• Published 5th May 2016
  • 8,460 Views, 242 Comments

Flames of the Rainbows - ShadowFall

When ponies armed with terrifying and strange weapons take hostages in Ponyville, a counter-terrorist team from a far away world offers their services to assess and handle the situation. But they may have ulterior motives, something Celestia fears.

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Preparation (Pt. 1)

“Where in the name of fucking tartarus are those reinforcements…?” Rocky began to pace back and forth, breathing heavier and heavier as he went. Twilight and Starlight tried their best to not agitate him any further, as he already seemed like a bomb about to go off.

Apparently, the White Masks had promised the stallions a reasonable reinforcement of a few more armed ponies, but they were two hours behind schedule. The handheld radios only had communication with the others in the vicinity, but the Masks had given an allotted time, which they failed to meet now.

“Not like we needed them anyways. We have all the firepower we need.” a stallion smirked underneath his own mask, “Does Celestia have a belt-fed? I don’t think so.”

The other pony was right. They had enough ammunition to purge this town should it come down to it. Those dead guards from before had to have sent a concise message about what these ponies were to do if their demands were not met.

It had grown awfully quiet outside as the whole town had become deserted, something a bit concerning to Rocky.

“You, take a peek outside.” Rocky pointed to a stallion. He looked out a window and gave a scan of the area with his eyes.

“Nothing. I think they went behind those hills over there.”

Rocky chuckled, “Too scared now. Typical.”

At this, Twilight’s eyes looked back up. Did Celestia just abandon her? She couldn’t have, not after all the years they had spent together. She had to be coming up with some dastardly plan to break her out, she just knew it.

Then, a letter came in.

Sitting on the ground in the middle of the room, Rocky trudged over and picked it up. The message from Celestia told them of a delivery of food coming in for them, which is what Rocky read aloud. Twilight’s, Starlight’s, and Spike’s stomachs growled at the mention of food.

At once, Rocky ordered the stallions to back up against the corners of the room and behind doorframes, “It could be some sort of explosive. I’m not in the mood for tricks.”

Thankfully, any sort of pony magic that came in would be negated by the machine, but a physical bomb wouldn’t.

They waited a tiny bit, until a red box, wrapped rather neatly and carrying the logo of the Sugarcube Corner was printed on it was teleported outside the null-zone behind a building. A stallion was sent to get it, armed to the teeth, and retrieved the bright red box. Bringing it back to the castle and up to the second floor, he placed it on the floor in front of Rocky.

“Check it.”

A stallion trudged up to the box, and lifted the cover. Inside was an assortment of cookies and donuts inside, as well as miniature cakes. It smelled amazing. Looking at the sweets, the hostages’ mouths either watered through their tape, or visibly to the terrorists.

Rocky had ordered only one stallion to eat first, in case if the batch was poisoned. Of course, he didn’t tell him this, he simply said, “You deserve it, pal.” Taking a cake from the box and placing it into his mouth after lifting the mask, he nodded, swallowing the treat.

“Hmph. We’ll still eat later.” Rocky ordered the other stallions. Instantly, the other stallion knew what Rocky had let him do, and sat back in a corner of the room, paranoid for a while.

Spike’s stomach rumbled again.

At this, Rocky took a cookie from the box and held it in front of his face.

“Oh, wow. Peanutbutter. Smells really good, doesn’t it, dragon?” though nopony else could tell, Rocky had the biggest grin he had ever worn in his life plastered under his mask. Spike looked at the cookie, then back at Rocky, not daring to move.

Then, Rocky took a bite out of the cookie, laughed hysterically, and ate the rest of the thing in the left corner of the room after walking over there.

“I’m sorry, but I had to. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Oh, and if anything happens to me or that stallion who ate, you all know what to do.” Rocky spoke up.

A stallion chambered his rifle, earning widened eyes from Twilight and Starlight. They prayed that Celestia hadn’t done anything to those cookies. They tried to ignore the hunger that had started to bother them, but the more they ate, the more of that smell that filled the room, the harder it was to push to the back of their thoughts.

Spike was having the hardest time. He wasn’t going to eat from the crystal walls. Not only did they just taste awful, but he was afraid to do anything at all.

