• Published 18th Jun 2012
  • 6,671 Views, 149 Comments

Outcast of a Hivemind - NovaSethyr

I came to Equestria for some peace and quiet. But you always have to be careful what you wish for.

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More Than Meets The Eye

Chapter 9

More Than Meets The Eye

"Oh. Look at that. We reached Manehattan," droned Saffron.

I stared in shock as the plume of black smog of fear that had twisted and turned throughout the trip had suddenly disappeared, and we ended up in the same destination as we were originally going to be. Hell, we might have caught up to them if I hadn't decided to follow the column of fear in hopes that we could catch up to them.

The ship had been travelling for some time, and I had to fly to 'stretch my wings' a few more times, but I also flew a little bit ahead to see the trail do loops and make a long trail, but I never saw the ship again. There were even a few times where I saw the trail disappear, only to reappear a little ways away.

Drop Shot shook the last bit of weariness from him as he took the first steps away from the helm in the last six hours. The sun was just disappearing behind us, and the city's lights were starting to emerge. Manehattan wasn't as flashy or bright as it's Earth counterpart, but it certainly beat everything else I've seen so far.

The buildings weren't the biggest, but they certainly were tall compared to the ones I've seen on the show. They reached about fifteen stories at the most, which is this type of setting would be considered huge. As we approached, I could hear the clippity-clop of hundreds if not thousands of ponies trotting to their place of residence in order to prepare for the coming night. Or perhaps this was also a city that never slept. Luna would love this city if that's true.

Our boat continued along it's path until it reached the harbor, which was jam-packed with sailing boats. But that wasn't what caught my eye in the harbor. One of the ships was a big wooden ship - I couldn't tell how big it was, maybe about a hundred feet or so - with two masts and a long hull. Imprinted onto the side was the name The Dishonored Knight in faded gold.

The sails were torn, so I couldn't make out the symbol on it, but I figured it was the same symbol as the one that was on the perfect flag that waved from the crow's nest. Two swords were crossed behind a skull, but it wasn't a human one, and it didn't look like a pony skull either. In fact, it reminded very strongly of a wolf. The only thing to my knowledge that it could be was a Diamond Dog skull, but I could be wrong. There could be anthropomorphous wolves waltzing around and I wouldn't know it. But that didn't change the fact that the ship was a-

"Pirates." growled Drop Shot. I turned to see him bare his teeth in a fierce expression, his eyes slits as he stared holes into the pirate ship.

Saffron turned to him then to the ship, realization spreading across her face. "Drop Shot, you don't think..." she cast a quick glace at me before turning to Drop Shot.

"No, that isn't the ship. But they're pirates nonetheless, and a Diamond Dog crew, on top of it all." With that, he and Saffron went inside the cabin. Sure enough, a lean and insanely hairy figure popped up from the belly of the ship, carrying a barrel over one arm. He turned his head and I could make out the canine snout and the flash of white teeth.

With a small shiver that I had hoped was from the cold, I walked back inside the cabin as Drop Shot steered the small vessel to the harbor. Carefully managing to align the ship with an open pier, he climbed out and tied the small ship with a rope to the wooden structure.

"Why are you so hateful towards pirates?" The two ponies stiffened as if I had casually asked them if they partook in drinking blood, and the atmosphere dropped a few degrees.

"It was something that happened a long time ago, but it doesn't matter now. What does matter is rescuing Jetsam and freeing those captured seaponies. Every second we waste is a second they're left in agony." Drop Shot responded, and I got the hint. Pirates = taboo subject.

After we all leave the ship, I turned to see what the name of the ship was. "So, Drop Shot? What's the name of your ship? You never mentioned it."

He turned back to the ship and his eyes glazed over, as if he was remembering something from long ago. He shook himself and turned back to walk into the city. I sped up my pace to catch up, and stayed next to the aqua blue pegasus. "I don't have a name for her yet, we've had her for years but she remains unnamed. Rather silly, isn't it?"

Not at all, I thought. "You want to name her something special, something that carries meaning like one would carry a heavy load?" Drop Shot nodded slowly. "One day you'll realize what the name will be," I continued. "You just need time, until then, I'm sure your boat is happy to wait until you give her a special name."

Saffron rolled her eyes, "Don't encourage him, Lucky. Sometimes, I think he spends more time thinking about the boat than he does of me."

Drop Shot gave an expression of mock horror, "How can you say such things! The one who gave you all those massages after you come back from your travels, the one whose heart aches everytime he sails to the sea, and the one who makes those tiny berry filled cakes you love so much!"

Saffron nudged the pegasus, "I wouldn't need you around if you just told me how you can make the cream so delectable."

The pegasus nibbled Saffron's ear affectionately, "I'll never tell you! You'll have to stay with me forever if you want to find out!"

