• Published 24th Jun 2017
  • 2,131 Views, 58 Comments

Betwixt and Benighted - Phaoray

Trixie continues on to Las Pegasus, learning more on what it means to be an Alicorn. Discord must track down Fluttershy before she succumbs to her new instincts, and Twilight must learn to balance her duties and interest in a certain showmare.

  • ...

Prologue to Change

Revelry; if there had ever been time in Equestria for Discord to be dancing in the streets, this was it.

Ah, such a sweet feeling. Equestria hasn't felt like this since my escape, and that was only for a day.

A pity it couldn't last, not like the old days when raw chaos ran wild. There was too much order now; too many Princesses trying to make everything 'right' again. Discord continued to lie back lazily on his cinnamon cloud. He ignored the farmers on the ground as they frantically worked, trying to save their crops from the steady stream of cinnamon raining down and coating them. Instead, his attention was focused on the major eruption points of chaos in Equestria at the moment. Chaos came in many flavors, and each one would wind their way to Discord if it was strong enough.

Trixie was to the East, changing ponies' minds and fabricating stories as she made her way towards Las Pegasus. While her own actions so far were minor, the ripples just from her existence were slowly spreading across Equestria, bringing confusion and worry. He felt the greasy chaos of schemers, particularly more as Trixie grew closer to Las Pegasus. And he felt the light and fluffy disorder of new hopes and ideas blooming as she left each small town. The type of chaos Trixie was bringing would likely linger on for a long time, bringing its own unique, and permanent, scent to Equestria.

Fluttershy's however, would not. She was to the West, a maelstrom of madness blooming up wherever she went. She wasn't changing order, she was eradicating it. Discord knew from personal experience that such chaos was short lived in this day and age. It ruined the balance and fueled the creation of yet more 'champions' if left alone too long.

Discord took a brief moment to look down as he felt something new take hold. The farmers were tasting the cinnamon-coated corn while talking excitedly. Several bags had been opened directly below his cloud, collecting the cinnamon. Plans were being formulated on what to do with this new situation the farmers found themselves in. And just like that, his chaos was being dissected, categorized... ordered. Yet another reminder for Discord that chaos, big or small, rarely lingered in Equestria.

The princesses wouldn't let Fluttershy's type of chaos linger long either. Enough destruction and she would be sealed away like Discord once was. A fate he couldn't let happen.

Whelp, he thought, letting his cloud disperse, much to the dismay of the farmers. ...time to get to work.

I died today.

The thought felt alien no matter how many times it went through Trixie's head. And no matter how much she drank of the bar's beer and mead, she couldn't get herself drunk enough to forget it. Even a light buzz seemed almost impossible with the metabolism of an Alicorn. She could almost feel her body's magic burning the alcohol out of her system as it ran down her throat.

Silently, she placed her mug down, barely noticing as the bartender took it and replaced it with a fresh one for at least the twelfth time. Despite having barely two bits to rub together, she didn't worry about the cost. Trixie had stopped asking about paying for anything anymore. Every town refused her bits. Ironically, every town also refused to tip her after her shows, much like they refused to stop calling her a princess, no matter what she said to the contrary.

Every town had something they needed her for. As if being the Great and Powerful Trixie, show mare extraordinaire just wasn't enough for them!

"Oh, yes Princess, our town would love to see your performance! But, before that"...seriously, why does every little mishap or disaster happen right before or during Trixie's visits!?

Yes, she understood that the rate of monsters and ancient evils waking up had dramatically increased after the incident with Nightmare Moon, but just why did every country bumpkin try to make it Trixie's problem? Twice now she had been too exhausted to perform. And this town was going to make three. Oh, Trixie wasn't exhausted this time, but...

The bar was quiet, sober in spirit, if not in body. Trixie's hoof found its way back to her throat where the wolves had ripped it open earlier that day.

She recalled the pain, the feeling of dying, watching her blood draining out as she clutched her throat. The utter pain and helplessness as her life stained the ground in a deep crimson. She had not realized how dangerous the wolves in this area could be before offering to help the village with their removal. Then, she had blacked out, cursing her inability to have died by Twilight's side. A short time later, she had simply woken up completely whole again, much to the amazement and joy of the villagers carrying her remains back to the town at the time.

Discord hadn't mentioned these parts of being an Alicorn. Discord hadn't mentioned a lot though as Trixie had doggedly pursued her dream. To be a permanent part of Twilight's life, loved or hated. She had never thought on what being an Alicorn would really mean to her; on how others would view her; on how even death would mean something different now.

