• Published 19th May 2016
  • 1,405 Views, 44 Comments

Rumble's Cutie Problem - Evowizard25

Rumble has a problem. A problem his local bullies, Scootaloo and Silver Spoon, want to remind him of constantly: He's a blank flank.

  • ...

CMC Assemble

‘Royal Guards never back down from a challenge,’ was what Rumble told himself as he looked at the building before him. It wasn’t the biggest or fanciest house in Ponyville, but it certainly looked intimidating. The little colt gulped. He just need to walk in for a bit and then leave. They’d know he wasn’t scared of them. He was a real Guard.

He had precautions of course. That’s why he was wearing a little suit, kind of like his big brothers when he wasn’t in his armor. They’d never see his cutie mark, so he could lie that he had it. Of course, it didn’t occur to him at that moment that they’d eventually find out another day. He was more focused on the party itself.

He straightened his collar once more and then proudly took a step forward… And then proudly took a step forward…. And then proudly took a step forward….

*Five Minutes Later*

...And then proudly took a step forward through the door, for Celestia’s sake. He was inside. “I’m in.” He said more to himself, with a hint of pride. Now he just had to go drink some punch, eat some cake, and leave. Some of the other ponies would tell Scootaloo he was there. That way he didn’t have to confront her about his lack of a cutie mark. ‘It’s the perfect plan.’

“HEY!” Scootaloo’s loud voice shook him to the core. Without thinking, he dove under a table and hid behind the cloth. “Don’t you dare eat my cake, Snails.”

“But I’m hungry,” a lanky unicorn whined.

“Then go to the punch table,” Silver Spoon snooted. “Some ponies just have no manners, right Scootaloo?” Scootaloo just scoffed and he heard her walked away. Silver Spoon, ever so loyal, was on her heals.

Rumble sighed in relief, ‘That was a close one.’ He’d just hide here for a bit before grabbing a bite and leaving. That was his plan before he heard a familiar voice speak up.

“I still don’t know why I can’t wait another hour,” Thudnerlane spoke up. Rumble gasped and stuck his head out from under the table to get a good look at his older brother. “I had a very important meeting scheduled.”

“You were going to the all you can eat donut buffet,” Rarity could be heard scoffing.

“They were made by Donut Joe,” Thunderlane countered. “He doesn’t come by Ponyville that often so sue me for wanting to eat a few.”

“Oh stop thinking with your stomach and think with your head,” Rarity rolled her eyes. “You can survive just a little while longer without your precious donuts. You’re here to make a little filly happy.” Thunderlane grumbled in response and started for the punch table before she pulled him back. “Oh no, you’re not leaving my side until this is over.”

“I remember you saying that on our first assignment together,” Thunderlane smirked, earning a blushing glare from Rarity.

“Thunderlane!” Scootaloo rushed over and captured his leg in a hug. “You made it.”

“I told you that he’d be here,” Rarity smiled, earning a hug from the little filly. She returned it, “Now go on and soak in the attention, darling. This is your day. Thunderlane wants to visit the buffet here because he’s a glutton.”

“I’m not a glutton,” Thunderlane grumbled as the two walked off to another room. While this one had a number of snacks, most of them were in the kitchen. This room was mostly for party games and stuff.

Rumble furrowed his brow as he tried to think of something. His big brother was here, so he could hide out with him. He smiled, ‘Yeah, Scootaloo couldn’t get to me if I’m with him.’

“Rumble?” Apple Bloom spoke up from beside him. Rumble couldn’t help but look at her in surprise as she was hiding with him. “What are ya doin’ here?”

Rumble opened his mouth before Diamond Tiara, hiding on his other, spoke up. “This is our hiding spot. Get your own.”

“What are you two doing here?” Rumble asked.

“We’re hiding,” Diamond rolled her eyes. “Duh. Aren’t guards supposed to be clever or something?”

“Diamond,” Apple Bloom glared at her best friend. “That wasn’t very nice.”

Diamond Tiara cringed, “Right, sorry. I’m just frustrated is all. We shouldn’t even come to this party.”

“But ya didn’t want Silver Spoon to say yer a chicken,” Apple Bloom smirked at her friend’s embarrassed blush.

“Why aren’t you having fun out there?” Rumble gestured to the party games. “You stand up to Scootaloo and Silver Spoon all the time. WHy is now any different?”

“That’s because we do it at school, Rumble.” Diamond explained. “Scootaloo won’t go that far with Miss Cheerilee nearby, so we can afford to be a little braver than usual.”

“So…. are we just going to stay here the whole time?” Rumble asked, only getting silence as his answer. He sighed, “I’m going to go get my big brother. See you later.”

“Rumble,” Scootaloo piped up. She grinned over at him, causing the colt to silently curse himself for not waiting for her to leave. “I’m glad to see you.”

