• Published 27th May 2016
  • 348 Views, 10 Comments

Renegade For the Future - MaskedPony

Upon waking up and discovering that their rouge Project caused a soon to be all out war, Two Renegades join the Equestrian resistance to protect Equestria and Equus from a insane project leader

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Prelude: rise of two Renegades

Long ago, Equestria was different as it is today. During those times technology was not that common in that day of the era. Unlike today, where we have heroes among the country of today, there were six heroes that protected the land. They were known, as the Mane 6. For years, even when they were the Elements of Harmony, they protected Equestria from many perils, from freeing the Princess of the Night, to ceasing a Chaos craze creature, ending a rogue King, and aiding in the reimprisonment of a Centaur. They faced many perils and became heroes to Equestria, even after reforming two of their enemies.

But, when Equestria was saved again, they suddenly vanished. They became part of the future project along with other selected individuals. With them gone, time passed on and new heroes took their place fulfilling what they have done. In this day of age, no one spoke of them, as if they were dead.

But, all time of peace came to a sudden halt when a rogue organisation known as Project Horselance, was established by a mysterious stallion who goes by the name, The Director. Equestria and nearly all of Equus began to enter a war. As time was flowing, Horselance was growing stronger. Many ponies decided to remain in their home towns for sometime while the resistance and the princesses of the sun and moon were trying their hardest to fight back. But, what they never expected, was a new hero was in the horizon. One hero, with Cybernetics that can stop the war and bring back what the Six have bought.

Equestria Badlands
Project Horselance Facility

Amidst the daylight, a lone facility stood towering in an area where ponies fear to tread. Among the other places in Equestria, this area became infamous day by day. While this area was feared, mysterious ships were flying in, and out of the mysterious facility. Even some that looked like they were caught in a firefight. When the ships landed, troops of ponies, wounded, scarred, and broken got off and proceeded for debriefing.

Inside the facility, in an office on the top floor of the Facility, a lone unicorn with a black mane and black suit was sitting in a chair. His eyes were glancing at the holographic computer. He was glancing at the mission status of a squad that recently got back. Every bit of info from their last missions, had him smiling, but looking in disappointment that some troops were successful, some were failures due to wounds, and even some were now KIA.

As he continued looking at the stats, he didn't hear the doors open and close. Even he didn’t notice the pony that had walked in since he was was too busy looking at the screen. When the pony approached the desk, The Director caught a glimpse of who it was. "You wanted to see me, Director?" The mare asked.

The Director, turning off his holo-computer, looked at the mare and smiled. "Yes, have a seat, Web Intel," he replied as he got up facing the window.

Taking a seat, Web began to wonder why the director summoned her. A lot of questions were flowing through her head while trying to piece together as to why. The Director, however, began to face Web. Although he was wearing tinted glasses, Web could tell he was looking at him with seriousness. "Your friend, Merc Lance, what do you remember about her?" He asked as he took a seat facing her.

Hearing this question made Web think back to her friend. Reminiscing, she remembers she met her at a local bar in San Flanksisco. When they met, she saw she was in a wheelchair because of the fact that she was born with a birth defect of being born without a front right leg, making her only have three legs. Since they became friends, Web was always there for her and even created something special for her.

"Well, I remember we met at a local bar. I been there for her since then, and....created her cybernetics so she doesn't feel that she doesn't have a missing arm and hoof. Why are you asking, sir?"

Thinking quick, The Director turned on his computer and went to a certain list. Within the list shows individuals that were in Cryogenic slumber. Individuals that were selected for this program were put into Cryo tubes and put into sleep mode till they are needed for service, or when their wake-up period is. One name appeared in one part of the list. "You see, your friend, Merc Lance, is going to wake up today. And I was thinking maybe you could do the honours of waking her up? After she heals, I will give you two a special mission."

Hearing the news, Web was surprised. Her friend, her best friend, was about to wake up. Not only did she feel happy, she felt excited. Ever since Merc and Web joined Horselance, Merc was dubbed by many of the soldiers as one of the toughest and fearless soldiers. Even since she has a cybernetic, she was one. Web, however, was an expert with weapons and was always a team with Merc; not only that but she also modifies Merc's cybernetic with weapon upgrades and such.

Along with this, Web was put in slight Cryosleep and woke up early so she could wait for her friend to wake up. Smiling, she looked at The Director. "I would love to wake my friend up. Where is her Cryo Pod again?” She asked

"Cryo Bay, sector 7. Anyway, you are dismissed, Web. I will contact the Cryo Bay staff to await your arrival before they begin the waking process."

