• Published 8th Jun 2016
  • 8,751 Views, 410 Comments

Student of the Night - Nadir

After a plague sweeps through the city, life is hard for the lower class. But, there are always those who can claw their way back, fight for every inch of success. With her determination and intelligence, Twilight hopes to be one.

  • ...

Castle Life


It’s such a simple word, yet no two ponies will give you the exact same definition for it. What did home really mean in the end? Some ponies took it literally, believing it to be where you rested your head at night. Others less so, saying that home was actually where your heart was. Or rather, where you family and loved ones stayed. Still others changed the definition every week. Home may be back home, or where they’re living, or with a friend, or any other number of places.

Home, such a simple, confusing word.


“Did you hear me, magelet?” Luna asked, breaking Twilight out of her dazed silence. Twilight’s thoughts swam with all of the possibilities. She knew Luna would keep her close, but this room lay closer than she could ever imagine.

“Y-yes your highness,” Twilight stuttered, bright red blush suffusing her face. She couldn’t take her eyes off the bed; that fantastic, wonderful, bed of her own. It... it reminded her of an oasis. She had never seen one in person, obviously enough, but the thought alone of coming back to this room after a long day send shivers down her spine. “I.. it’s just a lot to take in, your highness,” Twilight continued, her blush not abating even the smallest amount.

Luna’s magic brushed against her muzzle, turning her to face the silver-clad goddess. “I understand, magelet.” She spoke softly and locked eyes with the younger pony.

In their depths, Twilight saw so many wondrous things. She could see the stars and the moon, the promise of sleepless nights spent studying long after she should’ve gone to sleep. She could see the passionate feeling of a lover’s warm embrace after an amazing day together, as well as the cold intent of a thief with a target. She could see the icy chill of a winter’s night stranded far from home, yet she could also feel the warmth of a night beside a fire with her loved ones. The duality of the Queen confused Twilight, and simultaneously amazed her.

Most of all, kindness shone through. The Queen actually cared about her, at least as far as she could tell. What a strange feeling, to be cared for by the Queen herself.

Rumors about the Queen abounded throughout the city: stories of her aloofness and tales of her pragmatic side. After all, she had decided to shut the exits of the lower city. She had been the one to abandon them all in their time of need.

Yet, nopony spoke of this side of her. Nopony spoke of the compassion that dwelled in her soul. Perhaps Twilight judged too early, or perhaps she simply misinterpreted what was there, but to her, this spoke truth and nothing else. “Oh, you’ve had such a hard life, haven’t you?”

As if compelled by some ethereal force, Twilight nodded her head. Her mind felt all fuzzy, the prolonged contact with the alicorn’s eyes making everything seem so out of focus. “Yes, your highness,” Twilight whispered. It seemed like she had said them a thousand times already, and it had only been a day.

Thankfully, Luna’s magic released her head, letting it drop down once more. “I’m afraid that we’ll have to share a bathroom,” she said, words tinged with amusement.

Actually, that almost did seem kind of funny. Such grandeur and rich furnishing and they needed to share a bathroom? Then again, their rooms weren’t exactly in an optimal spot. Suspended so highly, plumbing must be an absolute nightmare. At least the lift in everything pretty much meant that furniture could be moved easily. But sharing a bathroom! With a goddess!

Twilight giggled, unable to hold it back. “Just fine, your majesty.” Somehow, the tension had just melted away.

“For what it’s worth, magelet, you don’t need to need to call me that. Simply Luna is fine when we’re alone,” Luna explained. Twilight cocked her head to the side, attempting to really process what she’d been told. Just Luna? Not.. your highness or your majesty, or even milady? It felt like sacrilege, like insulting the gates of heaven themselves, or pissing on the graves of the plague victims. Just, not right! Well, she could try, she supposed?

“I do expect you to call me by my title when in public, and I shall do the same for you... Now, how about I show you how the platform works?” Twilight’s stomach rumbled crankily, making her blush and Luna smile. “And perhaps get a valuable breakfast after that.”

“Um, that sounds lovely, your— Luna.”

Luna nodded her head, seemingly satisfied with the answer. “Very well then. This is simple enough, my little magelet. All you have to do is put what’s in here—” she tapped Twilight’s horn, “—and put it in here.” She followed that tap up with another one, rapping her hoof against the metal of the lift. “And from there, it’s as simple as directing your will. Up or down, stop or start; simple commands like that work wonders.”

By the tone of her voice alone, Twilight felt an itch at the back of her mind. It couldn’t be that simple. Nothing with a goddess could be that simple. Just a feeling…

It had to be some type of test. The work of Luna’s student must never end, and Twilight needed to be up to snuff. Perhaps Luna tested her even now, ensuring she didn’t choose poorly. All the while, Twilight felt as if she examined the Goddess in return. Her assumption of her new mentor being her old mentor still lurked inside her mind, and eventually she would voice it. For now, however, for now she would focus on absolutely destroying this test. Perhaps that wouldn’t be what a good little student would do, but Twilight had never been a docile little lamb.