The two love-ponies kept going, and I eventually started to feel like a third wheel. I told them that I was going to explore the town, and we should meet up back at the boat when the moon rises up. Looking over at the setting sun, I had gauged that we had about an hour or two to go explore and figure out what to do and where to go.

I left the harbor and entered the city itself, where I nearly collided with a wall of ponies. They were everywhere! They crowded the sidewalks, and the roads were filled with caravans going to and fro. It was eerily similar to New York City, and that kinda disturbed me. Just how similar were pony cities compared to our own?

The crowd itself was painful to look at. And I was serious, the bright colors nearly blinded me when the sunlight reflected back in my eyes, I had to hold a hoof in front of my face in order not to become blinded. I noticed a lot of ponies were wearing hats or sunglasses, and I frantically looked to get a pair before I remembered I was more broke than the average Comic-Con attendee.

After wandering around for a while, I noticed that there was an unease among the crowd of ponies. A lot of them were looking over their shoulders, and most of the were trying to shove their way past, hurrying to reach their destination. No pony seemed to want to stay on the road any longer than necessary.

I wandering into a side alley, hoping to get away from the stifling crowd. But if hours of watching Netflix TV shows had taught me something, it's that crowds are a lot safer than it is being alone. That theory was proven right as I heard a sharp thud and felt my head explode in pure agony. Something grabbed a hold of me and started dragging me deeper into the alley, away from the lights and the blissfully ignorant crowd. It all disappeared into blissful unconsciousness, though, so I guess that was a plus.


My eyelids had gained a few hundred pounds in just a few seconds, and it forced me to focus all my effort on opening them. I was able to crack open one of them, but what greeted my vision was the same darkness that had greeted my lack of vision in the first place. I fully opened both my eyes as I took a look around from where I was. If I was still in Manehattan, I would still be able to see from either the light of the setting sun, or the eternal glow that the city never fails to keep running.

The only thing that I could see was the darkness, which didn't seem to end in any direction. I looked at the floor with high hopes to see either cobblestone or dirt. All I got was empty blackness. Even when I pressed my nose up against the ground I couldn't see a damn thing. It was as if I was laying on a giant piece of glass floating through... actually, I wasn't sure what part of the universe would be so dark. I sat up and rubbed my hooves against my eyes. Once I removed the pressure, I once again examined the nothingness to see if anything changed.

Before I could react, a disembodied voice echoed around me, "Your first time in this dimension, I take it?"

I spun around to find the source, but I was only greeted with more darkness.

"Don't fret, child. Focus on my voice."

I concentrated on that voice, trying to pinpoint a location for it. I felt my senses pull me away, to where I couldn't tell. Before I could realize it, the darkness had formed itself into the greenest garden I've ever seen. There were plants everywhere, sprouting up from the ground, entwining their flowers and stems together, climbing up the numerous trees that dotted the edges of the grove. The grass below me gently swayed in a breeze, and trees whispered to each other as the wind passed by them. Above me the sky was a cloudless blue sea, spreading across all direction until it met with the green canopy of the trees.

I heard a stream nearby and birds chirping a merry tune as they flew nimbly between the branches. It reminded me of a few hiking trips I had taken in the past, when I was met with a startling view of miles of trees dotting the mountains, and the calm waters of a lake started stirring in the breeze below me. The same sense of calm and peace that I had felt back them returned in full force.

The plants were so tall I couldn't see more than twenty feet around me. I was standing in the middle of the clearing, well at least I assumed I was standing. When I looked down at my body, I didn't see my usual pair of forelegs. In fact, I didn't even have a body! I only saw a wisp where my body would normally be located.

"That is your essence," echoed a silvery voice, as if the garden itself was speaking all around me. "Welcome to my abode, child."

An elderly pony sitting in a meditative position appeared faster than I could blink, which normally would have made me jump. Instead I just sort of... floated, if that's what essences do. The elder in front of me was old, incredibly old, and I'm not trying to insult him. His entire body was covered in wrinkles, and I didn't even want to know what it looked like under the white robe he wore. His mane was gone, revealing a shiny grey dome, and what little hair was left was the wispy remains of what once was a beard.

But it wasn't his body that betrayed his age, it was when he stared at me with those sharp green eyes. Eyes that has seen decades of love, loss, hope, anger, bitterness, and life. Eyes that were full of experience, having already experienced a lifetime and ready to rest at any moment. Eyes that looked strangely familiar...

"You are not the only one that was cast out from the changeling horde." If I had a mouth, I'd open it and close it again as I tried to think up of something to say. The changeling smiled, "This form is not disguised, child. What you see is what I had discovered who I truly was."

What is it with old age and cryptic teachings? Is there a School of Hidden Meanings or something? I thought to myself.

