• Published 22nd May 2016
  • 6,022 Views, 245 Comments

Spike's Dragon Code for Cuddling - Kevinltk

Spike learns that he has to cuddle with his friends because of his dragon code.

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Spike lively hummed the Power Pony theme song with a sizeable grin as he neared Fluttershy’s home.

His time with Applejack was a big success, and he felt that the bonds of their friendship had been strengthened, thanks to their cuddling session. His initial trepidations about cuddling were pretty much all gone now, and he figured that the upcoming times with the rest of his friends would be smooth sailing.

Waddling up the path up to Fluttershy’s door, he took a moment to look around to make sure the yellow pegasus was not already outside tending to an animal. All that he saw were animals either lazing about or playing on the lawn. Perfectly understandable since it was a nice day, and Spike hoped that he would make the day even nicer for himself and Fluttershy.

Spike knocked on the door, making sure it was not too loud so as not to startle the demure pegasus. Even though nothing happened within a few seconds of his knocking, he knew that this was typical of Fluttershy. He could almost see her worrying who was at the door before she went fussing around to make sure she was a good host.

After a few more moments, the door finally opened, but just a sliver with a cyan eye peeking out. “H-hello?”

“Hey, Fluttershy, it’s me,” Spike greeted, lazily waving at the eye.

The door promptly opened wide, revealing the rest of Fluttershy with a gentle smile. “Oh, hello, Spike. It’s nice to see you. How are you?”

“Doing great actually. I just came from Applejack’s place, and we had a awesome time together.”

“Oh?” Fluttershy tilted her head slightly. “What were you two doing?”

“Well, that’s why I’m here. Is it alright if I come in?”

Fluttershy gasped. “Oh dear, how rude of me. Of course you can. Come in and make yourself at home, Spike.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.”

Spike walked inside with Fluttershy and paused when he saw a small, white figure out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head, he saw Angel, Fluttershy’s pet rabbit, sitting on the floor, eyeing him warily.

“Angel,” Spike greeted in an even voice and gave the rabbit a slow nod.

Angel returned the greeting with a slow nod, but he also pointed his paw at his eyes and then slowly stretched it out at Spike.

Spike resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the ‘I got my eyes on you’ gesture. Angel was quite the rude ball of fluff and was a bit on the violent side. While he encouraged and supported Fluttershy in various things, he also demanded many things from her for his picky palate.

However, after Spike sort of pet-sit him while Fluttershy and the the others were helping the Crystal Empire to get picked as the host city for the Equestria Games, the bunny had become more bearable around him… about half the time.

“So, Fluttershy, you remember my dragon code thing, right?” Spike asked, taking a seat on the living room’s green divan.

“Yes, I do. You were working for Applejack, but she tried to get you to stop by having us pretend she needed you to save her from timberwolves.” Fluttershy smiled sheepishly, occupying the space on the opposite side of the divan. “Er, sorry that I helped with the whole tricking you thing.”

“It’s alright. I wasn’t exactly doing a great job with her anyway. Things sure got crazy when the real ones showed up though.”

“Oh my, yes, that was scary. I’m so glad none of us got hurt.” Fluttershy frowned. “I just feel bad for those poor dears because they probably were just hungry. Maybe if we fed them something… Er, not that I wanted them to eat us… or anypony else… Um, sorry…”

Spike chuckled. Leave it to Fluttershy to sympathize with the vicious beasts that almost ate them. “Nothing to apologize for, Fluttershy. It’s just in your nature to care for animals, no matter what they are. Anyway, I brought this up because I was doing a little research on the noble dragon code, and it turns out that I need to, well, cuddle with you.”

Fluttershy’s eyes flew wide open, and red overcame her yellow face. “W-what? You want to cuddle with me?”

Spike chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. “Yeah… That’s what I was doing with Applejack earlier. The noble dragon code wants me to cuddle with all of my close friends. I think the noble dragon code wants me to do it as a way for me to show how much I appreciate all of you, as well as making us better friends.”

“Um, well, that all sounds really nice, Spike.” A flustered Fluttershy played with her hooves, and her eyes darted around the room. “I do think… Maybe we could just… Oh dear… Oh my…”

Spike sighed inwardly. So much for smooth sailing. He should have figured that cuddling was outside the reserved Fluttershy’s relatively small comfort zone.