Still, she contemplated, picking up the mug. She had Twilight's attention. Twilight even hinted that Trixie might one day actually have a chance to be more than a rival.

It had all been worth it.

It's not like there's any going back now, right?

Okay, just keep it together. You can do this. JUST KEEP IT TOGETHER!

Twilight brought the paper bag away from her muzzle, feeling herself calm down a little. Her eyes looked across the cutie map as she sat on her chair (she refused to call it a throne). She still had a few days to get her story straight, to find a way to be honest and yet not too honest with her role model and mentor...and that role model's sister...and her own sister in law.

Twilight brought the paper bag away from her muzzle, feeling herself calm down a little. She had to be ready for this. So much had changed in such a brief time.

Trixie was the number one issue they would discuss for sure. A small contingent of guards had been stationed in Ponyville and specifically at Twilight’s castle (the thought of owning a castle still had not gotten weird for her) in case Trixie came after Twilight for trying to stop her. Right now, Trixie's motivations were an unknown, and she had been mostly quiet so far, but Celestia and Luna were adamant on finding a solution to her as soon as possible.

That part had rubbed the wrong way to Twilight when she read over the letter Celestia sent to her. Ponies weren't math equations, as nice as her younger self would have liked it to be the case. There was no solution to a pony, just attempts at understanding, compromise, and coming to an accord, if possible. It didn't always work out that neatly, but-

Trixie's motivations aren't like Tirek's. Discord could be...no, he's not a very good example right now actually.

Bringing him up would probably only make Trixie's situation worse. Neither hide nor hair of the Draconequus in question had been seen since Trixie's transformation. Though what Discord created...

Twilight sighed and picked up the note Fluttershy had supposedly left at Pinkie's a few weeks ago.


I'm really, really sorry about the short notice, but I just need to get away from the rodents see more of them, because that's just how much I love animals. And I really, really need to go do animal things somewhere else for a bit. Could you please take care of them while I'm away? Even the stupid rabbit Especially Angel? Thanks!


Pinkie was...dangerously trusting, and believed it immediately. Twilight though, she'd seen enough of Discord's tricks already. She just hoped her guess about the creature attacking the northern farms wasn't who she thought it was...

Discord wouldn't do that to Fluttershy, would he? But Luna said whatever it was that fled that night was bright yellow.

No. She wouldn't believe that about him. Not yet. There wasn't a pony alive that Discord cared more about than Fluttershy. He probably has her wrapped up with Trixie somehow and it just involved them both...disappearing for awhile.

Celestia, please let that be true.

With a large butterfly net in tow, Discord continued through the black cave, avoiding stepping in guano and shriveled fruit as best he could. His own eyes glowed a dim yellow in the darkness. He'd always hated the rare times he needed night vision. A world of dull greys and whites? Bleh!

He'd even removed the claws on his non-cloven foot for this, fearing they would clack against a rock and bring down every little sleeping bat in the area like last time. Grunting quietly in irritation, Discord fought his instincts to dress up as a miner with a bright light on his head. This game of theirs was getting too serious for him to blow this chance.

I'd applaud her if it didn't mean another month of tracking her down. Her hide-and-seek game just keeps getting better. She's like a ninja. A big, yellow, adorable ninja.


Discord picked up his foot and shook off the wet remains of an apple. The apple was just one of hundreds of different emaciated fruits that were scattered about the cavern system. The trail got thicker as he continued. Eventually he had to float, the fruit and guano mix becoming too much for him to sneak through anymore.


You've got to be kidding me!

With a gulp, Discord looked up, his own glowing eyes being met by a hundred smaller ones. Slowly, Discord brought a finger to his lips and sheepishly gave them a quiet laugh.

"So sorry to bother you, why don't you just go back to sleep, while old, bumbling Uncle Discord looks for your....umm...mootthhherrr?" He smiled up at them unconvincingly.


That one...didn't come from them...

Something large was hovering behind him. He caught the faintest scent of honey and flowers hidden behind the smell of fruit and guano. Discord turned around quickly, swinging his butterfly net. The creature hissed in surprise at his speed. The moment he felt a large weight start to struggle in his net, he caused the top of it to weave itself closed. Discord grinned at the angry Flutterbat struggling within the confines of his net.

"I...did it? I mean, ha! I win, Fluttershy! Go Discord!"

