• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,061 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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Wind, Call on the Joker (Joke on Equestria X-over)

Kazemon of the Wind:
Wind, Call on the Joker

Zoe could barely move her arms into position as a small chunk of crystal was thrown her way. Unfortunately she had misjudged where the piece was aimed, and she groaned when the piece collided with her midsection. She wrapped her arms around the injured section more out of habit than anything, as she tried to go a little higher in the air.

She needed space to think and plan her next move, but the semi-controlled digimon wouldn’t let that happen, as two chains snapped out and twisted around Zoe’s legs. She didn’t have time to even let out more than a small, surprised yelp as she was slammed to the ground. She finally screamed as flames quickly melted through her boots and began scorching her flesh. Still, she tried to shrug off the pain as best she could. She flipped into her hands and began spinning, creating a small twister in the process.

The SkullMeramon were far stronger however, and the two pulled the young hybrid from her attempted attack, as the dark digimon on the right let out a powerful stream of blue fire. Zoe cried out as the flames covered her entire body, and threatened to consume her, her digimon form flickering. It was just from sheer force of will that she was able to keep herself from turning back into her human form, which would probably have resulted in her death.

Unfortunately, all this act seemed to had done was prolong her fate for just a few more seconds, as the second flame-based digimon joined in when it noticed that its partner’s own attack wasn’t doing the trick. Still, Zoe held on, the image of the withered husk of the kind pony who helped her when she needed it motivated her to push her body beyond what she thought was possible.

Luck seemed to be on her side as the fire suddenly died down and Zoe noticed that the two SkullMeramon were panting a little. Seems like they had reached their limits but she wasn’t in the best of shape to use that to gain any ground against the two ultimate level digimon. And she had another problem to deal with... with the chains still wrapped tightly around her legs, there was very little she could do, in the way of escaping.

What can I do? Zoe thought. I don’t have the strength to break free. The only thing I had left is to blindside them, and hope that I somehow get free... burnt toast! I can’t believe I’m going to do something stupid, AGAIN!

While mentally grumbling to herself about having a death wish, Zoe launched herself at the SkullMeramon. Unfortunately, the two ultimate digimon knew enough to simply open the space between them, and Zoe flew right past them. Next, the two digimon yanked on their chains and pulled Zoe back to them. They both unleashed a stream of fire that sent Zoe flying, releasing the hybrid from their chains.

Zoe wasn’t able to free herself from the stream of fire, as she was too distracted with keeping herself a digimon to do anything else. Therefore she was unable to react quick enough to brace herself as she slammed right into a wall of a nearby home.

The digimon were certain that their opponent was down for the count and moved in for the kill. Zoe heard them coming but could do very little to react, her entire body was screaming at her as she slid down to the ground. She somehow found the strength to stand and face her foes. One of the SkullMeramon was spinning its chain, the fire that covered it making the crystal floor catch fire as the chain touched it.

Zoe growled under her breath as she tried to think of anything that could save her. A thought suddenly popped into her mind, and she remembered that strange message she got after picking up that G1 Digivice.

Doubt still lingered in the mind of the young hybrid. She still didn’t know the meaning behind the device, or where it even came from for that matter. Still... with all of her other options closed, the digivice was the only thing she had left to rely on.
So, carefully sliding her hand to where the digivice rested on her transformed being, she muttered under her breath as she pressed a few buttons, “Please, if anyone is out there, help the ponies that did nothing wrong.”

There was a blinding flash of light and Zoe quickly covered her eyes. The light died down a few seconds later, but she found that her eyes were having trouble adjusting, though she did make out several figures.

“And we were just about to eat...” a man sighed, shaking his head. As her eyes adjusted, she saw a Flamemon standing with an Impmon, both looking unhappy with their new surroundings.

Zoe was in near shock at the sight, and that was saying something if you consider how weird her life had been. But some part of her felt like geeking out, as she was looking at two digimon from the very anime her character was also from, and these ones didn’t try to attack on her sight.

“I’m gonna be honest, I’m really glad I don’t digivolve into you ugly bastards,” the Impmon spoke, looking up at the SkullMeramon.

The two ultimate level digimon didn’t react to the Impmon’s taunts, instead choosing to carry out their order to “Attack Kazemon until she can’t stand anymore,” by attacking the newcomers. They decided to go after Impmon as they probably saw him as the weakest at time.

“Impmon digivolve to! Wizardmon!” He changed forms, becoming a child sized humanoid wearing orange clothes, a hat and cloak. He jumped back, whacking one in the face with his staff.

The SkullMeramon weren’t impressed and just fired their blue fire at the newly changed digimon, and Zoe thought that it was all done but the crying. She was again surprised when the champion level leapt out of the way.

