• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 4,911 Views, 157 Comments

An Iron Pawn - Eathlome

This is the story of Adam, a plaything of the gods, and his adventure in Equestria.

  • ...

Lolcano Pt. 1

An Iron Pawn

Lolcano Pt. 1







Much Earlier

'So, Cora, any ideas about how we can restore your power a bit more?'


'Any secret worshipers, ancient artifacts, or hidden temples?'


'Ancient seals, which when broken will return a portion of your strength?'

Cora just shook her head.

'How about and conveniently placed wells of power?'

Cora paused for a moment, I could tell she was thinking very hard about what I had just said.


I gestured for her to continue.

"We could use Ley Nexuses. They have a bunch of unused energy floating around."

'Alright, this is good. Where's the nearest one?'

Cora let out a nervous giggle.

"Well... that would be at ... Gaia's Naval..."

There was an awkward silence, followed shortly after by the distinct metallic clang of my hand and face enthusiastically greeting each other.

'...Do you want to head back?'

Cora scratched her head, before giving shake no.

"It isn't a very strong one anyways, and I have a better idea!"

I was a bit hesitant about Cora's idea.

'...what is it?'

"Well, there's a pretty strong Ley Nexus not to far from here... and another smaller one on the way..."


"Well, the smaller one might have some strange side effects... but you shouldn't be affected."

'What about the larger one?'

"It's on top of a volcano!" Cora said, with a huge smile.

I know I'm going to regret this.

'Alright,' I said, picking Cora up, 'which way?'

Cora gave a gleeful giggle, and pointed in a direction that was approximately west. We continued walking, and by that I mean that I walked and Cora rode on my shoulder. I don't know exactly how long we walked for, but we decided to stop once it got dark. While I don't get tired, it still is pretty hard to see when it's pitch black out, and I didn't want off walk off a nearby cliff.

We passed the night away by telling stories. I told Cora about some of my adventures, past games, and so on; and Cora told me about how she came into being, and helped hold this world together while it formed, how she went to sleep embraced by her younger sister, and the different times she awoke. I had a feeling that she was leaving out an important detail, but I'm sure she'd tell me if I needed to know. It was probably a bad memory she didn't want to remember. By the time we had finished our tales the sun had just passed over the horizon, so we decided to start moving again.

After a couple hours of walking, I began to feel a strange sensation. It was sort of like a buzz or a hum, right at the back of my head. I shook my head, ignoring it, and pressed on. As we continued, the trees began to thin slightly, and the hum began to steadily increase.


"We're almost there."

I paused, and glanced at Cora.

'Cora... is this buzzing I feel, caused by the Ley Nexus?'

Cora grinned and shrugged.

"Probably, why?"

I stopped at the trees abruptly halted.

'There is enough power here, to physically manifest itself through an alteration of perception, and you call that little?!'

Cora nodded, with a big smile plastered on her face.


OK, she is just way to powerful for her own good.

"Now all we have to do is get me to the middle of it... oh, that might be a problem..."

Cora pointed to the rather large lake we have come across.

'Cora, please tell me that the Ley Nexus isn't in the middle of the lake.'

"Well... eheheh."

'Why didn't you tell me that it was in the middle of a lake?!'

Cora gave me a pout.

"There wasn't a lake the last time I was here!"

Great, just perfect. The lake was fairly large, but it wasn't too far across. No, the problem was that how deep it was. Even with crystal clear waters like the ones it held, I still couldn't see all the way to the bottom.

'So... How do you plan on getting to the middle? Because I sure can't carry you.'

"Why not?" Cora asked, genuinely confused.

I gave her a look, and proceeded to explain why I wouldn't be able to carry her to the Ley Nexus, in the simplest terms possible.

'Me metal, lake water. Metal sink in water.'

Cora smacked me in the back of the head. Note to self, don't tease the insanely overpowered goddess who is riding on your shoulder. Cora hopped down, and started a small blaze when she landed, which I tried to contain to prevent a forest fire.