A dozen other Discord's suddenly appeared in the cave, sitting on bleachers and cheering for him. One lifted up an air horn and blew it.



The cavern began to shake. As one, every Discord looked up at the hundreds of red, beady eyes above them, then back to the Discord with the air horn. He laughed a little and pulled on his fur before hiding the air horn behind himself.


Trixie stood up on her two back hooves, proudly beginning the show.

"Behold, the performance of a lifetime! Watch as the Great and Powerful-"


Caught off guard by the sudden shout, Trixie stumbled erratically on the stage, wings flapping all over as she tried to correct herself. Her lack of coordination with her new wings did not do her any favors, making a simple thing as not falling incredibly difficult. After a few seconds of teetering back and forth and trying to recover, she gave up and fell unceremoniously onto the stage. Trixie decided to stay there for the moment, glaring up at the latest disruption to what was surely going to be her best performance yet.

The hydra didn't even notice her, simply roaring and smashing into a building while chasing a pony that was supposed to be sitting down and watching something much more wondrous: Trixie!

"Why couldn't you have waited just an hour!?" Trixie whined as she finally stood up and chased after the hydra.

"I-*gasp* I think I lost them."

Discord stood still in the dark, preferring the blackness for the moment over seeing yet more grey and white. He could feel it as the other Discord's continued to run and scream as bats chased them around the cavern. Unfortunately, he had dropped the net awhile back, meaning Fluttershy was free and could be anywhere by now.

A large pair of glowing, red eyes appeared at eye level with him, Fluttershy was hovering a dozen feet away, at best. "HISSSSSSSS!"

Placatingly, Discord put his hands out, showing his palms as he slowly started stepping backwards. "Okay, now, easssy there, Fluttershy."

She growled.

Even her growl is adorable!

Not the time!

"Look,-" he pleaded. "We're both adults here, I can admit that I was maybe, a little hasty with the whole BOOM Alicorn Fluttershy thing. Probably should have gone through more official channels, dotted my I's, looked into the insurance plan. But, come on, Fluttershy, do you really want to go through this again?"

One of the red eyes raised slightly, before they both narrowed. Discord gulped.

"B-because, believe me, I really, really don't. B-besides, you wouldn't want to roast all your little friends, would you?"

The eyes gestured around the room. For the first time since the bats began attacking him earlier, Discord realized that he couldn't hear any small, fluttery wings of the little devils flapping through the caverns.

"O-oh, well now, how, um, kind of you. Making sure all the little guys are out of the way before *gulp* that. That's just the Fluttershy we all know and love. Ha ha..."

For a second, Discord was sure the eyes softened. With some small hope, he took a step forward.

"L-look, Flutterbutter, I'm really sorry this happened, okay? Let me fix this. If you come with me, I'm sure I can un-mangle whatever happened during the ritual."

The eyes looked away, as if hesitating.

"Trust me."

The eyes looked back at him, then narrowed. Fluttershy's wings illuminated as magic began flowing through them.


"Crap..." was the last word Discord got out as his gaze became locked with Fluttershy's. For the second, all he knew was the overwhelming feelings of fear and guilt.

A few seconds later, and all he knew was fire and screaming.

Discord coughed up a plume of smoke. Slowly, he crawled his way out of the hole he had made when he impacted the wall of the cave. He was sure Fluttershy's scream would still be ringing in his ears if his eardrums hadn't thankfully given out earlier. With a sigh Discord stood up, taking out a small towel and placing it in one ear, then grabbing the other end as it appeared out his other ear. He pulled the towel back and forth a few times, cleaning out the blood. "Okay, I really need a new plan."

Another Discord stepped out from an adjoining cavern, holding up an air horn sheepishly. "Don't bring this next time?"

"...It's a start."

Fluttershy shrieked as she flew, her call being returned by hundreds of others. To fly across the night like this was exhilarating! Oh, she'd never have done this on her own, not this high, and especially not in the dark. But with so many friends, with the feeling of kinship hazing her mind and instinct leading her on, none of that mattered.

And it wasn't like she exactly had much say in it anyways.

I wonder if this is how Rainbow feels like when she flies.

Her thoughts fogged again as instinct began taking control. She needed to hunt for a new cave system. More food. Safety for her kin. More were coming by the day. She could feel it, somehow. Her call was reaching out to them.

It had taking her this long to finally begin thinking beyond instinct. She wasn't sure exactly how long it had been, but she guessed it must have been a few weeks by now. The memories filtering through of what she had done during that time almost made her lose herself all over again. Ponies trying to stop her family from devouring their crops; the fires, screaming from below and screeches from above. It was so hard to think like she used to. But she had to. She had to find a way to regain control of herself.