Giving Fluttershy a soft smile, Spike said, “Look, Fluttershy, I was just offering. Applejack and I only did it when we talked it over, and we both agreed to it. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, no, no, no, Spike. I didn’t mean to sound like I was turning you away.”

“So you do want to cuddle?”

“Well, um… Maybe… It’s just that…” Fluttershy let out a small sigh. “I cuddled with my animal friends plenty of times, but I never really did it with any pony or any dragon before. Do you think I’ll be good enough?”

Spike chuckled. “Well, I haven’t really cuddled much either, but I got the hang of it really quick with Applejack, and we ended up having a great time. You’ll be fine.”

“But what if I don’t do it right?”

“Um, well… Not sure how you can mess up cuddling.” Spike scratched his head, wondering what would count as a bad cuddle. “But it’s not like you’re going to do it alone. I’ll help you in any way I can.”

“I just don’t want to do something to mess up your noble dragon code. I know that it’s very important to you, and I don’t want to ruin things and be a bad friend.”

“Fluttershy, let me make this clear.” Spike stood up on the divan and put his arms on his hips. “You’re a great pony. You don’t have to worry that one thing, like a bad cuddle, will make me hate you or anything. Yes, my dragon code is important to me, but what’s more important is my friendship with you and the others.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Aww, that’s really sweet of you to say, Spike. Hearing that really helps a lot. If you’re absolutely sure that you wouldn’t mind me, then I guess I could try cuddling with you.”

Spike did a fist pump. “Alright!”

“But, uh, just one teensy-weensy little thing,” Fluttershy added with an apologetic smile. “I have to feed some of the animals right now. Would it be alright if you gave me a few minutes?”

“Sure.” Spike jumped off the chair. “In fact, why don’t I help you?”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that, Spike. I can handle it,” Fluttershy replied, sliding off her own seat to go into the kitchen.

Spike followed Fluttershy anyway. “But one of the main reasons I’m doing this cuddling thing is to show my appreciation for my friends, and what better way of doing that than by helping out? Come on, there’s gotta be something I can do.”

“Well, if you really want to…” Fluttershy opened one of the larger kitchen cabinets and pulled out a bag of bird seed that was about half the size of Spike. “Do you think you can carry this for me? It would save me a trip.”

“No problem!” Spike grabbed the bag and held it above him so he could also use his head. The bag sagged a bit in front of his eyes, but the use of both of his arms and his head made it easy to carry.

As Fluttershy packed various other food for the animals in a basket, Spike felt a soft kick to the back of his leg. He turned around and looked down to see Angel glaring up at him with his arms folded across his chest.

“Yes, Angel?” Spike asked.

Angel used his paw to make a slashing motion across his throat before he scampered out of the room.

“Uh…” Spike stared in the direction Angel ran, unsure of what just happened.

“Is something wrong, Spike?” Fluttershy asked.

“Uh, nothing. It’s nothing.” Spike turned back to Fluttershy and saw a now-full basket at her hooves. “Ready to go?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded and then picked up the basket in her mouth.

Spike followed Fluttershy outside with the bird seed. She directed him toward the bird feeders, but they were quickly mobbed by other animals, and Fluttershy had to stop and tend to the hungry critters.

Spike chuckled as he watched the animals go up to Fluttershy without a hint of fear for the animal caretaker. Fluttershy, in turn, pulled out bowls of vegetables, slices of cheese, fish, and other tasty goodies from her basket. With the bag of bird seed still partially blocking Spike's field of vision and his mind wondering how in Equestria Fluttershy managed to fit all those things into her basket, he did not notice a looming shadow coming up right behind him.

Suddenly, Spike felt two large paws wrap around him and lift him high into the air. Dropping the bird seed, he wildly flailed all four of his limbs and started screaming. His panic only increased when the furry arms squeezed him against a wall of fur.

“Fluttershy, help!” Spike yelled at the top of his lungs.

Fluttershy’s attention quickly looked up, but instead of immediately rushing to his aid like Spike hoped, she only giggled. “Don’t worry, Spike, it’s just Harry.”

“H-H-Harry?” Spike turned his head and balked when he saw the face of a bear looking down at him. “Uh, h-hi.”

Harry replied with a smile and a greeting grunt.

Spike relaxed a bit now that he knew he was relatively safe. “So, uh, why did you pick me up, big guy?”

Harry let out several more grunts and moans.

