• Published 5th May 2016
  • 8,460 Views, 242 Comments

Flames of the Rainbows - ShadowFall

When ponies armed with terrifying and strange weapons take hostages in Ponyville, a counter-terrorist team from a far away world offers their services to assess and handle the situation. But they may have ulterior motives, something Celestia fears.

  • ...


It had now been a month after the two assaults that were made against the abandoned yacht in Canada and the meth house in Oregon. Both had been successful in dispatching the terrorists located at the sites, and in destroying the portals that had been built.

Soon afterwards, the Rainbow Team had sent their numerous operators to the other locations. One in Brazil, another in China, and another one located in the state of Wyoming. Every time they had arrived, the supposed structure that had been snapped photos of by satellites or drones had been burned to the ground, and sifting through the rubble by the operators had found charred and destroyed pieces of metal, very similar in shape and composition of the gateways constructed by the White Masks.

To Clark, it seemed that the White Masks suddenly realised that they were being hunted from both the world that they had made contact with, and the world where they originated. They must have feared either more of their scientists could have been captured and interrogated, revealing the other portals, or another military force stumbling upon them, revealing the technology to the numerous governments of Earth.

To the White Masks, they feared that the countries could do far more destruction than they could over gaining the power of access to an alternate dimension, leaving no Earth to cause chaos in and no world they could flee to. In that point, they had to have abandoned the project, and destroyed any remaining portals to keep the secrecy of the operation.

The terrorists would either let themselves be hunted down due to a pony that had been captured, or risk spilling this secret to the government. Neither option was good, so they decided to abandon the whole project.

This theory that Clark made was still a long ways off from being proven, but from the almost half-monthly attacks that the White Masks enacted, the past month and a half showed nothing happening in their name.

Rocky was still being held in his cell inside of the Rainbow’s headquarters, him now being freed from additional interrogation. He offered to tell everything he knew, as long as they would keep him safe from the White Masks. Apparently, the torment had turned him from a ruthless and unrelenting fanatic to a pony, scared for his life.

From the things he told: future attacks, how the White Masks said they would help him and his stallions achieve his vision, and even how they managed to get the stallions out of prison. Apparently, they had actually been imprisoned for rather low-end crimes. Burglary, fights, and public disturbances. They had their bails paid by an unknown source, and were told to eventually meet at a certain spot in the Everfree Forest. Once there, a human emerged, and offered a new life and a new country, under their ideals.

Once they had agreed, the White Masks learned of what the stallions wanted. Collectively, they wanted a male-led civilisation, with females being at the bottom of the barrel. After this, Rocky explained that the terrorists “riled them up”, exposing them to drugs, weapons training, and exercises.

They supplied them with the guns, and went into hiding, with the human terrorists still committing their attacks to draw attention away from a possible cross-world plot.

Then, they were transported to all sorts of different locations, the White Masks disguising them as small horses, since they only chose stallions with a believable coat color. Rocky’s had been brown.

They were transported, and then prepared for the assault once the portals were ready.

When Popov questioned how the old and nearly forgotten program of the portals had been discovered by the White Masks, Rocky said he didn’t have the answer to that. The polygraph had agreed with him, detecting no lies.

“Well, it was good to talk to you, Rocky.” Popov nodded with Clark sitting next to him.

“Okay.” Rocky could only muster up.

They left, and then began speaking to each other.

“That really worries me. That intelligence is still out there about the portals, and someone’s going to screw with it again.” Popov shook his head, “My country should have destroyed those records the first chance they got.”

Clark nodded, “Some things will slip by. And thankfully, nothing on the internet exists about those machines. You’ve done a lot of good work keeping people silent about it in your KGB times.”

Popov chuckled, “I am a mixed bag. I am nearly responsible for destroying civilisation, but I’ve helped in saving the world twice. To be honest, that doesn’t excuse for what I’ve done.”

Rainbow Six nodded, “It really would have been something horrible that you nearly did. Thank god you went back on your actions, or those ecoterrorists sixteen years ago would have actually succeeded in their biological attack. Now, you’ve saved the world from two things: unstoppable terrorism from another world as a staging base, and quite possibly World War 3, had any of these countries found out about the portals.”

“Well, I guess we wait for those ponies to finish up modifying their own portal.” Clark looked back at Popov.

“You really think they’re trustworthy with that kind of technology? For our sake?” Popov asked back.