"I know exactly what to do." Cora had a glint in her eyes that I had come to connect to a determined deity. Which meant that she was going to do something, and everything should just stay out of her way. Cora raised her arm, and with a visible effort slowly pushed it down, then brought it up.

The result was a small tremor, followed by a huge gout of steam from the lake. When the steam had cleared I could see Cora, laying face down on the ground. Not much had changed, except there was now a path of glassy black stone heading to the middle of the lake. I ran over to Cora and picked her up. She let out a small giggle and poked my face.

"Hey Adam," she paused as her head lolled around for a bit, "did it work?"

'It sure did.' I replied, as I walked towards the Ley Nexus. Once we got to the center Cora slowly lifted out of my arms, and began glowing a dark red. Ambient while lights appeared, and slowly changed to match Cora's glow, before being sucked into her. The amount of magical energy began to build, being collected faster than Cora could feed it into her own strength.

If I was still made of flesh and blood, my eyes would have gotten very wide and I would probably have been sweating profusely. I realized what was going to happen, and tried to get Cora to slow down.

'Nonononono, wait! The backla-'

The resulting magical shock-wave sent me flying away, flipping over and over, until I slammed head first into the ground. I pushed myself up, and surveyed the surroundings. There wasn't much damage done, aside from the trench dug by my head. I guess we found out why the trees don't grow very close to the lake. If this is the result of a "small" Ley Nexus, I can only imagine the effects of what Cora calls a "large" one.

I went up to congratulate the beaming Cora, only to stop short and point out the plummeting figure above her. As I rushed towards Cora, the falling object slammed into the water, drenching Cora. By the time I got to her, she had already evaporated the water off of herself. I could see with a glance that the "figure" was in fact a beige pegasus. I looked up to see if there were going to be any more unexpected guests dropping in.

'Wow Cora, you knocked him right out of the sky.'

Cora seemed a bit surprised, but it soon passed.

"Adam, can you get him?"

I reached out, and picked up the pegasus. Luckily he was within arms reach, else I would've had to leave him. After we walked back to shore, I laid him out on the ground. I could see he was still breathing, which was fortunate, because I wouldn't have been able to preform CPR, and Cora would probably set him on fire if she tried. After a few moments of waiting, I decided to speak up.

'Are we going to go, or wait here?'

Cora ignored me and crouched next to the unconscious pegasus.

"♪Hey~♪" she called in a singsong voice, "♪Can you hear me?♪"

Cora put her face next to the pegasus' and whispered to him.

"♪Hello? I anybody home?♪"

Cora reached put a finger, and poked the pegasus' cheek.


The stallion's reaction was instantaneous. With a yelp, he leaped into the air, staring at Cora, some smoke rising from the burn on his cheek. A moment later he dropped to the ground, and bowed so deeply, that his face was literally in the ground. His voice was slightly muffled by the dirt, and he spoke with a strange lilt.

"Oh, most divine and purest of beauties. You are far greater than any mortal could hope to understand, surely this is what she meant when they said I would be able to see the truth should I come here. Please allow my to serve you, most perfect and complete of beings."

It's probably a good thing I'm made of metal, else I would've passed out from laughing so hard. Cora turned to me with a huge grin.

"Isn't he just the sweetest thing? Can we keep him?"

I glanced at him, his eyes full of awe and worship as he looked at Cora. I gave a shrug.

'Sure, why not?'


Hey all, how's it going?
I finally finished up this chapter, so celebrations all around! ♫Hooray!♫
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
If you are confused about the beginning, it will be cleared up in the next chapter or two (This will be a multi-part chapter).'
Also if you're confused about the pegasus who decided to start worshiping Cora please read DPR's story, Myou've Gotta be Kidding Me. It's pretty amazing.
As always, please feel free to comment, criticize, and correct to your heart's content.


P.S. I dropped the mane 6 character tag, as I probably wont be seeing any of them for a fairly long while... sadface.

P.P.S Hooray! 100+ likes! 150+ favs! You are all so good to me!