“How nice of Celestia. I’ve only remembered prison food. It does tug at my heartstrings a bit.” Rocky laughed, earning the other stallions to laugh right along.

Rocky activated his handheld radio.

“Hey boys, a few more hours, and we have some grub to share with you guys. I’ll send a gentlecolt from up here to bring something down and up for you all.”

The stallions either gladly acknowledged the news or spoke of how it was about time. Some even joked about Celestia, saying that she was spending more time baking than doing something to save her friends’ lives.

Rocky had to laugh at the joke. He wish he had come up with something so clever.

The private jet was currently housing the operators inside as it soared through the Russian air. Inside was a very diverse cast of operators that had been called in for an operation of “utmost priority”.

IQ, former GSG-9 was currently on her touchscreen device and was rolling around a drone in front of her, making sure it was working properly. Doc, experienced from the GIGN was checking on his medical supplies, including his portable defibrillator and his stim pistol.

Against the side of the plane, Pulse, hailing from the FBI SWAT had activated his HB-5 cardiac sensor, sweeping it around the plane. The device’s screen showed red circles where the four other operators and the pilot were as he moved the screen left and right. Glaz, experienced by serving within the Spetsnaz wasn’t painting at the moment. He was checking his flip sight to make sure the picture ahead was clear.

Lastly, Mute, former SAS had counted his inventory on his portable jamming devices. He didn’t bother to activate one, as the plane could suffer from the lack of communication, and possibly even response from the controls.

The Rainbow Team back at base had met in the meeting room, awaiting transmission from John Clark, as were the team members in the plane. The door to the cockpit was locked to make sure the pilot didn’t hear anything, and all communication in the plane coming from Rainbow Six would be relayed through headsets and replied to underneath helmets. The operators in the plane gathered around a tablet brought by Mute, listening in and waiting for their instructions.

The meeting room was filled by the other operators, among them were operators like Ashe and Jäger who had recently been pulled from their training exercises for this briefing, while Blitz and Kapkan had been at ease, yet managed to sit further apart from each other.

“Haven’t heard anything on the news, lately. Could be case-sensitive intel.” IQ spoke to the surrounding operators.

“Same back here. How’s the flight for you guys?” Thermite brushed some dust off of his shirt, overseeing the broadcast as it was streamed to both the tablet and the meeting room.

“Rather nice. Still hate planes, though.” Glaz spoke through his mouth covering.

Mute then pointed back to the tablet, “He’s coming in.”

The screen flickered a bit, to reveal the image of John Clark and Domingo Chavez in what appeared to be a sunny area with an abundance of grass. In the background, trees dotted the landscape with a monstrous mountain in the background. Looking closer towards the mountain, a massive white structure rested on it. It obviously wasn’t a house from its massive size, but whatever that building was in the scenery, it had to be gigantic.

Clark seemed to be in a sort of stupor, as if trying to think what he was going to say.

Then, he spoke, “Okay operators. I’m going to make this short and simple.”

John held up the camera towards Celestia.

“Say hello, your highness.” John pointed his tablet towards Celestia, who looked back and asked, “What’s this? Is this a camera?”

Every operator either widened their eyes, stood from their seat to get a better view, or said something along the lines of “what the fuck?!”, “is that a talking horse?!” or, “where are you, Rainbow Six?!”

Clark sighed, “Okay, okay. You have to believe everything what I’m saying, because this is the real fucking deal. Do you understand me? Do not speak unless given permission.”

Ash was about to object, but Thermite held his hand up, stopping her.

“So… I’m in a land of magical talking colorful ponies.”

Immediately, Tachanka burst out laughing, Jäger stepped closer towards the projection to get a better look, and Montagne turned around and said, “Something’s not right.”

Clark then held up his hand, “Montagne, I’m fine. You have to believe me about what I’m saying. You know that I would rather die than pass a lie onto you all to get you killed.”

“He’s got a point.” Fuze whispered to Kapkan, “Okay. Rainbow Six, if I may?”

“Yes, Fuze?”

“What the hell is going on? First you disappear for an entire day while you’ve strictly put yourself in retirement from combat, and you’re now in some grassland?” Fuze spoke up.

Ding cut in, “Okay, you all need to pay attention right now. Especially those of you on the plane. Talking to you, IQ, Pulse, Glaz, Doc, and Mute.”

