• Published 19th May 2016
  • 1,405 Views, 44 Comments

Rumble's Cutie Problem - Evowizard25

Rumble has a problem. A problem his local bullies, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon, want to remind him of constantly: He's a blank flank.

  • ...

Training with Lightning Dust

Rumble quietly wondered to himself why today was especially cloudy. He remember Flitter telling him yesterday that today was going to be clear. ‘Maybe they forgot.’ His eyes widened, ‘Maybe I’ll remind them and get a cutie mark in reminding ponies… Nah, that doesn’t sound guard material.’

Still, the cloudy sky didn’t do his nerves any favors. After the Nightmare Moon incident, Mayor Mare had called for the skies to be clear for the next few months so as to let the citizens feel Celestia’s gaze upon them always. No one wanted to be in the dark. So what used to bring momentary comfort from the heat, now just made him uneasy. Shadows weren’t exactly friendly in the wrong hooves. So he stuck close to Flitter. The pegasus mare kept a wing protectively over him, calming him down.

Suddenly, something smashed the clouds apart with a loud ‘crack’. Rumble’s eyes widened as he saw a lightning bolt styled trail zip about the sky. The skies almost instantly cleared. The sun’s calming gaze shined down on the town.

The lightning bolt landed on the ground with a solid ‘thud’. Sparkes of electricity played around Lightning Dust’s body, “How was that, Cloudchaser?”

Cloudchaser held up a watch in her wing. She was the second in command of Ponyville’s weather team, directly underneath Lightning herself. As well, she was Flitter’s awesome sister. She’d always race him and made him feel great. Flitter was awesome too, but it was in a nice ‘mommy’ sort of way. “Ten seconds flat.”

“Yes!” Lightning hoof-pumped. “I told you I could do it. Oh, the Wonderbolts are going to be begging me to join. I can see it now.” Her wings fluttered in excitment. “They’ll be cheering my name all across Equestria: Lightning Dust. Lightning Dust.”

Cloudchaser rolled her eyes and looked over at the pair, “Hey Flitter.”

Lightning Dust blinked in surprise, “What are you doing here, Flitter? I thought you were going to stay inside?”

“I asked her to come,” Cloudchaser said earning a glare from Lightning. “Hey, we need all the help we can get. We’re short hoofed at the moment.”

Lightning snorted and flexed her wings, “Eh, I can take care of it all by myself if I had to. It’s easy.” Cloudchaser just sighed. “So squirt,” she looked down at Rumble. “Ready for some weather patrol?”

Rumble nodded, “Yep, I’m sure to get my cutie mark doing it.”

Flitter giggled, “Oh he’s started his ‘I want a cutie mark’ stage. That’s adorable.”

Cloudchaser paled, “Hopefully it’ll be better than ours.”

Lightning just smirked, “So you want your cutie mark now, huh?” Rumble nodded. “Well then let’s get you started.” She looked up at the now empty sky and rubbed the back of her head. “Someplace with some clouds to work with.”


“Alright,” Lightning flapped up beside Rumble. They’d gone a ways out of town. Not far enough that they couldn’t race back to town quickly enough, but far enough for some training that wouldn’t disturb the town folks. “I want you to clear the skies as fast as you can. Now I know you can’t do it as awesome as I can, but maybe, just maybe, you’ll have a fraction of my talent.”

“She’ so supportive,” Cloudchaser sarcastically muttered, causing Flitter to giggle.

Lightning held up a timer in her hoof, “Ready, set, go!” She clicked a little button to start it.

Rumble’s wing flapped with determination. He glared at the cloud as he sped on toward it. He was going to wreck it. He was going to show everyone how awesome he was and get his cutie mark. Nearing the cloud, he turned and bucked it…

Only to put a dent in the cloud.

“I…. I have no words,” Lightning frowned in complete disappointment. She chucked the timer over her shoulder and looked over at Flitter.

“What?” Flitter asked. “He doesn’t get out much.”

“And why’s that?” Lightning narrowed her eyes.

“Because he’s inside with me most of the time studying,” Flitter snooted. “A good education can get you far in life.”

Rumble blinked in surprise, falling a bit as he momentarily forgot to flap his wings. He really wasn’t paying attention to what the grown ups were saying at that moment. “What? But… but I kicked it really hard.”

“Awww,” Flitter flew up and offered a comforting hug. She took on a motherly tone with her voice, “It’ll be alright, Rumble.”

Lightning pushed her off, booping her nose with a glare. “No. Stop treating him like a foal. He’s a pegasus. We’re warriors and if he wants to get a cutie mark, by Celestia, I’m going to work him like one.” She nudged Rumble on through the air. “Come on, we’ve got a long day ahead of us.”

Flitter looked on after them with worry, “Oh I hope she doesn’t push him too hard.”

