• Published 16th May 2016
  • 1,485 Views, 67 Comments

Peace Porridge Hot - Metool Bard

Is the world ready for a nice Dragon Lord? Ember's authority is put to the ultimate test.

  • ...

Pack It Up

Toro was stretched out on the back of Khamshin, his sombrero draped over his eyes as he snored contently. The antlion below him rasped, snapping his mandibles and creating a soothing clicking sound. In the back of his mind, Toro could not remember a time when he was this at peace. Sure, it wasn't what he initially envisioned, but at this point, he didn't care. He had his own gems, plenty of companions, a reliable partner, and the independence to walk his own path. He didn't know of many Diamond Dogs who could claim that much.

Just as he was about to drift off entirely, he heard a flurry of wings up above. Raising his sombrero, he could make out the silhouettes of three dragons against the shining moon. He let out a yawn and patted Khamshin on the head.

"Ay. Khamshin. I think they're back."

Khamshin let out a yawn of his own, his mandible snapping mimicking the sound one makes when smacking their lips. Sure enough, Needles and the Dragoons touched down before his eyes. But one of the dragons was unfamiliar.

"So, is this where you parents live?" asked Ember.

"What? Oh, nah," said Needles, hopping off of Ember's back. "We'll get to 'em later. Right now, I'm just pickin' up the rest of my gang. Trust me, we're gonna need all the help we can get."

"Um, do you think we should've waited for Little Strongheart then?" Steel asked. "And what about that griffon? She seemed nice."

"Right, because we have that kind of time to waste," said Flint, rolling his eyes. "Steel, I wish you would actually think before you say something sometimes."

Steel shrugged. "Well, I thought it was a legitimate question."

"Un momento, Señorita Needles," said Toro, hopping off of Khamshin's back. "What exactly is going on?"

Needles furrowed her brow. "Hmm. Right, I should get ya on the same page. But we have to make this quick." She gestured her parasol to Ember. "Toro, I'd like you to meet Dragon Lord Ember."

"H-hello," said Ember meekly.

Toro bowed. "It's an honor to meet you, Su Señoría."

Ember blinked. "Um, what did he call me?"

"He called ya Your Lordship," said Needles, scratching her head. "You haven't been to the Mild West, have ya? Diamond Dogs and Rock Lobsters 'round these parts usually speak Spanish."

"Really? Uh, that's interesting. I suppose," said Ember, looking over at Toro. "I'm actually surprised you managed to befriend a Diamond Dog. I mean, there are very few creatures dragons get along with, but Diamond Dogs are definitely not one of them in my experience."

"Yeah, well. Toro ain't your typical Diamond Dog," said Needles.

"This is true," said Toro solemnly. "I left my pack many moons ago, seeking my own life. I got my start as a bandit when I met Señorita Needles, and she's been my partner ever since."

"Wow. You already know so much more about this friendship stuff than I do," said Ember, twiddling with her scepter. "I'm actually a bit jealous."

"Meh, it ain't so hard once you realize what's important," said Needles with a shrug. She then looked up at the large antlion. "And this here is our pet antlion, Khamshin. We adopted him after I, kinda destroyed his nest by accident."

Ember tilted her head. "Wow. First time I ever heard a dragon saying they destroyed something by accident. Usually, that's how teenage dragons get their kicks."

"Welcome to the Mild West, sister," Needles laughed.

Flint looked like he wanted to say something, but he intentionally bit down on his tongue to restrain himself.

"Forgot that she's not that kind of Dragon Lord for a second?" Trigger asked with a smirk.

"Thut upth," Flint snarled.

"I-it's fine. This is all very weird; I understand that old habits are hard to break," said Ember. "Which is kind of why I'm here. Allow me to explain, uh, Toro, was it?"

"Sí, Su Señoría. Toro the Bulldog, they call me," said Toro proudly. "So, what seems to be the trouble?"

Ember proceeded to explain everything that happened at the Inter-Species Conference as briefly as possible. Toro's face darkened.

"If this dark dragon challenges your honor, I say you are right to accept," he proclaimed. "And if Señorita Needles is helping you, then so am I."

"Glad you're on board, Toro," said Needles with a soft smile. "I always know I can count on you."

"Hey! What about me?" Trigger protested indignantly.

Needles gave Trigger a bemused look. "You, I didn't know I could count on for a while until you started actually puttin' that brain of yours to work."