She didn't think anypony had been hurt yet, but she couldn't say for certain. She couldn't let anypony get hurt. She had to at least hold to that small sliver of herself until she could think clearly again and find a way out of this.

As hazy as it all was, she also had one other thing she had to do. She couldn't let Discord get to her. How could she trust him again, after this? How could she face what happened between them in the forest? She couldn't, not right now.

With another shriek that caused any pony below to huddle inside their homes, Fluttershy dove through the night, looking for her kin's next feeding ground.

Author's Note:

Finally, after all this time it begins! I still need to edit the original, but I wanted to get this out while my mood for writing was high, as editing older stories can kill the mood, sort of speak. :pinkiehappy:

I'll remove this part later, but the only real important change I need to address in the original is Twilight having the castle instead of living in her library. Everything else will just be superficial and touch up work using what I've learned of writing over the years since that story.

Comments ( 58 )

Great to see this story continue :pinkiehappy:. Can't wait to read more.

Neat! I feel petty pumped!

I liked that we got to see a bit of each of the main characters to set the stage. As a personal preference, though, I would have preferred that the fact Trixie had died already would have been held back. Let the more mundane be her reason for worrying about alicornhood. Like preening.

Then let her talk with Twilight later about both of their differences in understanding what it is to be an alicorn or something. Or not! Haha! I don't know what the long term plans are for the story. I'm looking forward to it, though!

I liked this and I love how nothing is working out right for Trixie. She just wants to do shows and keeps getting interrupted, causing her to have to do the job an alicorn princess would do to protect the towns. Once news spreads, it should also boost her reputation with Twilight and show Twilight her true colors. Although for some reason, I imagine she's going to have to help with the whole Fluttershy fiasco. Also, all hail Flutterbat alicorn of bats? Does that mean lunar Pegasi (batponies or whatever you want to call them) immediately love her?

At this point, you're like one of my top two favorite Trixie writers. I just love the way you do her character.


In all seriousness i miss the era of Twixie fics as Trixie has always been my favourite character, Magic duel was so hyped for me and it only got better with her continuous returns. I loved your first story and look forward to this one. (Unfortunately its 3:30am right now so ill read it when i wake up i just wanted to get the excitement out of me with a comment)

So good to see this, finally. I agree, waiting too long for that optimal writing situation is just not worth it. (Should follow my own advice...)

Hope to see more of how this unfolds.

One thing that did bug me a bit: Twilight makes a bit of an issue about Celestia's apparently unfortunate wording, but we don't actually get to see it.

I am really glad to see more of this, I only didn't catch it right away because I don't check my feed for updates every day.

Right now, Trixie's motivations were an unknown,

I think Twilight has a good idea of Trixie's motivations. What she might not be sure of is how Trixie's going to try and realize them, there's a lot of ways to get someone's attention, not all of them good.

I wonder if Trixie's going to try and make things up to that mare she robbed of the rare plant, like she promised. That would be an awkward conversation. "See, Trixie told you she didn't want it for money."

Nice start, though I do recommend you change the cover art as it currently looks a bit unfinished.


all hail Flutterbat alicorn of bats? Does that mean lunar Pegasi (batponies or whatever you want to call them) immediately love her?

Huh, I had not thought of that angle. Admittedly, the canon of bat ponies is still out last I have seen, but it would be amusing to add in a bit with them. I shall consider it for future chapters. :pinkiehappy:


I would have preferred that the fact Trixie had died already would have been held back. Let the more mundane be her reason for worrying about alicornhood. Like preening.

Eh, I wanted to hit home on some more serious issues with being an immortal, and to show some of how being an Alicorn is quite a change down to even basic concepts that Trixie has known her entire life. Death isn't exactly an issue now, buuut there is good reason to want to avoid it.

Happy to hear, though I am sad I don't write much lately if you like it that much. Who is the second? I love Yukito's work myself, but it is hard for me to pin down a favorite Trixie author. :pinkiehappy:


In all seriousness i miss the era of Twixie fics as Trixie has always been my favorite character

Same, there are few people still doing them sadly, despite how many 'sexual tension' jokes you can make about each time they meet up and Twilight's reactions to Trixie these days. The painful, awkward smiles, the gritting teeth, there are aspects of Trixie that Twilight must obsess over and could be used for some very fun love/hate relationship stories.

