• Published 27th May 2016
  • 348 Views, 10 Comments

Renegade For the Future - MaskedPony

Upon waking up and discovering that their rouge Project caused a soon to be all out war, Two Renegades join the Equestrian resistance to protect Equestria and Equus from a insane project leader

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Chapter 1: Betrayal for Redemption

April 24th 2096
Horselance facility

At the Horselance facility, it was a typical day. Soldiers training in the training room, recovering in the medical Wing and even some were lounging either taking some well needed rest from combat, or healing from wounds. Among all of ‘em - The Director however - was looking into Merc's records during her training in the simulation room Ever since Merc woke up from Cryo, the past days have been busy for her since The Director had Web look at Merc's Cybernetics to make sure nothing was damaged.

Meanwhile, Merc and Web were seen walking together to the Archives of the facility. Although Web wasn't making a sound, the only sound heard was Merc's Cybernetic, whirring and spinning it’s gears with every step she took. During their walk, Web was thinking of something. Since she joined Horselance after meeting Merc, she thought it was a phenomenal idea joining a group to help restore peace on whatever caused a war to happen. But, as the years went on and passed by, even when Merc was in Cryogenic sleep, Web began to think something was up.

Approaching the location, Web looked at her friend. "Okay, here is the plan, I will go to the A.I storage room in hopes to find what I can gather about my suspicion, you go to the data room. We will talk via our personal com channel on our visors. Understand, Merc?" Web asked.

Merc nodded. "Yes, if I find anything, I will copy the data to my cybernetic database. Let's go."
The two then headed to the rooms they decided to investigate. During the walk to the Data room, Merc used her magic to turn on her visors personal channel. Needless to say, Merc was thinking that while Web began to think something was up, she remembered reading something about the Mane 6, the Elements of Harmony, that when Princess Twilight, way before when she supposedly went missing, knew something was up, she immediately dealt with the problem.

Approaching the dataroom, Merc saw that the door had a touch code pad. Although she could just turn around, head to her room and pretend she got info, she didn't want to disappoint her friend. Cleverly thinking, Merc activated her cybernetic and began to hack the touch code pad. In a few seconds, the door opened. "Heh, foal's play. Man, I love my cybernetic," Merc commented as she began to head into Data room.

Within the Data room was a computer. Since real files and paper started to become uncommon and, almost obsolete, every single bit of data were stored on special computers. Approaching, once again, Merc began to hack, but due to hacking, she gained access. She then put a hoof by her visor to contact Web. "Web, do you copy?" Merc called.

"Web here, what is it Merc?"

"I'm on the data computer, I am gonna go through the files."
“Copy that, I got what I need for info, seems one part of my hunch was right..... Hope you find something. I'm on my way to your location"

While talking to Web, Merc opened up a file that contained variety of different files and info. Most of em were dealing with Equestria or a area in Equus. Clicking on one, Merc began to become filled with utter shock. The file she open was a file labeled "Targets". Within the file was a list of targets. Some were political figures to Equestria who were high importance, either with Politics or government law enforcement. Others were dealing with judicial. Seeing these made Merc question why the Director would go after these ponies if he made Horselance to make Equestria better. However, reading the file more, she saw two ponies, which completely made her question herself more. The two strange ponies on there, were Celestia and Luna.

As she continue to read the other files, to get more info about why these were targets, she was ultimately shocked what she just read. Not only that, but now she knew the truth, The director actually lied to them. These Targets, eliminated Targets, and other related matters that Merc was part before her Cryo slumber were revealing to her, what Project Horselance truly is meant for. Not only that, but these were making it sound like Horselance was being lead by nothing, but a murderous Psychopathic Sociopath. The more files she looked at, she couldn't help but feel intense anger at The Director.

Although the Mane 6 were missing, if they were still around, in Merc's mind, she sees them beating up The Director and having him arrested for treason, Terrorism and War Crimes. Not only that, but even causing the outside parts of every town to become what is known as The Badlands.

While still surprised at what she saw, she then noticed one file; One file was labeled "Important". Not risking if it's is a trap, she began to download all the files to her visor. With each file downloaded to her Visor, she then decided to click the file. However, upon clicking it, the facility alarms went off. "Alert, Data Breach in Archives!" said a robotic voice..

Realizing that guards will be on there way, Merc closed everything out and began to head out of the room. While heading out, she began to head to where Web could possibly is. "Web, we need to get out of this place. You're right, something is up with the Project. We need to do the right thing. I got the files." Merc said to Web on their com.