She huffed out, channeling magic into her horn. Magic flowed out of her horn, freely expanding her ‘magical sight’. Everything her bubble touched, Twilight could feel in the most intimate of ways. The growth stayed gradual at first, a few inches from her skin, but practically erupted after a few seconds of concentration. Internally, she could ‘see’ herself start to glow a light magenta. Despite the intensity of the lights, the view only existed within her mind’s eye. Twilight marveled at the glow; it represented her wellspring, and she loved to watch it grow over time.

Around her, the room glowed with its own colors, varying shades of magic scattered throughout every little thing. Twilight didn’t feel any surprise - she stood essentially in the heart of the kingdom, magic likely flowed faster here than mead in a guard’s barrack.

Each current ghosted over her body, almost feeling like little breezes against her back, just enough to ruffle her mane. The currents flowed everywhere, ghosting over her back, below her muzzle, everywhere. Somehow, each current had a smell attached to it as well. Her own smelled like old parchment or lavender, depending on her mood. Shining’s on the other hoof, nearly always smelled of sharp cinnamon, fierce and proud.

Each had its own distinct feel as well. Whenever Twilight felt Shining’s magic pass on her, she felt safe, like nothing would be able to harm her. Sunset’s felt warm but uncomfortable, roughly pushing against her mind. And these strange new currents sent a myriad of different sensations through her, each playing their own distinct chord. Naturally, Twilight could feel the locomotive spell from beneath her, accompanied with the distinct smell of rusting metal and gems. Twilight could feel her own magic as well, the polar opposite of Sunset’s. Hers stayed cold and calculating, keeping itself at a distance.

Twilight didn’t like the feel of her own magic.

Twilight could make out all sorts of smells, but one in particularly filled the air around her. It was an overwhelming scent, the smell of lilies and willow sharp against the others. Not only that, but the current radiated through the air around her, pressing firmly against her own glow, nearly forcing it back.

She started to move her head up, preparing to ask Luna exactly what she was supposed to learn about all of this. A simple spell couldn’t be everything, there must be some kind of trick that she missed. Luna, in all her wisdom, had probably placed some kind of trick, some kind of trap within the spellwork, something Twilight couldn’t see. The words sprang to her lips, ready to leap off.

Her eyes fell upon Luna’s form for what felt like the first time. Luna blazed out against her magic vision, practically blinding her. Her eyes squeezed shut, trying fruitlessly to protect vision that only existed in her mind. The Queen shone with the light of a blue sun, forcing her to take a step back. The light from her Queen shimmered and danced, color shifting and tinging with different hues. Behind the dominate color of cyan, more danced in the shadows, as if multiple magics fought for control. And who could say that they didn’t struggle against each other? Luna embodied the night, her magic showing it clearly as each star existed inside of her.

Somehow, she didn’t burst, but Twilight didn’t, couldn’t understand how. Her mind nearly snapped, trying to process how insignificant she truly was compared to the Queen. Truthfully, she stood like an ant against the Queen’s might. The earlier time in the field had given her a taste, but nothing like this.

An urge powered through her mind, forcing her head down. Twilight touched her horn all the way to the ground, bowing like her life depended on it.

Twilight’s eyes tilted up, searching for an answer. Her mind raced, heart beating fast at the look of the alicorn.

Her eyes landed on Luna’s muzzle, just able to make out a deep frown. Luna had raised her hoof as well, sending shocks of anxiety and fear through Twilight. She cowered down, expecting a strike that wouldn’t come. From somewhere, she heard a sigh. “Magelet, none of that,” she chided. Twilight looked up at her, face shrouded by her mane and keeping her deep bow. “Up, please. You’re my student now. I’m just a pony.” Luna’s voice cracked at the tail end, the hint of some emotion Twilight couldn’t identify slipping in.

But Luna couldn’t just be a pony. Nopony— rather, no one— could be just a pony like that. The sheer radiance, the raw might shone through. The air felt thick with her magic, thick with the scent and the feel of it. Even now, Twilight could ignore most of the sensations. Yet, just taking a look washed away any resolve she had left. That look washed away Luna’s lies: she was not just a pony, she was a god.

