• Published 16th May 2016
  • 1,485 Views, 67 Comments

Peace Porridge Hot - Metool Bard

Is the world ready for a nice Dragon Lord? Ember's authority is put to the ultimate test.

  • ...

Peace Porridge Cold

Needles's meditation was interrupted by a roar in the sky. Feeling threatened, she readied her throwing stars, but soon dispelled them when her eyes beheld a magnificent sight. Dragons of all shapes and sizes flew around her, though unlike a typical Great Dragon Migration, none of them were violent or fighting each other. Instead, the sky was filled with dancing lights and beautiful colors; a veritable spectrum of magic. She felt Trigger place a claw on her shoulder.

"I take it this is your home," he said.

Needles cleared her throat. "Um, yeah. Looks like we're here." She turned her attention back to the sky. "My stars, I haven't been here in so long."

Ember tilted her head. "What are they doing, though?"

Needles shrugged. "Practicing magic, I guess. That or they just wanted to have a bit of a light show."

"Without hurting each other?" said Ember, amazed by the spectacle. "These are not the kind of dragons I grew up with."

"That should be rather obvious, Your Lordship," said Steel. "Then again, I'm not one to talk. I didn't grow up around those types of dragons, either. I grew up with Flint."

Flint snorted. "If that was a crack against me, I'm gonna bop you one."

"Easy, amigos. I doubt peace-loving dragons would tolerate violence in their territory," warned Toro.

Ember made a face. "Peace-loving dragons. For so long, I thought that was an oxymoron. But now, everything's changing, and—"

"My, my. Is that who I think it is?"

Her thought was interrupted by a large dragon with indigo scales descending from above. Though he towered over the small group, even the large antlion Khamshin, he gently landed on the ground as though he were as light as a feather. His piercing yellow eyes stared right at Ember.

"Um, hello," said Ember nervously. "I am Princess Ember, the current Dragon Lo—"

"I know who you are," said the large dragon in a deep, rumbling voice. "In fact, I know all of you." He shifted his gaze to Needles. "Especially you, young Needles."

Needles gulped. "H-hey, Pa. B-been a while."

The elder dragon let out a small snort and bowed. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zin of the Dragon Magi."

"Pleasure to meet you, sir," said Trigger, wringing his claws. "You've actually saved us a lot of trouble. See, Needles here wanted to—"

Zin held up his claw. "Let me daughter speak for herself," said he. He looked down at Needles. "Well? Why have you returned? I thought you gave up on this life."

Needles's eyes narrowed. "Don't start with me, Pa. This is really serious, and we haven't got a lot of time."

"Why rush? I'd be eager to hear about your adventures," said Zin, laying down before her. "Especially the one where you joined a gang of hooligans and wreaked havoc on the Mild West. That sounds most intriguing."

"Th-that's all in the past, sir," said Trigger. "Needles is leading us on a better path now. Ehheh..."

"Is she now?" asked Zin, stroking his chin. "Because she seems to have led you all right back where she started. Stellar leadership, Needles."

"Sheesh. What's his problem?" Steel whispered to Flint.

"You think I'd know?" Flint hissed back.

Needles sighed. "I get it, Pa. You're still disappointed in me for runnin' off. But can we put that aside for just a minute? The Dragon Lord here needs our help."

Zin looked down at Ember. "The Dragon Lords of the past have never called upon us Dragon Magi before. I must confess, such a level of humility from one such as you truly warms my heart."

"Yeah, well. That's, kinda the problem," said Ember sheepishly. "Someone is challenging my authority, and it's a Dragon Mage named Seth. We were wondering if you knew anything about him."

Zin let out a growl. "The Dragon Magi know of no such dragon. You'd best leave."

Needles clenched her fists. "Not exactly setting a good example for the clan, Pa."

"And what would you know of that?" Zin retorted. "You ran away."

"Yeah, and I was an idiot for doin' that. I'm sorry. But I've grown up a lot since then," said Needles.

Zin shook his head. "I'm sure you have. But my, did it take a long time. Longer than it should have."

"Well, gee. Maybe if people didn't have this massive expectation of me, I wouldn't have gotten so nervous!"

"Maybe if you actually lived up to those expectations, you'd realize your true worth."

"Um, if I may interject," said Ember. "If you don't know about Seth, do you know someone who does?"

Zin's face darkened. "No such dragon exists, Dragon Lord Ember. I suggest you leave."

"Now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute! You mean to tell me that the huge Black Dragon that attacked Lord Ember at the Inter-Species Conference doesn't exist?!" Needles roared. "I felt that guy's power, Pa! He's all too real, and he's after the Dragon Lord! We need to help her! You just said you were happy that she was asking us Dragon Magi for help!"

"And I am. But the Black Dragon of the Desert is not something I or any other Dragon Mage can help her with," said Zin. "Had you not run off and actually completed your training, you would know that."

Needles let out a muted scream and stomped her feet in anger.

"Needles, careful," said Ocard. "I-I can feel your temper raging out of control. C-calm down."

"Shut up, Ocard!" Needles barked, glaring at Zin.

Zin blinked. "So, you even talk back to your own spirit guide." He shook his head. "Tsk tsk. You should know why that isn't wise."

"Well, I don't! And I don't know why you are actin' like this!" Needles cried. "I ain't lookin' for your approval, Pa! I messed up, I took my lumps for it, and I've grown up! Stop takin' me on this guilt trip and actually address this problem that's right in front of you!"

"I have."

"How, by brushing her off?! This ain't what Dragon Magi do! Heck, I'm a better Dragon Mage than you are! I actually care!"