“Stop messing around and go ultimate, Alex,” the Flamemon called, holding his hands out and conjuring up his spirits. “Fusion spirit evolution!” He slammed them together, morphing into a tall, armored, dragon like being with wings made out of fire. “Aldamon!”

If Zoe wasn’t surprised before she was now... and if she was being honest, maybe feeling a little jealous as she watched the fusion hybrid in all of his glory began to fight the other SkullMeramon. Things could had gone differently if she had across to her beast spirit instead of standing around feeling like the world’s largest paperweight.

She tried to push all of these negative thoughts into the back of her mind and focused on the fight. She knew that the changelings were still around, and things could get worse if she let one of them use a summoning orb on even one of the SkullMeramon.

“Wizardmon digivolve to! Baalmon!” the Wizardmon changed again, this time into a taller human like figure, his body shrouded in a cloak. His left arm hung past his elbow, while his right appeared to be no more than an empty sleeve.

The SkullMeramon paused as both sensed that the tide of battle was about to change, but it lasted less than a second and the two were once again on the attack. One of the dark digimon threw its chain at Baalmon, but the taller digimon ducked out of the way and slashed at the SkullMeramon’s exposed chest with his short sword. The flaming digimon stumbled back a few steps, but the slash was too shallow to do any lasting harm, and it unleashed its flames onto the other ultimate digimon.

“Atomic Inferno!” Aldamon shouted, unleashing a barrage of fireballs from the weapons on his wrists.

Zoe turned away from the battle between the SkullMeramon and Baalmon to look at the other battle. Aldamon wasn’t doing too bad either, he was overwhelming his opponent with sheer power, though she noted that the other flame-powered digimon didn’t seem to be taking much damage, due to also wielding the power of fire.

The young hybrid frowned when she noticed something about the SkullMeramon that Aldamon was fighting. She looked at the one that Baalmon was fighting and saw the same result on the other summoned digimon, and she realized what was happening; both were close to becoming real digimon, just like the one she fought against when she first came to this world. If that was the case then things could get ugly fast.

Or things could get worse, Zoe thought grimly when she saw the red changeling emerge from the shadow, a summoning orb in his magical grip. If he used that thing on one of his summoned digimon, it would cause it to go to the mega-level.

Zoe’s eyes snapped open when she saw the orb go flying and turned to warn Aldamon about the danger, only to see something that made her inner fangirl explode with glee.

“Solar Wind Destroyer!” Aldamon shouted, summoning forth a massive orb of solar energy and hurling it at a SkullMeramon. It hold in pain before shattering and reverting back to an egg.

Zoe couldn’t help but smile. The attack from the high level digimon not only neutralized the digimon, but also destroyed the orb in the process. The red changeling decided things weren’t going to work out in its favor and beat a hasty retreat. Zoe frowned as she saw bright flames as the changeling rounded a corner, and she couldn’t make out the form it had taken.

Still, the young hybrid sighed with relief. Since the changeling had retreated, it would be a lot easier to take out the last digimon and with that thought in mind, she looked at the other battle.

“Kamiuchi!” Baalmon shouted, ducking under the remaining SkullMeramon’s fire breath, striking him across the neck with his sword. He bowed his head as the SkullMeramon howled in pain before reverting to an egg.

Zoe breathed with relief as she looked around. When she was sure that no one else was around, she finally gave in to her exhaustion and reverted back to her human form. The digimon also reverted to their lower forms, and the Flamemon looked at Zoe like he had seen a ghost. Unfortunately before anyone could get a word in edgewise, Zoe fell to the ground, the last of her energy completely spent.

The last thing she recalled before losing consciousness completely was the sound of someone coming towards her.

(Zoe's POV)

As I slowly came back from the world of dreams, I figured I had been out for a long time. I had two of my flashback dreams, and I only get those when I had my butt handed to me. So, I tried to push the lingering sense of defeat from my mind as I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room.

It was bright, brighter than a hospital room should be... or at least I think I’m in a hospital. My memory’s a little fuzzy on some things. The last thing I could remember clearly was seeing a battle between four digimon. But that raises the question of how I got wherever I currently am.

As though the universe were answering my question, the Flamemon from earlier came into my line-of-sight, and I quickly noticed the strange mix of regret and longing in his eyes.

“What’s going on?” I asked weakly. “Where am I?”

“We brought you to the hospital,” he explained, pulling up a chair. He sat down before speaking again. “Of course, I took the liberty of contacting the princesses for you. While they’re on their way, we should talk about a few things.”

Truthfully, I was at a complete loss, and I really didn’t know where to begin. But something told me to listen to what this digimon had to say. I looked the Flamemon in the eyes and nodded slowly.

“You are what’s called a Displaced, a human sent to a version of Equestria, usually after buying an enchanted item at a con. Get used to this, you aren’t going home.”