Yet, Twilight’s magic cut out. Her vision returned to normal and the swirling nexus of unimaginable power disappeared into the body of the dark mare instead. Her horn tingled still, even with the halt of her flow, tingled like it had gone numb. Her ear twitched from the odd feeling; it almost felt like something had clamped around her horn, something solid and metal, yet she felt nothing physically there. She could feel it through her magic, but couldn’t actually push it out of herself. Her eyes looked up, trying to somehow see through her bangs to where her horn rested. Just barely, she saw the tip of a blue glow. Luna’s magic, of course. No matter how hard Twilight pushed, it wouldn’t budge.

Thankfully, Twilight felt the absolute oppressive nature of Luna’s aura start to melt away. Not having her magic sight took some of the bite from Luna’s magic. It remained still, but lesser now. Slowly, ever so carefully, she stood, sides heaving with effort.

“Please, none of that,” Luna repeated with irritation in her voice. Good job Twilight, naught even an hour and you’ve already annoyed your lady and mentor. “Twilight, please remember. No matter what other ponies have said, I am just a pony.” The crack had disappeared from her voice, but something else remained, though Twilight still couldn’t put her hoof on it.

“Y-your highness, just.. So much,” Twilight answered. Without even realizing it, her body trembled, shaking like a leaf. The magic remained too fresh in her mind, too powerful for her to ignore so soon.

“Please. Luna.” Luna’s frown had softened, but not by much. She no longer looked angry; not with her ears pressed back so tightly against her head, or her frown so contrite.

“Yes Luna,” Twilight responded, head dipping down low.

“Magelet, it’s important that you realize that I am not any better than you, not truly. At the very least, please consider it from my side. We are just a pony...” She hesitated for a few seconds. “For now, we shall take us down.” Luna’s magic lit up again, the platform glowing bright from her magic and their descent beginning again.

A million questions buzzed through Twilight’s mind, yet she had no idea what to ask. She needed to know if Luna left her the notes in the library. She needed to know what would be expected of her. She needed to know how often Luna would be with her. She needed to know all of this, and a thousand other things all at once. Twilight couldn’t just pick one to ask; she assumed their time was limited already and didn’t want to waste what little they had. Luna had things to do, many important things.

She took a deep breath and decided to just go for it. “Luna, have you ever been to the library in the lower city? The really big one that used to be visited often?” She couldn’t reveal her secret yet, not whilst she still sought a handle on the Queen, but she needed to ask the question. At the least, it would shed some insight on her mentor’s past.

“Yes, I used to visit it quite often. The library gleamed out of the lower cities, like a jewel amidst the filth. I remember it fondly; twould always be well lit, always have a pony finding joy in their books. Despite being a library, I do have to admit it became quite noisy at times. I remember one of a kind tomes housed there, though I doubt they exist any longer.” Twilight’s ear twitched at the bitterness of her voice, so starkly contrasted to the normal calm. “I designed it myself, you know; the stained glass window and the statues, as well as the general layout.” So Twilight had yet another thing to thank her new teacher for, for all of the times she had spent studying. All of that came back to Luna, it all came back to Luna, didn’t it?

“I used to spend days in there with delegates from other countries. Or with unicorns working on new spells. Or even just with our sister, trying to find books that we would both enjoy,” Luna explained, her eyes going cloudy for a moment. She looked towards one of the walls, almost as if she could see the library from within the tower. Her wings shuffled across her back, shaking her head before going on. Her voice dropped an octave as she started back, clearly nostalgic, “Those were good days, young one. Days that I wish to return us to. I felt a profound sense of sadness when I saw what had become of it, though… Why do you ask?” Luna turned back down to her, gentle smile masking not quite reaching her eyes.

“No reason, your highness,” Twilight answered, hiding her own disappointment. That did not sound like the sort of answer that would come from her true mentor. Not that Luna wouldn’t soon overtake her old teacher, but Twilight had certainly hope they would be one and the same pony. She couldn’t completely smother the disappointment that rose higher and higher in her chest, couldn’t get rid of her angst. “I simply spent a lot of time there, and wanted to see if you had gone before. It’s nothing like you describe it… at least not anymore...” The lower city, all of it, could just be so much more.

The clatter of the platform bottoming out broke their silence. “But enough of that, magelet, let’s have ourselves some food. Come, guards.” Twilight noticed a subtle shift once they reached the bottom of the platform. Compared to earlier, Luna’s face fell into a mask of aloofness, displaying the pragmatic side everypony knew. The Queen stepped forward proudly, leading the way once more. Twilight had to hurry to keep up. Both guards from earlier remained, each falling into step a few feet behind the pair in front.

The quartet walked in silence for a while, the white guard slowly inching closer all the while. “Hello little one—” Why did everypony keeping calling her that? She really wasn’t that little! “—My name’s Iridescence, what’s yours?” The mare’s muzzle was barely inches away from hers, too damn close in Twilight’s mind.

