• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 8,098 Views, 285 Comments

Red Vs Blue: Epsilon in Equestria - The Sentient Cloud

When Church is sucked back into the Epsilon Unit, he finds himself in a world filled with ponies.

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Chapter 10: Cutie Mark Crusaders - Sandwich Makers

Sweet Apple Acres:

Church looked around at the apple trees.
There were so many of them – it was actually startling at how far the orchards stretched. From the top of the hill all he could see all the way to the horizon were rows and rows of apple trees.

“Wow.” He paused to take in the view. “That’s a lot of apples.”
“Eeyup.” The red pony replied, stopping momentarily so that Church wouldn’t fall behind.

Church admired the vista for a few more seconds. This world was oddly scenic – much nicer than the ugly stone walls of the countless box-end canyons he had had to put up with for the last ten years.

It was only when his stomach let out another growl that Church remembered where he was, shook his head, and kept walking.

Big Mac led him down the dirt road, approaching what looked like a garish red barn with a living space built into the top floor and on one side.

Church looked around as they walked towards the ‘house’. Only in a world populated by horses would the apple farmers live in their barn.
“So… Uh… You live here?” He coughed awkwardly.
“Really… uh… nice.” Church continued awkwardly. He was used to being around people who struggled to keep their mouths shut. Being around such a quiet stallion was an unexpected change – although he couldn’t say that any part of his day had been expected.


Church silenced himself as Big Mac approached a side-door that seemed to serve as the front door for the house part of the barn, and pushed it open, motioning for him to enter.
With a slight shrug, Church did exactly that, trotting into an old-fashioned living room.

There was a rocking chair in the corner, two old couches, and one armchair, alogn with a staircase set against one wall. The wallpaper was extremely old-fashioned – the kind that appeared in centuries-old films.

Big Mac followed him in, before stopping and motioning to one of the old couches in the room.
“Wait her, if’n ya please.”

Church awkwardly sat down, looking around as Big Mac turned and trotted up the staircase.
After a few seconds, he started to scrutinize the wallpaper. What year was this from? It looked like it could be from over 500 years ago – if the hazy memories he had inherited from the Director could be trusted.

Now bored, looked back around. Was there a book he could read, or-

CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SANDWICH MAKERS! YEAH!” Church’s musing was interrupted by three shrill and loud voices – followed by a multi-coloured blur racing down the stairs, past him, and through a doorway into the homestead’s kitchen.

“What the fuck…” Church peered into the kitchen, only to see three fillies racing around with loaves of bread and different vegetables, somehow managing to disturb everything they touched.

“Yer lunch’ll be ready mighty quick.”

Church gave a little start in surprise, turning to see Big Mac standing being him.
“What… what are they… Do they always behave like that?”
The only reply he got was a sheepish grin - which did nothing to alleviate his confusion.

Church looked back inside the kitchen, which was rapidly turning into a disaster zone.

He had been promised ‘a good old fashioned Apple Family lunch’, but he was fairly sure that he wouldn’t be getting anything more than a pile of shredded bread.

With a little sigh, he turned back to Big Mac. “So… uh… you’re an apple farmer?”

Big Mac opened his mouth to reply, only to be cut off by an orange filly poking her head through the doorway.
“Done!” She grinned, as a light grey unicorn emerged from the kitchen, carrying out a plate and what looked like a sandwich on her back.

Church looked down at the ‘sandwich’, noting that there seemed to be a rip in the bread, through which he could see something that looked like a squashed tomato with carrot shavings on top.

“Uhh… Thanks?” He raised an eyebrow.

'Well, if I die, then I suppose I won't have to put up with eating any more - again.'


The UNSC Archives:

“Fuck!” Grif shouted, ducking instinctively as a bullet rebounded of the wall above his head.

Another gunshot rang out, which flew over Grif’s shoulder as he ran.
Grif! Grif! What’s happening?” Simmons’ warbled in his ear. “Are you okay?”
“No I’m not fucking okay!” Grif shouted, stumbling slightly as he scrabbled around a corner. “They’re shooting at me!”