Then, Celestia picked up the tablet with her magic, and hovered it in her face.

“Is it rolling?” to which Clark and Ding nodded, “Okay. Well… ‘Rainbow Team’, my name is Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, and in dire need of help in this crisis that has unfolded in my land.”

Tachanka was busy trying to prevent another outburst of laughter, whispering to himself, “This has to be a dream.”

Sledge elbowed Tachanka, getting him to quit his behavior.

“Roughly six to eight hours ago, my student and her friends had been taken hostage by ponies claiming to be part of the ‘White Mask’ movement. They want me to step down as leader and grant them access to the Everfree Forest. If I don’t comply, they’ll kill three innocent beings and slaughter every pony the can find.” Celestia did her best to explain.

“That’s what’s going on here, team.” Clark’s voice came off from behind.

The meeting hall and the plane was silent. Then, Blitz took the initiative.

“Okay Celestia. What are we looking at here? Mentioning the White Masks is never a good thing, so this means serious business. What kind of information can you give us?” Blitz asked, genuinely.

“They’re being held in that castle in the center of the town. You cannot miss it. They’re stallions armed with the same kind of weapons you all use.” Celestia replied.

“Wait, how can a pony use a gun with hooves?” Ash crossed her arms.

“We have a magic that allows us to manipulate objects as if we had hands. It isn’t direct use of magic, which brings me to the next thing. There is currently an anti-magic null zone in effect around the area of the castle. That’s why my guards can’t get anywhere near it.”

“Wait, ‘magic’?” Twitch asked.

“You better believe it.” Clark said as he let Celestia levitate an apple in front of her face, then proceed to crush it into a pulp in thin air.

“That has to be an illu-” Smoke was about to talk, before Clark silenced him.

“Smoke, this is fucking serious. I’m literally in another world with Thatcher, Ding, and another friend of mine. What I’m saying and showing is one hundred percent truth.” Clark narrowed his eyes.

“I think he’s telling the truth.” Jäger spoke up, “He would never lie to us, and this must be taking millions of dollars of video editing if the White Masks are behind this. Have you even seen their recruitment videos?”

The team nodded to each other, bringing back from memory that White Mask videos were nothing more than a camera pointed at a man giving vague promises to those who would join. Oddly enough, their membership was even a force to be recognised with by even ISIS. The Islamic extremist group would probably have contacted the White Masks to join them, hadn’t the White Masks themselves also claim that all religion was to be disposed of, and proceeded to bomb mosques and even go as far as assassinate one of their ringleaders.

“Rainbow Six, why are we en-route to Russia when you’re obviously somewhere far from it?” Pulse asked though his communications mic.

“It’s going to house the way to get there. When you arrive at the airfield, there will be a truck waiting. Our acquaintance had called beforehand to place it there and put in the GPS coordinates. There will be more trucks as I will need more and more of you to arrive and handle the situation that is here.” Clark spoke back to the group of operators in the plane and in the headquarters, “I will keep the channel open and encrypted so you all can be updated by the second. Take mental and physical notes about what Celestia and I discuss. Is that clear?”

Blitz looked back towards the operators sitting behind him, and Mute looked back up at the four others around him.

“Understood, Rainbow Six.” the entire headquarters and the five operators on the plane sounded off.

IQ leaned back on her seat and looked over towards Mute, “Clark’s in a land of magical ponies? If I were still eight years old, I would be the happiest girl on earth.”

“But this can’t be real. No possible way could any of this be real.” Doc shook his head, “It’s impossible.”

Then, Mute spoke up, “You heard him, and we know Clark. He would never lie to us if we were put at risk. He would rather die than let us all fall into a trap. That horse couldn’t be pre-recorded CGI. It was able to react to just about everything in the conversation.”

“I still don’t trust any of this. Get your gear ready when we land.” Pulse placed his cardiac sensor on his hip.

The private aircraft soon found itself heading towards a runway that seemed to be devoid of any sort of people or other working aircraft. On the side, the ruins of a decommissioned MiG-15 Cold War jet lay on the ground.

“Tachanka would love this place…” Glaz noted his other comrade who was currently back at HQ.