Fluttershy giggled again. “Oh, Harry, that’s so like you.”

“What? What did he say?” Spike asked.

“He must have overheard us talking earlier because he thinks you’re giving out cuddles.”

Suddenly, Spike did not feel so safe. “Well, uh, that is to say, uh—Whoa!”

Spike’s eyes flew wide open when he was quickly turned around and was given a literal bear hug. Unable to see anything but bear fur, Spike tried to move into a better position, but all he could muster could barely register as a squirm in Harry’s iron grip.

“Can’t breathe…” Spike tried to shout, but his words were muffled by bulky brown bear blubber. He attempted to pound on Harry’s chest to get his attention, but all he managed were little taps and rubs that would only look like a massage to any bystanders.

Just as Spike was sure he was going to die a horribly huggy death, Harry pulled him away from his chest and gently set the dragon back down on the ground. Spike fell to his knees, heaving for fresh air and barely registering the pats to his head.

“Did you have fun with Spike, Harry?” Fluttershy asked, flying up to the bear.

Harry responded with a huge toothy smile and a happy grunt.

“Well, I’m glad you did. Now go on and enjoy your lunch.” Fluttershy pulled out a beehive dripping with honey from behind her back and gave it to Harry.

When Harry plodded off, Fluttershy turned her attention to Spike. “Sorry about that, Spike. Harry really is a big softie. He really likes those kind of things and sometimes gets a wee bit carried away.”

“No kidding,” Spike said with a groan. Getting back on his feet, he noticed that Angel was rolling around the grass, pointing and laughing at him.

“Dumb bunny,” Spike mumbled with a huff, making sure it was quiet enough so that Fluttershy could not hear.

After making sure all his bones were still intact and there was no internal bleeding, Spike helped Fluttershy finish feeding the rest of the animals, and they returned inside without another incident.

“So, is that everything?” Spike asked as they put the leftover bird seed and basket away.

“It is. I’m pretty much free until I have to feed the nocturnal animals tonight.”

“So does that mean we can…”

“Oh, right.” Fluttershy gave Spike a nervous smile and blushed slightly.

“You’re absolutely sure you want to do this, Fluttershy?” Spike asked, noting Fluttershy’s hesitance.

“Yes, I do. It’s just me being my usual nervous self. I really do need to try and get better when I’m around others, especially my friends. Just, uh, let’s make sure to take it nice and slow. Baby steps, please.”

“Baby steps with a baby dragon,” Spike pointed out with a grin. Even though he'd rather not be referred to as a baby, he could not pass up the little quip.

Fluttershy giggled and led him back to the divan. They both sat down, but this time, they were seated side by side. “So, um, what should I do?”

“Hmm…” Spike tapped his chin in thought. “Well, you said you cuddled with your animal friends before, so why don’t you pretend I’m an animal and do the same for me? There’s gotta be some that are around my size.”

“Alright then. I guess I should, um… Do you mind if I pick you up?”

Spike smiled and stretched his arms to the side as though he was about to hug her.

Fluttershy slowly reached over and gingerly picked Spike up by his armpits. She brought Spike closer, lightly pressing him against her chest, as she lay down on her side, taking the dragon with her.

“Whoa, this is actually really nice,” Spike remarked, feeling snug in Fluttershy’s gentle grip as the pegasus’s hooves moved behind his back to secure him in the embrace. “You’re a natural at this.”

“R-really? That’s good,” Fluttershy stated with a sigh of relief.

Spike’s eyes widened a bit, feeling Fluttershy’s entire body relaxing. “Wow, you really were nervous. You feeling better now?”

“Much better now that I know I can do this right. Um, I am doing this right… right?”

“Yes you are, Fluttershy. I told you, it’s easy,” Spike said with a grin. “So, what would your animal friends do while they’re like this?”

“Well, not much, but some of them do like to use their cute, little noses to snuggle into me.”

“Hmm…” Spike did not really think that was for him. He was more of a claws-on dragon. “Oh, I know. You mind letting go for a sec so that I can move?”

After Fluttershy silently nodded and removed her hooves from Spike’s back, he moved further up the divan so that he could be closer to the pegasus’s face. In his previous position, his arms could barely reach halfway around Fluttershy’s body. In his new position, however, he could easily get his claws around Fluttershy’s neck to rub the back of it.