“It’s Lightning,” Cloudchaser snorted, flying up to her sister’s side. “Of course she’s going to.” Flitter gave her a small glare. “What? It’s the truth… so wanna go get some ice cream?”

“Can I save one for Rumble?”

“...You obsess over that colt too much,” Cloudchaser deadpanned.


“Alright,” Lightning marched around Rumble, looking him over to make sure everything was in place. “The first step in hoof-gliding is-”

“Ummm, Miss Dust?” Rumble held on to paraglider. It wasn’t huge like the ones he sometimes saw Earth ponies use, but it still felt pretty big.

“Call me, Lightning.” She corrected him. “And what is it?”

“Can’t I already fly?” Rumble asked.

Lightning nodded, “Yes, but you’ve got to try everything you can when it comes to your cutie mark. Never let your fears or morals get in the way. Just do it.”


“And go!” Lightning shot off a lightning bolt into the air, scaring the daylights out of Rumble. He ran as fast as he could… only to stumble and fall on to his face a couple of meters away. Lightning Dust face-hooved, “This is going to take a while.”


The two of them next tried the local dojo.

“Come on,” Lightning stomped a hoof as she gestured towards a punching bag. The two of them were wearing gi's, with hers having a black belt. ‘Fun times.’ “I want you to knock it to the wall. Just do it.”

Rumble nodded and raced towards the bag. Jumping up, he tried to kick it… Only to stop dead upon contact. The impact reverberated around his form, causing him to shakily fall to the ground. Lightning sighed and lightly smacked the punching bag away.

“Come on, Kid. Work with me here.”


Lightning snarled as Rumble struggled to make the second mile run around the park, “Run faster!!!” She groaned as he just fell to the ground right that moment. She trotted over to him. "Are you laying down on the job?"

"But this isn't a job," Rumble pointed out.

"No excuses," Lightning shouted. "Get up and do it better. Don't stop until your foe is beaten. That's the pegasus way. Are you a pegasus?" Rumble nodded. "Good, then run faster!"


Lightning smacked her head down on top of the table. The duo had met up with Flitter and Cloudchaser at Sugar Cube Corner, “Juggling, acrobatics, penmanship. Nothing worked.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Flitter comfortingly patted her head. “His cutie mark will come with time.”

Just then, a lanky yellow stallion trotted over with a tray full of sweets. Lightning couldn’t help but perk up a bit as she smelled the wonderful confectionaries. “Your order.”

“Thank you Mr. Cake,” Flitter smiled as she took it.

“It’s no problem,” Mr. Cake waved her off and patted Rumble’s head. “I heard the little guy was trying to get his cutie mark so we just thought he shouldn’t have to wait. It can be quite the experience, can’t it Rumble?” Rumble nodded and Mr. Cake went back to the kitchen with his wife.

“Well we can try again another day,” Cloudchaser shrugged. “No big deal.”

“But Scootaloo’s cute-ceañera is coming up,” Rumble grumbled as he started to lick his ice cream cone. “I can’t just go without a cutie mark.”

“And you won’t have to,” Lightning snorted. She raised a defiant hoof. “With Celestia as my witness, you will have a cutie mark by the end of the day.” She slammed her hoof down hard enough to shake the table. Rumble squeaked and dropped his cone. The little colt’s eyes started to water upon the miserable site of his beloved ice cream decorating the floor.

Lightning Dust knew at that moment that she had bucked up. She could feel the killer gaze upon her at that moment. Drawing whatever courage she could, she looked over into the mother of all glares. Flitter may not have the deadly stare of Button’s or Dinky’s mom, but it was deadly in its own ways. “Hehe, come on, Flitter. It was-”

She didn’t get to say another word as Flitter grabbed her and slammed her hard enough on the floor to embed half of her body like one would plant a tree. Flitter swatted her hooves in satisfaction, “Apology accepted. Mrs. Cake, could I have another ice cream cone?”

“Of course deary~” Her sing song voice called from the back. A rather blue pudgy earth pony with a frosting stylized mane trotted out with the same cone. She frowned as she gave the cone to the eager colt. “Could you please refrain from slamming ponies into the ground?”

“No promises,” Flitter gave her a gleeful smile and started to eat.


Rumble deeply pondered his next move as he ate his ice cream. ‘Ice cream really helps with the tough thinking.’ A sound piece of advice if there ever was one. He’d tried it the hard way, so maybe he should try it another. He hummed in thought before he saw one of the nurse ponies walk in. Then a proverbial light bulb appeared over his head. ‘Maybe I can help sick ponies. The guards let in ponies like that all the time.’ He smiled as a plan set itself in motion.

Author's Note:

I sincerely hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to read your comments. They really do help. :twilightsmile: And don't worry. It won't take me long to finish this story. Until next time.