• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 8,736 Views, 410 Comments

Student of the Night - Nadir

After a plague sweeps through the city, life is hard for the lower class. But, there are always those who can claw their way back, fight for every inch of success. With her determination and intelligence, Twilight hopes to be one.

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Cadance Interlude: A Matter of Love

Shadows danced on the walls as the setting sun shone in through Cadance’s window. Her office, perched on the side of one of the towers, had a wonderful view which served as a welcome distraction from constant work.

Due to her position as royal advisor, Celestia had allocated her this office to use as she needed. She quite liked it - the entire space was nice and cozy. Sure, there were bigger ones, but she had her desk, a painting of home on the wall, and a fireplace for the winter. She had her own tea set nestled in the corner as well, and a guest chair for whoever came in. Nothing fancy, just built for utility.

Yes, she had added her own touches here and there. Her stationery had a few too many hearts on it. And her chair may have been embroidered with a light pink rather than white. Not to mention that tea set - completely pink and painted with her cutie mark. Just because Cadance acted professionally didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little cuteness in her work life!

Despite what many ponies thought, it was not just the job of a personal advisor to talk to Celestia. Or, as others believed, to just talk to ponies and shield the princess from their harsh and angry words. No, Cadance didn’t play the part of a glorified secretary, she had her own ideas, own beliefs, and own actions.

Cadance didn’t just hold the office of royal advisor. Despite her business, she also managed to run the second most popular party in the House of Nobles: the Caretaker party. She sat at the head seat in the chamber, voicing their opinions and deciding their votes. As such, Cadance needed to be up to date with the current events. One particular news story drew her attention, one from a pony by the name of Twinkle.

Apparently, the plague had finally started to lose its death grip on the lower districts.

Certainly, it was good news, but… it was just so hard to believe. She’d heard the same rumors with nothing to show for years. Only, this one seemed much more detailed than the others. The hints were no longer just whispers in the streets, but cold, hard data. Incidences down thirty percent. Fog at night dissipating. Fatality rates dropping. All good news, she couldn’t deny.

Yet, at the same time, she couldn’t believe it either. Being so close to the princess, Cadance knew more than the average pony. She held privileges that few could hope to match, and thus knew the true nature of the plague. No pony ‘in the know’ could doubt that it was magic based any longer, so a magic based solution alone could cleanse it from the streets. Which, if the plague truly had started to disperse, meant some rogue mage working on and discovering a solution. He, or she of course, had to be powerful to enact such changes.

Cadance couldn’t help but smile a little to herself: she could appreciate some no-name pony spreading good for no personal gain. What a nice pony.

Her ears twitched as somepony knocked on her office door. She looked down, eyes landing on her planner and giving it a quick scan. Well, she didn’t have anything planned for this time of night. Then again, drop in visits happened quite often, especially from the princess and the Queen. “Come in!” she called, voice as sweet as sugar.

The door was enveloped in a brilliant purple light before a predictably purple muzzle peeked around the corner. In stepped a mare Cadance knew well by now-- a certain Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight, the Student of the Night.

Twilight, the consummate scholar.

Twilight, the fierce study.

Also, apparently, Twilight the adorable if her brother’s words could be believed. Although lately, she’d found the stallion quite cute as well.

But another time. Twilight kept fidgeting in place, so much that Cadance obviously noticed it. Nervous? Hm…

Like most of the palace staff, Cadance had seen no shortage of Twilight over the past few months. She’d talked with her several times, though most of everything was essentially small talk and over within minutes. As of late, she had noticed a change in her. Slowly, ever so slowly, the precocious and highly intelligent filly melted away, refined by the Queen. Instead, Twilight was replaced by a young mare- one much more confident, much more at home in the castle.

Almost noble-like, actually. And she didn’t mean that as a compliment; several times, she’d seen Twilight snap at ponies. She’d also seen her apologize afterwards, genuinely remorseful as far as Cadance could tell, but the snapping alone worried Cadance.

Luna’s students, at least in the past, were almost frighteningly powerful. With Luna’s guidance, her students developed their chosen subjects to its fullest potentially, always beyond exceptional, always pushing the field of study. Luna had a knack for getting the best out of her students, and in some cases that could bode poorly indeed.

Cadance actually spent time having the students tailed, ensuring their powers wouldn’t come to abuse. She remembered nearly a decade ago - Cadance wasn’t quite as young as she looked - where one even needed to be arrested. And had worst come to worse, Cadance worried she might have to have them killed!