"If there was, I would suspect that I would be the headmaster." he replied, a twinkle in his eyes and smile. "And don't worry, I'm not reading your thoughts. Your essence is practically shouting what you think."

OK. Keep my thoughts in control. How do I got about doing that? It seemed as though it's my only way of communicating, I don't have a mouth or vocal cords. The former changeling's ears folded back as I thought that.

"Don't think so loudly, for starters. Thoughts are dangerous here, there are beings that would just love to hear something that could be potentially used against you. For now, think as if we were whispering to each other in a library. Nothing should be able to get close enough to hear you without alerting their presence to me."

I imagined turning down the volume of an amp that played my thoughts, and after a bit of concentration the elder's ears returned to their relaxed state. "Much better. Now, I suppose I should get start answering the many questions that you no doubt have." I nodded my wispy form.

With a wrinkled hoof, he gestured to the garden around him. "This place is..." he hesitated. "I apologize, it's been a long time since I've had to tutor someone." I noticed that he never used the term 'somepony.' I'll have to question about that later. The look the elder gave me reminded me that my thoughts weren't as private as they once were.

He coughed and gestured to the garden a second time, "Simply put, this place is called my Paradise." With the way he said it, I could easily tell the capital he put on the word Paradise. "It is a place very dear to me, a place where I could escape to, a place where I am comfortable, and most importantly, the place where I feel the safest. It is my home away from home. Or, it was. Now it is just my home." Oh, so that must mean... No, bad me! Don't think that in front of polite company!

A smile threatened to crack open his head. "I don't mind, death is a lot more interesting than everyone thinks it is. They're all 'doom and gloom,' but that's only because they're afraid of what it could be." His misted over, as if he were reliving a moment from the past.

"But I'm sure you're curious as to who I am," I gave a ghostly nod. "I am known as Dalit, and before that, I was called by something else... I cannot recall what it was, has it really been so long ago? It seems as if I was part of the Hivemind only a few days past. Time flies when you've been labeled as an outcast, I would think."

That answered one question, but also brought up even more questions with it! I directed my thoughts so I didn't overwhelm Dalit with a flood of questions. First things first, I thought, what is this Hivemind I've always been hearing about? The Prince, D4, and now you have all mentioned it, but never thoroughly explained it.

The hermit's eyes gave a small twinkle as he broke into another grin, "I see you've taken control of what you wish others to hear, you're a sharp learner. The Hivemind is just that, the collective mind of every changeling in the Hive. Every changeling is connected to one another through the Hivemind, and they can all feel each other's emotions, their hunger, and most importantly, their consciousness."

Consciousness? You mean what they can tell from right and wrong?

Dalit's eyebrows knitted together. "That's... partly right. The consciousness is the senses combined to created awareness of everything around you and being aware of everything that you do, can do, or have done. Moral standards are part of the experience of being aware of what you do, but not all of it. There are hundreds of ways everyone can interpret what can be considered part of the conscious state, but we are not here to discuss philosophical ideals." He uncrossed his hind legs and gently stood up "Walk with me, will you?"

I hovered next to him, unsure of where we're going. The place was sealed off, I hadn't seen a path or anything. He started walking in a seemingly random direction, and as I followed the garden shifted. The flowers and trees all blurred into a green whirl, and as we continued the green faded slowly and was replaced with black. The black suddenly grew white specks that twinkled, and before I knew it I was surrounded by white dots of varying size. Below me where I had expected the ground to be were even more stars.

I was walking among the stars, literally. I could point out familiar constellations, I could see Orion high above me, his club raised in triumph. Before I could recall the other constellations, Dalit continued with his answer. "Consciousness is everything you can perceive, and the Hivemind is the collective of all the changelings perceptions. The Hivemind can see into every changeling's heart, know everything they have thought and what they have experienced. Of course, the Hivemind includes the changelings in that ability. All the changelings are a single unit, learning from their mistakes, improving at a rate much faster than any other species in Equestria."

The elderly changeling looked to the stars, a sad look in his eyes. "Unfortunately, the Hive has been split apart. The royalties that once controlled the flow and ebb of the Hive squabbled amongst each other about how the Hive should operate. They could not see middle ground, and they all split off into varying groups, creating their own separate Hive. They created their own changelings, but these changelings were lesser beings than the Hive that once scoured the world. The divide between royal family has hurt the Hive in unforeseeable ways. The new Hives only had a fraction of the power that changelings once had, and if they continue down this path it will surely see to our race's extinction."

I must have shifted uncomfortably, because Dalit gave me a good long glare. "I know what you once were, child, and I know that Discord had sent you from your old life and into this one. Humans are well known throughout the universe as both the most intelligent and creative of species as well as the most arrogant and stupid. There is nothing I have seen quite like them, but you are not one of them anymore. If you had any hope of returning, then know this: Discord has already been sealed away by the Elements of Harmony, only a power greater than one of the most powerful forces in the known universe can reverse the spell."

