• Published 22nd May 2016
  • 6,022 Views, 245 Comments

Spike's Dragon Code for Cuddling - Kevinltk

Spike learns that he has to cuddle with his friends because of his dragon code.

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Spike wandered around the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, searching for Applejack, his first cuddling target.

Besides Twilight, Applejack was the most familiar with his dragon code, mostly because he kept on going on and on about it when he clung to her, trying to repay her for saving him from a pack of timberwolves.

Hearing the familiar thumping of hooves bucking into trees, Spike followed the sounds until he found the mare he was looking for. Applejack did not notice him as she continued to buck the trees around her. Every tree she hit created a shower of apples that neatly dropped into the awaiting baskets that littered the ground.

Spike slowly approached the busy Applejack, his claws nervously tapping together as he waited for the right moment to make his presence known.

When Applejack took a moment to wipe her brow with a hoof, Spike gulped, gathering up his courage, before calling out, “H-hey, Applejack.”

Applejack turned to him with a big, welcoming smile. “Well, howdy there, Spike. What brings you all the way out here?”

And just like that, his courage fled the scene. “Well, I, uh, I wanted to, uh… I wanted to come visit you,” Spike replied with a sheepish grin.

“That’s awfully nice of you. You’re in luck too. Ah’m due for a break. Did you just come to talk, or did you have somethin’ in mind?” Applejack asked.

“Actually, I kind of did have something in mind but…” Spike’s gaze drifted to the ground as he fiddled his claws together.

“But what, Spike?” Applejack bent down a bit to bring herself closer to Spike’s height. “You feeling alright? You seem to be getting a bit red in the face.”

“Ack!” Spike flailed his arms and covered his face with them. “I’m fine! I’m fine!”

“You sure?” Applejack asked with a concerned frown.

“Y-yeah, it’s just…” Spike lowered his claws and took a deep breath. “Well, it’s something that I feel kind of weird talking to you about.”

“Aww, you can talk to me about anythin’. We’ve been friends long enough for me to know what you’re like, so you don’t have to worry about me thinkin’ somethin’ bad about you,” Applejack replied with a smile and a pat on Spike’s shoulder.

“R-right, friends… Good friends… Well, you see, um, you remember my dragon code, right?”

Applejack’s smile immediately vanished, and she turned a little with one hoof slightly raised. “Ah, uh, Ah do… Don’t tell me you want to serve me for life again or somethin’ like that again.” She winced a bit. “N-not that Ah didn’t appreciate your help but…”

Spike rolled his eyes as a small smile formed on his face. “Yeah, yeah, I know I kind of made a mess of things when I did that. Looking back, I think I was just too excited to think straight, and it didn’t help that I was not used to working around here.” His smile grew into a smirk. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to help you.”

Applejack chuckled, her body relaxing and not poising to run away anymore. “That’s mighty kind of you. So, what’s this about your dragon code then?”

“Right, um, I was doing a little research, and I found something noble dragons do for their close friends. I was hoping that you would let me do this, um, thing for you to show how much you mean to me.”

“Aww, shucks. Ah’m really flattered, Spike,” Applejack replied with a faint tinge of red gracing her cheeks. “Ah would say that you don’t have to do anythin’ for me, but Ah know how important your dragon code is to you. Just do be careful to not go overboard with it. So, what do you need to do?”

“I need to… Um…” Spike mumbled what he needed to do, but he had trailed off so much that even he did not hear the answer coming out of his mouth.

“Er, come again, Spike? Ah didn’t quite catch that,” Applejack stated, moving closer to the purple dragon.

Spike gulped, directing his gaze to the ground, before quietly answering. “I… I need to c-c-cuddle with you…” His cheeks felt hotter than his own dragon breath.

The silence that descended upon them was so prevalent that Spike practically heard a leaf land on the ground not too far away from them. He briefly glanced up from his feet to see that Applejack was staring at him with wide eyes.

“Um, you want to run that by me again, Spike?” Applejack eventually requested. “A-Ah could’ve sworn you said you wanted to cuddle with me.”