Looking out a window, a truck was waiting for them on the road adjacent to the runway and hangars. The large pickup was gathering snow on its roof as the operators stepped out of the plane in heavy coats to give ample protection from the frigid weather. They unloaded their gear from the cargo compartment of the plane, wondering how much damn money the pilot must have been payed to keep his mouth shut about this.

“Geared up?” Pulse checked the others out while he slung his UMP-45 under his arm.

“Roger.” Glaz replied, checking his communications mic while loading his OTS-03 sniper rifle.

As the group was finished preparing, IQ had gone over to the truck and took her Electronic Detection Device, or EDD and placed the screen in front of her eyes. The smartphone sized flip-up screen displayed to her all electronic devices that were in front of her, and showing their outline on the screen, as well as displaying the distance towards the detected object.

Scanning over the truck thoroughly, she nodded back to the operators, “The truck is clean. Load up.”

The operators climbed into the truck, finding a GPS with a pre-selected destination ready for them.

“Rainbow Six, we are en-route to the destination.” Mute spoke as he took the wheel, started the vehicle, and stepped on the gas. The truck responded perfectly.

“Roger that. Stay on the channel for any updates. I’ll be sending another list of operators that I’ll need here shortly.” Clark replied.

“Okay, so the dining room is here on the second floor. Next to that, there is a living room that is overlooked by three windows. That’s where the guard believed that they had fired at his squad from. There is a hallway that leads to both of those rooms. There is a staircase that leads to the massive turret on the west side of the castle. That would be the third floor.” Celestia was trying incredibly hard to remember where each room was, and what lead up to them.

“Is there a basement?” Ding asked, drawing a rough sketch of the layout on a piece of paper.

“Yes. It is rather small, though.” Celestia nodded.

Ding was occupied by drawing new lines left and right the more information he was being fed. The first floor was no problem to get drawn down, but the second floor still remained mostly a mystery as Celestia hadn’t explored too much of it. Same for the third floor. She had never been up there.

The other five ponies of various personalities helped quite a bit, describing bedrooms, and other places within Twilight’s home.

“Are you getting all of this, Rainbow Team?” Ding spoke into his com.

“Affirmative.” Thermite from HQ and Mute from the truck responded.

“Images are coming up now.” Clark said as he snapped a picture of the castle and a picture of Ding’s rough sketch, “We’ll have more up when the truckload gets here. We’re going to need drones.”

“Alright, how long are the days here? I feel like it’s been a good amount of time, and the sun hasn’t moved at all. They said they’re going to execute in two days. How long is that?” Thatcher asked as he and Popov were still in the structure in Russia that housed the portal.

“It can be as long as I or my sister allows it.” Celestia acknowledged.

“Excuse me?” Clark asked.

“Oh, forgive me. There’s still a lot that you don’t know about this world. You see, I control the day cycle, while my sister, Luna, controls the night. I raise and lower the sun, while she does so with the moon. Wither of us can do the same if the other cannot.” Celestia explained.

At this, every human that was listening in fell silent.

Then, Ash gave a chuckle and asked, “Come again?”

“Point the camera up.” Celestia ordered Clark, who did so.

The sun moved to the three o’clock position, then to the five o’clock position. Then it came back the the place it was before, then back to five o’clock. It went back and forth, earning widened eyes and even open-mouthed gawks from those who were watching the footage.

“Holy fucking shit! Y-You just moved the SUN?!” Ding stopped what he was doing and looked back up.

“Move it in circles.” Smoke crossed his arms to see if it wasn’t pre-recorded.

The sun moved clockwise in a circular track, then counterclockwise.

“You can move the sun? What other powers do you have?” Montagne asked, amazed.

“Well… that’s the biggest extent to it. My magic is useless against that null-magic field that those terrorists have put up, and my immortality doesn’t stop death by force, otherwise known as me getting killed. Plus… I’m rather old. Over two-thousand years isn’t too long for you all, right?” she said with the slightest of red on her face and a smile.

“Not at all.” Ding grinned and chuckled.

“Okay, so she’s an immortal goddess that’s asking Rainbow Team for assistance on a hostage situation. Even though she can control the daylight cycle, those terrorists must be counting by the hour should the sun not set. We need to manage our time efficiently.” Thatcher responded.