Twilight wilted, shirking away from the mare. “Twilight Sparkle,” she answered, voice kept quiet. Her eyes carefully examined the mare’s face, searching for any ulterior motive. Twilight distrusted guards at the best of times, a hold-over from her experiences with the constables. Sure, the royal guards here were quite a bit different than those ‘guards’, but the fear and almost hatred remained. It would remain despite her brother’s new position: they had not earned her trust, not yet.

“Careful. Getting a little close, aren’t you? That’s my job, usually,” the other guard called. Iridescence frowned, though she did move away. “My name’s Sunny Day.” The name alone conjured up images of another mare, one of a similar ‘sun’ variety. What was with every mare with ‘sun’ in their name sounding way too happy? “So you’re our Queen’s new student?”

Twilight nodded cautiously.

“Oh, then I hope you don’t think she’s always Ms. Grumpy pants like this. I swear, she’s trying to put up a regal front for you,” Sunny teased.

“Yep, she usually doesn’t even dress up like this! Somepony tried to impress you~” Iridescence replied in a sing-song voice.

Twilight’s head darted back and forth between the two.

“Oh absolutely. Look at those earrings! When was the last time that you saw her highness wear earrings? Wasn’t it the Grand Galloping Gala? I remember she wore the emerald ones then, right?”

“No, no. She skipped that! She stayed in her room brooding that night, I think.”

Twilight turned her head again, not entirely sure who to look at.

Luna suddenly stopped, and Twilight was forced to take a sudden step back lest she collide with her Queen. “You two know we are right here, correct? We do not need you two polluting our young apprentice’s head.” Her voice grew harder as it went on revealing her not-so-subtle anger. The further away from the angry Queen, the better.

Yet, the two guards hardly seemed phased by it. “Of course, your highness,” Sunny replied, bowing her head, “we were merely trying to represent you well.” Her body shook with barely contained laughter.

Iridescence didn’t even bother hiding hers. “Oh, your highness! I’m sure your student will be corrupted soon enough anyways. Especially if Sunny stays around,” she added, with the smallest wink towards the other guard.

“Pbbbt!” Sunny sputtered out. “You know I keep that stuff away from fillies!” she protested, face going red. She was definitely old enough to know whatever it was they talked about! Besides, after what She had gone through, she clearly was a mare.

Luna groaned. “A pox on both of your houses! Must you always be so silly?” She whirled around on her hooves, facing the three. “Please pay them no mind, magelet. My house guards like to tease too much.” Her eyes flickered between the two guards. “As for you two! Quiet yourselves! Do not forget who you torment!” The Queen did not have to try too hard to appear threatening. To Twilight, just her standing, wings splayed was more than enough to send a shiver down her spine.

Naturally this sent the guards into terrors. Well, not really actually. They actually just started laughing all the more, Sunny even leaning against the wall for support. Twilight stared between the two, disbelief widening in her eyes. The two laughed right in the face of a goddess, right after she threatened revenge on them and their families! How could they just laugh about that? How could they even stay calm with Luna looking so.. So vexed!

She waited for the smiting, wilting and stepping back cautiously. How quick would her time as a Student of the Night be. “Feh!” Luna spat out. She spun on her hooves again, practically stomping on down the hall. “Come magelet, leave these two to their giggles.”

Twilight’s eyes darted to the guards before swiftly nodding and galloping to catch up. She looked back, noticing the pair of sacrilegious guards had at least recovered enough to start following again. Giggling! At a goddess! Ridiculous! Twilight frowned at the pair in annoyance. How could they get away with such disrespect?

The two fell into step once again, Luna doing something quite regal. She walked forward, her head held high, nose pointed up. Her steps came a little too heavy, her tail swishing as well. For some reason, her mane had started to wave faster, as if the invisible wind had picked up speed. Surely, she did something only royals would do; she certainly did not pout!

Okay, maybe she pouted a little.

“Ignore her,” Sunny insisted. She leaned in, whispering conspiratorially, “Luna - Er, Queen Luna likes jokes as much as the rest of us, she just hides it. She just needs to warm up and get used to you. Between you and me, she just wants to impress you.” She finished her words up with a wink and a bump on the flank, leaving Twilight to her thoughts.

First of all, Twilight had to wonder how in Equestria these two actually became guards. And not just guards, but house guards for Luna herself if the armor proved anything. She thought only the elite were allowed such prestigious positions. She had thought that meant only the most professional, hardened, ready soldiers would be admitted. Clearly, she had thought incorrectly.

Secondly, what did they mean Luna would joke around with her? Luna didn’t particularly seem like the joking type. Surely, she must be serious to run half of a country. Or a full country if rumors were to be believed. Jokes took time, right? Twilight had never been one to kid around either, much to Shining’s disappointment.