Ah. Well that changes my long -term goals a little. Well, if I had planned on it anyways, I thought. If you already know all about me, surely you must know that I find this to be the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"Yes, and your presence in Equestria can change the future of the changeling race." I stopped floating, confusion circling through my thoughts. "You didn't know? As a natural-born outcast, you aren't affected by the Hivemind nor are you restrained to follow the royal blood. To put it simply, you can knock some sense into my children and bring harmony back to both the changelings and the Equestrian citizens."

Wait, how? And why? Aren't changelings considered a plague upon ponykind?

Dalit continued walking in a brisk pace, staring hard into space and silent for a while before answering, "Sometimes, parasites are necessary for the survival of both species. There are things - dark things - that want to eradicate the land of Equestria and it's inhabitants. The Hive had reached it's peak when ponies and changelings relied on each other."

And if neither side wants to cooperate?

The old changeling's eyes turned to pierce through me for a moment, and when he spoke it was as if the weight of the world carried each word. "Let us hope that never happens, child."

Before I could respond, the scenery changed back to blackness. Both me and Dalit looked around in confusion, before I heard a familiar tune waft from somewhere in the void. The hermit shook his head in what seemed to be defeat. "And here I thought we could finish this without a little visit from him."

Him? I thought.

"The Milkman?" replied a voice from behind me. I shifted to see who responded and came face to face with a very familiar creature. I was sure to have met the spirit of chaos and disharmony for a second time, but as I backed up and got a better look I noticed that this wasn't, in fact, Discord. For starters, he had four arms - two of them were shiny red lobster claws, and I assumed the two snow white claws were actually polar bear arms. He stood and revealed his legs, one was a bird of some sort, I couldn't recognize it, and the other was a lion leg. His eyes were a startling pink, an interesting contrast to the purple face of his.

He seemed to notice the sudden attention and created a rolling pin, holding it tightly in his bear claw. "This rolling pin is a tool I use to make pies. Pies are delicious," he said stiffly. Against my better judgement, I mentally cracked a smile at the way he acted. I hadn't expected to hear such a reference after I had come to Equestria.

The creature took a deep bow, apparently pleased that I had enjoyed the performance. "The name's Disarray, the Patchwork Prince, the Purveyor of Shits and Giggles, and heir to the throne of Equestria - if I feel like being a politician for the day. As you can see, I'm a-"

Draconnequus? And if you're the heir to Equestria's throne, I'd have to say you're either Celestia's or Luna's son, and Discord is your dad. The Purveyor of Shits and Giggles's face drooped, as if I ruined the surprise. Lucky guess?

Disarray lifted his chin in defiance, "Hmph! I admit you're deductive skills are unfathomable! You are indeed a worthy opponent!" Wasn't it only a little bit of putting two and two together? I didn't think it had much thought put into it, but I took the compliment nonetheless. "I have to admit that's it's rare to see a human here in this dimension, how'd'ya get here, squirt?"

And I thought being called a 'child' was embarrassing enough. I just got knocked out by some random pony in less than an hour in Manehattan! How am I even here?! I had a sneaking suspicion that Dalit summoned me here somehow, but I had to deal with this kook before I could return to grilling the hermit for answers. The world slumped slightly, and my essence did the equivalent of losing my balance and fell to the ground. What was that?

Dalit looked around the pitch black space, "We're running out of time, you're about to wake up. I'm not sure when you'll be able to return here," both he and Disarray started fading into the blackness. "But know this - you can help shape not only the changeling race, but help create a better tomorrow for all species to live together in harmony." His voice started drifting away as an echo effect made it harder to discern his words. "The seaponies will help you with this goal, no matter what happens, you must help them!"

His voice still echoed and eventually it disappeared entirely. But before they disappeared completely, I heard Disarray as he yelled his farewells to his 'second human friend.' Before I could decipher what he meant, I regained consciousness with a gasp.


The first thing I noticed was the intense pain in my head. Or rather, the lack of it. I had expected my head to be on fire or something, but as I raised a hoof to inspect the pain I only felt a smooth exoskeleton. Great, I'm back in changeling form, that isn't going to win me any points with my kidnappers.

My eyelids fluttered open to behold who dared kidnap a stupid pony like me, and was face to face with a very being who was standing over me. I worked my mouth, trying to say something but my throat wouldn't work properly. I wasn't even sure I was understanding the situation clearly. Eventually, I was able to only get two simple words out in a question, "D4?"

The changeling nodded with a cruel smile on her face. "Oh, I've been waiting a long time," she said, her tone dripping venom. "The Prince is going to have a few words with you after the invasion of Manehattan is over."

And here I was, thinking that I'd only find answers to questions. Silly me.