• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 3,657 Views, 161 Comments

Symphony Shattered - SteampunkBrony

With nopony to go to after a madmare bestows her with a gift, 'tavi takes things into her own hooves

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5: Swing 'Tavi Swing

Symphony Shattered
Chapter 5: Swing 'Tavi Swing

By: SteampunkBrony

“Hey Vinyl, I'm going out.” I said as I threw on my hat and trench coat.

“Huh? Okay have fun.” She said, looking up from a partially disassembled synthesizer.

I paused, “How is that new bass synth coming along anyhow?”

“Slowly, the output is still way too high but I don't have a good way to tone it down without losing sound quality...”

“How bad is it?” I asked, curious.

Vinyl frowned and pointed to her subwoofer. The front grill had been blown off and the speaker cone was missing. It looked like the cone had taken it's leave of it's housing rather forcefully.

“Oh...” I said, stepping out with a chuckle. “Only she could manage to get a studio subwoofer to blow in that particular fashion.” I thought aloud as I boarded the elevator. Living on the top floor of the building was nice, but the elevator ride was kind of long.

With a ding, the twin doors slid apart revealing the entryway. A light grey earth pony stallion with a bushy mustache was busy mopping the floors as various ponies trotted past to their apartments. “Evening Scruffy.” I said as I passed the janitor, earning only a slight nod and a grunt as a reply.

As the twin doors shut with a small thud behind me I took a breath of the cool night air, a smile teasing my lips as I reached into the inside pocket and withdrew a cigarette case, clicking it open and grasping one of the thin white cylinders in my teeth. I snapped the case shut and put it away, my hoof returning with a gem lighter. I held the small device up near the end of the cigarette and it's magic flame popped to life, the purple glow briefly lighting up my face as I took a drag of the foul smelling smoke. I trotted off, small clouds of smoke following my trail briefly before the light breeze whisked them away into the night.

I could feel the pleasant, albeit brief, feeling of mental emptiness the Zebrecain tobacco smoke brought about starting to swirl it's way through my mind as I wandered, taking in the familiar Manehattan downtown. From it's newsstands to the coffee shops there was always some form of interesting conversation going on if you knew where to look.

I turned down an alley to hear the soft sound of a double bass as I came into audible range of The Bassment, a small blues joint tucked in the basement of one of the local bars. The rest of the sound joined it's low brother as I pushed open the unmarked heavy oak door at the bottom of a set of concrete steps and stepped in.

I nodded to the bouncer as the smell of cigar smoke wafted past me. Trotting up to the bar, I set down enough bits for a drink and took up residence on one of the stools. A glass tumbler slid to a stop in front of me as the bartender, Rummy, trotted over. I dropped my cigarette butt in a nearby ashtray before taking a sip.

“Evenin 'Tavi. Heard about the kidnappin and I had a feelin' you'd be in.” He said with a warm smile.

“Yeah, thinks are kind of bucked up right now, so I figured I'd let off some steam. Think the boys will let me onstage?”

“Tavi, you know you're always welcome to play here. Hell, you're half the reason we have most of our customers. Now git up there before I drag ya up there myself.” He said, and we shared a brief laugh as I downed the rest of my drink and headed for the stage through the dark haziness of the club. Nodding to Ringo, the gitaurist, I picked up the upright bass that was onstage and quickly tuned as they finished a song.

“Tavi! It's been too long!” the singer, known only to most as 'Swingin Jack, said taking a sip of his drink.

“Evening Jack. Shall we?” I replied, nodding to the rest of the band.

“Lets.” He said with a smile as I lit another cigarette.

I exhaled a small cloud of smoke into the air as the guitar started up a slow bluesy riff. The piano and wind instruments soon joined in, the bass adding its notes to the ensemble as Jack opened his mouth, his voice carrying through the microphone to the listeners in the club.

“I walk the street’s of Neigh Orleans,

With the filly of my dream’s.

I’ve seen a dozen brass bands play and swing,

While little foals they laugh, dance & sing.”

I could see some of the older members of the audience listening quietly as those that were in their prime chatted and joked to each other, their laughter ringing through the dim club. Swirls of smoke danced across the lampshades, seemingly dancing to the music.

“I’ve seen stallions drunk singin the blues

With top hats’, canes and spectator shoes

I consider myself lucky to have fallen in love

With a mare, a city and the river of mud...”

We kept the music soft as the chorus swam through the air, a few of the patrons joining in who knew the tune.

“Let me know… Let me know…

Where I can go to save my soul?

Let me know!… Let me know…

Where I can go to save my soul?


The music built again, the slow swing beat of the song enticing a few of the patrons to stand up and dance to it. I could see Rummy swaying to the music as he wiped down a glass with a stained rag. I stepped up to a second microphone, nodding to Jack as the music dropped for the second verse.

“I had a drink with ol’ Luna’s ghost

She was our most gracious host

I’ve heard Gabriel sing & play his horn

And lived to see the day both my babies were born.