“You’ve really only seen the bad of them, as far as I know. I’ve seen the good, too. Their leaders, Celestia and Luna are the actual fairy-tale kind-hearted leaders that you’d want making the most important decisions. This time… we needed to take control for a couple of days.”

The men continued to walk down the hallway, discussing more topics that eventually strayed from the ponies, and back to the White Mask’s possible plans in the future.

“Alright, test number twenty seven.”

Twilight pulled the lever, and the portal suddenly hummed to life once again. The brilliant multi-colored energy formed from around the arch, drawing to the center of the mirror. The whining of the machine’s restored power echoed through Canterlot as the twenty-seventh attempt to connect with the Rainbow Team was made.

However, there was a reason they hadn’t succeeded on the first try.

Once the portal connected the bridge to both worlds, a massive plume of water erupted from the portal, blasting all over the floor of the testing room. Twilight was knocked clean off her hooves as the torrent of ocean water swept her away, but not before she quickly pulled the lever in the opposite direction, cutting off the portal’s power.

“Gah!” she yelped as the water smashed into her. Immediately, Celestia went over to her side and asked if she was alright.

“Y-Yeah… I’m fine. Heh… guess I gotta work on those coordinates again! The machine’s pretty stubborn with how precisely it can lock on.” Twilight chuckled, and she looked over towards a fish flopping in the middle of the mess.

“Oh, let me get that.” Twilight's horn lit up, and all of the water suddenly reformed off of the floor and into a massive sphere of water above her head, with the fish swimming inside of it.

“I think it will do okay in the aquarium. Let me take care of that.” Celestia smiled as she took the sphere of water and teleported off.

“Well… let’s try again. I’ve managed to actually get on the right world, but I just have to find the right location…”

She tried again, but only found herself in some sort of dark tunnel. The air inside seemed to feel extremely cold, but something else was coming into view.

Two lights, both incredibly bright, and rapidly approaching. Twilight had no clue what it was until a horn blared from the incoming object. Painted yellow and white and traveling at an incredible speed was what looked to be the front of a train. Immediately, once again, she closed the portal down, breathing heavily.

“Phew… okay, looks like I need to readjust the mirror for the coordinates again.”

Celestia teleported back, and walked back over to Twilight.

“Any progress?” she asked.

“Plenty, but I think this should finally do it.” Twilight turned around, “And don’t say that I said so the last ten times! ...Your majesty.”

Celestia chuckled at the red-faced Twilight, and patted her shoulder, “Let’s try again.”

The mirror lit up for the twenty-ninth time, and the glow filled the room.

Clark and Popov were just about to enter into Clark’s office, when a massive swirling vortex of yellow, pink, and blue magic formed right in front of the doorway, just as Clark was about to unlock the door and enter.

“What the-” Popov stepped away from the energy, nearly putting his hand on his Makarov.

Clark looked at the portal, and suddenly, a figure was seen on the other side. Two, to be precise, with one being shorter and sporting a lavender color, while the other was as white as snow, and much taller.

Then, they heard a voice as the image cleared up.

“Clark!” Celestia suddenly smiled and stamped her hoof with joy.

“Celestia?!” Clark couldn’t believe his eyes, and neither could Popov.

“You… got your portal working.” Popov pointed at them, a bit stupefied and stating the obvious.

“Yeah, it took a couple of months, but we never gave up until we got to you!” Twilight gleefully explained, overcome with joy at a successful result, “So… how are you all doing?”

Celestia giggled again at her former student’s behavior, “How has the stallion been doing?”

“Well, we’ve gotten a lot out of him. He’s been a great asset, even if we had to play a little dress-up to do so. Do not worry, we haven’t harmed him physically…” Popov nodded back, “And maybe not too much mentally.”

Celestia’s eyebrow raised, “Well, I’ll be the judge of that. Shall we take this stallion back now?”

“Of course. The hallway is a bit confined, though.” Clark looked back.

“Don’t worry! Since I’ve homed in on your location, I can direct the portal to another room.” Twilight explained.

“Try the planning room. It’s literally right below on the third floor.” Clark suggested.

“Got it.” the portal vanished, and the two went to get their prisoner.

“Thatcher, this is Clark. Get all the operators here in the meeting room.” Clark radioed in.

Rocky was brought into the wide room; the tables and chairs had been moved aside. He was being escorted by Ash, and was brought up to the portal where a squad of Royal Guards awaited.