Rumble gulped, “Y-you’re glad?”

Silver Spoon nodded, “Of course we are. We’re proud you can go out in public, even though you’re a nobody.”

“I’m not a nobody,” Rumble glared at them.

“Then prove it,” Silver smirked. “Show us a cutie mark.” Rumble faltered as he looked away. “Ha, you looked away~ You don’t have a cutie mark, do you blank flank?”

“I have a cutie mark!” Rumble stomped a hoof as he returned his glare to them. “I just don’t want to show you. I spent a lot of time putting this on so shut up.”

“Hey,” Scootaloo snarled, showing off her saber teeth. She walked in front of Silver Spoon and glared down at him. Rumble quivered as he kneeled down closer to the ground. “Don’t you start talking like that to her. Now just show us the cutie mark. Pull down your pants, Rumble.”

“Whoa,” Cloud Kicker chuckled as she passed by to get a drink. “Not even ten and already getting some. Lucky Rumble~”

“...What?” The three of them said as they looked at the adult. They thought nothing of it. Adults were weird.

Scootaloo shook her head, “Never mind her.” She moved closer. “So you have your cutie mark, right?”

Rumble nodded with a confident smile, “Yeah, it’s so awesome that I didn’t want to show it here. This is your party.”

Scootaloo snarled, “So it’s so awesome, right?” Rumble nodded again. Scootaloo moved forward, bearing her teeth once more to make him quiver. “Show me your cutie mark or I’ll force you.”

Rumble took a step back. He gulped in fear as his eyes darted around. He cursed his luck that the adults weren’t present at the moment. They were probably in the kitchen or upstairs chatting and letting the kids be kids. ‘I can’t tell her I’m a failure. I can’t. I’m going to get my cutie mark soon and I’ll show you up, Scootaloo!’ Yet the more he tried to feel confident, the more he faltered under the saber toothed glare. “I… I…” He looked down at the ground. “I don’t have one.”

Scootaloo smirked and looked back at everyone, “Hey everypony. Rumble was trying to lie about his cutie mark.” All the other fillies and colts drew their attention to the three. The bully turned her attention back to the pegasus colt. She poked him in the chest. “He thinks he’s going to be a strong guard, but here he his.” She pushed him to the ground, “A sniveling liar. The Royal Guard’s never going to hire somepony like you.”

Rumble sniffed, ‘S-she’s right. Guards don’t lie and… I shouldn’t have come here.’

“Oh that tears it,” Apple Bloom’s angered voice spoke up from below. The farm filly walked out from under the table and stood by Rumble’s side. “Yer the liar, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo blinked in confusion, “I’m the liar?”

Apple Bloom nodded, glaring at the pegasus. “Just cause he aint got a cutie mark yet, doesn’t mean he won’t be in the guard on eday.”

“Yeah,” Diamond Tiara stood out from the table as well, taking Rumble’s other side. “He’s still a kid, like us. We can be anything we want to be when we grow up.”

“But you’re blank flanks,” Silver Spoon snorted. “You don’t have any talents and if you don’t have any talents you’re not good for anything.”

“That just means we haven’t found it yet,” Apple Bloom countered. “We’ve got time.”

“It also means we can be whatever we want to be,” Diamond Tiara added. “We can be doctors, rich ponies, farmers, or even guards.” She put an arm around Rumble’s shoulder. “We’re not tied down yet, so shut up and leave him alone.”

Scootaloo wanted to say something, but was cut off when she heard a few others agree with Diamond. She turned her head to see most of the colts and fillies were nodding their head in agreement, “Stop agreeing with them.”

“What’s the matter?” Apple Bloom smirked. “Can’t handle the truth?”

Scootaloo turned her fierce glare over to the three, causing them to flinch. “I don’t see why you’re so proud of this, blank flanks.”

Something in Rumble came out that moment. A fiery bit of courage, “Of course I am. I’m proud and at least I have something to look forward to.” He spread his wings over his two companions. “With my friends by my side, I’ll be a guard in no time.”

Scootaloo snarled, hearing a few hollers of ‘you go, Rumble’ from behind. “Fine. Have it your way. Be stupid blank flanks together, see if I care.” Suddenly the other colts and fillies cheered and rushed over to the trio, congratulating them. They even pushed her back from the trio. Scootaloo gaped at the sight.

“Hey, pay attention to me.” None of them moved.

“Pay attention to me!” They didn’t act like they heard her.

“PAY ATTENTION TO ME!” She shouted, but they still ignored her. Like she wasn’t there. She stomped her hoof in frustration.

Rumble himself couldn’t believe it either. ‘They’re… proud of me?’ He couldn’t help but start to smile. He looked to his side and he could see his new companions matched his grin.