I love Jelly, Fats, fes and king

They were the ones that taught the world to swing

I consider myself lucky to have fallen in love

With the music, a city and the river of mud.”

Jack joined in for the chorus, adding his smooth accent to my Canterlot one as the chorus rang out once more.

“Let me know!… Let me know!… where I can go to save my soul?

Let me know!… Let me know!… where I can go to save my soul?

Neigh Orleans… Neigh Orleans

It’s where I can go …to save my soul!”

There was a round of applause as the song finished, Jack giving a quick thanks as we started into a faster paced swing number.

“Well friends let me tell ya 'bout the cat that I once met...”

I set the bass in its case as the evening wound down, well past midnight. My cigarette case was a few smokes lighter, as was my mood as the last patron of the evening took his leave out the door.

“Damn... you cats sure know how to swing.” Polished Brass, the owner of the building said as he trotted over from a booth in the corner. “Reminds me of my old days back in the joints of Neigh Orleans.”

“Well we do try Brass.” I said with a chuckle as I latched shut the instrument case.

“And ya do a damn good job of it. Say 'Tavi, did you see that one gray pegasus colt at the bar? He was watchin' ya pretty intently... and frownin as he did it. Pardon an old colt's paranoia but his vibe was like that of some of the old hitcolts back in N.O. had... real shady like if ya catch my drift.”

“Really...” I frowned. “I can't think of anypony who would be... actually I can... I gave Blueballs a taste of the palace floor while I was there and he was being a bigot.” I said.

“Well that may be enough for it... and considering he's a racist, sexist bastard and you being an earth pony mare really ups the odds.”

“Trust me Brass, I can handle myself in a fight.” I said with a confident smirk. “You've seen me when we get a brawl going in here.”

“Fair enough 'Tavi. He didn't look like the kind to carry a Marefia noisemaker so you should be fine, just stick to the roads okay?”

“Got it Brass, have a good evening.”

“You too 'Tavi, and may the moon watch over ya.”

“Likewise.” I said as I stepped out into the night air and headed for home.

About halfway home I noticed the flapping of wings behind me, remembering Brass's warning I took a look over my shoulder to see a grey pegasus diving towards me, a stun stick clenched in his teeth. I quickly rolled to the right, the stun stick sizzling as it missed my body by less than a hoof width.

“Shit.” I heard the hitcolt say as I dropped into a fighting stance, my attention locked onto the pegasus as he whipped around to face me.

“I don't suggest trying that again.” I said, earning a angry grunt from him as he charged at me, swinging low. I pushed off with my back legs, flipping forwards and bringing my right forehoof around to connect with his jaw, knocking the stun stick from his mouth. I landed and spun around, pushing off towards him as he turned for another charge.

There was a resounding crack as his forehooves met mine, blocking the left hook I had thrown, pushing me backward a step as he continued through, using his wings to flip himself backwards, his back leg aimed at my chest.

The impact threw me onto my back and I rolled left, narrowly dodging him landing on me as he came down from the flip kick. I planted my forehooves beside my head and kicked out with my back legs, a meaty crack sounding out as my attack connected, breaking his right wing and causing him to cry out in pain.

I quickly got to my hooves before he could recover. Just in time I brought my forelegs up to catch a series of jabs. I jumped backwards and countered with my own series of jabs, each impact echoing down the empty street.

The hitcolt jumped back with a scowl. “Buck this...” He said before issuing a sharp whistle. I spotted a glow down an alley to my right, dodging to the side as a blast of magic sailed past me. A yellow unicorn mare stepped out of the alley as six more ponies emerged from nearby alleys and surrounded me.

Dammit... I can't take all of them... wait... the arms! I thought as I dodged a powerful kick from the hitcolt. I turned to face him with a smirk.

“Give up?” The hitcolt asked as his cronies closed in.

“Not even close.” I replied as the four robotic arms extended. I dropped into a fighting stance as my attackers paused. “Bring it.”

“What the‽” The hitcolt exclaimed as he drew back, shocked. “Uh... screw it we've got our contract. Get her!”

The seven ponies charged at me, the unicorn readying another spell. The smirk never left my face as I used the lower two arms to launch myself into the air and out of the circle of attackers. I landed right beside the now panicking unicorn, one of the arms swinging around and knocking her senseless and sending her flying through the front window of a clothing store.

I turned just in time, catching the a pair of knives held by two earth ponies in the claws of the arms. With a sharp tug I ripped the knives from their owners' mouths and tossed them away. My hooves did the rest of the work on those two, the goons soon lying on the street, out cold.

A second unicorn launched a fireball at me as the hitcolt and another pegasus charged me, one on the ground, the other from above. I swung one of the arms up, the fireball exploding harmlessly against the polished metal of the robotic appendage. I feinted right, the hitcolt's charge lightly grazing my side as I caught the second pegasus with two of the arms, throwing him to the asphalt street with a dry thud. I charged at the unicorn as she prepared a second fireball. I shot the top right arm forward, the claw latching onto her horn firmly moments before I delivered a series of jabs to her chest, a few sharp cracks sounding out as she dropped, clutching her ribcage. The last of the goons gave a yelp of fright and ran off as I looked up, locking eyes with him.