“He’s all yours.” Ash let him walk through the portal, and Rocky was immediately whisked away by the guards.

Twenty-seven humans stood in the meeting room, four people in five groups, two in two more groups, six of them a different nationality, and Popov, Clark, and Ding stood in front of them all.

When Celestia looked over all of the operators, she whistled in awe.

“What a sight…”

Then, she did something that gave a little surprise to the operators, and the three other men.

“I invite all of you to join me inside Canterlot Castle. I would like to thank all of these courageous individuals for the heroism they have presented not only to your own world, but especially to ours.” Celestia graciously offered.

Clark was taken aback. From the beginning, Rainbow Team operated as a “blacker than black” organisation. Only a few souls knew of their existence, and as such, they were hardly ever directly congratulated for anything.

Then, Clark looked back to all of the operators, who were all awaiting Rainbow Six’s response.

Clark turned back to Celestia.

“I think that would be great. It’s time that we got ourselves a celebration for all the work each and every one of you have done.” Clark smiled, a rare sight for the other operators.

All the operators either smiled, nodded, or shouted their enthusiasm.

“And don’t worry. We’ve amplified the power so all of you can cross over.” Twilight beamed at the humans.

“Alright, Rainbow Team. And Popov. Let’s go.”

Not one operator could stop gawking at how high they were up. It was literally a castle built onto the side of an enormous mountain. The architecture seemed hundreds of years advanced for this feat to be accomplished.

“Oh my god. I would give up my entire life savings to come back here.” IQ stared at the massive view.

“I wish I brought my easel. I have to paint.” Glaz looked at the marble sculptures that were around the castle.

“Beats the outpost I live in…” Buck whistled as he once again, looked out over the mountain.

Clark was currently speaking to Celestia and Luna.

“This is all amazing. Every ounce of it. How did you manage to get this done?” Clark asked Celestia and Luna.

They both replied at the same time, “Magic.”

All three shared a laugh as the team followed close behind, each of them either chatting amongst themselves, or bombarding Twilight with questions.

Oddly enough, Tachanka asked the most, and were very specific.

“Your guards only use spears and shields around here?” Tachanka asked.

“Well, I don’t know too much about that, but the armory does have crossbows and swords. They end up going around with spears when they are on guard duty.” she answered to the best of her abilities.

“Come on ‘Tach’, give her a break. Soon, you’ll ask if she’s single they way you keep pressing yapping with her.” Ash chuckled at the Russian.

“Let him talk if he wants to. Twilight seems to be having a good time.” Mute patted Tachanka’s shoulder.

“Funny coming from you of all people.” Rook chuckled from the side.

“Yeah, if you have any questions, just let me know! I love sharing trivia with any of you!” Twilight giggled and kept walking alongside the operators.

“So… about this place called ‘Saddle Arabia’...” Blackbeard, the ex-Navy Seal spoke up.

Then, Celestia turned around to face the entire group.

“Alright, I’d like to treat you to a royal dinner. My treat. I’m sure that you’ll love our selection of- yes?” Celestia pointed to a hand that was raised from Sledge.

“Do you eat meat?” Sledge asked.

Celestia’s smile dropped, “Oh, you’re omnivores. Well… uh…”

Then, Castle rose his hand, “You got a bar? We already ate pretty recently, and we’d love to try what kind of drinks you got here.”

“Oh, we don’t have a bar in Canterlot. The only tavern had recently burned down from an accidental fire.” Celestia rubbed the back of her head.

Then, Twilight walked up.

“Actually… I think I might know a place.”

“Flying in a horse-drawn carriage, in mid-air? How is this not a damn dream?” Ash chuckled as she kicked her legs up inside.

“How do they even do this…?” Thermite looked out the window at the pegasus guards that were pulling the carriage through the air.

Inside another carriage, Bandit had the window open and was sticking his head out.

“Holy shit guys! This is fucking crazy!” he said, looking down at the moving ground.

“You’re telling me. This is amazing.” Blitz looked out of his own window.

The carriages soon found their way heading over towards a barn, surrounded by acres of apple trees.

“A barn? What is this, Iowa?” Castle chuckled, ignoring Ash’s remark about her just being there.

“Huh. Reminds me of my parent’s farm. Glad I got out of there.” Twitch chuckled as the carriages dropped down and came to a stop.

When the operators exited, Frost took an apple from a tree, and quickly took a bite out of it, earning a glance from Thatcher.