Buut, now everyone is going for Trixie x Glimmer. And I have yet to see a good, long story about them getting into a relationship at all, it's all been 3k or less to my disappointment.


One thing that did bug me a bit: Twilight makes a bit of an issue about Celestia's apparently unfortunate wording, but we don't actually get to see it.

Really? I could have sworn I has Twi go over it in her head. I'll check it over again, and worst case, I am sure there is going to be more badly worded phrases throughout their meeting later in the story to show it better.

I think Twilight has a good idea of Trixie's motivations. What she might not be sure of is how Trixie's going to try and realize them, there's a lot of ways to get someone's attention, not all of them good.

It is true that Twilight knows about Trixie's affections and that she is on the lamb a bit, she is not sure what Trixie's plan is *Mind you, neither is Trixie really*. Twilight expects Trixie is going to come back to Ponyville at some point, and will probably use her new powers for her shows, but not on any long-term goals.

I wonder if Trixie's going to try and make things up to that mare

I'll say that that is indeed in this story, buuut it's gonna be awhile until that is addressed.

Yay, I may have contributed! :P

Darn, you got me. The other one is definitely Yukito because of just how much their stories made me like characters like Trixie and Diamond Tiara.
I do have to say that I really like how The Hand of Pony and Hakuno have written Trixie in their stories as well.

Heh, I still talk with Yukito on skype, and Hakuno's editor is Crowscrowcrow who I talk with alot. Hakuno's Trixie is awesome and when I find a good writer I try to pay attention to their use of the character and style to see if there is anything I want to adapt my own in it.

I have not read Hand of The Hand of Pony's work though, as I mainly go for romance with my reading, and tend to avoid dark stories. :pinkiehappy:

For some reason the 'reply' tag is missing from this so I didn't realize you replied to my comment, except by pure chance as I happened to be glancing through the comments. Your post goes straight from quoting the person above me to quoting me with no break to indicate you've switched people.

Anyway, while Twilight knows Trixie's overall motivations, it occurred to me that I can't remember if she shared those with Celestia or Luna, so they may have much less reason to assume the best of this new alicorn.

Anyway, good to know that will be addressed. It will no doubt be an interesting scene.

I waited so much, so so much for this. Thanks thanks thanks.

Ooh, glad to see the sequel has started. I lived the first story.

I read the first story multiple times, it's my favorite story on here, has alot it can work with, glad to see that you got to making This.

Shall be eager for more.

its finally here! i hope to see more soon :pinkiehappy:

Horsefeathers! I wander away from the site for a few tiny weeks and the first chappie posts! Stoopid IRL problems and their need for attention! :twilightangry2:
Oh wells... belated Congrats on launching the new story Phaoray, and for the A+ reception its garnered thus far. Its well deserved :pinkiehappy:
Hit me up when ch2 is in the chute! :rainbowdetermined2:

ps- Totes diggin the cover art! Worth the wait! :raritywink:

Happy to hear about the cover art, it just took way longer than I had hoped. I am in a big stretch of college activity right now, so it might be till August that I can even work on this story again. I am working away at the next chapter of One Way Ticket and should have that out soon since the chapters are shorter and a bit less involved. :pinkiehappy:

No worries on any delays, as i have plenty of things outside of pony demanding my attention ATM :twilightoops:

I too am quite fond of Yukito and Hakuno's Trixie stories :yay:
I was tryin to think who my "fave" Trixie writer would be... and i dont think i can pick (sorry Phaoray :fluttershysad: but ur definitely in the group that i cant pick from, and H&F was by far my favorite story when it came out :pinkiehappy: )
other Trixie writers that i consistently like are Mooncalf, MagnetBolt & MythrilMoth... and i just noticed their names all start with "M"... significant? :unsuresweetie:

Well, Trixie should probably be happy that she keeps having issues to solve. Considering the way Celestia and Luna dawdled and pushed all their issues on Twilight last story, if they take their sweet time again, by the time they attempt to 'stop' Trixie half of Equestria will have been saved from some monster attack or another by Trixie. Then they'll have a peasant revolt on their hooves because at least Trixie has been out in public visiting every tiny little podunk town, even if it was because she was trying to make bits.

Of course, what'll probably eventually happen is Trixie and Flutterbat finally running into one another and fighting.

Oh hey, this has cover art now. Nice. It looks good, too, though Trixie might come off a hair too sinister.

