• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 6,670 Views, 149 Comments

Outcast of a Hivemind - NovaSethyr

I came to Equestria for some peace and quiet. But you always have to be careful what you wish for.

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Words of a Changed Changeling


Words of a Changed Changeling

Great title, right? I've never been good with naming things. Probably why my name is just as ridiculous as the title.

In any case, reader, I have a story to tell. I'm certain that you already know the story of those who were sent to Equestria to live out their lives, whether on the whims of the all-powerful bastards of the universe because they felt like playing a game a little more complicated than chess or a rip in space-time or summoning Pinkie Pie from beyond the veil with promises of cupcakes made completely with frosting is irrelevant. The fact is that Equestria exists without a shadow of a doubt. The difference is that Equestria isn't what you think it is. Sure it's all fluffy and cutesy in the show, but Equestria is a scary, dangerous place to be. I should know, I became one of those scary creatures.

Those who had power decided to fling me from my admittedly dull and pathetic life so I could change the fate of an entire race. The race was nearly on the verge of extinction, and it was all the fault of the very same ponies we thought were a peaceful and nonviolent race. I could go on about the changelings and such, but who likes spoilers?

I never was one to talk about myself... in fact, I was rather socially awkward. I could easily talk to people one-on-one even if they're strangers, that's easy, what's hard was when there's more than two people in the conversation, or being in a social event, or talking in front of a crowd or... well, you get the idea. I don't like talking to people in large groups.

I've actually been told that I act like an Ent from Lord of the Rings during conversations, even during one-on-one talks too. I guess that's because I thought about what I had to say - if I try to speak my mind without thinking about it, it would usually turn into a fumbled mess. I guess that's why I can relate to the Ents. "You must understand, young Hobbit, it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say."

At first I hated being in a conversation, but then I slowly realized that listening to people talk is probably one of my favorite things to do. Just... not when I'm required to be a participant. And being part of the hivemind requires you to participate, to be one with every other changeling in whatever Hive you're a part of. Oh, that's another thing I should mention: there's loads more Hives than the one Queen Chrysalis rules, and each has their own version of royalty. Each Hive has their own way of feeding, too. Yeah, not every changeling feeds on love - I was a bit surprised at that too.

Despite being able to shift into any shape I want (including non-ponies), I have all these stupid inconveniences that no other changeling has to follow. For example, when I shapeshift into Form A, I can only stay in that form for no longer than three hours before I have to switch to my changeling form and become unable to shift for ten minutes. I only have Discord the jerk to blame for that.

But enough about how my weird body works; you're here for a story, not a lecture.

My name is Sentinel, and I am a changeling.

This is my tale.