“What? There’s millions of them here. And oh my god, this is probably the best thing I’ve ever had.” Frost chuckled as she took another bite.

When the group of humans walked up to the barn, it was currently closed. Twilight and Celestia were standing back, each of them with a smile on their faces.

Clark looked back at them, then looked at the barn doors. He walked up, and opened them up-


Clark stumbled backwards, and was caught by Ding before he fell on his ass. The other operators either had their eyes widen for a sec, jump back, or laughing and saying “You have to be kidding me”.

Inside, were Twilight’s six other friends, and Spike, each of them holding up a banner proudly saying “Rainbow Team Welcome to Equestria and Saving Twilight, Starlight, and Spik-”.

“We ran out of space.” Pinkie nervously smiled, “But this is your Rainbow-Team-Welcome-to-Equestria-and -Saving-Twilight,-Starlight-and-Spike-and-Looking-Cool-While-Doing-It-Party!”

Rainbow Dash smiled and rolled her eyes, “Just saying, we could have kept it simple at ‘Rainbow Team Party’.”

Then, the operators noticed kegs on their sides with spigots in them. Next to them were wooden mugs.

“Is that… rum?” Thatcher asked.

“Not really, Sugercube. That’s Apple Family Cider. And ah’ guarantee that it’ll be the best thing you’ll ever drink.” Applejack proudly stated.

Then, Glaz stepped forward.

“I’ll see about that.”

He filled the mug one-quarter full, swished the liquid inside a bit, smelled it, looked down into the cup-

“Oh my god, just drink it!” Valkyrie threw up her arms.

Glaz took a sip of the cider.

He took another sip to be sure.

He swallowed what was left.

He filled up the mug half-way, and chugged down the rest of the cider.

“So… how is it?” Ding chuckled.

Glaz turned back to the team, “This is the best thing I have ever drank.”

The party had kicked off a good fifteen minutes ago, and already, the operators were all doing various things, grouping up together, and conversing with Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and all of her friends.

“Are you kidding me, I love animals. I have two dogs and a cat back at home.” Montagne looked at Fluttershy’s bunny, Angel.

“Awh… they must really be so happy to live with you. And what about you, Angel? Are you going to say hi as well?” Fluttershy smiled down at her rabot, who held up one of his individual paws.

“I’ve been drinking a lot. That bunny just flipped us the bird.” Twitch pointed at the rabbit.

“The bird?” Fluttershy rose her brow.

Meanwhile, there was chanting and cheering going on as Valkyrie and Tachanka were arm-wrestling each other. Rainbow Dash was at the head of the chanting, pumping her hooves in the air.

Suddenly, Valkyrie slammed Tachanka’s arm down on the table, and suddenly got up from the seat.

“Yeah, that’s right! Beaten by a bitch! Fucking suck it!” Valkyrie looked around, “Who’s next?!”

Then, Rainbow Dash got on the opposing seat.

“Bring it on, sister.” she cockily smiled.

“Oh, well, if you insist.” Valkyrie chuckled and wrapped her fingers around Dash’s hoof, “I’ll go easy on you the first round-”


Rainbow Dash had slapped her arm down against itself, taking the victory.

“Oh boy, you shouldn’t have done that.” Pulse pursed his lips as Valkyrie rolled up her sleeve.

“Alright. Got me while my guard was down. Ain’t gonna happen again.”

As the two arm-wrestled, Applejack chuckled as the other Russians: Glaz, Fuze, and Kapkan kept downing the cider, as well as the other Americans: Thermite, Ash, and Castle.

“Wow, you must really like my family’s cider. Hey, when ya’ll head back home, take a keg or two. On the house… er… barn.” Applejack nodded to them.

“Really? My god, that would be awesome!” Ash finished another mug and quickly poured herself another one.

“Hey, don’t get too fucked up!” Thatcher called from the table where he was sitting with Clark, Ding, and Popov.

“Let them have some fun. We deserve it. Right, Mr. C?” Ding patted Clark’s shoulder.

“Yeah. Hey, I’ll get you guys some more drinks.” Clark was about to get up, then Popov stopped him.

“Let me.” he got up, filled up four mugs, then brought them back to the table. When he got back, he took a flask of Vodka, and poured a bit into the cider, “I should start a new brand.”

Clark chuckled, “You’ll get sued.”

“Not in Russia, old friend.” Popov smiled, each of the men did cheers with their mugs, and drank.