But, Cadance didn’t live in the past. Sometimes these students needed… gentle nudges, she would call them. And Cadance would happily provide them. Who better to help guide the poor, young foals than one like her? The advisor of internal affairs and leader of the harmony party could show them the way better than any others.

Speaking of court, lately, things had grown worse. The court stirred in its decadence, a few of her rival party members finally starting to harvest the fruits of their long labors. Fleur, always a trouble, Charlemane, consistently a thorn in her hoof, and even Silverhorn, despite being in her own party all caused her no small amount of headache. She could keep Silverhorn in line to an extent, but the others wouldn’t stop their constant badgering, their persistent movements.

And here was a wonderful playing piece, delivering itself right into Cadance’s lap. She didn’t seek to manipulate her - no, Cadance didn’t pet cats while cackling evilly or anything like that. Just… insulate her from the rest. A neutral student was a student that she wanted, that benefitted her. Though, she would still need to ensure Twilight remained on the right track.

Luna worried her lately. Cadance loved her, how could she not? The royal sisters had adopted her when she was young due to some extenuating circumstances and Luna had treated her like family from the very beginning, despite their more business like relationship now-a-days. That love still remained, Cadance could feel it clear as day, but Luna lately had changed.

Ever since the plague, though possibly a bit before that, Luna had drawn into herself. She took that silly Queen moniker and hid herself away. She did what she needed to do and ran the country well, but Cadance knew what went on behind the scenes.

Not many ponies knew, but Luna had her own secrets. Naturally, Cadance didn’t know everything. Likely, not even Celestia knew everything that Luna did. The night mare walked in the shadows, stalking through the night. Cadance knew enough to have heard of her Intelligentsia. Her house guard, while competent, were not the same as her true guard, the Midnight guard.

Cadance only heard rumors, of course. But enough of them corroborated to make her believe them. Assassinations in far-away cities arrests in the middle of the night without warrants, scuffles in the halls of the castle even, all reached her ears. Cadance originally hadn’t believed she’d grown so bold, but apparently the Queen wanted control of her court and would do anything to assert it.

Luna didn’t just find success; Cadance had been there when they practically scraped the remains out of Fleur’s bedchambers. An assassin had done their best and failed in the truest extent, though Fleur didn’t exactly put him out of his misery quickly. Despite Cadance’s prying, she never did learn what Fleur found out that night, though she’d seen the effects. Fleur’s party grew in power, and their disdain of the monarchs grew.

After all, if the monarchs couldn’t keep safety within their own castles, where could they keep safe? Few knew that it had been on Luna’s orders, Cadance wasn’t entirely sure that Fleur knew either. But, like always, she suspected.

Cadance had kept a closer eye on Luna’s nightly activities since. Ever since that night, Luna had walked more subtly, never going as far as assassinations. But, the quiet rumors and hints never faded away. Cadance was safe herself, especially being so close to Celestia, but nobles disappeared all the time.

All in the name of the empire, according to her sources.

Bah, as if killing would make anything better.

But, her thoughts digressed. She needed to concentrate on the young mare in front of her. She looked older than when she’d first come, though the constant exercise might be to blame. At least Twilight looked happy and - except for the outbursts - seemed to be on the right track. A gentle hoof would be all she needed.

“Good evening, Twilight. Would you like to sit?” Cadance asked. Her magic lit, light blue aura surrounding the chair and holding it out for the younger mare.

Before Twilight could begin, Cadance help up a hoof, keeping her silent. “How about tea?” Twilight shook her head. “Water? Food, maybe?”

“T-thank you Cadance, but really, I’m fine,” Twilight answered, shaking her head again. She squirmed into the seat, trying to get comfortable.

Cadance’s piercing eyes read ponies well. Twilight definitely looked nervous, the constant shifting and looking around making it obvious enough. Why in Tartarus is she so blasted nervous?

“Something wrong, my dear?” Cadance asked, giving her best, sweetest grin possible. Oh, she did so hate to see little ones unhappy! She did still have the famously big heart, after all.

Twilight shook her head even more rapidly, barking out nervous laughter.

Cadance couldn’t help but hide a small smile behind a hoof. Twilight didn’t particularly hide her anxiety well, did she? Not that she could blame her - coming to Cadance probably took a lot out of her. She raised a hoof, doing her best to wipe the smile away. She didn’t want the poor dear to think she was laughing at her either.