"I needn't respond to that," said Zin sagely. "Your attitude proves my point. You do not understand our ways, and you choose to act in defiance of them even now. Why should I treat you with any respect when you don't show it to us?"

Something inside Needles just snapped. "That's it!"

"Needles, wait!"

But Trigger's warning fell on deaf ears. Needles exhaled a large amber flame that took the form of a dragon. Zin sighed.

"I somehow knew it would come to this," he said. "Agniki, Ecnal!"

A large blue flame emerged from Zin's mouth, forming another flaming dragon. The two dragons roared and charged for one another. They danced across the sky, slashing and swiping as if they were real dragons. As they fought, Needles summoned several stars in her hand.

"If you knew how serious this was, you wouldn't be treating me so coldly!" she spat, tossing the stars at Zin.

Zin slashed with his claw, and the air before him was torn asunder, destroying Needles's attack. "If you weren't a coward, you'd know why we can't help the Dragon Lord."

"Why can't you just tell me?!"

"Because you rejected our ways."

"That ain't me anymore, though! I've changed!"

"I've yet to see that."

"And I don't see why you're okay with letting an innocent dragon die!"

"It may have been many moons, but you still act like a child."

"Stop makin' this about me!"

She spewed out another flame. This one was met by a pulse of energy emerging from Zin's mouth. Up above, Ocard was clearly struggling against Zin's elemental, Ecnal. It was about to deal the finishing blow when a bright pink flame appeared between the two.

"Both of you, dispel you elementals at once!" the elemental bellowed. "This is sacred ground!"

Zin scoffed. "I would, but she doesn't know how."

Needles gnashed her teeth, tears rolling down her cheeks. As much as she hated to admit it, Zin was right. She had lost control of Ocard, and it was only because of her weakened state that she wasn't destroying everything in her wake. She let out a piercing wail, and Ocard howled in pain along with her.

"Needles!" Trigger dashed forward and pulled Needles into a tight embrace. "I-it's okay. It's okay. I know you're upset, but just calm down. I'm right here. Ehheh... Ehheh..."

Needles took in several shallow breaths, desperately trying to regain control. As her vision blurred, she could make out a familiar pink dragon coming into view.

"M-Ma," she whimpered. "Y-you come to berate me, too?"

The pink dragon sighed. "No, Needles. In fact, I believe my husband is out of line." She gave Zin a glare. "You're too hard on her, Zin."

Zin snorted and dispelled his elemental. "Perhaps I let my instincts as a parent get the better of me," he admitted. "But it doesn't change the facts, Nova. We can't help the Dragon Lord."

Nova blinked. "The Dragon Lord? In our lands?"

"Um, yeah," said Ember, fiddling with her scepter. "Jeez. I-I thought you Dragon Magi were peaceful, but um..."

"Yes, that was quite an embarrassing exchange," said Nova solemnly. "But we Dragon Magi still have the same virtues and vices as any other dragon. We just try to control them."

"And our daughter still struggles with that control," said Zin coldly. "Which is why I had to test her. It didn't help that your request was, impossible."

As he spoke, Ocard disappeared from the sky and back into Needles, who was on her knees and sobbing. Ember sighed.

"Th-this is so weird," she muttered. "I-I feel like I should say something, but I don't know what. And, it kinda hurts, seeing her like this."

"That's friendship for you, Su Señoría," said Toro, hiding his eyes under his sombrero. "I too feel terrible for her. She's been through so much, and for her own parents to deny that..."

"Oh, I don't deny it," said Nova. "I'm sure Zin doesn't, either. It's just that Zin is a lot less forgiving than I am."

Steel blinked. "We should've bumped into you, then."

"As if we had any control over that, ya dope," Flint growled.

Nova smirked. "I see your friends are just as colorful as ever, Needles. Now, what is it that you wanted to ask?"

Ember cleared her throat. "Well, someone is challenging my authority as Dragon Lord. He's a Dragon Mage named Seth, and we came here thinking you knew something about him."

Nova's eyes widened for a moment. "Seth? Oh dear. This is a problem."

"Yes, but your husband doesn't think so," said Trigger, giving Zin a dirty look. "He keeps claiming that he doesn't exist and that he can't help us."

"There's a reason for that," said Nova gravely. "And it's not because we fear him. It's because he fears us."

Ember scratched her head. "That makes no sense. I saw the power he wielded with my own eyes. Why would he be afraid of you?"

Nova sighed. "It's a long and troubling story, Lord Ember. One which has only been shared amongst the clan. But seeing as he's targeting you, the rules have changed."

She drew herself to full height. "Lord Ember, Needles. Come with me. I must show you something. The rest of you, keep your eyes open. Seth may strike at any moment."

With that, she flew off into the sky. Needles sniffled and dried her eyes.

"See, why couldn't you have done that?" she snapped at Zin.

Zin sighed. "It's as your mother said. I'm not so forgiving. But for what it's worth, I do believe you have the capability of proving yourself. Only then will I forgive you."

Needles deadpanned. "And I guess saving Ma and a bunch of other dragons from poachers don't count, huh?"

"Let's just drop it, Needles," said Ember. "Time is of the essence. Here, hop on."

Needles climbed onto Ember's back, and the two took off after Nova. Trigger sighed and wrung his claws.

"I should be with her," he muttered.

"I'm sure the Dragon Lord will look after her, Señor Trigger," said Toro. He sniffed the air and knitted his brow. "In the meantime, we should prepare for what's to come. The air may be tranquil now, but Señora Nova is right."

"Right about what?"

"We may be attacked at any moment."

Trigger gulped while Khamshin let out a snarling rasp, as if he were also aware of some impending danger approaching...