Meanwhile, Rarity had struck up a conversation with Glaz as he moved away from the bar.

“So… you’re an artist?” she asked with great interest.

“I dabble. But my job application comes off as ‘sniper’.” he laughed.

“I’d love to see your artwork someday. If we meet again, give me one of your pieces. I’m sure it would be fantastic.” Rarity nodded.

Then, Twilight came over, “Having fun?”

“We sure are! Oh, I think Pinkie Pie needs you!” Rarity saw Pinkie Pie on top of Valkyrie, who was on all fours with a saddle on her back, and Pinkie on top of her with a cowboy hat.

“Yeehaw!” she giggled as she threw the hat in the air.

“See what happens when you try to take on the champ?” Rainbow Dash chuckled in her face, “Be a bit smarter when making your bets.”

Then, music started playing from a phonograph. The western styled tunes got Mute to get up from his seat and walk over to IQ.

“Wanna dance?”

IQ chuckled and got up, taking his hand.

They began to do a sort of slightly drunken, but mostly horrible square-styled dance to the music, earning groans from the Americans.

“Oh my fucking god…” Blackbeard put his hand to his forehead, “Leave it up to a German and Brit to fuck this up…”

Pinkie excitedly joined them, as did Applejack. Twitch was drunk enough not to care about dancing with Pinkie Pie, and Jäger shrugged, dancing with Applejack.


Blitz’s P250 went off, the apple that was sitting on the fence bursted into chunks.

“Boom. Even with a shield.” Blitz was holding a keg in his other hand to put more weight in front of him that he had to carry.

It was later in the evening, and the operators were now sobering up, or drinking lightly.

Thermite got up, took his M1911, and blasted another apple to pieces after quickly drawing his pistol, and blowing the gunsmoke after he shot.


Then, another pistol shot was fired, and an apple that was set up at twice the distance exploded, the bullet coming from Glaz’s GSH-18 handgun.

“Heh, still a sniper with a sidearm.”

All the while, Starlight was talking to Twilight.

“They are really amazing, aren’t they? These soldiers that saved us act like us afterwards. They just want to have some fun and downtime after all of their hard work.” Starlight spoke.

“Yeah, and they are all really nice when you get to know them.” Twilight smiled at the humans before them, as Clark fired off his M9 and scored an apple.

“Fuck! Old geezer’s still got it!” Smoke laughed.

Clark chuckled back, “72 years old.”

Then, Twilight looked down at the soldiers, and Spike with them.

“Oh, absolutely not.”

She came down and stopped Ash from telling him how to operate her handgun, gripping it with him.

Starlight giggled at this and looked over to celestia and Thatcher talking. They kept going on about whether or not “Queen” would be a more suitable title for a leader than “Princess”.

Then, Clark looked down at his watch.

He quickly got a keg, stood on top of it, and got everyone’s attention.

“Alright. All of you, you have done absolutely amazing work. You have shown the best of your abilities in what has probably been our most daring mission yet. However, the fight is far from over, as if terrorism still stands, we are not done. Rainbow Team has been renewed for activation for five more years.”

The operators cheered at this, but quickly quieted down.

“Unfortunately, we should be heading back now. For what we know, we’ve just disappeared off of the face of the Earth. Celestia, it’s been wonderful, and we are glad to have met all of you.”

Celestia blushed, and smiled back, “The same for all the men and women here in front of us.”

The operators packed up, with some of them taking two kegs of cider along with them.

Twilight was waving goodbye, until Tachanka came up to her again.

“Hey, Ms. Sparkle. Could you tell Sunset Shimmer that I said hello?” Tachanka asked.

“Oh, of course I will- wait. How do you know about her?” she looked up in confusion.

“Why wouldn’t I? She is best pony.” Tachanka walked past Twilight, and rejoined the group for their departure.“Best… what? She isn’t even a… and that doesn’t answer my question!”

“Wait! We need a picture!” IQ waved as she got out her tablet.

“Oh my god, I almost forgot!” Ding came back, and gathered everyone around.

The ponies and humans got together, some kneeling down, others standing up. All together, they smiled or posed.

“Say: Rainbow Team!” Ding chuckled as IQ set up the tablet and ran back to the group as it counted down.

The operators either groaned, rolled their eyes, or smiled. The ponies giggled at Ding's phrase.

“Rainbow Team!”

It had now been a year.