Trigger blushed and wrung his claws. "F-fair point. Ehheh..." He then cleared his throat. "So, we should get going now, right? If we want to fight this Seth fellow properly, we should find your parents and learn all about him."

Needles sighed and hung her head. "Gotta be honest, I ain't lookin' forward to that. I still think they're disappointed in me."

"But for Lord Ember's sake, you're willing to face that fear."

Needles groaned and snorted out a small amber flame. "I should probably introduce ya to Ocard. It's my spirit guide of sorts. All Dragon Magi have 'em."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, milord," said Ocard with a bow.

"Yeah, um... Nice to meet you, too. I guess," said Ember, scratching her head. "Jeez, and I thought a dragon being raised by ponies was surreal. Now this is my entire life. I'm not sure I'm ready for..."

She let out a growl and pouted. "Wh-what did I say about making me talk about my feelings?"

"Um, you did it to yourself again, Your Lordship," Needles pointed out. "Anyway, I think you're movin' dragons in the right direction. And if ya wanna keep movin' in that direction, we need to take down that Seth fella. We've spent enough time dawdling. Vama—"

She was interrupted by the howls of canines echoing across the desert. Toro's ears perked up, and he sniffed the air.

"Something wrong, Toro?" Flint inquired.

Toro knitted his brow and spat at the ground. "I never thought this day would come. Be ready, amigos. We've got company. Trigger, aquí."

"R-right away," said Trigger, scrambling up Toro's body and perching himself on his shoulder.

Before anyone could ask what was going on, several mounds of dirt shuffled through the ground. From the mounds of dirt, an entire pack of Diamond Dogs sprang forth. Each of them carried bandoliers filled with shimmering gemstones. Leading them was a tiny chihuahua wearing a dark blue vest and a piece of lapis lazuli on his collar. The chihuahua snorted.

"I knew I smelled overgrown lizards here, but I didn't expect to find you," he said, leering at Toro.

"Cortez Cobaltvest. You look well," Toro growled.

"Let me guess. This is the pack you and Isabelle used to belong to?" asked Needles.

The chihuahua snickered. "How about that, boys? The lizard actually has a brain."

The Diamond Dogs all chortled along with their alpha while Ember glared at them.

"I know plenty of dragons who are smart," she said. "I'm one of the— hey!"

A fireball flew past Ember's ear. Cortez scowled at her, wielding a flintlock pistol.

"You speak when spoken to, chica," he said.

"Hey! That's the Dragon Lord you're talking to, buddy!" Steel snapped. "Show some— yeow!"

Another fireball illuminated the sky, this one grazing Steel's scales.

"Careful, amigos. The Cobaltvest pack is notorious for their use of gunpowder and explosive gemstones," Toro warned.

"Now you tell us," Steel whined.

Needles narrowed her eyes. "If you're planning on takin' Toro back, you're a bit late," she said. "He's with the Dragoons now."

"Oh, I have no interest in that traitor. Yet," said Cortez with a sly grin. "I'm here for her."

He pointed his pistol Ember, who seemed completely baffled by this. "M-me?"

"Sí, chica," said Cortez. "I am usually not one to dirty my paws with this dragon-poaching business. But to capture the Dragon Lord herself and force her to guard my hoard? Sykes would kill for that kind of prestige."

"But that doesn't make sense," said Trigger. "How'd you even know she'd be here?"

Cortez scoffed. "I see no reason to explain myself. Now, are you going to hand her over, or are you going to make this difficult?"

"You know the answer to that already, Cortez," said Toro, hefting up his cannon. "No one harms the friends of Toro the Bulldog."

Cortez shrugged and shook his head. "How ironic. The lone wolf has found another pack. A pack of filthy lizards who eat the very thing that measures a Diamond Dog's worth! ¡Muchcos, ataque!"

The Diamond Dogs all drew their own pistols and began firing wildly. The Dragoons scattered, with Khamshin seeking cover underground.

"I can see why you left this guy!" Needles hollered at Toro.

"What do we do now?!" Ember hissed. "We can't fly away with those bullets flying everywhere!"

Needles snorted. "If we can't run, then we fight. Flint, Steel! Flank 'em! Toro, you and Trigger are on crowd control duty! I'm gonna show these mutts why ya don't mess with the Dragoons!"

"Or, you know. You don't engage these ruffians and risk losing your temper," said Ocard.