And impressing Twilight? Don’t be ridiculous. It would be the other way around if anypony tried for impressing, it would be her.

The rest of their journey followed in silence, only the two guards exchanging words. The Queen and Twilight kept silent, Luna’s pout much more obvious now. But it was just a little thing, barely a pout at all! Twilight, on the other hoof, simply thought. Perhaps the guards told the truth, perhaps Luna did simply need ‘warming up’, not that Twilight didn’t already like her.

The quartet finally reached a room different from the seemingly never ending hallway. It widened out, welcoming them to a fancy lobby. Double doors, similar to the ones in the main entrance but much smaller led outside, as evidenced by the arched windows in flanking position. A long, red and gold trimmed carpet ran from the double doors to another set of double doors on the inside. The inside doors were quite similar, except for the trimmings. The exterior facing ones were kept rather minimal, just wood and wood engravings, made from solid, tough wood. Somepony had decorated the interior ones, the wood lighter and inlaid with hold to clearly show off rather than stand up to the elements.

Did everything need gold around here?

“In here, magelet.” Luna pressed on through the double doors, leading into the room beyond.

Instantly, scents assaulted Twilight. The scents didn’t limit themselves to just breakfast foods. Pies, eggs, toast and bacon? Twilight had smelled bacon before in the slums of the griffon ghettos and it had always made her gag. Here, it seemed different. Here it almost seemed… more pure? No, that wasn’t quite right. It smelled fake. Still, despite the relative cleanliness of the bacon smell, Twilight couldn’t help but wrinkle her nose.

And that was merely one scent. All around the hall, ponies chatted and ate The room filled with soft noises of conversation, the clink of a glass, or the clatter of tableware breaking the monotony. Like the hall, great chandeliers hung down, providing the light for everypony. Ponies sat at tables strewn across the room in an orderly fashion. Three rows, back to back to back, each seating around fifty ponies if she had to take a guess about it. Each table had food thrown across it, a clear buffet. Each and every time a dish ran out, a servant nigh instantly appeared, refreshing and refilling it for all those at the table. Not only that, but goblets of wine and water stayed stocked no matter what.

The two stepped into the room proper, taking a second to simply get used to the atmosphere. Twilight sniffed at the air again, her stomach rumbling with hunger she had barely realized was there. Anything to eat would be perfect right about now, and with the quality of food she could spot, she was in for quite a treat.

Twilight froze up for a second as all eyes drifted onto her. Of course she’d been the center of attention next to the Queen, but she hadn’t expected the stares. Conversely to Twilight's hesitant, scared step, Luna walked with confidence, with poise in each of her hooffalls. The ponies’ eyes didn’t bother her.

The ponies at each table looked at first glance to be an interesting mix. Guard ponies, some in and some out of uniform, sat interspersed between servants, maids, scribes, students and all other sorts as well. Twilight, however, did not notice a single poorly dressed pony here. Each and every one of them had strong, well made clothes, no holes or tears like would be expected in the lower classes. Each and every one of them looked healthy. What Twilight did not notice was the presence of any hacking cough, or the sounds of pained ponies, or any tell-tale signs of the plague.

On the other side of the room from the entrance, in the middle, a table perched on a raised platform, the ponies present there significantly more rich looking than the others. The table did seem well cared after like all the others, but just food didn’t fill it. Instead, the dishes only sat in front of ponies that already waited for it, drinks coming only by demand as well. Behind the table, two portraits hung, two portraits clearly life sized, though Twilight couldn’t make them out yet.

The paintings hung over a set of thrones, or perhaps they were just really large chairs. The two were entirely different, the right one, Celestia’s white with gold trim and rich red cushions. The left painted purple, with silvery blue trim and dark blue cushions also inlaid with silver. No pony needed to think hard to realize these two seats stayed reserved for the princesses.

Behind the two thrones, Twilight counted ten seats total on the far side of the table, five on each side. Each one was quite a bit smaller, more pony sized, more uniform as well. Dark wood, red cushions, no trimming for these.

Luna led them down the center aisle, nodding in acknowledgement at the few ponies that took time out of their breakfast to greet her. Everypony seemed relaxed, even with the Queen of their nation walking mere feet away from them. After a while, Twilight guessed that a pony simply got used to it. She didn’t think she ever would, didn’t think she’d ever be able to get over Luna’s opulence, but these ponies already had.

Luna took her seat on the throne, motioning to the chair beside her for Twilight. Twilight took the seat, leaving her sandwiched between the Queen of the Night and a mare that looked like a model. Little niggling feelings of inadequacy flowed through Twilight, but she did her absolute best to ignore them.

