• Published 3rd Jun 2016
  • 517 Views, 22 Comments

A little something I can call mine - dash446

Gamma Ray an homeless colt struggles to survive in the cold winter, but he eventually finds somepony that will take him in.

  • ...

It's a cold, cold world.

Gamma awoken to the sound of snow crunching under somepony's hooves. Then he herd several young (but older) voices murdering. Gamma looked to his right to see two colts and two fillies. The purple coated and green mained colt looked to be the oldest out of the grope.

The colt walked right up to him and spit in his face and laughed "Dose the little blank flank want a home, too bad nopony wants you!" After he said that, the unicorn filly with the gray coat and red and green main came up to Gamma and bucked him in the side and then levitated an lid from an trash can and hit him in the face. Gamma fell to the ground, crying with two large noticeable bruises forming under his green coat.

Gamma looks up to the filly whom just beaten him with the lid and asks silently "why are you doing this, I never did anything thing to you?" Then he started crying out in pain and quivering from the cold snow that he lays in.

"Why, because you are a bucking blank flank and you are homeless. We always target the homeless. We call our selves The Homeless Hunters and we bully homeless ponies." After she answered his question the grope laughed hysterically. Whale they laughed Gamma charged the lead filly and tackled her, slaming her to the ground. Then he sprinted away with book and doll in tow.


Meanwhile a particular orange and purple pegsus waltched as a colt runs past her. Another filly walks up to her and asks "Ah, Scoot? Why are you just standing there?"

Scootaloo turns to the filly that just asked her the question" Um I don't know maybe because I might have just saw a colt run by me with no cutie mark." She answered to Applebloom.

Applebloom turned and gazed at Scootaloo "Why are you moody Scoot?"

Scootaloo returned Apple Bloom's gaze, and answered, "Why? Because somepony stole my scooter! And when I find who did it, I'm going to kill them!" She finished with no small amount of anger in her voice, it was clear to those who were listening that she was angry at the theft of her beloved mode of transportation.

Sweetie Bell peeked from behind a dumpster shaking like a pant shaker due to Scootaloo's yelling. She looked to Applebloom and asked in a shaken voice "Is she done?"

Applebloom looks to Scootaloo to see if she was going to rant some more. When she herd nothing but a few mudders from Scootaloo she turned to Sweetie Bell "Ya can come out now she's done." Applebloom said.

Scootaloo turned to Applebloom and asked "What are we going to do because I'm board." Scootaloo said in frustration.

Sweetie Bell piped up and adjusted her thick purple and pink winter coat and said "Oh, how about we help that colt fund his cutie mark?" After she suggested that Applebloom looked to Scootaloo to see if she agreed.

When Sweetie Bell seen that they agreed she reached her forleg out and yelled "Cutie mark crusader, cutie mark finders!she just went with what she know.

Scootaloo turned to Applebloom and asked "Whare in tartus is he anyways?" They all turned to each other and gave questioning glares.


Meanwhile behind a ally way, Gamma sat in a tattered, snow covered, and old armchair. He sat there warring the same rags he had on when he stolen the cake from saddle row.

He is currently reading the same Daring Do book he had for the past year. He sat there quietly hopping that the "homeless hunters" won't find him hope they don't find me he thought. Just as he finished that thought he herd three voices yelling loudly at the same time. He quickly closed the book and scanned his surroundings to see nothing out of the ordinary. All he seen were several disregarded icy and rusty garbage cans, an old dumpster, an ally cat and her kittens sitting by a heating duct, and litter all over the place, so he went back to reading.

A few minuets later he heard three voices chattering, so Gamma decides to stay quiet for the time being, but at that moment he sneezed loudly drawing attention to him self "Oh, by Celestia please don't let that be t Homeless Hunters, Please don't let that be them." he silently chanted to him self.

To his relief it was three fillies, a white unicorn with a light purple and pink mane, a yellow earth pony with red mane, and an orange pegasus with a purple mane. The unicorn turned to him and said "hay, there's the colt you mentioned earlier, Scootaloo! he looks kinda sick and dirty." she said with an worrying frown.

The other fillies turned to look at him and there jaws dropped due to the state he was in, his coat green coat is matted with dirt, his mane light green mane ran down to his legs, his blue eyes are slightly clouded and blood shot , and his apparel were made up of a few towels, shirts and rags.

The earth pony spoke up "Excuse me, are ya ok?" she asked in a Southerner accent.

Gamma answered her after a short pause "Ummm...... Yes i guess?" He said with a raspy voice. then he went into a caughfing fit and passed out.


Sweetie Bell turned to the sickly colt that lays before her on the snow covered pavement "Maybe we should get him over over to my sisters friends house, she only lives up the street from here." Sweetie Bell suggested to her friends.

The two fillies turned with unsure looks on there faces. Scootaloo is the first to ask " Who might this friend of Rarity's you are talking about.' Scoot asked.

Sweetie Bell answered the question "Coco Pemmal, she is a designer just like Rarity." Sweetie finished.

Author's Note:

Well ell i am planning to make a sequel to this book once it is finished. I have maybe seven more chapters to write. Please like, subscribe, fave.