Fluttershy giggled when Spike also started snuggling into her neck, causing the frills on top of his head to rub the underside of her chin. “That tickles, Spike.”

“Oh, uh, sorry,” Spike promptly apologized, halting his head movements.

“No, no, it’s alright. It’s actually kind of pleasant. You can keep on doing it, if you want to that is.”

“If you like it, then yeah,” Spike said. “I’m here to show my appreciation for you. This cuddling is supposed to make you feel good, so if there’s something you want me to do, just say it, alright?”

“Um, okay. Spike, if it’s alright with you, could you, um, keep snuggling like you were doing a moment ago?”

Spike chuckled and resumed moving. “Of course.”

“Thank you, Spike,” Fluttershy said with a warm smile and then placed her hooves around Spike again.

It was no wonder that animals liked to cuddle with Fluttershy. Her mother-like, caring nature offered a warm, safe haven within her hooves, and Spike was relishing the experience. In fact, he could feel a tingling sensation somewhere along his back. It felt a bit weird, but it was not unpleasant. Associating it as part of Fluttershy’s awesome hug, he paid little heed to it while he continued to return Fluttershy’s cuddles, even when the tingling slowly traveled up his back to his head.

“Um, Spike?” Fluttershy quietly uttered.

“Yeah?” Spike replied. His eyes had closed at some point to more thoroughly enjoy the touch of Fluttershy’s soft hair on his scales.

“We have a visitor.”

“Huh?” Spike opened his eyes to see Fluttershy was looking directly at him, or rather right above him.

Suddenly, a horrible visage with huge mandibles and eight red eyes filled his vision.

Spike let out a totally not girly shriek and instinctively pushed himself backwards in an attempt to get away from whatever monstrosity had descended upon him. Unfortunately, his retreat propelled him off the divan, and he promptly fell to the floor with a dull thud.

Spike groaned before he started to get up. “W-what was that?” Once he was back on his feet, he quickly looked around for the monster, but all he saw was Fluttershy sitting on her haunches with a spider roughly the size of a bird standing on her forehooves. “Wait, it was just a spider?”

“Spike, you remember Fuzzy Legs from last Nightmare Night, right?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, uh, yeah. That was a nice job you did back then, dude.”

Fuzzy Legs used one of its eight legs to salute Spike and then made a series of clicking sounds with its mandibles.

“Fuzzy Legs says thanks. He’s also sorry for scaring you,” Fluttershy translated.

“Scared?” Spike scoffed. “I wasn’t scared. Nope, totally wasn’t. I was just surprised. Yeah, that’s it.”

Fluttershy and Fuzzy Legs exchanged glances before Fluttershy said, “Actually, he must have overheard us as well because he wants to cuddle with you.”

“Seriously?” Spike asked with a deadpan face.

Fuzzy Legs nodded, which pretty much made his entire body bob up and down.

Spike sighed and facepalmed, muttering under his breath, “You start cuddling, and then suddenly everypony wants to cuddle with you…” He sighed again and stared back at Fuzzy Legs. “Alright then, let’s get it done.”

Fuzzy Legs waved two of its legs in the air like a happy cheer, and Fluttershy set him down on the nearby table.

“So I should just um… What am I supposed to do?” Spike asked.

Fuzzy Legs waved a leg in a beckoning motion for Spike to come even closer.

Spike stepped forward so that he was practically right next to the spider and look directly down at him.

Fuzzy Legs waved his leg once again.

Spike knelt down and leaned in so that his face was at the same height as the spider. He shivered when Fuzzy Legs charged forward and hugged his face, two legs on each of his cheeks while the other four kept it upright.

“Uh, okay, so what do I… Maybe I could just…” Spike used one of his claw digits to stroke Fuzzy Legs’s back, but carefully so as not to squish the arachnid.

Spike was not sure if this was what he was supposed to do, but judging by the happy chittering and delight in Fuzzy Leg’s eyes, he was doing something right. Or at least, he guessed that those were happy chittering and delighted eyes. Spiders were weird.

After an ample amount of awkward arachnid cuddling had passed, Fuzzy Legs dropped back on his eight legs and backed away from Spike’s face.

Spike’s ensuing sigh of relief nearly bowled the spider over. “Er, sorry, dude.”

Fuzzy Legs waved it off, saluted Spike again, and scurried away.

