacted that way? You look as if something is bothering you and I worry." Celestia had such caring eyes, it sickened me right now.

I would love to speak about it, but I don't think I can! I sarcastically thought. I saw her eyes and I softened my heart. It's not her fault, she didn't know. No one knows. I asked Tavi to keep quiet about it, but it may be time for change. I nodded and got Tavi's attention. She looked at me.

"You want me to tell her?" Tavi had a relieved look, but also looked as if she dreaded having to go back to that night. I dreaded going back there in my nightmares, so I don't blame you. Hell, I just recently came back from it. I thought to myself as I nodded. No more running. I need to confront this and get help.

"Both of you?" Celestia said in a quizzical manner. I nodded to her. She gave us a confused look and shrugged.

Celestia lead us to her office and closed the door behind us. I could see the girls outside, waiting for me. I need to tell them too. No more secrets... I thought to myself as Celestia sat down.

Then she spoke up. "Whenever you're ready..." she looked at us patiently.

I thought to myself. Time to get this over with... I then proceeded to nod at Octavia.

She told the story in its entirety. With us at the bowling alley, me and Deadly Kombat. Well, Deadly Kombat and I. Then, she told her about the noise and the confrontation where my parents died and I was injured. She went on to explain what the doctor said and her parents adopting me. All the while Celestia paid watched us attentively and had a face of concentration.

"And that's how it all came to be..." Tavi said to Celestia. "And why Vinyl can't talk."

"I'm so sorry about your... unique situation and I will accommodate all my future speeches as to not bring up any past demons." I thought about Sunset for a second.

You really need to choose your words better... I thought flatly.

"I believe that you should get professional help for your problems. It seems like these events still bother you..." The principal said.

That's an understatement. I thought.

"And I believe a specialist will help you better cope with your feelings. Also, you should seek comfort through your friends." She pointed at the Rainbooms outside. "Lastly, I want to thank you for telling me instead of bottling up your emotions inside." Principal Celestia then glanced at a picture of Vice Principal Luna, hoping to go unnoticed, but I saw it clearly. "You may leave if you wish, but can stay in here longer if you need to. I must get going." Celestia then walked out her door. I took a minute to pick myself up and nodded to Tavi.

I thought myself. Now to face the real world... and my problems.

...Years earlier...

"Those blasted girls! They ruined my life!" Said an inmate in his bunk. "I will get out of here and get them, even if it is the last thing I do!" He was ranting vigorously. Then a noise of someone hitting a hollow metal appeared.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Said the inmate's cell mate. The inmate was startled and whispered to himself before sleeping.

"I will get you and take everything you love. Just you wait."

Author's Note:

It's over! It took me some time writing this. Mainly because of procrastination, but that's beside the point. I will write a sequel centered around the inmate's plan and coming to Canterlot. Watch for that. Btw I will give the inmate a name, but I haven't thought of one yet...

Comments ( 5 )

It took me some time writing this. Mainly because of procrastination,

dude, that was fast compared to other start to finish story times

Btw I will give the inmate a name, but I haven't thought of one yet...

just don't use pedo file
Also can you tell me on my page when you get that sequel is up

7113471 alright then. Also, i don't think pedo phile would be a good name at all. I never would've thought of that. About my upload time... Ch 1 to ch 2 has less time between than ch 2 to ch 3. The spacing between the uploads is double...

7113690 the reason behind that is it has sadly bin done before that would be sad if you went with that anyway

I had a feeling that a sequel may be in the works. I don't know how to feel about that. We'll see though.

A very lovely story and a fun read. I'll be honest, the first chapter got my teary eyed, and the rest of the story was fun. Good job.

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