“Hmph,” Silver Spoon snooted as she watched the scene. “What do they know? They’re just a bunch of stupid blank flanks, right Scootaloo?” She moved her butt to bump against her friend’s own. Her smile faded when she saw her friend glaring at the partying ponies, biting back tears. “Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo didn’t answer. She just raced back upstairs. Silver Spoon wasn’t one to readily abandon a friend, well her only friend, so she raced up there as well. Her friend was faster as she found the pegasus already on the bed, her face covered by her pillow. Silver Spoon closed the door behind her. “Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo was growling into her pillow, “It’s not fair. It’s not fair.”

Silver Spoon climbed into bed with her, laying next to her long time friend. “Hey, what’s not fair?”

Scootaloo looked up at her as the tears started to flow down her cheeks, “This was supposed to be my day and now everyone’s paying attention to them. To those blank flanks.”

“Oh that’s just the heat of the moment,” Silver Spoon waved off her concern. “They’ll realize how stupid those blank flanks are and come back to you.”

“...No they won’t,” Scootaloo sniffed. “You saw it. They wouldn’t pay any attention to me.”

“I paid attention,” Silver Spoon pointed out, nuzzling her friend.

“You’re my friend, of course you did.” Scootaloo snorted. “The rest of them….” She whimpered. “This was supposed to be my big day.”

Silver Spoon couldn’t stand seeing Scootaloo so defeated. ‘Any other day and she’d be okay, I think.’ She moved her head protectively over Scootaloo’s. “Well you still have me.”

Scootaloo weakly chuckled, “I know, but-”

“No buts,” Silver Spoon mumbled. “Cuddle time.”

Scootaloo grumbled as she went into her friends’ embrace. “I’m going to make them pay for this.”


Sunset was actually having a good day. Yeah she wasn’t doing much, but honestly that was the best part. It was just her and her books. She wanted to read with her brother, but he was off with some mare. Not the perfect day, but still very good. She breathed a sigh of relief. She needed a day like this after what had happened. That’s of course when someone rang the little bell at the door.

She sighed and stood up, delicately placing her book on a nearby nightstand. “Okay, whoever that is better have a good reason for why they’re bothering me today.” Opening the door, she looked down to see three young ponies. “Okay, what do you want?”

“To write a letter to Princess Celestia, of course.” The rich looking earth pony filly with the tiara bowed as she spoke. She could have sworn she had seen this filly somewhere before. The same with the cute earth pony filly with the large red bow. “If Your Majesty will permit it.”

Sunset smirked, ‘I like this one.’ “What’s the letter about?”

“I think we learned about friendship,” the grey pegasus colt spoke up. “And I heard that you were studying it so…” He cutely scuffed the ground, looking down nervously.

Sunset, fighting the urge to cuddle him, smiled. “That doesn’t sound so bad.” As the three walked on over inside. “Say, who are you three anyway?”

“I’m Rumble,” the colt said.

“I’m Apple Bloom,” The country filly spoke, reminding Sunset that this was Fiddlesticks’ little cousin on the farm.

“And I’m Diamond Tiara,” the rich filly smiled. “And we’re on a mission to get our cutie marks.”

“Crusading for you cutie marks, eh?” Sunset smiled. She remembered when she was their age. ‘Celestia would give me play armor and dresses and I’d run her haggard as I’d dissapear to get my cutie mark. Good times.’

Apple Bloom gasped, “That’s it. That’s what we’re gonna call ourselves.”

“What?” Rumble tilted his head, reminding Sunset how cute this trio were. So cute she feared a heart attack would come her way.

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Apple Bloom jumped up into the air in excitement. The other two smiled and nodded in aggreement. They put their hooves together.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, HO!”

Something in Sunset Shimmer told her that this would cause her no end of headaches in the future. She dismissed this. ‘Three kids can’t be that much of a hassle.’


Celestia steeled herself to appear before her sister again. The last letter had gone a bit better then the one before. Progress was being made. That’s what she was telling herself with each passing day. She wouldn’t linger on the negative aspects of their encounters. She had her sister back and she was going to keep her. She smiled as she finally neared the cell, “How are you doing today, Luna?”

“Nightmare Moon,” the chained mare trotted back and forth, going as far as she could before her chains tightened and then doing the same going back.

Celestia hated seeing her sister in chains. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right. She deserved to be free just like her. Yet she knew it was for the best. They needed to take every precaution with her, lest she kill more innocents. “Are you ready for today’s letter?”

“You should kill me,” Luna spoke, looking Celestia dead in the eyes. “If you were smart, you’d end me now.”

“You’re my sister,” Celestia started.

Luna cut her off with a wicked laugh, “And? If I was in your position, I would have killed you the moment I had a chance. I would never let someone as powerful as you pose a threat to my nation, no matter if we’re related.”