Don’t drop the unit.” Carolina’s voice snapped. “I’m on my way.
“Well hurry the fuck up!” Grif was panicking. He had less than a second before the pursuing soldiers would be able to shoot at him again. “These assholes aren’t going to keep missing!”

There was the sound of Sarge’s voice in the background, Grif couldn’t make it out - but then again, he didn’t really need to.


Ponyville Town Square:

“Okay, fan out.” Twilight spoke calmly, although her mind was frantic. “We need to find him.”
“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie giggled, skewing off on an angle and bouncing away into the crowd.
“Whatever.” Spike grumbled, moving off in the opposite direction.

Taking no notice of Spike’s irritation, Twilight kept galloping forwards, frantically scanning the crowd for Church.
She had a bad feeling that somepony was going to get hurt if the strange colt was allowed to roam unchecked.

She stopped and looked around frantically. How were they going to find Church?

"OOH!" Pinkie's shout echoed through the crowd. "I've never seen you around here! Twilight! Is this him?"
Twilight looked around in confusion. How was she meant to see-"

As if on cue, a rather startled looking green stallion was catapulted into the air, before dropping back out of sight.
"Pinkie! You know what he looks like! That isn't him!"

"Oh!" There was a pause of about three seconds, before Pinkie started singing.
"Welcome-Welcome-Welcome, a fine welcome to you..."

Twilight sighed. She should have known better than to think that Pinkie would be able to help.


Church looked down grimly at the plate resting on his ‘lap’, while the three fillies who had nearly destroyed a kitchen preparing it stood to his left, watching attentively.

“Aren’t ya gonna eat it, mister?” The olive coloured one asked.
“Yeah!” The orange Pegasus jumped once on the spot. “Then we might get our cutie marks!”

Church glanced at them, and then at Big Mac, whose face was stoic – save for a slight upward angle to the corners of his mouth.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He accused the large stallion, who merely shrugged.
“Ah though you’d knew whatcha were getting yerself into.” He drawled.

Church looked back down at the monstrosity on his plate, and then at the three fillies.
“I…” He gave one final glance at the meal. “Oh, what the hell. It can’t be any worse than MRE’s.”

YAY!” The three fillies shouted, startling Church.
He furrowed his brow in irritation, and then quickly opened his mouth, wolfing down the entire sandwich in one bite. With any luck, it wouldn’t be in contact with his taste buds long enough for him to taste it.

The four other occupants of the room were silent as he chewed rapidly, and then violently spat the food out.
“Oh my GOD!!” Church shouted, standing up on his hind legs. “I was wrong! It’s worse!” The last word came out as a high pitched squeak. “It’s worse!

He dropped back to all fours, as the unicorn filly dejectedly produced a glass of water, which Church took in his mouth, drinking the contents in one swig.

“Looks like we aren’t meant to be sandwich makers.” The olive filly mumbled dejectedly.
“Oh, come on, Apple Bloom!” The Pegasus hit her lightly on the shoulder. “Who wants a sandwich for a cutie mark anyway?”

“Girls, why don’t yall go clean up that mess ya made in the kitchen?” Big Mac finally spoke up, a faint expression of mirth on his face. “Ah’ll take care o’ our guest.”

Muttering to each other, the three fillies retreated back into the kitchen, almost instantly producing a ruckus that was almost on par with the noise they had created while preparing Church’s sandwich.

Church himself was busy looking at the glass of water wistfully. “Why did you let me eat that?”
Big Mac shrugged. “We ‘ave some hard cider in the basement if ya want some.”
He swung around on the spot, suddenly giving the red stallion all of his attention. “Wait, hard cider as in… alcohol?”

Church's face lit up.
“What the hell are you waiting for?!” He exclaimed. “Do you have any idea how much I need a drink right now?!”