• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 3,658 Views, 161 Comments

Symphony Shattered - SteampunkBrony

With nopony to go to after a madmare bestows her with a gift, 'tavi takes things into her own hooves

  • ...

3: first encounters of the wubbed kind

I stepped onto the train to Manehattan, tickets courtesy of Celestia, minding the heavy cello case on my back. I wasn't about to wait around for Blueblood's response. I had explained to Celestia what had happened on my way out of the castle, my trench coat doing a wonderful job at hiding the arms while still looking fashionable.

I slid the door shut behind me as the last call of "All aboard!" was shouted down the train. The Cello case slid neatly below the chairs, moving only slightly as the train started to move, the rail ponies pulling it quickly gaining speed.

"Ahh..." A sigh escaped my lips as I lay down on the cushioned seat, wishing Vinyl was with me. I was about to doze off when I heard a small shuffling sound.

What in the? I looked around for the source of the sound to find nothing. Must have been in another car...

Then I felt something land on my back with a clang, and promptly fall off. I jumped to my hooves, looking for my assailant.

"Damn 'Tavi, you been workin' out? Your back feels like it's made of metal." I heard a familiar voice say from the floor.

"Vinyl! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I scolded, laying back down with a sigh. "How you always manage to guess which cabin I'm in is a mystery to me." I said with a chuckle as the adrenaline wore off.

Vinyl just took up residence in the seat opposite me. "You know you love my surprises. I gotta say, you look damn sexy in that getup too." She said, nursing a sore nose. "But seriously do you have steel plates in that coat or something?"

I sighed. "I had hoped to delay telling you until we got back to our apartment... oh well, lock the door." I said with a sigh.

"This'll be good last time you said that you were so drunk you practically dragged me into your be-" Vinyl was silenced by the trench coat I tossed at her.

"Here, I had that made for you by the royal tailor. I think you'll like it. Had to kick Blueblood's flank to allow the seamstress time to finish it too." I said with a chuckle.

"I... can't decide what's cooler, this coat or you handing Blueballs his flank on a silver platter." Vinyl said after a moment of looking back and forth between me and the coat.

"That's not the thing I have to tell you though. I'm sure you heard of my... kidnapping."

"Oh right!" Vinyl said, as if just remembering. "How did that go?"

I deadpanned. "Vinyl yo are infuriating sometimes. It went... alright I suppose though." I chuckled at that. "Turns out my captor was a mad scientist who loved my playing. Gave me these against my will." Vinyl's jaw dropped as I undid the coat and revealed the four mechanical limbs. "You know, after living with you for so long these weren't all that much of a shock. I should be freaking out right now."

"Those... are... A-mffff." I silenced Vinyl by stuffing a pillow into her mouth with one of the mechanical limbs.

"Not so loud please." I said, smiling innocently.

"Sorry." She said rubbing the back of her head. "This is going to make our sparring sessions a little more interesting."

"That it will." I laughed at the thought of Vinyl held to my back by the four flexible arms.

"Hey, I just got a cool idea for my Nightmare Night show..."

"This will be good..." I muttered.

"We get you hanging above the stage rag doll style from those arms, then have you suddenly start jerking around to the beat. Last song you awaken with glowing eyes and use those arms to rag doll creepily over the crowd with a demonic grin on your face."

"That... Alright I'll admit it is better than some of your ideas." I shrugged. "We'll see."

Vinyl hoof pumped the air. "Yes! One got past the 'Tavi test! I'm picturing lots of lasers..."

"Just so long as it isn't like last time... It took me months to re-grow the missing bits of my tail..."

"Hey! I said I was sorry!" Vinyl said as I shook my head with a sigh. "In any case, I take it Blueballs wan't too happy with you kicking the everloving crap outta him."

"Yeah... I may be freeloading for a while, but things will work out. He made threats to have me kicked out of the Canterlot classical music circles." I said with a sigh. "If he does get away with it I'll just go back to giving lessons aside from our usual shenanigans. Perhaps I can find a group that plays electro-swing."

"Electro sw- That sounds like it shouldn't work..." Vinyl said as she pulled on her trenchcoat and hat. "You, my good mare, need some shades to complete that outfit."

"It is different, i'll give you that." I said with a chuckle. "And perhaps, but for now I have none and no, i'm not wearing your spare DJ shades, those things are way too gaudy for me."

Vinyl pouted. "Aww, I was gonna see if I could get another photo of you in them to add to the tally."

"Oh Vinyl, you know you can't compete with my thirty seven of you passed out on your turntables after some parties."

"I'm at thirty, and I'm getting better at holding my liquor." Vinyl muttered indignantly as she glared out the window. I saw her mood brighten, which meant that an idea had just occurred to the DJ. "Hey, how bout we add another one each."

"Oh?" Our little photo game involved each of us picking a thing that the other had to try to catch us doing. For me, it was wearing Vinyl's shades. For her it was her passed out on her turntables after a party. Neither happened very often, I just was lucky to have a camera around at those particular nights. "What would yours be?"

"Catching you with those arms out in public. It's gonna happen and when it does I'll be guaranteed at least one from the newspapers."

"Hmm... what to do then..." I thought for a moment, before chuckling at the idea. "Okay, mine will be catching you in socks."

"Buh- wha- 'Tavi!" Vinyl nearly squeaked. "F-fine, you're on." she said as she blushed a deep red. "How did you even know about that?"

"We live together Vinyl." I said chuckling at the embarrassed mare. "I found them under the couch three weeks ago while cleaning."

"So you didn't actually know those were mine?" Vinyl asked dumbfounded.

"Nope, thanks for the confirmation." I started laughing at the bout of sputtering and stuttering that followed.

"Alright wise-ass, just wait till I get some dirt on you..."

"Good luck Vinyl, I doubt even the guard could find dirt on me."

"I don't know, you've been known to leave with a stallion, or three, after a party occasionally."

It was my turn to blush as Vinyl grinned at the schadenfreude. "Well, I was a little drunk that particular time." I muttered.

"Yeah, and you couldn't walk straight for a week afterwards. Was it true what they said about the size of a Pegasi's wings? Because if there is those three were packin'." My blush deepened to Vinyl's great amusement. "I'll take that as a yes."


"Yeeeeeesss?" She asked with the largest smug grin I have ever seen plastered on her features.

"Shut up."

She burst out laughing as I looked out the window, the scenery rolling by as we descended Canterlot mountain.

((A/N Just a bit of sillyness to take a break from writing grim scenarios and dark scenery. Hope ya don't mind the humor.