“I-I did…”

“Ah see…”

Sensing another moment of silence coming up, Spike cleared his throat. “Sorry, Applejack. I know it’s pretty weird. Even I’m kind of unsure about this. My dragon code is important to me, but I learned my lesson from last time. If you think it’s too much, I’m not going to force you to do anything that you’re uncomfortable with. I’ll just, uh, I’ll just let you be. Sorry for bothering you.”

“Now hold on there, Spike,” Applejack called out when Spike turned away. “You don’t have to go. Ah’m sorry for givin’ you the silent treatment. Ah was just knocked for a bit of a loop when you told me that you wanted to cuddle.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Spike said with a nod. “I wasn’t too crazy about the idea when I found out about it, but the more I thought about it, the more I could see why this was something noble dragons do. You and the others are the best friends I could ever ask for. We hug all the time, but those only last a few seconds. Cuddling is something you can do to really show somepony you care about them, and I really care about you.”

Spike blinked several times. “Boy, that didn’t sound as cheesy in my head.”

Applejack chuckled a bit before she began to trot away. She cocked her head, motioning Spike to follow her. “Come on, it’ll be more comfortable for us at the barn, and nopony should bother us in there.”

Spike’s eyes popped wide open. “W-wait, so does that mean…”

“Yep. If your dragon code wants us to cuddle, then we’re goin’ to cuddle.”

“Alright!” Spike cheered as he ran after Applejack.

A short walk later, they ended up in front of one of the barns that was close to the Apple Family home.

“You head on inside, Spike,” Applejack said, moving toward a nearby water pump. “Ah just need a moment to clean myself a bit. Ah don’t think you want to be cuddlin’ a sweaty, smelly pony.”

Spike nodded and entered the barn door by himself. He quickly noted all the tools and equipment lying around. It was obvious that this structure was used more like a storage area.

He took a deep breath. This was it. He was going to cuddle with one of his friends. He was still kind of nervous about the whole thing, but there was no turning back now. What he was going to do was not only for the sake of his dragon code, but for friendship as well. And this was just his first cuddle of the day.

“Whew, Ah really needed that!” Applejack remarked, her loud voice making Spike jump a little when he was startled from his thoughts. She trotted past Spike to a corner of the barn where she rested on a pile of hay by laying on her side.

“Come on, Spike,” Applejack beckoned when she noticed that the dragon was still standing in the middle of the room, staring at her. “It’s comfier than it looks.”

“Uh, okay.” Spike moved toward the hay and hopped onto it. He sank just a tad into the makeshift bed and found that it was actually quite soft. “Wow, this is pretty comfy actually.”

Applejack chuckled. “Sure is. Ah sometimes come in here for a break when there’s too much goin’ on in the house. So, we goin’ to do this? Ah can’t be on break for too long, so if you don’t mind, Ah would like to get things movin’.”

“Oh, uh, right. Let me just…” Spike scootched over so that he was right next to Applejack. His eyes flicked up and down from the apple farmer’s face and her body, and he could feel his cheeks starting to burn up again. “Um…”

After a few moments of staring at each other, Applejack smiled and sat up. “Alright then, come here you.”

“Whoa!” Spike yelped when Applejack’s forehooves grabbed him by his sides before she fell back onto the hay. He was now lying flat on Applejack with their stomachs touching each other.

“Apple Bloom and Ah sometimes cuddle with each other whenever one of us is feelin’ down,” Applejack explained when she placed one of her forehooves on Spike’s back. “She likes it when we’re like this, and since you’re about the same size as her, Ah figure we could just do this.”

Spike nodded, shifting himself into a more comfortable position. Despite Applejack still being slightly damp, Spike felt warm, and the pony hair brushing against his body felt nice, like a soft brush going over his scales.

His trepidations were chased away as he relished in the snug position he was in. He would not have been so worried about cuddling with his friends if he knew this was going to be feel so good.

Realizing he had not done anything yet, Spike stretched his arms and hugged Applejack, and after a brief hesitation, he rested his head on the apple farmer’s chest and began to gently nuzzle his cheek into it.

