• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,060 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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Kazemon…Of the Wind:

Oh my arching head, it felt like I had a plane dropped on me and followed by being run over by a steamroller. That or I had one wild night. Please, let it be that I was hit by something, I get goofy and wild if I drunk, and really irritable when I’m hungover. And a security guard hungover wasn’t the best, even if I was only watching over a bunch of kids, weirdos and overgrown man-children without lives at a silly Convention.

Speaking of that…I better get up. With a light moan, I rolled onto my back and slowly opened my eyes, trying my hardest not to irritate my hangover. I blinked when I saw the bright blue sky under me. I looked around, realizing that I wasn’t in the shabby hotel room my security firm had set up me in, but some sort of alleyway.

Oh great, looks like I did do something last night, and who knew where I was? And to make matters worse, I’m probably late for work. That would be the third time in the last few weeks I either been late or haven’t shown up at all, so I guess I was getting canned, my boss said so if I was late one more time.

Oh well, might as well get up and face the music…not like matter, I had trouble holding a job for more than a few months.

I started to stand and immediately noticed how off my body felt. I just thought it was because of whatever was left in me, and try to concentrate on walking, staying close to the wall so I can use it for support. I quickly realized there was something really wrong with my body, it felt wrong in all the places that matters, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something very important was missing.

I just happened to passed by a window and caught a glimpse of my reflection and I turned to the window. What I say caused my heart skip a beat.

Instead of a 38-year-old man with a chubby face and pale skin, red hair and green eyes, I saw a girl, about 12-13 with blonde hair and blue eyes. It took me a second, but I recognized the girl as Zoe, a character from the fourth season of the Digimon Anime. She was even wearing her outfit from the show.

It took about a minute for me to realize it...but I was that girl! I quickly thought that I was just dreaming, but a quick pull on my hair and the pain that resulted from it put that thought to bed. I next checked my “private” areas and they had indeed change which meant I was a girl inside and out.

I looked back at my reflection, both amazed and little freaked out by all of this. I mean, I turned into Zoe who, ironically, Alter-Ego I was dressed-up as because my job reacquired me too. It was just too much to take in that I really didn’t what to make of everything. Plus, I realized that I was in a place I didn’t recognize.

I might have panicked over this but some survival training from a failed army career kicked in and I realized the first thing to do was get the lay of the land. And since an alley usual only have two exits, I decided to head down the way I was going before I learned about my current looks.

“They never taught you anything like this during boot camp,” I muttered offhandedly, trying not to think about the voice I just heard and began walking again, taking it easy until I had gotten use to this new body.

I reached the end of the alley quickly, and what I saw made my mouth drop (and if I was being honest, maybe peed myself a little). Mini horses, ponies I believe they like to be called, were dressed up all fancy like, and they were watching as a pony with wings and a horn was prancing down the street. The lavender pony was also in a fancy dress that looked fit for royalty and wearing a crown. And here’s the kicker...the lavender pony was singing!

It didn’t take me long to realize, no matter how stupid it sounded, that I was in one of the “My Little Pony” cartoons, but which one I don’t know. Thanks to a very bad experience with one of the brands of the franchise, I has stayed clear of it, even the newest one...though I have heard good things about it.

Still, I couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on my face. I may not know what’s going on, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the event. It was very hard not to get into the swing of things, and I could feel myself about to give in and join in on the singing.

My good mood didn’t last long, however, as I noticed something odd about a duo of ponies. I believed they were guards, if the matching outfits they were wearing meant anything. However, it wasn’t the outfit that got me worried; it was the way they moved. The two guards stumbled every other step, and then there was their eyes; they were slightly glazed over.

I have been a security guard long enough to notice some signs, plus I worked at a bar for a short time, so I knew when someone was intoxicated. But the real question is, what were the two guards drunk off, and why were they going after the lavender pony?

I wasn’t the only one to see this, as another group of guards came up to the intoxicated duo, and inquired what they were doing. The intoxicated guards apparently didn’t hear the question as they tried to force they were past their fellow guardsman, err, guardponies, guardstallions?

Argh, you’re not doing yourself any favors with this pointless debate Zoe, so focus, focus. Wait, did I call myself by the name of the character I have become? Argh, you’re losing your mind girl, you had millions other things to worry about and you’re concerned with what you’re calling yourself? UUHHH, I just called myself a girl, didn’t I?

Ohh, I am really not myself any favors with all this inner debating. All I was really doing is causing a killer headache to start and I don’t think this place has much to cure that.

The sound of a slap brought me back to reality and I looked in time see one of the intoxicated guard go down. What happened next shocked everyone in the area, me as well. The pony exploded in green fire, turning into kind of bug-like creature with pony features. The silence quickly became so thick you could cut it was a jungle knife.

The silence didn’t last as one pony, a stallion with a white coat and a yellow mane, cried in a high-pitch voice, “Changeling!”

That one word brought everyone out of their stupor and chaos broke out as ponies began running around like chickens with their heads cutoff. Things got ever crazier when some of the ponies ran towards the Changeling, dropping their disguise and revealing their true forms to those around them.

I thought at first that ponies would soon been overrun by these changelings, but there is less than two dozen and they were clearly untrained, as six ponies, the lavender one including, began to fight, as the few guards on duty began to herd the crowd away. I watched, with growing admiration, as the group began to handle the numbers, taking them out with skills and teamwork. All without getting their fancy dresses dirty.

It took less than two minutes, but the six ponies had taken down the 23 changelings, and I almost clapped at the fit I just saw. That’s when I saw one of the changelings pulled something from his shell and threw to the ground. There was a blinding flash of light that cut off everyone’s sight. It didn’t last long and when I regained my sight I noticed a shadow was suddenly looming over the area.

“What in the hay is that?” an orange pony with a southern drawl asked urgently.

I looked up and felt myself actually pee my underwear at the creature hovering in the skies. It shouldn’t be possible, but I couldn’t deny what I was seeing… the champion level digimon, Kabuterimon hovering over the place. I quickly noticed how different this one is from what ones I had seen in the media; it was completely black, no coloring can be see on it, and despite the fact that it wings were buzzing to keep it in the air, no sound was coming from it.

That was a very unnerving thing to see.

Just looking at this negative of a digimon was enough to make want to run for my life. Yet, I found myself looking at the ponies, feeling conflicted by all of this. I wanted to run and save my own cute little rear end, but I was taught to help those in need, if I can. But that’s the real question…what could I do?

A sudden beeping noise caught my attention, and I began to pat my being. I quickly found the source of the noise in a hidden pocket in my jacket and pulled out a purple D-tector with the human spirit of the wind on its screen. I was dumbfounded by this turn of events, but I try to quickly shrug it off and I looked at the digimon hovering in the air.

My aunt always tried to teach me to care for other, especially if I had the power to do so. And right at the moment, I am the only one could possibly handle the thing in the sky. So, with my mind made up, I thrust my free hand out and a glowing “bar code” appeared around my hand. I next ran my D-tector across the code.

“Execute! Spirit Evolution!

Author's Note:

I would like to thank all for you input, it's still not the best, but thanks to all of you, I finally see one of my flaws that has held me back. It still not the best, but hopefully, it better.