From here, Twilight could make out the two portraits. On the left, the portrait portrayed Luna, staring out over the night’s sky, a soft snow falling. She looked serene, calm, and poignant. A single scarf wrapped around her neck, blue like her fur and quite fluffy. On the right, the portrait showed off Celestia instead. She stood, legs spread wide and looking straight up towards in the camera in a field of flowers, a silky smooth smile gracing her face. Her mane whipped out behind her, spreading and pastel colors mixing with the colors of the many hued flowers.

As for the smaller chairs, only two were currently occupied, one on Luna’s side and one on Celestia’s. A stallion took the one on Celestia’s, wearing the golden armor of the royal guard. His facial expression bespoke of his position as well; a stern, unyielding gaze that almost seemed similar to a scowl.

The other pony couldn’t be any further from the typical military stone face. The mare— for it was a mare— sat looking almost contemplative at her food. Twilight had to take a second look at her; her soft pink coat, beautifully striped gold, pink and purple mane, and amazing body were quite eye-catching. She has to be some type of model. Her dress, what little Twilight could see of it, didn’t have too many frills. Instead, the simplicity of the lilac dress complimented and accentuated her coat, her figure, gracefully covering her form with the skirts flaring perfectly off her rump. She ate with the utmost poise, her cyan magic working diligently with a knife and fork, manners impeccable despite her relatively common breakfast of eggs and toast. Twilight didn’t know proper decorum that well, but she could definitely recognize it from what she had read before. The pink mare’s eyes practically glittered violet, the hue almost the same as Twilight’s coat, brilliant all the while.

It seemed everypony Twilight would meet in the upper city would be the pinnacle of beauty.

Before Twilight could even sit, the other mare turned to her with a gracious smile. She leaned in close, gracing Twilight with just a hint of perfume. “Hello there. My name’s Mi Amore Cadenza.” She giggled, as if something was funny; Twilight didn’t get it. “But you can call me Cadance!” Cadance presented her hoof, offering it up before Twilight.

Not quite sure what to do, Twilight closed the distance and planted a gentle kiss on the hoof. She had read a few books about meeting ladies of a court, but never dealt with it herself. Everything she read said that was the way to react, but indecision and anxiety flared through her regardless. It seemed her anxiety spoke true, as the mare— Cadance, was it?— only giggled more, both hooves withdrawing and covering her mouth. A wry chuckle even escaped from Luna, though Twilight couldn’t see if she smiled or not.

Twilight met her eyes, confusion coursing through her. “You were supposed to shake it, silly!” Cadance explained, giggles interrupting each of her words. “Though, I’m flattered, really!”

Mortification rushed through Twilight, causing a much deeper red blush to mirror Cadance’s pink one. How foolish did she have to be to actually kiss the hoof of a lady? She ducked her head, trying and failing to sputter out an apology. “I-I, C-ca-” The lady, Cadenza, pressed a hoof against her muzzle, silencing her. This close, Twilight could smell her quite clearly. Shining often silenced her in a similar way, but the Cadance’s hoof didn’t smell like the dirt and filth of Shining’s. Instead, she smelled of the sweetest flowers, even on her roughest extremities. Twilight’s eyes tilted back up, thoroughly expecting to see a mocking, almost taunting sort of smile. Ladies of the court always acted that way in her books; above the common ponies like Twilight.

Yet, her expectations shattered once more. Instead of the condescending smirk that she thought likely, Cadance smiled a gentle, caring smile. A smile that put her fast beating heart at rest, a smile that made any thought of retribution die before it could truly start. Surely her mentor could protect her from all but the worst of nobles, but the seed of worry remained firmly planted.

“It’s fine, sweetie, really!” Cadance assured her, grin blossoming even wider. The blush had gone, or had hidden on her pink cheeks, Twilight couldn’t be sure. “Just didn’t expect it is all! Nopony really does that anymore.” She finally moved her hoof back from Twilight’s muzzle, returning it to her side. “Would you like to introduce yourself, sweetie?”

Twilight blinked. Why must everything here go against her expectations? Why must everything here be so darned confusing? Sure, everything so far had been pleasant; the guards had been rather sweet, and this mare was basically sugar incarnate, but what happened when a shock wasn’t so benign? She didn’t want to think about it right now. She blinked again, finally noticing the mare’s smile had wavered during her silence.

“Magelet, introduce yourself,” Luna’s calm, confident voice commanded her, any trace of amusement long gone. Not in a bad way, however. In a way that kept her relaxed— almost hypnotized.

Twilight finally nodded, taking a deep breath. Remember your manners, she chided herself mentally. “I’m sorry, Lady Cadance.” She bowed her head for the briefest of seconds. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, Student of the Night.”