"My temper's under control, Ocard," Needles snarled. "Just keep your trap shut and let me do my thing."

Ocard sighed. "As you wish. But don't say I didn't warn you."

Needles tossed her parasol aside and brandished several throwing stars. "Let's dance, boys."

She threw the stars at several Diamond Dogs, knocking pistols out of their paws left and right. While they were distracted, Flint and Steel breathed their flame, scorching the area around the entire pack. Several explosions rained from the sky as Toro fired his cannon, sending Diamond Dogs flying over the flames. Those that tried to retreat underground were soon tossed into the air by Khamshin's mandibles. Cortez scowled.

"You think you're so clever, don't you, little lizard?" he spat. "Well, in cases like this, I think I need a bigger box."

He tossed out a small red gemstone that seemed to generate its own light. Toro's eyes widened.

"Redstone!" he barked. "Get down!"

Ember flew out of the way just as the stone detonated in a burning blaze.

"And there's more where that came from, chica," Cortez snickered. "Biggest collection of redstone in all of the underground network. No one messes with the Cobaltvest pack unless they wish to be blown sky high."

Needles clenched her fist. "Word to the wise, pal. Never tell a dragon that you're carrying a bunch of explosives on your person!"

She breathed out a flame and allowed it to coat one of her magic throwing stars. She tossed the star at Cortez, who quickly countered by throwing another bit of redstone. The explosion sent them both flying back. Cortez got up and snorted, shaking the soot off of his body.

"Well played, lizard," he conceded. "But you can't protect the Dragon Lord forever. A bounty has been put on her head. Every outlaw and mercenary of the Mild West will be after her!"


Not a single member of the Dragoons could believe their ears, and Ember herself was equally dumbfounded.

"Who placed that bounty, Cortez?" Toro demanded, pointing his cannon right at the chihuahua's nose.

"I'll be you anything it was that Seth fellow," Trigger growled.

Cortez blinked. "How do you lizards know Seth?" He then shook himself. "You know what? I decided I don't care. The Dragon Lord will be mine before sundown tomorrow. And if you're smart, Toro, you'll be the one who'll bring her to me. ¡Vamanos, muchachos!"

There were several yips and howls as the Cobaltvest pack dove underground and shuffled away. Toro shouldered his cannon and sighed.

"Before anyone asks, there is no conflict of interest here," he said plainly. "Cortez is not my alpha anymore, and I'm not about to abide by his wishes."

"No one said you were, Toro," said Needles, picking up her parasol. "We trust ya."

Ember tapped her chin for a moment. "I'm guessing this is another friendship thing."

"You'd better get used to it, Your Lordship," said Flint, folding his arms. "This is kinda how we do things around here. Now can we please get moving before more bounty hunters decide to show up?"

"That's, probably a good idea," said Needles. "Toro, what do you think is the best route?"

"Not underground," Toro said firmly. "Cortez would be waiting there."

"Guess we're hoofin' it, then," said Needles with a shrug.

Steel blinked. "But, none of us have hooves."

Flint smacked Steel upside the head. "Even after all this time, you still say the dumbest things. I swear."

Needles sighed. "Let's just get a move-on. I'll lead the way."

She climbed onto Khamshin's back and pointed east. "Vamanos."

Khamshin let out a rasp and shuffled forward, with the rest of the Dragoons not far behind. Needles shielded her eyes with her parasol as the first rays of dawn began peeking over the horizon.

"That combat was still not ideal, but still not as bad as it could've been," said Ocard.

Needles snorted and averted her eyes. "Didn't ask for your opinion."

"Maybe you should," Ocard said sternly. "Needles, your approach is very dangerous. You don't want to lose control again, do you?"

"Ocard, do me a big favor and just cool your jets," Needles grumbled. "I know what I'm doing."

Ocard sighed. "It's impossible to lie to me, Needles. You're just as lost and confused as the day you summoned me. Which, I must reiterate, was a lot longer than is normal for Dragon Magi."

Needles blushed. "Ocard, please. If I need your help with something, I'll ask for it, okay?"

"And what should I do when you need my help and don't ask for it?"

Needles chewed on her lip. "I'll leave that for you to decide. You're the fire elemental spirit guide, not me."

"Translation: I don't want to talk about this," Ocard sighed. "Very well."

It let out a yawn and flew back into Needles's mouth. Needles sighed.

"I ain't in over my head yet," she muttered under her breath. "But, how do I know when I am...?"