I heard a yell behind me and felt a strike on my back as a clang echoed down the street. The hitcolt fell to the side, screaming and clutching his muzzle in his hooves, blood dripping from his mouth. A long knife clattered to the ground beside him, a few teeth embedded in the wood of the handle.

I dragged him up with the arms, bringing him eye level with me. “Who sent you?”

“Buck you!” He growled.

I brought one of the arms between us, and extended the blade from the claw, the cold metal grazing the side of his muzzle. “Wrong answer. Care to try again?” I said as his eyes went wide as he yelped in pain.

“I-i-i-it was Blueblood! Don't kill me!” He whimpered. I dropped him to the pavement and turned away.

“If I ever catch wind of you or your goons going after anypony again, I'll personally ensure that you don't bother anypony else again.” I said before trotting off towards home.

Author's Note:

As always drop me a comment if you spot any errors.

to those of you who haven't guessed by the chapter title, it was inspired by this song.

Comments ( 47 )

I'm not reading this. In the description, you misspelled cellist, career, inspired, and talented.

Oni #2 · Apr 4th, 2013 · · ·

You're not dead!

Now we just need to kill blueblood till he's dead!


meh, whatever, up to you man, this one is the only one i don't put through an editor because it's a just for fun one.


Also thanks for pointing that out so i could fix it. :twilightsmile:

Fair enough, I suppose.

I happen to be writing a crossover series with Marvel. I'm going to use Octavia for Dok Ock too. Small world.

And that cover art is totally and endlessly badass.

Let's see if the story matches up.


this is the one story i just write then upload, it's not really one i put much effort into. It's literally my 'okay let's bang out some writing for fun/to break this writer's block' story

There's a good reason this is featured, judging by the cover. I hope the story gives me a similar viewpoint.

Too busy to read this right now, but totally favoriting this and reading it later

alright Octavia! now go mess up blueblood!

So Scruffy decided on a different career than his brother Filthy. But seriously. What a parent would call his kid that? Or Rummy? Are our ponies that sadistic?

You sir, have a very dark view on the world of ponies :twilightoops:

I swear you use golden ink to write these stories, cause that's what they are, gold. Very nice job. I love it!


what can i say, peppy ain't my writing style and i was listening to blues while writing this.

2371402 Fair enough, fair enuogh, oh yeah, great to see a new chapter, I was wondering if it would ever come.

2370751 I've seen those stories, actually. Pretty good reads, can't wait to see what you do with Spider-Mare/Spider-Mane.

2371568 Wow thanks! But Spider-Mane (or Spider-Pony, still working out the kinks) won't happen until Phase Two of the Harmony's Warriors Universe (which is the new term for the overall universe I created)

But yeah I'm totally having Doctor Octavia.

2371578 Always happy to give criticism/praise where it is needed.:twilightsmile:

“Yeah, thinks are kind of bucked up right now, so I figured I'd let off some steam. Think the boys will let me onstage?”


“Tavi, you know you're always welcome to play here. Hell, you're half the reason we have most of our customers. Now git up there before I drag ya up there myself.” He said, and we shared a brief laugh as I downed the rest of my drink and headed for the stage through the dark haziness of the club. Nodding to Ringo, the gitaurist, I picked up the upright bass that was onstage and quickly tuned as they finished a song.


I also believe that several of your "it's" should just be "its" so just keep an eye on those in the future.

Concerning the actual story, excellent choice in the song; really set the mood quite well. I'm really glad to see this story progressing.

And now... to murder Blueblood!:pinkiecrazy:

I like this story so far! Octavia with Doc Oc's arms and not evil? Score!:rainbowkiss: I know this story is about octavia but if Vinyl gets some sort of cybernetics (probably something to do with sound) as well you will have a VERY badass duo.:moustache:

we will be getting continuations on this and other stories some time in the future....yes?


sorry, i don't get this one edited so there's bound to be a few mistakes

Nice chapter title.

Doctor Ock.... Okay, that's a clever idea. Now I have to read it to see if the execution lives up to it.

Any chance we could get an update? I love this story :)

I saw this story on your page and couldn't help but think of this song, simply because of title. Need to read the sotry now

it has been too long since u updated this particular story...we can has update yes? and maybe on Vampony and Ruins again?

Will there be an update for this anytime soon?


laptop's screwed right now so i'll write it when i fix it.

haha who needs spidermane when we got tavi

3733791 I know. The point still stands.

3733817 Is okay. Sorry if I sounded harsh. Was not my intention.

Is it fair to assume this will never be continued? :fluttershysad:

3766464 I think it is fair... And I think he just updated another story. SO HOPFLLY HE WILL UPDATE THIS NEXT.

Buck. Been almost a year since the last update so unfortunately I have to consider this story dead. Shame too. I really enjoyed it. :fluttercry:

What a shame this was a great story too many I completed on this site:fluttershysad:

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