He was pleased to hear a satisfied hum escape Applejack, and he felt the hoof on his back grip him just a little bit tighter.

Spike could feel the subtle, slow undulations of Applejack’s chest as she breathed. It was a soothing motion, and he never had been in such a comfortable position. It was far more preferable to any bed or basket he ever slept on. In fact, his eyes were starting to droop as his movements became more lazy and sluggish.

That is, until he was jarred awake when he felt Applejack twitch.

Spike opened his eyes. A bit curious, he glanced up at Applejack’s face, but all he saw were shut eyes. A quiet grunt escaped him when he was jostled around as Applejack’s body began to shift left and right.

“Whoa, Applejack!” Spike cried out, tightly gripping onto Applejack’s chest.

Applejack’s movements suddenly halted, and her eyes reopened to look at him. “Oh, uh, sorry about that, Spike.”

“It’s alright, but why were you moving so much?”

“It’s just my back. Got a stubborn itch that Ah was tryin’ to get it, but the darn thing won’t go away.”

“Turn around,” Spike directed, sliding off Applejack to her side.

“Beg pardon?” Applejack asked, shooting Spike one of her trademarked raised eyebrows..

“Let me get that your itch for you. We’re already cuddling, so what’s a little back scratch?” Spike got a chuckle from Applejack, and after the itchy pony turned onto her stomach, he started scratching Applejack’s back, making sure to be careful with his sharp claws.

“A bit higher… Higher… Ahh, that’s it.” Applejack let out a happy moan that made Spike giggle.

“That good, huh?”

“Very. It’s one of those spots that is pretty much impossible to reach. Thanks for gettin’ that, Spike.”

“Sure, no problem.” Spike took his claws off Applejack, his chest puffed out a little with pride.

“Um, Spike, if you, uh, don’t mind, could you keep goin’ at it?”Applejack asked.

“You’re itchy somewhere else?”

“Well, uh, no, not really. It’s just this feels so good. Those claws of yours really do the trick.”

Spike smirked. “Of course, Applejack.” He proceeded to scratch the rest of Applejack’s back, starting from the base of her neck and slowly moving down. He added some massage-like rubs every now and then, and judging by the satisfied hums that occasionally filled the barn, they were well-appreciated.

As his claws continued to work Applejack’s body, he marveled at the taut muscles he could feel. With her earth pony heritage and all the farm-work she did, Applejack was easily the strongest one in their group of friends, but she also cared a great deal for her friends and family. He really was lucky to count Applejack as one of his best friends.

“You’re gettin’ awfully close to my rump there, Spike,” Applejack suddenly stated while Spike was working the lower part of her back.

Spike’s eyes shot wide open, and he pulled back so suddenly, he fell backwards onto the hay. “S-sorry, Applejack! I didn’t mean to!”

Applejack chuckled heartily and got up. “Sorry, Spike, Ah couldn’t resist. You’re fine. Ah was just playin’, and Ah had to make sure you stopped.” She jumped off the hay pile and onto the barn floor. “As much as Ah liked this cuddle session with you, Ah’m goin’ to have to end it. Ah got to get back to work.”

“Oh, alright,” Spike said with some disappointment. That was quickly washed away after he hopped off the hay pile and was ensnared in a hug when Applejack wrapped a foreleg around his back.

“Ah had a really great time with you, Spike. Definitely one of the best cuddles Ah ever had, but don’t tell Apple Bloom. Don’t want her gettin’ jealous with you.”

Spike laughed and returned the gesture by squeezing Applejack’s other forehoof. “I had a really great time too, and things went a lot better than I thought.”

“Ah’m guessin’ you goin’ to try and give the same treatment to the others?” Applejack asked when they finished their hug. Receiving a nod from Spike, she continued, “Well, good luck with that, not that you need it. Maybe we can do somethin’ like this again when we both have more free time.”

“I would like that. I’ll see you around, Applejack.”

Feeling more energized and his spirits lifted, Spike left Sweet Apple Acres and headed towards his next cuddling session at Fluttershy’s home.