With that, Web began to head out as The Director called the Cryo area to tell em. After the call, The Director then looked out the window and saw the various cities of Equestria. "Those two tyrants are going to pay." He grumbled to himself. “Soon…”

Days Later
Planning the Stakeout

The past eight days went very well. Since Merc has woke up from her Cryo sleep, Web took her into her care for her to heal. Over the course of a few days, Web was making sure that there was no damage to Merc’s Cybernetic. During the healing days, Merc had to rely on her friend to help her recover after being in Cryo for many years. Since then, she has been happy that her friend was taking care of her.

On the eighth day, Web and Merc went to the training simulation chamber. While walking there, Merc and Web began to talk about things they love to talk about. Occasionally, Web and Merc love to gossip about future missions or what they did before joining the project, but they were discussing something serious.

When they go to the training chamber, Web was starting up the training process since The Director didn't want Merc to be down due to being in Cryo, they began to talk more. "...So, you think something is up with the project, Web?" Merc asked curiously while on her private visor channel with Web.

"Yes, I have noticed some....well, weird things whenever a mission is a failure, even coming from The Director," Web replied as she started the program, and saw Merc training.
As she began training to refresh her skills, Merc could tell that Web was serious, although this was pretty unusual coming from Web, she could tell she was up to something. Whenever missions happen, they are categorised as a Success, Failure, Abandoned, or Fail due to KIA. To Merc, she didn't know what Web was talking about because she was in Cryo.

Questions filled her mind on why Web was talking about this. What was her friend up to? How come she brought this up? These questions were lingering in her mind like an endless stream flowing through the Los Pegasus river. Ever since she was part of the project, she hated discussing these type of things. "What type of things?" Merc asked worriedly

"Well, I noticed every time a mission failed, The Director becomes ticked or mad instead of his usual "there will be a next time" Or, "don't let the failure bother you. Nopony is a failure in my book". It's like… It’s like something about Equestria is making him mad."

Eliminating the next target and waiting for the next round, Merc began to think. "Could it relate to something that he wants in Equestria? I mean, it's...not like he's keeping a secret....would he?"

Hearing this from Merc's mouth, Web began to think. Since they joined, The Director always said he wants to make Equestria a better place. When she and Web went on a mission in 2075, Equestria kept resisting, as if there was something wrong with the project. Not only that, but every time the elements of harmony were bought up by one of the troops, The Director kept stating they died and that Horselance will be the next successor of the Elements of Harmony. Disturbingly, Web one time found a Horselance soldier who was going crazy and had to be hospitalised, even saying that he wants to leave the project.

Thinking of everything, Web remembered two rooms that were labelled off limits in the facility. "Merc, I think we should do a stakeout. We need to find out what's going on." Web stated.

"You sure?" Merc replied while fighting the simulated enemy troops.

"I'm sure."

"Then....count me in."

Now that the plan for a Stakeout was out of the way, Merc began to train more. As the training became complete after four to five rounds, Merc and Web began to head to the facilities break room. Knowingly, they would be going out on a mission in two to three weeks. What they never realised was That the info they will find was soon to be info that could lead to them fighting for what's right.

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoy this new fic, and first chapter.

I do have to admit I never planned on making a fic like this before, but, I do need to blame EStories/Think Pink of Deviantart for giving me the idea after he continuously mentioning that he is going to make a 2nd Fallout Equestria. So, shouts to him I guess

Anyway, this is not related to Fallout Equestria if your curious, all I do know of it is its OC, but I never read the fic at all. I heard of it but, I never read it, I'm not lying when I am saying this.

To...also explain why I excluded the, well, healing process of Merc, there is a reason. It's due to the fact, if you look in certain fics I done, "that is the reason", because in the healing segment, "that" was supposed to be involved with the healing process, so, I decided to cut the healing segment out to avoid something that would be problematic. Please understand this is just to avoid fights.

Anyway, please excuse grammer problems, or errors, if there....are errors or Grammer mistakes I overlooked, I will look into getting a Proof Reader or editor. You can Volenteer to be one if you want, I don't mind.

Lastly, PLEASE don't be hating or posting comments that are irrelevant to the fic, like relating to my other works, those comments will be deleted. I do enjoy feedback either positive or negative (which will help me improve depending on the negative comment), but please keep hate to yourself. I don't want to have a comment warfare going on. I will allow helpful tips and such to help improve the fic.