• Published 3rd Jun 2016
  • 517 Views, 22 Comments

A little something I can call mine - dash446

Gamma Ray an homeless colt struggles to survive in the cold winter, but he eventually finds somepony that will take him in.

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A cold winters night in the city.

Out behind a business building lays a colt bundled in ratty blankets in the gentle moon light. The night was cold, below freezing to say. Each breath he exhaled he could see a white puff of breath. He looked at the many homeless ponies that dwells within that ally. He locked his gaze on a stallion that is singing drunkenly by a small bonfire set up by his tent. In his magical grip floated a bottle of hard cider. Every passing moment he wold take a swig and sing.

He looked up to the clear night sky and made a prayer to Celestia and luna "Luna, Celestia pleas let somepony give me a home." After saying the prayer a tear ran down his matted, light green coat.

Soon he was in shambles, crying, holding his only procession - a small, tattered, Daring Do plushie- in between his hooves holding it tight. The doll had a special meaning to him.

The doll was given to him by the only member of his family that cared for him, his older brother Doodle, which passed away a year ago, that day.

The homeless drunk turned to the young colt and shot him an annoyed look "Oh, sut-shut thee buuck up!" He yelled. Then the stallion thrown the now empty bottle of Sweet Apple achors hard cider at him.

The bottle was thrown way off course and hit the brick wall behind him. He jumped in fright of what this stallion might do next, but to his relief the stallion turned and crawled into his tent to rest.

The young colt then buried himself deep in his blankets and shut his eyes tight to welcome himself to the land of dreams.


In small home the colt sits with his older brother, Doodle on the sofa. Doodle asks "Hay, bro how was school today?" His older brother asked.

Gamma Ray absent mindly said "good." He currently had his face buried in the new Daring Do book which was about her finding a long lost facility in which they froze people alive, then billions of years later she finds a lost sole in that facility.

"Hay,Gamma. How's the book?" Doodle asked curiously.

Gamma turned to his older brother with a massive smile on his face"GRATE!" he yells in happiness and joy.

Doodle asks "What is the name of it again, I forgot and I was the who bought the book." He finishes with a low chuckle.

Gamma turned to his brother and answered "Daring Do and the lyeberth of science!" He finishes with childish glee. He has been reading for about twenty minutes now and each passing minute the book got better and better.

The door bell rang repeatedly several times before Doodle stands up to answer the door, but to Gamma's horror, when Doodle opened the door it opened to an never-ending black abyss.then this massive black tar-like tentical shot out and wrapped around Doodle's waste and started pulling him toward the darkness. Doodle quickly shot both of his fore legs out and gripped on to the frame of the door. Doodle gave Gamma an look that told him that he is pleading for help then whispered "help", but before Gamma had any chance to help hos brother, he was gone.


Gamma shot up out of his cloth cocoon, sweating with tears running down his face. He looked over to where the drunk was dwelling to only see an dark shadow behind the thin cloth. He looked up to the moon to judge the time to only find out that it was Three in the morning. He sighed and rested his head down in the blankets to go back to sleep, but his stomach growled loudly I need some food, I better check behind the Doughnut Joe's up the street. he thought. So with that he got up and wrapped himself in various different cloths that he scavenged from various dumpster, trash cans, and trash bags.

Once he was wrapped in the disregarded cloths, he started his trot to doughnut joe's. Once he rounded the corner onto the sidewalk he trotted onwards. He passed a particular boutique that is owned by one of the Elements of Harmony, Rarity, the element of generosity. It had several poniequins in the windows equip with various pieces of fine cloathing. The cloths were finely crafted at first look.

He turned his head foreword and saw this nerd, she was the definition of NERD. She had this plaid winter coat, glasses, braces, and two pony tails in her mane. Her coat was bright orange and her mane is purple. He watched to see where she was heading, she turned to cross the street to reach her destination, the boutique across the street.

He watched as she used theses robotic claws to handle the keys in her hooves. Once she grabbed the keys and inserted them in the key hole she twisted them to the left and opened the door. Much to his curiosity, he crept up to the boutique to see what it looked like inside. His eyes widened when he saw the cafe. It had cakes stored in an refrigeration unit. Gamma quickly snuck through the many articles of clothes.

Just as he was about to reach Saddle Row's cafe, the orange and purple mare with a plaid hart as her cutie mark decided to trot over to check the supply of cakes that were left. "Crap, Crap,Crap. I need to get some food in me." Gamma said quietly.

The mare's left ear twitched and she lifted her head to see if anypony were there. "Hellow, anypony there?" She said with a lisp. Then she surveyed the area before spotting a dark green tail sticking out from a rack of dresses. "Hay, you get out now, you can't be here at this hour." Before she could get to the colt, he bolted out.

"Crap!" Gamma yelled as he bolted towards the cakes on display and throwing himself into the glass, braking it. The mare stood there shocked at what this colt just did, HE BROKE THE GLASS WITH HIS BODY. Then Gamma quickly stood up and snatched five cakes and bolting out the door.


Twenty minutes later back in the alley

Gamma silently read his only book, the Daring Do book from his dream. He let out an loud yon before placing the book down by the Daring Do plushie. He quickly scarfed down the last of the delicious vanilla cake and resting himself in the cloth cocoon once more.