• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 8,098 Views, 285 Comments

Red Vs Blue: Epsilon in Equestria - The Sentient Cloud

When Church is sucked back into the Epsilon Unit, he finds himself in a world filled with ponies.

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Chapter 5: Discharged

Ponyville Hospital:

Church’s eyes opened wide as the sound of two pairs of footsteps reached his ears.
Instinctively, he reached out and groped for his sniper rifle, which only served to knock over the bedside lamp.

“Oh.” Church grunted, sitting up in bed as he remembered where he was.

The footsteps were getting louder, and church rolled off the bed - finally realizing that two pairs of feet – or hooves – meant that there was one horse outside.

He drew back his own curtains, giving him a startlingly beautiful view of the countryside bathed in the light of the morning sun, before sitting down on his bed, a movement which he had never seen a horse actually do.

Church only just had time to remember that just because there was a horse walking outside his door didn’t mean they were actually coming to see him, when the ‘hoofsteps’ stopped, and there was a polite knock on the door.


The door eased open, and a very tired looking Doctor Stables looked in.
“Ah, Mr… Church.” He smiled. “Good to see that you are awake. It’s time to check out.”
“Already?” Church looked down at his hooves as he stepped forwards, making sure he didn’t trip.

“We need this room for another patient – and it’s ten in the morning.” Stables paused. “Unless you feel that you need to stay?

Church raised an eyebrow. He had slept for at least nine hours, which would explain how fresh he felt.
He looked around the room taking a moment to consider the choice. “Uhh… No. I’m fine.”
Church mumbled an awkward and insincere ‘thanks’ at Doctor Stables, watching his hooves as he walked past.

Stables in question stopped to look at the room – the knocked over lamp, the thrown-off bed sheets.
“Yikes.” He muttered, turning and walking out of the room.

Church slowed down, allowing Stables to take the lead as they moved through the hospital, eventually arriving at the reception desk.
Once there, a receptionist horse politely pushed a pen over to him. “You just need to put down your signature.”

Church looked at his hooves, and then the pen.
“Uhh… How?”
Doctor stables subtly pointed at Church’s mouth.
“You’re kidding.”
The doctor shook his head.

Church sighed. “Fine then.”

After an awkward sequence of picking up the pen with his mouth, and slowly scribbling the word ‘Church’ on a sign in sheet – a signature that took up two writing spaces and looked like it had been drawn by a dyslexic preschooler – Doctor Stables lead Church away from the desk.

“Now, if you ever feel sick, or odd, or anything like that, don’t hesitate to come back. We’ll try to help however we can.”
“Thanks.” Church muttered sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “So what do I do now?”

“Well, that’s up to you. Do you have anywhere to go?”
“Well then that works out.” Stables replied as the entry door opened, and the purple unicorn from the previous day walked in. “Because Miss Sparkle here has offered to provide you with a room.”

Church looked from the doctor, to the approaching Twilight, before shrugging. If he was going to be here for a while, he’d rather spend it in a bed than on the street.
“Fuck it. Why not?”
“Great - remember…” Doctor Stables turned to leave. “Don’t be afraid to come back if you feel sick.”

Church nodded as Stables walked away, and then turned to Twilight as she arrived.
“Uhh… It’s Twilight, right?”
“Yeah.” The purple unicorn in question nodded. “And you’re church?” It wasn’t so much a question, as simply double checking.
He nodded. “The Doc-” Church paused, and then quickly decided to finish the word. “-tor said that you were going to rent me a room? I don’t think that’ll work, because I don’t have any money.”

Twilight shook her head. “No renting. You can just stay until you’re back on your hooves.”

Church cocked his head at the odd word substitution, but chose to ignore it.
“Uhh… Really? That sounds… too good to be true.”
“Why?” The unicorn’s smile faltered, but her entire stance reeked of sincerity.
Church paused again, struggling with the odd show of friendliness.
“I… It’s a long story. Can we just go?”

Twilight nodded, turning and walking to the door while church followed, staring at his hooves again.
She opened the door and walked through, only to hear a grunt as it sung shut in Church’s face.

