• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 11,611 Views, 135 Comments

Chocolate Talk - Harmony Pie

In an effort to get to know her reserved little student better, Celestia invites the young Twilight Sparkle over for a cup of hot chocolate. Who knew lavender unicorns were so cute?

  • ...

Of Lavender Fillies

The guards had looked at me funny, like they supposed I was going mad. They might have thought I couldn't tell as I walked placidly by; but I could see my day knights murmuring to each other as I cancelled all my meetings. Oh, yes, and there was only one reason for such a thing—and if I stood back, it was quite a small thing, indeed.

Her navy and pink striped mane framed her delicate face, straight cut bangs falling over thick-lashed, bright lavender eyes. Her petite form poked around the door, a pink scarf wrapped tight around her neck. I could never forget that filly: the only unicorn able to hatch a dragon egg, yet so modest at the same time. She watched me carefully, her hooves gripping the doorframe as she surveyed my office.

"Twilight Sparkle," I invited smoothly, giving her a warm smile. Twilight replied with a nervous nod, stepping slowly over the threshold with a squeak. Behind the filly trailed a scroll encased in a purple aura.

"Good morning, Princess Celestia," she intoned, stumbling over a bow as she tilted her head down. I bit my lip to keep myself from chuckling at her formality. What an adorable little filly. When Luna was her age, all I could remember were blindfolds. And cake.

I pulled her chin up gently, watching her cheeks hint red in embarrassment. "Please, my student. Come sit over here with me," I said, motioning over to the glass table.

Twilight's eyes lit up in surprise as she took note of what was on the table. "Hot chocolate!" she squealed, dancing on her hooves in excitement. She caught my gaze and smiled sheepishly, as I matched her stride. "I thought that you wanted me to write a paper when you called me, or something, Princess," she explained, her ears flicking. "But you just wanted to have hot chocolate?" Twilight beamed, holding up her scroll to my face.

I raised my eyebrow, waving my hoof. "Of course, Twilight. Sometimes it's good to just relax, as I assume you know. You don't need to write an essay for me. Can't we just get to know each other?" The truth is, I haven't be able to get this young genius of out my mind.

Twilight flushed, hiding the scroll behind her mane with a burst of her magic. "Yes, it is good to relax... I guess." Yet, I couldn't tell if that idea disappointed her or not, by the way her eyes flickered down.

Shaking my head in bemusement, I perched myself atop the unattractive seat cushion, placing my forelegs before my cup. I have to admit though, I rather favor this sweet, nostalgic treat than that bitter tea the delegates always prepared for Luna and me. I inhaled deeply, the steam curling up in the air.

"Umm... Princess?" A voice squeaked. My head fell down to see Twilight, looking most ashamed. "I... I—can't—" she whispered.

I leaned forward, tilting my head to hear her quiet words. Twilight shifted uncomfortably, coming close to my ear like she was about to let out a secret. "You promise you won't laugh?" she asked, looking up at me pleadingly.

I held in a laugh, nodding sincerely.

"I can't reach my seat," she whispered.

I honestly have no idea what I expected her to admit, but I will say I sat there a moment, completely stumped, staring back at her.

She sniffed. "Princess Celestia," she whispered, her words broken. I turned back quickly, my heart nearly breaking at her expression. Twilight was crying.

"Oh, no, no, no!" I gasped, getting down from my chair without a second thought. I wrapped my wing around the child, murmuring words of comfort as shining tears pooled around her eyes. "I'm sorry," she hiccuped, shying away from my touch. "I'm sorry."

I pulled her closer, her soft fuzz of fur brushing against mine. "Twilight, my dear, there is nothing to worry about! Here, let me help you!" I consoled, wiping away her tears with my wing tip. I lifted the little unicorn up with my wing, helping her climb up as her hooves kicked at the air. She finally managed to scramble up on her rump, avoiding my gaze with burning cheeks.

I watched her for a moment, finding my own seat. "Twilight?" I began tentatively, swallowing hard. I never thought she would be the type to have a breakdown like that.

"I'm sorry," she repeated in her same hushed mewl, bending her head down so that her bangs covered her face. "I just couldn't—" she cut herself off, bringing her hooves up and wiping at her eyes.

I sighed knowingly, reaching over to take Twilight's hoof. "My student, what's wrong? You're up now, are you not?" I motioned towards her chair, trying to calm her breathing.

Twilight's lip trembled. "But... but I couldn't reach, Princess! That means that I'm..." The rest of her words faded until they were inaudible.

"You're what?"

Twilight took a deep breath, like she was steeling herself for what was about to be said.

"I'm short."