“That was really sweet of you, Spike. Fuzzy Legs really appreciated it,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

Spike rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, well, can’t really say no to cuddling…” Even though I really wanted to, he added as an afterthought.

“But seriously, first Harry and now Fuzzy Legs?” Spike continued. “I spent more time with your animals than with you, and I’m not sure I have it in me to cuddle every one that comes up to me.”

Fluttershy sighed, a small frown appearing on her face while her head bowed. “I’m sorry, Spike. I know you just wanted to fulfil your noble dragon code by cuddling with me, but I keep letting things distract us. I guess I am messing things up for you.”

Spike waved his claws frantically in front of him. “No, no, no, I’m not blaming you, Fluttershy. I’m just a bit annoyed we keep getting interrupted. I mean, seriously, did every animal hear us talking earlier?”

“Well, I’m pretty sure they were all outside, but I suppose it’s possible that one of the critters stayed behind and has been spreading the news.”

Spike did not recall seeing any other animals earlier as well. It seemed like the only ones who were in the living room were him, Fluttershy, and—

Spike’s eyes widened for a second before narrowing down into a glare. He looked around and quickly zeroed in on a devilish ball of fluff who was peeking from behind a wall with a smirk on its face.


Fluttershy turned her head to see what Spike was looking at, but Angel darted out of sight before she saw him. “What are you looking at, Spike?”

“Um… It’s nothing. Was just thinking about something,” Spike replied. Like how far I can punt that darn bunny.

“Oh, okay. Say, um, Spike, do you want to try one more time? We can do it in my room where we won’t be disturbed.”

“Really?” Spike was a bit surprised that Fluttershy was pushing for cuddling this time.

Fluttershy nodded, smiling. “It was really nice, and I would like to make sure you at least get a good cuddle.”

“Sure, that would be great! But, uh, why don’t you go up first? I’m going to get myself a drink of water really quick.”

“Alright, Spike. I’ll see you in a minute.”

Fluttershy trotted up the stairs, and as soon as Spike heard the door close, he said out loud, “Come on out, Angel. I know you’re there.”

Sure enough, the naughty rabbit hopped into the room, his smirk still present.

“I know it’s you that told Harry and Fuzzy Legs to cuddle with me,” Spike accused.

Angel’s smirk only grew wider.

“What’s your problem, Angel? I just want to cuddle with Fluttershy,” Spike asked with a frown.

Angel scowled and pointed a paw at him.

“Me? You have a problem with me? But I thought we were cool after the whole pet-sitting thing?”

Angel proceeded to gesture with his paws and even included an imitation of Fluttershy and a not so flattering version of Spike.

“What?! You think I’m bullying her into cuddling me?! I would never do that to Fluttershy.” Spike rolled his eyes as Angel replied with a flurry of movement. “Yes, I brought it up with her, but I didn’t make her do anything. I offered to let it go, but she wants to do this.”

Angel made a few more gestures with his paws, including a few rude ones, before turning his back to Spike with his arms across his chest.

“So you’re just looking out for her to make sure she doesn’t get hurt?” Spike paused for a moment and tapped his chin. “Oh, I think I get it now. Let me guess, you cuddle with Fluttershy a lot, don’t you?”

Angel’s head turned slightly towards him, showing an eyebrow that reached up to his tall ears.

“You’re jealous that Fluttershy wants to cuddle with me, aren’t you?” Spike said with a slowly growing smirk of his own.

There was a barely perceivable flinch from the bunny, but Spike had been watching closely and caught it.

Spike sighed. “Look, Angel, this cuddling thing is for my noble dragon code, and it’s very important to me. I would really appreciate it if you’ll just let me do this. I promise that I’m not trying to take your place or anything.

“Besides, do you really think Fluttershy is ever going to forget about you? You make her do all sorts of stuff for you, and you have to admit that you’re pretty demanding. And yet, she does it all for you with a smile. She loves you very much.”

Angel turned his head even more, both of his eyes staring at Spike with interest.

“I can understand that you want to protect her, but Fluttershy should be able to try new things if she wants to and without you going behind her back to sabotage things. She can’t do the same thing every day, and you want her to be happy, right?”

Angel’s posture sagged, and he nodded.

“So is it alright if I cuddle with Fluttershy? I’ll even make sure to not do it for too long if you want.”

Angel fully turned to Spike, staring at him with a scrutinizing glare, and after a few moments, he slowly nodded.