I do have a version of the pic with a purple stripe instead of a red stripe down the mask, but I have been contemplating if it would make enough of a difference *Red and black being a bit less liked by many others and usually more sinister of a color scheme and all that*. Do you think that might help? :pinkiehappy:

Maybe, though depending on the color of purple, you'd run the risk of it blending into her hat/cape.

Might be best to just leave it, if that's the case.

Oh, joy of joys, I come back from a long Worm interlude to find this exists now! And I rather like the title, too... :heart: (giving me warm fuzzies :rainbowkiss:)

I'm hoping the Fluttershy thing is resolved by the end of this book, though. It seems like it's a shorter-term thing by its very nature.

Probably late to the party, but i'm really glad to know this is continuing. Although I'd have liked to see more of Trixie's new situation (which looks like a case of beware of what you wish for), I really enjoyed Fluttershy's las development.

Keep up the good work.

Okay, I've tried putting this off until there was more but the temptation finally proved to be too much... and while what there is is good I now find myself wanting more.

I apologize. I wanted to get more out sooner but life has been hectic. Just finished my college class, and my next one starts next week, and two people at my work quit, making me both a secretary and the only veterinary Technician we have for a bit. ^-^;;;

Plus I am trying to get the energy to write a story for a contest that is due by the end of this month. I am not abandoning anything, but life has been working against me lately.

Oh haye i missed the sequel, I'ts great to see you working on that one. Hopes and Follies was a wonderful read afterl all. :twilightsmile:

Welp, looks like Trixie is all out of luck, instead of telling stories, she'll have others singing praises for her. What a shame. :trollestia:

Thanks, I'm glad you liked them both so far. I have been a bit 'meh' on writing for the last month or two, but will be getting back to this soon I think. Currently working my motivation to write up again by going through and revising Hopes and Follies like I planned on a year ago, bringing it just past Tirek so I can use Twilight's castle in this one for my own fun. Up to chapter 3 so far on my revisions, and will get back to writing new chapters in my stories after it's complete. :pinkiehappy:

Writing block must suck ayy

I have the outline done with lots of detail and plans on this story and several of my others...but time and ambition have been pretty bad. I've written more the past week or two than I have in months, but it's slow going with college, work, and life in general.

I was happy to see you on Discord the other day though, despite me not saying hi. :pinkiehappy: Being on there and seeing other writer's interacting and talking about stories is helping motivate me to do more writing recently.

I plan to continue this, along with my others, but it's been....tricky.


Yeah. I've got my own Trixie epic close to completion. I've always been an odd duck with writing. I can belt out 30k-40k in a week and then just be ded for several months after. Getting more consistent is something I want to do, but for me it's more a thing of sticking to it. I need to be able to take that first step most of the time before I can really get going.

Tsk, you missed your shot to say it's been...Trixie (tricksy).

Still glad to hear you're still working on this.

Glad to hear this is being worked on and isn't dead! I found your earlier fic Hopes and Follies a few months earlier and I loved your take on Trixie, especially her (initial) denial of attraction to Twilight, that she just wanted to be Twilight's rival. So tsundere. Magician Horse's antics are usually fun to read/watch, and you delivered. Her little brand of chaos is very amusing. And then there's Discord was his chaotic self, and but despite how fun he was we have his manipulation of Fluttershy which was both really messed up and completely in character. Even if things went totally right for him, he got Fluttershy drunk before she made that choice. And now you have the Princesses dealing with the fallout, Trixie disappointed because she doesn't care about being a princess, just her shows, and she doesn't like the fame she hasn't earned simply from being an alicorn. Then there's the plot with Discord trying to fix his colossal fuckup with Fluttershy nee Flutterbat. It's a delightful trainwreck and I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

waaa, hope is lost...

Oh woh I somehow missed this. Glad to see you have continued one of my most favourite fim fiction stories.

Continue please:fluttershysad:

I love this story and it's prequel so much definitely my new fav Trixie stories I just love the way you portrayed Trixie's, Twilights, Discord's, and Fluttershy/bat's characters hope to see more of this fic in the future it's awesome :pinkiehappy:

I should stop reading incomplete works. The wait and hiatuses are deadly.

On Hiatus

I cannot begin to describe how mad I am after just finishing this story's prequel.

Your avatar could not be more perfect for this comment. :rainbowlaugh:

I have been told. Makes me wonder if I need anger management... :trixieshiftleft:

heh heh...sorry about that. :twilightblush:


This except for writer's block instead of art block

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