The White Mask’s activity had stopped dead in its tracks. Nothing more had come from them after the assaults on their portals, and their own destruction of the program. They had either gone into hiding, or were simply non-existent, but intel had suggested they disbanded due to internal struggles.

Glaz had painted a new portrait of Sweet Apple Acres once he got back, claiming he simply got the picture from memory. He claimed that he would paint Rarity next. Saying this out loud gave a lot of teasing from his comrades directed at him.

A framed picture sat atop Clark’s desk with his team and the ponies inside of it. He always looked at that picture, as well as one of his wife and two daughters, and brought him to smile every time he looked at them.

The cider had been finished in three days.

Popov had sold the island he was living on, and bought himself a new mansion in the UK, sixty minutes away from the Rainbow Team’s headquarters. He had been granted immunity for his previous crimes by order of President Jack Ryan of the United States, after John Clark had contacted him.

Blitz was the victim of getting shot in the earmuff again in the training simulation. Thankfully, he laughed it off this time.

In Equestria, a statue had been built in recognition for the bravery that was displayed by the Rainbow Team’s operators in their country’s time of crisis.

It was a sculpture of a shield with the number “6” in it, in honor of John Clark, or Rainbow Six.

A plaque was implanted at the statue’s base that read:

Equestria is beyond thankful for the heroism displayed by those humans that have helped saved Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike the Dragon. We hereby dedicate this statue to:

John “Rainbow Six” Clark

Domingo “Rainbow Five” Chavez

Dimitri Popov

Jordan "Thermite" Trace

Jack "Pulse" Estrada

Eliza "Ash" Cohen

Miles "Castle" Campbell

Meghan J. "Valkyrie" Castellano

Craig "Blackbeard" Jenson

Mike "Thatcher" Baker

Mark "Mute" Chandar

James "Smoke" Porter

Seamus "Sledge" Cowden

Gustave "Doc" Kateb

Julien "Rook" Nizan

Emmanuelle "Twitch" Pichon

Gilles "Montagne" Touré

Marius "Jäger" Streicher

Dominic "Bandit" Brunsmeier

Elias "Blitz" Kötz

Monika "I.Q." Weiss

Shuhrat "Fuze" Kessikbayev

Maxim "Kapkan" Basuda

Timur "Glaz" Glazkov

Alexsandr "Tachanka" Senaviev

Sébastien "Buck" Côté

Tina "Frost" Lin Tsang

Equestria will never forget what you all have done for our peace, what you fight for, and our, as well as your’s, strengthened bonds of friendship.

Author's Note:

There are a lot of people I would like to thank.

First off, thank all of you for giving this story a read, and sticking with it until the very end. I poured a lot of hard work and dedication into this story, and I apreciate it greatly that pople have said that this was reflected in what they read.

I thank my editor, totallynotabrony for being an awesome guy, correcting me on so many things, and being a fantastic help towards the quality of this fanficiton.

I have to thank Tom Clancy for being the man who made the original "Rainbow Six" story, which had spawned the numerous games made, including "Rainbow Six: Siege"

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you stick around to see what else I have in store.


Comments ( 55 )




Will a sequel be coming?:twilightsheepish:

Unfortunately, I do not have one planned.

Thats a finaly a good story like this deserves!! :)

Was a fun ride. So GG and WP ShadowFall.


“Hey, Ms. Sparkle. Could you tell Sunset Shimmer that I said hello?” Tachanka asked.
“Oh, of course I will- wait. How do you know about her?” she looked up in confusion.
“Why wouldn’t I? She is best pony.” Tachanka walked past Twilight, and rejoined the group for their departure.

...:rainbowlaugh: Tachanka's a Brony!!

This was amazing! Any other stories planned for Rainbow 6 and ponies? Or any other crossovers?

7363255 All tough, Badass, Russian men are. They prove they are the MANLIEST by doing things unmanly while still looking Manly!

7363392 Nothing else is currently planned. I did have a little thought about H.A.W.X., but it's unlikely.


Huh, so this is where military bronies come from...

Need Division crossover

First: Amazing read and this story is totally recommended and Favorited!
Second: I agree, this needs a sequel, I want to see more of your writing style as well as what may happen after that year? Who knows maybe you can do mini stories of the operatives and the ponies visiting each other every now and then.
And finally... Third: Fucking Tachanka ( or who I like to call bucket head) is a Goddamn BRONY!!! :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:

7364784 Haven't played it, and I probably never will, thanks to myself not exactly enjoying open-world too much.

Also, there already is one. I was actually the first to make a Rainbow Six: Siege crossover, at least to my knowledge.

