• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 4,908 Views, 157 Comments

An Iron Pawn - Eathlome

This is the story of Adam, a plaything of the gods, and his adventure in Equestria.

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Lolcano Pt. 2

An Iron Pawn

Lolcano Pt. 2



"I'm going as fast as I can!"



The pegasus looked up at me, his eyes wide. He then jumped backwards, flapping his winds desperately, and letting out a comically high pitched shriek. Cora turned to me with a pout on her face.

"Adam! Don't go scaring my pegasus."

'I didn't even do anything!'

Cora rolled her eyes, and called out to her pegasus.

The pegasus came slowly back down.

"Don't worry, Adam wont hurt you."

The pegasus gave a nod.

"As you say, Great One."

"Sooo... What's your name?"

His eyes went wide.

"My name is Written Scribe, oh most perfect of all beings."

Cora waited for him to continue, and Written Scribe looked back at her, waiting. This lead to an awkward silence. These are getting real old, real fast. Eventually Cora decided to speak up.

"So... What do you do?"

"I am a collector of knowledge!" Written said proudly, showing the marking on his flank, a quill dipped in an inkwell superimposed over a blank sheet of parchment "Be it fact or fancy, history or mythology, ideals, beliefs, or technologies! It is my greatest goal to learn it all!"

'...That was a bit hammy.'

Cora punched me in the leg.

Scribe continued on, ignoring the interplay between Cora and I.

"In fact I have several incredible pieces that I have found, in fact I have them right here... in... my... bags..."

His eyes went wide, and he began looking around frantically. I pointed out over the lake to some brown specks floating on the surface. With a gasp, Scribe shot off, speeding towards his missing bags.

I looked over to Cora.

'So... how are you now?'

Cora looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face.

'I mean, with the power you've just absorbed, how powerful are you.'

Cora thought for a moment, watching Scribe making several failed dives to get his bags. After a while she shrugged.

"More powerful."

Ahh, the metallic clang of a face-palm, will it ever get old?

'Alright then... how many more of these do you think we'll need to visit?'

Cora stuck a fingertip in her mouth as she thought.

"Ones like this? A couple thousand, at least. But if you're talking about ones like where we are going ... then it will be a lot less."

We sat there in silence, watching as Scribe repetitively attempted to snatch his bags from the surface of the lake.

'Are you sure you want to bring him with us?' I asked, pointing at the pegasus, 'You know that he'll probably just slow us down.'

"How's that?" Cora seemed genuinely confused.

'Neither of us need to eat, drink or sleep. He does.'

Cora pouted, "But I haven't had any worshipers since..." Cora's pout turned into a grimace, "... I haven't had any worshipers for a long time."

I would have asked for her to continue, but Scribe came flying back, having finally retrieved his bags. He landed beside us, and pulled out several tubed from his packs.

"I found these very useful when I navigated my way here, they are some of the most completed to date!"

Opening the tubes he pulled out several large pieces of paper, which revealed themselves to be maps when unfurled. Written Scribe stood back, smiling proudly.

After a few moments of examining the maps, and preventing Cora from touching them, we had finally determined where we were. The area that we were in was commonly known as The Great Southern Rainforest to the, but was referred to as the Feline Jungle by the cat-like species that inhabited it, although existence of this species is widely unknown to the vast majority of the Equestrian populace.

After several small debates, Cora had managed to convince me that Scribe coming with us would be the batter idea. the main thing that got me was that Scribe was the only one of us familiar with this world, and given his wide field of knowledge, I relented.

We returned to our trek, although with Scribe here Cora had someone to talk to. And talk they did. Just by listening, I was able to learn a lot about our new travel companion/Cora's fanatic. Apparently he's a researcher, specializing in myths and lore. He had discovered some information about a collection of mysterious relics, called Star Objects, and had decided to see if it would pan out. He headed to a group that had sprung up recently, that was looking to hire explorers and researchers. Scribe met with a secretary named Page Turner and told them about his discoveries (a few mentions in some old tomes, and several stone carvings). Scribe was thanked for his time, and given a few bits. While he was wandering around the compound he met a unicorn, named Brick, who had told him about the lake, calling it the "Pool of Truth", saying how it allowed her to see beyond what mortal eyes can observe. Scribe had decided that this was too good a chance for any real researcher to pass up, and had started preparing for the journey almost immediately. After he had tied up a few loose ends, he hitched a ride on a supply airship to a town called Wethoof, and had flown the rest of the way.

After our second day of travel, I asked Cora to do the stick-her-hands-into-my-head-so-I-can-talk thing. It turns out that Cora only let me talk to Timber Wolves the last time she did it, she can't just let me talk to everything, she has to do it one at a time. Well, at least now I can talk to ponies. Now that I could ask him directly, instead of speaking through Cora, I could finally ask Scribe several questions that I thought were important.

'What do you know about the organization you were at?'

Scribe shrugged, "Not much, they were hiring a lot of explorers, so they're probably looking for something."

'Do you think that you might have been followed?'

"I doubt it," he snorted, "I'm not exactly famous, like Daring Do. I've been very careful not to make any enemies."

Most of the questions went like this, and I eventually decided to drop it for now. Travel had slowed a moderate amount due to our now needed rest time. During this time I would either talk to Cora, or read through a few of the books Scribe has with him. I could understand most of them, but some were written in an unknown dialect.

Near the middle of our third day of travel, the trees started to thin out. the ground became dryer, and their seemed to be less and less of the smaller plants we had been tromping through. After a few more hours,we finally left behind the last of the trees. Looking out over the desolate, mountainous landscape before us Scribe cleared his throat.

"Welcome to the Volcanic Wastes."

Standing on the cracked and parched ground, with Cora sitting on my shoulder, I could feel the thrum of energy deep beneath the ground. I only hoped that when we got Cora to that volcano, she didn't shatter the continent apart. I would probably get blamed if she did.

Hey all!

Sorry if this chapter seems a bit awkward, I spent a while smoothing it over, but I don't know if I got all the bumps. I also had the small time jump, this was mainly because I'm pretty sure you didn't want me to spend the next five chapters having them walk through a jungle. Also sorry if this chapter seems a bit short, I didn't want to have an awkward cut off, so I stopped it there.

And as always please leave any comments, criticism, corrections, or questions you may have.