"Get to me fast."

Acknowledging that Web had an idea of escape, Merc began to gallop as fast as she could to where Web is. As she ran, she saw Horselance's strongest ponies head to where the data has been breached. Approaching Web, they began to run to the Vehicle bay. While they were galloping, they began to fear what The Director’s reaction be. Since they are more then likely to be ordered to be shot by The Director, they started to fear the worse.

Five minutes later, they approached the Vehicle bay. However, upon entering the Vehicle Bay, they saw the Director and three Horselance ponies there waiting for em, Two Unicorns, and a Pegasus, pointing their guns at em while standing on two hoofs. Not only that, but The Director was looking really ticked.

"Well, out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire" Merc complimented.

At this point, The Director took of his glasses with his magic and looked at them sternly with Intense anger. "You Traitor! Is this how you repay me, Merc?! You’re my best soldier! Surrender now and give me those Data Files Now and I will forget this ever happen!"

Seeing how the situation is, Merc didn't know what to do. She, and Web were held at gunpoint. Even with the possibility of being shot to death if they didn't surrender the files. Although Merc wanted to help The Director, but now seeing Horselance’s true purpose within those files, she now wanted to do what's right. But, being held at gunpoint, she now was clueless on what to do.

At that point, she heard Web whisper something in her ear. "Flash bang."
"Wh-what?" Merc whispered back

"Merc, use your flashbang weapon that are apart of your Cybernetics.""

Looking at her Cybernetic, she saw her lights were out of safe mode and in engage mode. Realizing what her friend means, she began to activate her weapon function of the cybernetic and it was put into Flashbang. Getting on her back hoofs, she pointed her cybernetic at them."Kill us, I dare you. Pull the trigger." Merc taunted sarcastically.

"What is your major malfunction Merc, have you lost your mind?!"

Laughing, Merc looked sternly. "No Sir, but I think you all have lost your vision."

Quickly thinking, Merc fired the Flashbang at them. The Flashbang landed by the Director’s hooves, who didn't even notice. Thinking fast, Web and Merc began to run towards a vehicle and began to hot wire it, even The Director turned, even deciding to get his gun out with his magic. "Ponies, open fire on these...?"

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a ticking, and right before his, and the other troops eyes, a bang was heard and for them, everything appeared white. This gave Merc and Web the opportunity to escape with their now getaway vehicle, and began to drive out of the facility. With their escape, they finally made it to the outside, and now seeing the now Badlands of Equestria. Every mile they drove, they began to drive farther away from the facility. With their plan completed, Merc, who was driving, lifted her hoof so it's open for Web. "Eiffel Tower!" Merc cheered as she got a hoof five from Web.

"We did it Merc. We did it."

As Merc was driving, Web could see the Horselance facility far away. For the years she and Merc worked there, she never knew or realized that she made the wrong choice working for an organization that was rouge and insane. Looking at Merc, she was happy that Merc made it out alive with her. "So, what should we do?" Web asked

"We should probably lay low. How about we go get drinks at a local bar in celebration?"

Web smiled at the idea. "I don't mind, but we need to get to Canterlot also and warn Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

With their agenda set, Merc began to drive to the closest town. Back at the Horselance facility, The Director and troops eyes began to clear up from the flash bang. In his years, he never thought of being blinded by such a weapon. "Everypony okay?" The Director asked rubbing his eyes with his hoofs.

"We are....? uh....sir, they’re gone?”

At that point, the Director looked in front of him and, to his eyes, he didn't see Merc, or Web. As if they vanished.


April 24th 2096
San Flanksisco

The drive in the Badlands was peaceful for Merc and Web. Since they are considered rouge to Horselance due to them betraying em, in their opinions, they felt free of their Projects Shackles. When they arrived in the Equestrian city of San Flanksisco, they began to drive around, luckily enough, Web got her bits during a pit stop.

To lay low for the day, incase Horselance decides to try to track them down, they rented a hotel room for the day, Throughout the day, Web had worked on reprograming the safe, battle, and Crisis modes of Merc's Cybernetic to respond to enter Safe Mode when inside highly populated Equestrian towns and cities, Battle mode when Horselance or any of his soldiers are in the vicinity, and Crisis mode when Merc is severely damaged. It took a good one in a half hours to reprogram the software.

After a while, Merc decided to turn on the radio that was in their hotel room. And, to both Merc and Webs surprise, something came up on the station it was set on.