“It’s fine, Twilight. How about we talk about why you came to see me, then? I’m flattered, really, and don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have you here more often. But, you don’t exactly come to visit me often, so I figured there had to be a reason,” Cadance reasoned. Twilight liked logic, right? She fit the stereotype of a scholar in nearly all meanings of the word, so logic would likely get through to her. Or so she hoped.

“Oh, um, sorry for that!” Twilight’s words came quickly, alarm flaring. The two of them were not friends, not yet atleast. “But really, it’s not a big deal. It’s just…” Twilight trailed off, dropping her head and staring at her lap.

Cadance leaned forward expectantly, placing a gentle hoof on the table. “It’s alright, Twilight. There’s no hurry, but remember that anything you tell me here will one hundred percent not leave the room, understand? In fact, I’ve got silencing spells on the doors and windows.” That part was true, too. She held constant enchantments around the room at all times, ensuring confidentiality at all times. With her job, she needed it.

Twilight’s horn flashed for a split second, bathing the room in an amethyst glow. Twilight fell into calm as the light flittered away, check complete. “Okay… I trust you, alright? Don’t laugh, okay?”

Cadance’s heart swelled. Poor filly… She couldn’t help but feel a little surge of pity and happiness: hapinnes because Twilight trusted her, and pity for how paranoid she seemed about it. What did she really have to say?

“Of course. No laughing.”

Twilight took a deep breath and nodded her head, obviously trying to relax. Deep down, Cadance honestly wished that she would just get it over with already. “I.. IthinkIlikeLuna,” Twilight sputtered out.

Cadance blinked. What?

“Slow down a bit, Twilight,” she encouraged, giving a nod of her head. “I couldn’t understand you.”

Twilight groaned and buried her head in her hooves. “I think I have a crush on Luna,” she said, much slower.



Of course.

Cadance blinked again, finally managing to close her muzzle after a few seconds. She expected many things when Twilight stepped into her office. This, however, had been one of the farthest things from her mind. Maybe a crush on somepony else, one of the nobles. Maybe help with her spellwork or something similar.

But a crush on Luna? That could be troublesome, actually. Cadance wanted to help both of them, but Twilight was barely out of her foalhood and with both of their issues? No, she couldn’t truly agree that they would be good for each other. Anger issues didn’t go well with anger issues.

On the other side of the coin… True love could never be stopped. Cadance briefly considered taking a peek inside Twilight’s head - her special talent let her see love. Twilight would likely never consent to it, but Cadance’s curiosity was there. That same part of her screamed in joy and excitement, practically bouncing up and down. What a love story it would be! The princess and her student, taboo and exotic, dangerous~

The perfect love story. Could she really pass that up?

And they’d be cute together.

Right, that settled it. Cadance could help her, but like always she would be careful with it. Just another way of controlling the mare, and, even better, it would sate her own courtship urges. Cadance slowly let the glee she felt inside show, her face splitting in a wide grin and eyes brimming with delight. “Oh, that’s wonderful news, Twilight!” she encouraged. The pink mare stood up and hugged her over the bed, patting Twilight gently on the back.

She may have squeezed a bit too hard.

Twilight extricated herself from the hug, wincing. “J-jeez, you’re like, really strong for a unicorn,” she coughed out, rubbing at her shoulder.

Oh, what she didn’t know…

Cadance laughed it off, waving a hoof. “So I’ve been told before. I just eat my vegetables,” she teased with a wink. “But! That’s not the important thing right now. The important thing is how we’re going to get you and Luna together!” Cadance clapped her hooves together, eyes dancing.

“Didn’t think that far ahead. I-I just wanted to see if you thought I was right!” Twilight protested, a small blush spreading across her face.

Cadance nodded, doing her best to put her ‘business’ face back on. “Okay, what made you think you like her?” she asked. To be fair, Twilight could simply be confused. Hormones at the age were a mess, after all.

“Well, I had a dream...” Twilight hesitated, taking another deep breath before continuing. “Luna surprised me on my birthday. I thought she would miss it, but she came right to my room. A-and well, she gave me the best present. She kissed me,” Twilight explained, her blush evolving from a light pink to a deep scarlet.

Cadance couldn’t help but giggle, hiding her muzzle behind a hoof “Oh, you poor thing. Just a kiss, no sex?”

Twilight hesitated, but still nodded.