I was kinda confused, but not for reasons one would think. I truly didn’t have a reason to go home, so that didn’t bother me as much as the Flamemon probably thought it might. And I’m probably sure I didn’t buy something that sent me, though I might be wrong on that end. I’m still having trouble piecing together what really happened that fateful day.

Still, one question was nagging at me, and I looked at my fellow legendary warrior. “But how exactly did you and that Impmon get here?” I asked curiously. “As far as I know, only changelings can summon digimon, and theirs start out as soulless slaves.”

“You summoned us here from our version of Equestria,” he explained. “By the way, I’m Willy.”

“I used to be called Richard, but I think going with Zoe is better suited for me at the moment,” I replied sheepishly, and slowly held out my left hand. “But it’s nice to meet you, Willy.”

“Same.” He took my hand, shaking it. He let go after a moment, looking away.

I frowned when I noticed how he looked at me before averting his eyes. I may not be the best judge of character, but I knew enough when someone was trying to avoid something, and I decided it would be better to leave it alone. It wasn’t polite to push matters that others are trying to avoid or are sensitive to.

Not that it mattered, as the door opened and Twilight, her friends, and the two older princesses walked through the room. I couldn’t stop the giggle when I saw the Impmon, Alex I think I remember Willy calling him, sitting on the white Princess’s back, her flowing hair covering him in such a way it looked like he was wearing some weird dress.

When she saw me, the white pony, I think I remember hearing her name was Princess Celestia, smiled in a near motherly fashion.

“Good, I see you are awake,” Princess Celestia said calmly.

I don’t know why but I suddenly felt very small in the regal pony’s presence. I was fighting with my instinct to keep myself from hiding under my covers.

“Relax, you’re scaring the girl,” Willy snapped, glaring at Celestia.

I couldn’t help but blink at the sudden mood change that Willy underwent. How did he did even know what I was feeling around the princess?

“My apologies, it wasn’t my intention to frighten her,” Princess Celestia replied calmly, looking at Willy with sincerity.“

Alright, just checking,” Willy replied, his tone softening.

Princess Celestia nodded and looked at me with same sincerity she had shown Willy. “And I am truly sorry if I scared you in any way.”

“No, no,” I replied hastily, feeling like my face was suddenly in a pizza oven. “It was nothing, I was just blown over by the power you were giving off.”

That’s when it hit me, why I felt the way i did when Princess Celestia first entered the room. I could feel the power coming off of her. It was similar to how I was able tell who was a changeling and who wasn’t.

It was becoming increasingly clear that I had more powers than just being able to transform into digimon. But that could wait until later, when I was fully healed. Beside, I had another pressing matter.

“Willy,” I said calmly, getting the Flamemon’s attention. “You said you came from a different Equestria, right?

“Yeah, my friends and I were all sent to another Equestria after we bought something at a con,” he explained. “When we came to, we were all sent to various points in time as all kinds of digimon.”

I nodded, though it was basically the extended version of his story he had just given me, I was still confused by one thing.

“How do you get back to your world?” I asked curiously. “In fact, how were you able to come here? I think you left that part out?”

“You used our token. Displaced can send an item connected to them out into the void. Other Displaced can use it to call you to their world,” he explained, leaning back in his chair.

I nodded, believing I understood what I needed to do. But the question remained of where the token I used was located. Thankfully, someone was on the ball, as Alex jumped from Princess Celestia back and held out his right hand-like claw, and I could clearly see the Digivice in it.

“It fell off of you when you fainted.” The calm and somewhat fatherly tone used by Impmon threw me off slightly. I’m more used to the rude and crude Impmon the Tamers anime was so fond of.

Still, I took it and muttered an awkward thank you and looked at Willy for a little more guidance.

“You could send us back, but I don’t think either of us minds sticking around for a little bit longer.” Willy smiled, though it was a sad one.

There it was about, something hidden deep within that smile. I figure it has something to do with the fact that I’m Kazemon – no, that can’t be it. It has to be something else.

Still, I offered a sincere smile. “I would like that, especially if you can help with my own problems. I can’t impose, but I can promise you that if I ever need help I will call on you. So please, tell me how to send you home.”

“To send us home, all you have to do is say, ‘Digidestined, our contract is complete,’” Alex explained.

I nodded and did I was told, saying the words that I was just told and holding out the digivice. To my surprise I watched as they broke up into fractal code, vanishing into the aether.

I smiled a as i realized that I might have made some good friends, but now wasn’t the time to rejoice, as it was time to address the elephant in the room. I looked at the ponies who had been polite enough to wait until I was done talking with my friends, and could feel my smile turn a little sheepish as i noticed the stares I was getting.

“I bet you all have a lot of questions, and I will do everything in my power to answer them,” I said sheepishly.