“Rainbow Six, how have negotiations been going?” Blitz asked Clark back at HQ.

“Not much progress. Celestia is sending letters back and forth, and we recently sent them food.” John Clark began to start another sentence.

“You all know what’s going to happen in a situation like this.” he looked back at the camera.

The other operators got the message.

“I’ll discuss the full plan when the other operators will be enroute. For now, we must plan up to that point. That is your ETA on arriving at the destination in Russia?” Clark spoke.

“One hour. We’re making good progress.” Mute replied.

Clark nodded as Celestia looked back at him.

“What do you mean, ‘what’s going to happen in a situation like this’?” Celestia asked, growing a tiny bit suspicious.

Clark turned around and shook his head, “Twilight and the others will be fine. The fate of the terrorists will be decided soon.”

She narrowed her eyes, “Surely any that are left alive will be put on trial in our system of justice.”

“We’ll talk about that point when we get to that. For now, I need to prepare for the other operators that will be arriving shortly.” Clark spoke back as he took out his tablet.

The truck pulled up to the structure that rested in the middle of the massive lake as the GPS indicated that the destination was at this very building. Stepping out of the truck, Pulse took out his cardiac sensor and sat down by the vehicle, scanning around for others that might be watching him.

“Not seeing anything out here. Two signatures in the complex.” Pulse announced over the communications.

“Roger that.” Doc took his MP5 and with the squad, advanced towards the building.

Another figure in a thick coat was waiting for them outside. The facial features of the man well in his fifties were soon displayed to the other operators, giving them the opportunity to recognise Thatcher.

“Thatcher, what a day to be here. Hostage situation in a world of magical ponies?” Glaz wiped some snow off of his goggles.

“Yeah, tell me about it. The gateway’s inside the building.” Thatcher pointed inside.

“Gateway? So we’re literally jumping into a hole to go to another dimension?” Mute asked.

“Sort of. You walk straight through it. Let’s get inside, get situated, and ditch the coats. It’s a fair bit warmer over there than here.” Thatcher opened the doors to the complex, showing the massive machine resting in the center of it, as well as another man in a designer suit sitting inside.

“More of your friends?” Popov asked Thatcher.

“Yeah, portal’s still operational, correct?” Thatcher and the team began to check each others’ gear.

“Still up and running.” Popov looked over towards Glaz and recognised the green camoflauge, “Spetsnaz. Such a privilege to have that kind of expertise in this situation.”

Then, Smoke spoke up back at the HQ, “If the point is to get the hostages out alive, then why are you sending in the Spetsnaz?”

He was about to laugh at his joke, but instead earned dirty looks from all of the other operators. Glaz just rolled his eyes and thanked Popov in his own language, “Spasibo.”

Popov sighed and laid back. Thankfully, none of the other operators knew who he was, or more unnecessary conflict about the trustworthiness of this whole situation would sprout.

“Rainbow Six, we are ready for insertion.” IQ communicated to Clark.

“Roger that. We’ll be emerging and you’ll take our place. We will relay instructions from inside the building while you’re in Equestria.” Clark responded.

Then, he gave Celestia a little earpiece.

“Take this so you can hear everything.” one more question was to be asked by Clark, “You have a sister. Where is she at the moment?”

“Luna is currently on a diplomatic visit to the Deer Province. I’ve warned her of the situation here, but she needs to finish up her visit.” Celestia explained.

“Okay, we need every pony to get away from Ponyville while my operators will perform their tasks. Same goes for your sister. Understood?” Clark said as Ding was already heading back towards the bright white gateway that floated inside the outskirts of the Everfree Forest.

Celestia didn’t exactly know how to take another person ordering her, but she knew better than to question Clark in a situation like this.


Clark then headed back to the energy field, and brought himself back to Russia.

The operators were once again amazed as Ding had emerged from the portal, as did Clark as well.

“Alright, head inside now. I’ll be on coms and relay further instructions to you.” Clark pointed to the portal.

IQ, Pulse, Mute, Doc, and Glaz did a final check on their guns and gear, and walked into the portal, each taking a deep breath.

Author's Note:

For those who don't know:

FBI SWAT = American
SAS = British
GSG-9 = German
GIGN = French
Spetsnaz = Russian