“You know that’s not an option,” Celestia sighed and laid down in front of her sister’s cell. She opened the new letter with her magic. “Now let us begin. Oh by the way, a certain someone will be present as well?”

Luna quirked an eyebrow before the cell walls next to her started to glow. Then they turned crystal clear, letting her see a certain stallion behind them, “Apostle?”

“Your Majesty,” he bowed to Luna, which made Celestia smile. Even if it was one pony, her sister deserved a little bit of loyalty. “I am so pleased to see you well again.” He glared on over at Celestia. “Not so the false goddess.”

Celestia rolled her eyes, “He will be staying in that cell so you won’t be lonely.” Luna opened her mouth to ask a question, “And no, he will not be joining you. For two reasons, really. The first is that I know you might try and use his soul to break out of here, futile as that may be.”

“My Mistress can do whatever she puts her mind to,” Apostle snorted. “You simply lack the needed vision to see her greatness.”

“And I’m not sure I’m ready to be an aunt,” Celestia hid her mirth when the two of them blushed, with Luna adding a fierce glare to it. “Not yet, but possibly soon enough.”

“You are a vile pony, Celestia.” Luna growled.

“Vile?” Celestia mock gasped. “I am no such thing.” At Luna’s derisive snort, she giggled. “Now, onto the letter.”

“I have no time to listen,” Luna sat down and folded her ears back. “Apostle, mock her until she leaves.”

Apostle bowed, “Of course, Your Majesty.”

Celestia smiled. ‘Just like old times.’

Author's Note:

And now we reach the end of this fic. Sorry it took a while for this chapter. I should have finished this a week ago, but I started a semester of college which has eaten into my time. Also, I'm really excited to have finished my fourth Shimmerverse story. I had planned to have done more in these two years, but hopefully more will come out sooner. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and please leave a comment. They are very much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 10 )

Great wrap up! I like that the CMC here are slightly different in purpose. They're not looking so much for what they want to do (Rumble knows he wants to be a guard), but rather how to get there. I suspect these three will definitely not end up with a shared cutie mark.

“No buts,” Silver Spoon mumbled. “Cuddle time.”
Scootaloo grumbled as she went into her friends’ embrace. “I’m going to make them pay for this.”

All villains should plot their revenge while cuddling!

“And I’m not sure I’m ready to be an aunt,” Celestia hid her mirth when the two of them blushed, with Luna adding a fierce glare to it. “Not yet, but possibly soon enough.”

I really loved the coda! Celestia reforming her sister by reading friendship lessons at her, the LunXpostle shipping, Apostle also getting reformed. Thanks for finishing this.

7404909 No problem. I really appreciate your comments and support. :pinkiesmile:
Though I still have to apologize for taking so long. Internet problems and procrastination and all that. Still, glad you enjoyed it.
Lastly, yeah. As I've said before, the CMC are my least favored of the main cast so I was hoping to fix some issues and such I have with their episodes here. Hopefully, I did it in a enjoyable way.

7404929 The fact that it seems like Apple Bloom already wants to be a doctor and DT wants to be a businessmare (I'm guessing that's what she means by rich pony) indicates this CMC will be much more likely to begin focusing with "Sunset Time," and less likely to be covered in tree sap.

Celestia reading her sister friendship letters is a very clever way to end each episode. I kinda wish we could hear the letter, but I guess its not very important.

7405572 I'll try and see if I can write a letter. I wanted to write a letter each episode, but for some reason it proved to be a bit harder then I thought to put it down to words. So I figured I'd do my best to make the moral clear in the last chapter and have it end with Celestia relating it to her sister since I thought it would be a good way to establish closure.
Perhaps I'll be able to find a way to word the letter, like I did with Cute Trouble. But that mostly likely will be a small side chapter update if I ever get to it.

7407195 Yeah, that was something I wanted to clarify in this fic, along with a few other things. As for the duo still being friends, yes. They'll write letters and whatnot. I won't throw him to the side like Twist.

Good work, I thought the other members of this verse's CMC would be Pipsqueak and Button Mash.

“No buts,” Silver Spoon mumbled. “Cuddle time.”
Scootaloo grumbled as she went into her friends’ embrace. “I’m going to make them pay for this.”

my reaction

and finally,

Pull down your pants, Rumble.”
“Whoa,” Cloudchaser chuckled as she passed by to get a drink. “Not even ten and already getting some. Lucky Rumble~”

This is why Cloudchaser should not be around fillies and colts.


Personally, I think Luna needs a relationship with someone... saner, and probably more mature. Someone who can help the Princess of the Night to realize how off her rocket she truly is .

7460262 Maybe, but right now she's still a murderous psychopath, so that's a tall order.

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