Cadance perked a perfectly sculpted eyebrow up in...surprise? Curiosity? “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Sparkle. You already have my name, but I am the duchess of Canterville,” she explained. Twilight had not heard of it, but it certainly sounded impressive. That now counted a duke and a duchess that she’d met in the last two days alone.

She had a feeling she’d meet quite a few more important ponies before the day ended. Just a hunch.

“So you’re our castle’s newest little celebrity, then?” Cadance asked, eyes twinkling in amusement. “I hope you enjoy your time here. Please let me know if I can do anything for you Miss Sparkle.” Didn’t it hurt to smile that much? Surely Cadance’s jaw hurt by now.

“Thank you, duchess Cadance.” Twilight kept her head bowed, trying to look like she meant her thanks. She very much wished that she had at least worn her mother’s dress today, both to match her new necklace and to actually look like something other than a stain on the mosaic of the court. Frankly, Twilight felt like a sore hoof amongst the beauties she’d seen so far, and she’d seen only a few different ponies. Cadance and Luna absolutely dwarfed her, and the guards even looked much cleaner and more attractive than the rather plain Twilight.

“I’m sure Luna’s already told you this, but none of that title business. Just Cadance please, or Cadie if you want!” Did every noble suddenly decide they didn’t care anymore? Silverhorn, Luna, Cadance; that was three for three so far! No complaints from Twilight, but the sneaking suspicion remained buried inside of her. The whole situation reeked of a trap, all a trap to get her comfortable before closing the vise.

“Oh, Luna dear, do you have the time? I have a meeting a nine-thirty,” Cadance said.

“Nine-seventeen,” Twilight instantly responded, not even looking up.

“She’s right, Cadie-bug,” Luna affirmed, the dark mare somehow telling the time as well.

Cadance giggled again, the pink mare quite giggly indeed. Magic suddenly surrounded Twilight’s head, the tingling, flighty sensation almost making her squirm in her seat. She grimaced at the cyan magic, barely stopping herself from snapping back in revenge. Personally, magic being used on her without her permission was something of a pet peeve for Twilight. This close to Luna, however, Twilight managed to hold herself back.

Besides, Twilight could tell who the magic belonged to. Cadance took her muzzle, pushing it up much like Luna had so she looked her in the eye. “Thank you very much, Miss Sparkle.” Her voice had dropped an octave, almost sounding husky. Cadance leaned close, giving Twilight a light peck on the cheek before taking her leave.

Twilight’s blush returned with a vengeance, red taking over her cheeks with a fury rarely known to her. The other mare, the beautiful, wondrous, divine Cadance had left her all a flustered, the spot she kissed feeling like fire itself had touched Twilight’s coat. She shivered, the scent still lingering close to her, the perfume still hanging in the air. Goddesses, what a mare, what a fantastic mare. She stayed frozen, replaying the scene in her mind again, and again. What she wouldn’t give for another.

Twilight shook her head, shaking herself out of the malaise that had taken over. A beautiful mare yes, but Twilight couldn’t let herself get flustered so easily! It would take more than a pretty mare to pierce her mental armor! Unlike the stallions of the orphanage, Twilight was not so weak against the wily charms of a lady. Nay, she could be a lady herself! Besides, she’d only been out of sorts for a second or two, no real harm done!

Yet, the smell had changed. She could definitely smell toast and eggs, too close to be a coincidence. Twilight tilted her head towards the table again, noticing that somehow a plate of her own had appeared. Toast and eggs, simple and traditional, definitely good enough. A goblet of water accompanied the plate, gem encrusted like seemingly everything else. She didn’t really drink wine anyways. Truly, somepony had used impressive magic to sneak all of this past her.

“Welcome back, magelet.” Twilight saw Luna’s own plate out of the corner of her eyes, a piece of toast already mostly devoured. A knife and fork clinked in Luna’s magic, working at a piece of what looked like ham of all things. “I see you enjoyed your new friend’s little parting gift. I think three and a half minutes may be a new record for her.”

Twilight’s eyes widened instantly. Three minutes? No way, that… She checked the time mentally. Nine twenty one? How? She’d been kissed before! Like that one time… no, wait, that didn’t count. Or when.. Okay, so she hadn’t been before! It didn’t mean anything, she was like twice her age at least for one!

Gah, why did pretty mares leave her so flustered?

“Magelet, you should eat breakfast before it gets cold.” That admonishing voice wafted over her head, and without much else to do, Twilight dug in. Her magic levitated up the toast, taking a small, hesitant bite out of it.

Flavor instantly exploded across her tongue. Cinnamon, butter, and hints of other spices accentuated the bread itself, taking it up and making it more than just toast. Back in the orphanage, toast meant bread with a little fire, and sometimes butter if you were lucky. Here? Here it seemed to mean flavor from all corners of the world.