“We’ve got word from a soldier of the E.E.R.A about
what he saw go on at the area where the Horselance Facility is located
While out on patrol in a nearby area of Horselance, outside the
Town of San Flanksisco, Corporal Flame Torch reported hearing
An Explosion coming from the facility. Along with his report
He said that he saw two mares fleeing from the facility.
We don't know if these two are Horselance operatives
Trying to enter one of our cities, or Renegades.
We’ll keep you updated when more news comes
For all your Great War news updates
This is Echo Wave, signing out.”

Hearing this, Merc turned off the radio. Hearing about Project Horselance made her feel hatred. Not only because they were hurting innocent ponies, but due to their plans. Merc then groaned. "Ugh, I'm sick and tired of hearing about Horselance. They made us do bad things. The Director is a sack of Horse Apples! What's next? Them turning Equestria into a wasteland and everypony moving into vaults?" Merc complained.

Web then facehoof end. "Don't talk about that! I'm sick of hearing that, that reminds me of this crazy pony theorist talking about an alternate universe that is connected to ours where it's a wasteland Equestria and something dealing with a Pegasus Project."


"Hey it's okay, hey, how about we go to the local bar like you said?"

Deciding that they need to celebrate fleeing Horselance, the two grabbed their hotel room key and proceeded out of the hotel. With a day to celebrate in their hoofs, their only hope, is to get to Canterlot to bring the news to Celestia. But what their biggest hopes were, is if they will be allowed to join the Resistance since they know Horselance more than anypony in Equestria.

April 24th 2096
Canterlot Grand Palace

Inside the Canterlot Palace, Celestia and Luna were seen within the Throne Room. They were sitting in their thrones, talking to a pony in a holographic projection. From the looks of it, they were talking about the current situation with The Great War and what new founding was discovered by Flame Torch. Even to this day, Celestia and Luna saw in their subjects eyes that they lost hope for Celestia and Luna due to how bad the war became since Horselance called it.

At that moment, a mysterious Dark red mare With a Rainbow Mane and what seemed to be battle enhancement armor appeared next to the other Holographic projection of a pony. "Celestia, Luna, Holos." Greeted the pony.

"Hello Star Blitz. Was your mission a success?" Celestia asked while Holos waited for Star Blitz results of the mission. "The mission was a success Ma'am. The hostages held by a Horselance camp were rescued and taken to safety. We have only one wounded due to a gunshot. I took her to the hospital, couldn't let her die in the Badlands. I am proud to report that I have never let a soldier nor friend die under my command."

At this point, Luna let out a smile. "If your ancestor "was" with us today, she be happy that you carry on her loyalty."

Star Blitz let out a little chuckle. "Guess I am like the element of Loyalty."

Holos, who is impressed with Stars update looked at her via Hologram. "Star, you earned yourself a day off."

"Thank you sir, Star out."

With that, Star disconnected. After. A fifty minutes of talking, Holos disconnected leaving Celestia and Luna alone. Hearing about the mission made me happy there is still hope for those who are blinded due to the past many years. Although there were some that needed to see hope, some needed to see that there is still light in the dark times. While, Luna was updating the file record of the missions given to the ponies who are fighting for the country, a pony entered the room, wearing a white coat. On Celestia’s visor, it showed it's I.D and it was one of the Cryo Ponies in charge of the Cryo pod room. "What is it Frost?" Celestia asked.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, you have to see this. Follow me to the Cryo Pod Room."

At the mention of the Cryo room, Celestia and Luna became suspicious, the last time they been in there was ninety years ago when the first test subjects went in there. They began to follow Frost to the Cryo room. Questions were floating in their minds, What was so important to see in the Cryo room? Did a Pony or group of ponies wake up? These questions lingered in their mind as they began to head to the Cryo room. Upon arriving, the three entered.

Going down the stairs, Frost lead em to a area of Cryo Pods. As they approached the ones pointed out by Frost, Celestia recognized these pods. Ninety years ago, Six Ponies entered these pods to become part of a future project. Not only that, but these Six Pods meant something not only to Celestia, but even Princess Luna. What were in these Pods were the Mane 6, and on their timer dials they were about to wake up in three days.

Author's Note:

Well here is the first chapter. And, HO Boy, the story will get intense from then on. The Mane 6 will have a minor role, but that is for another time

And yes, when Web mentioned the Crazy pony mentioning a Equestria where ponies live in vaults and something about a Pegasus Project is a direct Reference to Fallout Equestria

Anyway, as stated, plz don't post Hatred or messages in a attacking matter. Any helpful will be allowed to help improve the story,

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the Chapter.