Well, of course I knew that. "You are? I hadn't noticed," I replied, enjoying her bewildered expression.

"How come you don't care, Princess? I'm so tiny and foalish, and you're... amazing! You're perfect and wonderful, and I can't even reach my seat?" Twilight's voice went high, and she frowned. "Why would you choose me?"

My eyes went wide, but I quickly regained myself. "Why? Why would I choose the most magically gifted unicorn as my student? Why would I choose the smartest one? The sweetest filly of them all?" I asked, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

Twilight went red, hoofing the edge of the table. "Me? But I got a B on the last test! I'm not good at all!" she protested.

I shook my head. "Ah, and that is where you're wrong. You don't have to be perfect to be 'good'. I'm not perfect, Twilight," I said.

Twilight finally looked up at me, rubbing her neck fluff. "Really?" she inquired hopefully.

I winked. "Really. Why, it was only a millenia ago when I received a D on a magic test! A D! And you know what? It wasn't a big deal, after all."

Twilight giggled softly, blinking away the ghosts of tears. "Yeah. I guess you're right," she admitted, tracing circles on the glass.

I slid my mug forward. "Does Twilight Sparkle usually cry?" I asked suddenly, smiling slyly at her.

Twilight jerked up, and rubbed at her face. "No," she responded quickly, shaking her head vigorously. "No. She does not."

I pretended to sigh in relief. "Oh, alright. Good, you had me worried there for a second."

Twilight pouted, raising her nose to the ceiling.

"But what, pray tell, does Twilight do?" I asked.

The filly tapped her chin, pulling herself up on the table. "Well, I like to read a lot... a lot a lot," she added earnestly. "There was this really interesting book about this unicorn colt who goes to a school to learn how to fight all these bad guys! With Hermineigh! She's my favorite," Twilight gushed.

I grinned, nodding her forward. "Oh, yes, I've heard she's the best," I said.

Twilight's mouth dropped open, seemingly shocked that a princess would share her views. "And umm, I like to play in the snow!" she rambled, turning to the window. Beyond the castle; thick, fluffy snowflakes raced by in a grey sky, blown by a silent wind.

"I play in the snow with my brother, Shining Armour. He wants to be the Captain of The Royal Guard when he grows up," she explained to me, clasping her hooves together.

I chuckled. "That would be a nice dream, wouldn't it?"

"Uh huh," Twilight replied. Her face shone. "One time, we built a huge snow fort and played in it the whole day! There were chairs, and tables, and a huge chandelier. Well, it looked more like a lump hanging from the ceiling than anything else, but he tried at least. It was super cold, but if I just pretended I was a polar bear, it was okay. Shining even had a hat that looked like a penguin. It was kinda silly. Mom kept bringing us snacks, like grapes, which everypony knows bears don't eat, but I ate it anyway because they were green. And me and Shiny laid on our backs in the snow, like angels, and we talked about we would we do if we ruled the world!"

I don't know how she talked so fast without running out of breath, but I was intrigued nevertheless. "And what would you do if you ruled the world?" I asked.

Twilight grinned. "Have the biggest library in the world, and anypony can come whenever they want! There would be tunnels from all over Equestria just to reach it!"

I laughed. "That sounds like a great idea. And it seems like you love your brother very much?"

Twilight placed her hoof over her heart. "Yes. We made an oath to forever love each other," she said solemnly.

Aww. "But what about your friends? What do you do with them?" I brushed my mane back from my face.

Twilight stiffened. "My friends?" she whispered.

Oh no. "Yes, what do you like to do with them?"

Twilight had receded back beneath her hair, lowering her eyelids. "I don't have that many friends. Or any at all."

I felt something strike me in the stomach. How could such a sweet filly not have amazing friends?

Twilight blinked rapidly. "The other foals. They think I cheated on the test... they say I never deserved it, and that I should just go home," she squeaked. Her ears pressed flat against her head.

I slid down from my seat once again, and brought her down by the old rug. "You know," I began slowly. "Some foals are just jealous when somepony does better than them. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you at all. Of course you didn't cheat, my dear student."

Twilight closed her eyes, leaning against my side. "I know. I know I didn't. Some fillies just don't like me, Princess," she said softly.

I furrowed my brow. "No, that's silly. They just haven't seen how amazing you are yet," I reassured the unicorn, booping her on the muzzle.

Twilight went crosseyed, letting out a light giggle. "Thanks, Princess."

I nodded. "But, there is one thing that's missing..." I tapped my head in thought.

Twilight looked up. "What? What?" she asked, her ears flicking anxiously.

"Why, hot chocolate, of course," I replied, levitating over our two cups to the floor. Twilight visibly shook.