“Probably not just teenage lust then,” Cadance affirmed with a nod of her head. Being something of an expert involving romantic dreams, she felt confident in that. “What else? What do you think of Luna?”

“Well, she’s beautiful, kind, caring, and just perfect. I don’t know how anypony can hate her. I mean, I know she has a few flaws and she’s made a few mistakes, but everypony has, and they don’t have half the majesty of the Queen. The whole plague sealing bit was just a good decision, and you can’t tell me she hasn’t done her absolute best to try and make it better! Luna deserves ponies loving her, and if nopony else will do it, I will!” Twilight finished with a huff. She stomped a hind hoof on the ground, cheeks red from anger rather than embarrassment now.

Hm, passion is definitely there. Twilight seemed protective actually. That could be good in small doses, though it reeked of puppy love given their ages. What, fourteen to several thousand? Twilight couldn’t change the world. Then again, that kind of fire didn’t hurt so long as she toned it down.

“Good to hear, sweetie, and I’m sure you will. So, you may have a crush on Luna, but what do you plan on doing about it?” That was the kicker. Did she want to let it fester? Grow? Develop? Stagnate? Cadance had her hunches.

“I’d like to talk to her about it, I guess. See if she feels the same way. I’d really, really, really like to court her. But, at the same time, that can’t happen, can it? She’s so much older, and she’s the Queen. She wouldn’t be interested in, much less allowed to get involved with somepony like me, right?” Twilight looked up, eyes uncertain and questioning. Cadance’s heart ached for her, it really did.

“Well, I wouldn’t say never. The Queen has courted before, and even married.” She didn’t mention that none were as young as Twilight. That wouldn’t help her case at all; and truly, she thought they might go well together. “Her last marriage was a century or so ago, and she’s married about every one hundred years. Statistically, she’s due for another.” She added, with a small giggle.

Twilight shook her head and groaned, resting her head on her hooves. “That’s not how statistics work, Cadance! Just because she did it before like that, doesn’t mean she’s going to do it again. But…” Twilight poked her head up. “Do you really think there’s a chance?”

Cadance’s heart fluttered again at how adorable Twilight looked with her floppy ears and just the hint of her eyes showing from under her hooves. “Yes, really. There’s a chance. If you really want to pursue it, I’ll help you out. I’ll be your ally, Twilight. I promise.” Cadance patted her back once more before settling back into her chair.

“Now, you need dinner, and I need to get a bit more work done. How about you get us a seat in the dining hall and I’ll meet you there. We can talk all about it, okay?” Cadance asked. “Secrecy spell included, of course.”

Twilight slowly, carefully got back to her hooves, flashing Cadance the first smile since she’d come. “O-Okay. I’ll see you there?”

Cadance and nodded and waved her hoof, ushering Twilight away. “I’ll be right behind you.”

Twilight nodded once more before disappearing through the door. Cadance stood from her chair, locking the door behind the retreating Twilight. With a sigh, she closed her drapes with a flick of magic.

Days drained her. Sometimes, she just needed a second to cut loose.

Speaking of… Cadance shrugged off her cloak. With a groan, pink wings with purple tips stretched out behind her, flaring out from a tiny, near invisible slit in her dress. On a whim, her horn lit, wings giving a gentle flap. She closed her eyes, visualizing Twilight and Luna standing apart from each other. Ever so slowly, a line of violet and dark blue formed between the two. The string remained faint, nearly imperceptible, but it was there anyway.

Twilight didn’t lie, then. She did have feelings, and it looked like Luna returned them in some way.


Cadance smiled, a happy, joyous smile. Oh true love, how wonderful it was! Well, not quite true love, but if Cadance played her cards right there would be no reason it couldn’t become so. Perhaps she could just use a pinch of her magic, just for the greater good. The more she thought about it, the more she figured the two would be good for each other, and thus good for the kingdom. A strong monarch with a strong mage by her side could only spell good for Equestria.

She would have to talk to Celestia about all of this. The princess would need to know what went on in her sister’s life. Cadance thought she would approve, especially with the good that could come from it.

It was with a happy hum that Cadance tucked her wings back tight and departed her office. The future looked bright after such a wonderful day. But for now, she had a filly to teach the art of love.

Author's Note:

Hey folks! Super sorry for the time taken here!

So, this marks the one third marker in terms of chapter length. I'm super grateful that everyone has stayed with me this far and I'm super excited for the next few chapters! Things are going to start moving much more quickly now that the plot has been set in place. See everyone soon :3