7365303 I really thank you for your devotion to this story, and supporting it all the way through. It really brightens up any bad day to see comments like these telling me that I'm doing something right, and doing something well.

On good days, they get even better.

Stick around. I would think you'd like what else I have in store with all sorts of other ideas for fanfiction.


7365442 yesssss, more of your ideas feeds my amusement yessss continue :pinkiecrazy:

So, I loved the work you put into the combat descriptions, as well as how you somehow managed the feat of weaving heaps of R6 characters into the story without it feeling forced or stiff/rigid. Really loved the story, Liked, followed, favourited.

Sorry to nit-pick a story I liked this much, but Chavez should have 'Ding' as his nickname, because as of 2010 in-universe he's taken over Clarke's position as 'Rainbow Six.'
Ding is Rainbow Five in regards to leadership of the unit up until that point or slightly later, but he's never extensively nicknamed as 'Five' compared to 'Ding.'
The events of Rainbow Seige Seige are a bit nebulous, time wise, so anywhere from 2010 to 2019 works as the time of this story.
If this is wildly off-topic or irrelevant, ask me to delete it and I will.

7371686 Your critisism with cannon lore is greatly appreciated, as I haven't played much other Rainbow Six games save for Siege, and I have only read the first Rainbow Six book.

But thanks for telling me about my writing in the form of combat. I feel it's the part of the story I try my hardest at.

And also, I thought more people would complain about how many operators there are, but I guess not :rainbowlaugh:

that was a helluva thing! Would love to see a sequel where the ponies get to help out ;) Magic has its uses after all hehe

7373075 ...you know, that isn't a half-bad idea...

7377032 I should have known better than to trust translate.

I'll get around to fixing that.

Best crossover ever!! P.S. The story was really really really really great

7485517 Thank you. I really poured a lot of effort into this story, and so did my editor.

7584401 It is currently the preparation phase. Now is not the time to go loud.

7636191 Here, having the most experience and the most age in his life, this qualifies him to join Clark and Ding right now.

Glaz took a sip of the cider.

He took another sip to be sure.

He swallowed what was left.

He filled up the mug half-way, and chugged down the rest of the cider.

“So… how is it?” Ding chuckled.

Glaz turned back to the team, “This is the best thing I have ever drank.”

The only way this could be funnier is if Glaz picked up the barrel and said, "This one is mine, you can share the rest." or simply saying, "Dibbs...":ajsmug:


Waiting for Tachanka to tell the ponies that they all star in a hit TV show on earth.

And also waiting for when they go through the portal, then through the portal to the Equestria girls universe.

Glaz would say something like "Why are you green?"

Glaz has green face paint.

Have a (partial) blunt review!

fookin laser sights?

Was gonna ask for a sequel until I saw the comments ;-; it was awesome to read while it lasted. Won’t be another siege story like it

Glad to hear that

“Why wouldn’t I? She is best pony.” Tachanka walked past Twilight, and rejoined the group for their departure.“Best… what? She isn’t even a… and that doesn’t answer my question!”

He's Russian. He obviously has contacts.

“Hey, Ms. Sparkle. Could you tell Sunset Shimmer that I said hello?” Tachanka asked.

“Oh, of course I will- wait. How do you know about her?” she looked up in confusion.

“Why wouldn’t I? She is best pony.”


Reading the description, this comes to mind:
i am too lazy rn to get the video

This fanfiction truly holds a piece in my heart as my favorite. I may possibly be performing an audio reading, as my friends say I am good with impersonations. This story truly touched my heart, and I would go so far as to say that this story is better than My Little Dashie.

You have my salutations and respect. And as Maestro best puts it: “After this, drinks are on me.”


Well shit. I don’t know what to say.

I would be careful. This story while edited for the most part is probably filled with some repeated words and phrases. It’s a habit of mine.

So just take caution with that.

All hail the Lord, Tachanka!

To you Shadow Fall, I sing your praises. For I am glad some still remember the original Rainbow Six games.

Postscript, has anyone managed to get around to playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 in a while?

Ya know, I had only heard of R6:seige until now. Now I HAFTA check out the og series.

I know it is unlikely, but with all the new operators and stuff that has happened since this was uploaded I really wish there was a sequal or something. I don't know why, but I just do.

Starlight = Best pony 👍

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