"Umm, is it alright if I drink it on the rug?" she asked cautiously, twisting her scarf.

I winked, sending the mug before her. "Go right ahead."

As I took delicate sips, Twilight dove right into her hot chocolate, gulping it down with such a ferocity. The liquid dripped down her muzzle, and she laughed at herself. Before I could stop myself, I had nuzzled the chocolate off her face almost as second nature. Twilight giggled, licking her hooves clean.

"Twilight," I started, smiling at her trying to levitate a stain off the carpet. This filly was truly something special, even if she hadn't realized it yet.

"Why don't you come back tomorrow?"

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this little thing!:pinkiehappy:

Thank you for reading:heart:

Comments ( 134 )

Halp!!!! I'm choking on the cuteness!!! Halp!!!

Another one of your stories on my favourites list! Well done on the story! Also, I loved the cuteness! :rainbowkiss:

Ohhhhh my gawwwwwsh

This is such a sweet story:twilightsmile:

this was great! there should be more stories like this!you really are a gifted writer!


Aww, that's so nice of you to say:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Harmony Pie deleted Apr 27th, 2016



My heart melted then reformed three times bigger after reading this impossibily, insanily cute story. ~hug

Excellent read, you have my upvote :pinkiehappy:

Cuteness... Overwhelming...:twilightsmile:

Adorable! That was such a sweet story.

I hope you don't mind if I point out a couple typos for correction.

I rather favor this sweet, nostalgic treat than that bitter tea the delegates always prepare for Luna and I

I think it should be "prepared" since Luna is in the moon at this point in time, and it should be "me" instead of "I".

Some foals are just jelous when somepony does better than them.



What a sweet and cute story. Great job!

Comment posted by Writer Guy deleted Apr 27th, 2016

I laughed. "That sounds like a great idea. And it seems like you love your brother very much?"

Twilight placed her hoof over her heart. "Yes. We made an oath to forever love each other," she said solemnly.

Also, did you say chocolate?




Much, much yes.

Lovely. And nice to see someone not afraid to use the phrase 'Lavender unicorn'.

Thank you. Fixed.

I give this story a hnng out of 10.

This was just so adorable! :twilightsmile:

You murdered my cuteness meter.

I approve of this cuteness! :yay:

Although, er...

Her face was animent

Did you mean "her face was animated?" If you meant to use the french, that's a plural. :derpyderp2:

That one downvote is Hitler's.

wow.. this is quite a different kind of story from what i usually read. I love it though. quite the talent with writing!
Great story! keep up the good work!

Say with me now everypony... DAWWWWW!!!

Agreed Twilight= best pony :twilightsmile:

*Finishes reading*
Wow, that was a good story. So cute and innocent, Daawww! I might as well leave a comment stating how-
*scrolls down to see "666 views"*

:rainbowhuh: Uhhhh...

How is it I always end up reading the cute, fluffy stories you write?

7164740 The devil hath seen this... and dislikes this?

.....Hurrrgh!*Clutches heart, then falls over dead*

Well that's just peachy: you killed me adorableness. HAPPY NOW?!

7164876 Clear *thumps with paddles* so much dawwwwwww

I don't know. Perhaps you are simply drawn to them:pinkiecrazy:


Thanks, I changed it:twilightsmile:

I-I think I just had a heart attack, call an ambulance hnng

"Forearms" on a horse? *eyebrow raises*
On another note, you've both ruined and made my day from all of the cuteness.

Twilight closed her eyes, leaning against my side. "I know. I know I didn't. Some fillies just don't like me, Princess," she said softly.

Bitches be jealous, aye? :trollestia:

I say, send them to the moon.

Twilight blinked rapidly. "The other foals. They think I cheated on the test... they say I never deserved it, and that I should just to go home," she squeaked. Her ears pressed flat against her head.

I slid down from my seat once again, and brought her down by the old rug. "You know," I began slowly. "Some foals are just jealous when somepony does better than them. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you at all. Of course you didn't cheat, my dear student."

Rainbow Dash managed a wry grin. "Like my dad always says. 'Some ponies, you can hit a triple and they'll swear you were born on third base.'"

-From The Great Alicorn Hunt, by RHJunior

Before I could stop myself, I had nuzzled the chocolate off her face almost as second nature.

Aw. Adorable.

Just like everything else in this story.

As I thought it would be, this was a ridiculously cute fic. I know it irritates some people, but I always imagine Twilight and Celestia had a more mother/daughter relationship than just student/teacher. This fic hits those notes extremely well. I really wish the show would give us more backstory like this. Until then, we have people like you to do it for them. :pinkiehappy:

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