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Chapter 1: The Beggining


Equestria "Ponyville Library"

"Spike? Spiiiiike?! where's my book of old equestrian history? i left it over here last night? spiiiiiiiiiiiiiike!" said a purple coated unicorn

"It's over here twilight! you left it by the couch last night...." said a purple baby dragon

"oh...anyways, thanks my number one assistant" said twilight

"why do you suddenly want to read old equestrian history?" said spike

"well, did you remember last night when we got a very late message from princess celestia?" said twilight while flipping through some pages of old equestrian history.

"yeah, and boy i almost burnt my blanky over that, good thing i felt it a little earlier, what does it say anyways?" said spike

"well the letter said, to read the unknown war of '67 and to expect the unexpected." said twilight

"like Discord wasn't enough, and now this?" said a spike with a worried look on his face

"i know right? now lets see...................here it is! the unknown war of '67, it says here that before discord was emprisoned in stone, there was a war that broke out in equestria with the side of chaos and disharmony led by discord against order and harmony led by the two sisters princess luna and princess celestia and that's about it.... well that doesnt seem right.." said a confused twilight

"hmmm, maybe the princess knows something that we don't?" said spike

"you might be right spike, maybe that's why she wanted us to read this part of history, in the end the two princesses won, but there maybe more to it than we thought..." said twilight

"Buuuuurp" spike belched forth a message and twilight quickly read through the message

Dear Twilight sparkle,

It has come to my attention that you might have already finished reading the history of the unkown war of '67, please come to canterlot as soon as possible and bring the other elements of harmony with you, it is a matter of importance.

Princess Celestia


"yeah twi?"

"gather everyone, where going to canterlot to see the princess" said twilight


Innistrad "???"

"Lilianna that lothesome witch! i must find her and reverse this curse that has befallen me!" growled garruk

it has been months since his encounter with liliana and he has been tracking her ever since finally arriving at the planes of innistrad.

"you sure are a persistent beast..." said an alluring voice

"Liliana!! Remove this curse that you have given me!! and pay for your sins!" screamed garruk, liliana appeared infront of him sitting atop a huge boulder holding the veil in her hands, playing with it, spinning it in one finger.

"well, it was not my fault that your "pet" is dead, i was merely defending myself much like what i did when you attacked me, you and your pet deserve of what has befallen on the both of you." said liliana

"Witch! it was your fault! those ruins where offlimits to the like of you!" growled garruk

"even if you speak that, i've got what i wanted in the end.. and you are in no shape nor power to battle against me... tell you what, i will lift your curse...IF you can follow me.....hmhmhmhmhm" said liliana with a playfull yet seductive voice. And with that liliana disappeared, most likely planeswalked.

"Witch! enough with your games!" and with that scream he disappeard and followed liliana.


New Phyrexia "The Great Furnace"

"we need to find a way to win against the phyrexians, though the preator of this layer is quite strange, letting us stay in his territory, he is either kind or has his own principle of things" said a female knight

"indeed but wether they be good or bad intentions, they still invaded mirrodin, and i cannot tolerate that they have infected my homeland and slayed if not all of my kind." said a brutishly huge man with granite ingraved in his arms and legs.

"still it gives as a fighting chance to regroup, i will visit Gideon and ask for assistance, we cannot win this war alone anymore koth" said the female knight

"yes..you are right elspeth help is what we need right now to win back mirrodin, how soon will you be leaving" said koth

"i will now, the sooner we get help the better" said elspeth

"i see, be well elspeth, i pray for your safe journey" said koth

"i thank you koth, you be well too, do not do anything hastely and wait for my return, we WILL get mirrodin back" said elspeth and with that she planeswalked.



"damn this things! they're getting harder and harder to defeat with each passing day!" said a female pyromancer

"i apologive chandra for draging you in this war..." said a knight

"you don't need to apologize to me gideon, zendikar is a home to me, and the way i hate being ordered around and playing by the rules, i like a little "spice" in my everyday life" said chandra

"hmhmhm, your enthusiasm never seizes to amaze me chandra," said gideon

"heh! better this things than jace!... where is jace anyway?" said chandra

"he is at his vault, trying to figure out how to close the eye." said gideon

"that bookworm, heh! more for us huh gedeon?" said chandra

"hmhmhm, as much that i hate to admit it, yes, more for us" said gideon with a grin on his face


Zendikar "Vaults Archive"

"hmmmm, i may have found a way....if we ask for the help from this planeswalker...hmmm" said a blue cloaked man

"archevist! take note of this scroll over her and also that book.." he ordered

"understood master beleren...is this the book sire?" said the archevist

"yes that book...i must see gideon and that woman...bring that book to the strategy room, we will meet you there" said jace and with an enchantment he was gone.

".....the book of the plane of Equestria....best not to pry on the master's books..." said the archevist


To Be Continued