“Thanks, Angel,” Spike said with a smile.

Angel rolled his eyes and waved him off.

With the bunny’s blessing, Spike finally went up the stairs, towards Fluttershy’s room, and knocked on the door. “Hey, Fluttershy, it’s Spike.”

“Come on in, Spike.”

Spike entered the room to find Fluttershy sitting down on the bed

“Was everything alright?” Fluttershy asked. “You took a little longer than I thought. Um, not that I mind.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Angel wanted to say hi to me.” Spike decided to save both Fluttershy and Angel some trouble.

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, that’s so nice of him.”

“Yeah, heh… Nice…” Spike cleared his throat. “So, you all ready, Fluttershy?”

With a nod from Fluttershy, Spike closed the door, hopefully ensuring their privacy, and then climbed onto the bed so that they can pick up where they left off. As Spike moved to bring his arms to Fluttershy’s neck like before, he noticed that Fluttershy already had her hooves around him and was hugging him tightly.

“Wow, you really wanted to resume cuddling, didn’t you?” Spike remarked.

Fluttershy blushed and loosened her grip. “Oh, uh, sorry, Spike. Was I too fast?”

Spike chuckled. “I’m just amused that you’re a lot more eager than when we first started.”

“Well, you are a wonderful cuddler, Spike. It has been a whole different experience doing it with you than with my animal friends, in a good way of course.”

“So I take it you’re feeling more comfortable with the thought of cuddling with ponies?”

“Baby steps, Spike. I suppose I could try it out with one of our friends if the situation called for it. But um…” Fluttershy smiled down at Spike with a small blush. “I certainly would not mind doing this again with you, preferably without any interruptions.”

Spike nodded and patted Fluttershy’s neck. “Me too.”

“I also have to thank you for being so patient. I know it was a bit awkward for you with Harry and Fuzzy Legs, but you were so nice to them. You were also patient with me when I was worrying so much about messing things up. Cuddling with somepony other than my animal friends is so different, and I have to admit, sort of scary.”

“Well, I was kind of skeptical when I found out about this cuddling thing, but after I tried it out, I had the time of my life. In fact, I’m having another one right now with you. Sometimes you have to just get out and do something different. You can’t be too cautious and end up missing some great things.”

Fluttershy giggled, and she leaned forward to rub her muzzle on Spike’s nose. “Thank you, Spike. I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

Silence fell over them when neither of them had anything else to say, but that was more than fine for the both of them. It allowed them to concentrate on the more important things, like how pleasant and satisfying their cuddling was.

But of course, Spike encountered another bump in the road. When he shifted his position, he noted that the door was slightly ajar and a small head was peeking from behind it. “Angel?”

Fluttershy raised her head to look at her pet. “Angel? Is there something the matter?”

Angel stared at Spike and Fluttershy for a few moments before slowly shaking his head.

“Oh, so you were just checking on us?”

Angel nodded.

“Well, we’re doing fine. More than fine actually. Spike is such a gentledragon. Would it be alright if I spend a bit more time with him?”

Angel hesitated for a few moments, his head looking back and forth between Spike and Fluttershy, before he nodded.

Fluttershy smiled. “Thank you, Angel. I’ll be sure to come down and check on you before long.”

Angel gave the pegasus a small smile before turning away.

“Wait, Angel,” Spike called out, getting the bunny to look back at him. “Do you want to join us?”

Angel’s eyes widened, and he cocked his head.

“Are you sure, Spike?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, he’s cool.” Spike gave Angel a smile and patted a spot between him and Fluttershy. “Come on, buddy.”

Angel quickly hopped across the room and onto the bed with a big smile. Spike and Fluttershy shifted around, allowing the bunny to nest inside a crevice between them before placing a hoof and claw over him.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh.

Spike smiled at Fluttershy before turning his attention to Angel. He chuckled to find Angel staring at him with a smile of his own and a raised eyebrow. He raised his fist toward the bunny, and shortly after, Angel tapped it with his paw in a fist bump.

With peace restored between them, Spike and Angel closed their eyes to enjoy their remaining time in cuddly bliss.

Spike might have had to do a bit more work than he had planned to at Fluttershy’s, along with some incidents he is going to do his best to scrub out of his memories, but it was certainly worth it to finally get in some quality cuddle time with Fluttershy… even if he did have to share it with Angel.