Curious, she brought a fork up quickly, shoveling some of the eggs into her maw. Like the toast, these made what she had at the orphanage seem like the pale imitation of an egg. These were scrambled, cooked to perfection, and lightly spiced, not ruining the flavor but enhancing it beyond anything she thought possible. Oh goddesses, everything tasted so good! She wanted more, she needed more!

She bet the water even tasted amazing! A quick drink and— okay, that tasted normal, but still! Even that felt more pure somehow, though she figured it could easily be placebo at this point.

“Enjoying yourself, magelet?” Luna teased. With a blush, Twilight realized that her eyes and mouth were wide open in amazement. It seemed today she would be cursed to embarrass herself over and over.

Twilight shut her mouth and faced towards the Queen. “Y-yes your highness. It’s all very good.” With how starving she was, Twilight practiced the greatest restraint in talking to Luna instead of diving back into the meal.

“Especially the mares?” That twinkle had come back into her eyes, and her grin changing, becoming decidedly wolfish.

Twilight’s fork dropped back to the table, clinging off her plate, her magic popping out of existence from shock. Luna’s earlier teasing didn’t shock Twilight, not a bit. But now, she’d gone straight over the line, straight into the direct territory. Still blushing, Twilight nodded her head numbly, truly not knowing how else to answer.

Luna laughed, a joyful, boisterous laugh. “Of course, you like them, Cadance certainly liked you!”

Unfortunately for her, Twilight discovered that she could in fact not disappear in her chair. With a small whimper, she turned back to her food, deciding to distract herself with it rather than her now suddenly warm mentor. The guards mentioned she would warm up, is this what they had meant? She almost preferred the colder Luna, considering how the target of all the jokes seemed to be her!

She stuffed another forkful of eggs in her mouth, keeping herself quiet.

“It’s good that Cadance likes you,” Luna said. “Despite how young she looks, she’s holds significant pull around the court.”

Oh? Twilight’s ears perked up a bit, her eating starting to slow. Her attention turned away from her food, minding her manners for the first time since she began. She was in front of the Queen, for goddesses sake! She needed to control herself.

Slowly, she swallowed. “What do you mean, y-Luna?” Belatedly, Twilight realized that even Cadance called her just Luna.

“Oh, she’s one of the big ones,” Luna said, airily flipping a hoof. “The court has a few… let’s say, controlling ponies. There are quite a few factions in our dear court, and not all of them particularly like me. Cadance is one of the leaders— the leader of the Moderates actually. Good mare, if a bit confusing at times,” Luna explained. Twilight honestly had to wonder how Luna could speak so calmly about such important ponies.

Then again, she towered above all of them.

Twilight could hardly say she was abreast of the political going ons in the court, but now that Luna mentioned it, the name did seem rather familiar. She had heard the name ‘moderates’ at least. “So she’s really important, then?”

“Quite so. Second only to our sister and ourself,” Luna said, nodding slowly. “Keep an eye out for her, little mage.”

But why should she care? She wanted to study and grow, not get involved in the nobles’ petty squabbles. She had no time for the hustle and bustle of the upper class and didn’t dare interfere with politics, not wanting near that death trap. She’d read enough political theory to know she couldn’t trust a politician as far as she could throw them. She’d never, ever get involved.

Oh how wrong she was.

Twilight swallowed the last little bite of her eggs before going on. Luna needed to have distractions. No more distractions like food or hunger. “Yes Luna. But... why?”

“You don’t realize yet?” Luna asked, raising an eyebrow. “Magelet, you’re my student now. Wanted or not, certains things will be expected of you: Public appearances, speaking to crowds, great deeds, that sort of thing.” She held up a hoof, cutting off Twilight’s early interruption. “Magelet, our hopes are high for you, but we won’t make you do anything. Others won’t see it the same way. They’ll seek to pressure you, to make you do things.”

“Others are going to want to influence you. Out of everypony in Equus, you shall be the closest to us. And that sort of familiarity means influence. Everypony important will want to speak to you hoping on you getting our ear. Not that that will work, mind you,” she added, the last part accompanied by a stern look.

Twilight bit her lip. There wouldn’t be an end, would there? Her entire life had been made tartarus by these nobles, kept down, shoved into nothing. Once student, she had almost allowed herself the naivety of hope, of hoping she’d finally be left alone. But that wouldn’t be. Nay, she’d been foolish.

“Which means...” Twilight started, voice uncertain. Luna cut her off again, completing her sentence for her.

“Which means we must tread carefully indeed.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long! It's part one of two for this little section.

Also! No tabs for this one! Lemme know if you like it better or not. If I get pushback one way or the other, it'll probably influence my decision to convert the rest of the chapters when I go back and revise them.

Also - OCs used with permission of Crystal and Anzel.