“Fuck.” He grumbled, rubbing at his forehead as Twilight opened the door again.
“What happened?” She asked.
“I didn’t see the fucking door.” Church replied, stepping through the door while Twilight held it open.
“Why not?” Twilight stopped, watching Church as he walked. “And why are you staring at your hooves?”

“What? Oh.” Church looked up. “I haven’t quite got this whole ‘four leg’ thing down. If I walk without looking at my feet, then I get the pattern off, and I fall.”
“Wait, so you don’t know how to walk?” Twilight let the door swing shut, flabbergasted.
“What did I just fucking say?” Church snapped, Can we just go?

“O-Okay.” Twilight watched the stallion walk away, her eyes filled with worry and confusion.
“You need to take point.” Church called back at her, stopping. “It’s not like I know where we’re going.”

“Uh – right.” Twilight replied, trotting up in front of Church. ‘Take point? What does that mean?
Putting aside her doubts, she led him towards Ponyville - heading for the library.

Church glanced up from his walking, acknowledging the thatched roofs and market stalls. Hadn’t there been lights in the hospital? What were these horses doing with thatched roofs?

What was more interesting was watching the horses moving around, doing things that a human would do, like buying food – of which he noted there was no meat.
“What’s up with all the rabbit food?” Church asked, noting that his stomach was growling.

“What do you mean?”
“Well… never mind.” Church caught himself as he remembered that horses didn’t eat meat.

Even as he said it, Church realized that even the greens looked good – he hadn’t actually eaten in years – up until returning to the Epsilon Unit – and whenever he had been able to eat, ‘eating’ was simply the word that they had used for choking down MRE’s. Now that he was once again in a ‘real’ body, Church realised that he would need to eat regularly again.

“I, Uh…” Twilight was unsure how many exchanges Church had broken off in this matter. “…Okay then.”
She looked at Church for a second, once again wondering how wise this was, and wishing that she could have Celestia’s guidance.

“Well?” Church frowned, the hard glint in his eyes becoming a little bit harder.
“Uh, right this way.” Twilight replied, turning and continuing to walk up the street.

She had never met a pony like Church before. Everything about him emanated bitterness and anger – His face, his eyes, the way he spoke, even the way he carried himself. She doubted he had a friend in the world.

“Sooooo…” Twilight attempted to strike up a conversation. “Where did you say you were from?”
“I didn’t.” Church snapped, his voice laden with bitterness.
“Oh. So where are you from?” After a few seconds of silence, she looked over her should at Church, who was still staring at his hooves – his face impossible to see, let alone read.

Deciding to change the subject, Twilight switched to a different question.
“So why were you… falling from the sky?”
The only answer she got was a quiet sigh, followed by an even quieter; “I’m already regretting this.”

Perplexed at how unwilling the stallion was to talk, Twilight once again tried changing the subject,
“Sooooo… Church. That’s an interesting name. What’s your last name?”
The simple approach paid off, as Church curtly replied. “Church is my last name.”
“I see. Are you able to tell me your first name?”

Another sigh from Church, followed by a clipped and irritated response.
“Listen, Sparkle.” Church stopped walking – as did Twilight. “I’m really not in the mood for this kind of hor-” Church paused for a second. “This kind of Crap. Can you just… be quiet?”

The last two words weren’t really a question. It sounded more like Church was imploring her to shut up.

“Why? Can you at least tell me that?” Twilight asked, deciding to press her luck.

Church looked her in the eye – even delivering a hard gaze. “Seriously, I’m not in the fucking mood.”
Twilight nodded once, irritated that what little progress she had made had been stripped away.

“So how far to this house?” Church asked as they resumed walking.
“It’s just…” Twilight paused, dragging out the ‘u’ in ‘just’ as they rounded one last corner, coming into a slightly more open space than the street. “…Here.”

Church paused, looking around in confusion. All he could see was a tree-
“Oh.” He spoke in surprise, staring at the library with mild interest. “Well, that’s… interesting.”
“You live in a tree.” Church looked at the Ponyville Library, taking in as much detail as he could. “I wish I could have lived in something as interesting as that.”

“So what did you live in?” Twilight smiled uncertainly, hoping for a response.

Church’s face hardened. “I said no questions.” He looked at her accusingly, before walking towards the Library.

Twilight watched him walk towards the Library, and then sighed.

What had she gotten herself into?