• Published 11th Aug 2016
  • 16,793 Views, 263 Comments

Sunshipped - Masterweaver

  • ...


"Name's Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer. But on to more important questions--"

"What gives you any right to ask about my romantic life?!" Starlight Glimmer sputtered. "Or about Sunburst?! AND HOW DID YOU EVEN GET IN TWILIGHT'S PALACE ANYWAY?!"

Sunset tapped her chin. "You know, technically I could answer all those questions with 'Magic' and be a hundred percent accurate. But I'll be fair: You're a highly-powerful unicorn, which means everybody's going to be watching you for powerful foals; I have close ties to Sunburst, which means I have a very good reason to look out for his future; and a mirror."


"Granted, it's a magic mirror. So, again, why aren't you tongue tangoing the tasty treat that is your childhood friend?"

Starlight Glimmer opened her mouth, incomprehensible syllables pouring out as her face went from merely arguably pink to definitely pink. Sunset stood with a patient smile, waiting for a coherent response.

"I-I just--you just--this is--what?! WHAT?! You don't just open with--with, and you, and me, and Sunburst, and what?! WHAT?! WHAT?!"

"None of this is answering my question."

"I'm not going to answer your question!" Starlight shouted. "It's a ridiculous question that I shouldn't have to--!"

"Hold on, are you gay or asexual or something?" Sunset asked. "I mean, it's totally cool if you are."


"Look, if you're not going to answer, I'm just going to guess." The yellow mare leaned against a wall. "I mean, you could be saving yourself for marriage, I guess--which kinda seems weird, since kissing isn't actual sex, but if that's how you roll--"

"I have too much going on in my life to worry about something like love!"

Sunset grinned. "There, you see? Was that so hard?"

Starlight opened her mouth, paused, and narrowed her eyes. "You are a manipulative, conniving little pony."

"Mmmm. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty much me in a nutshell." The yellow mare pushed herself off the wall, holding out her hoof to Starlight. "Still, that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"I... guess not?" Starlight cautiously shook her hoof, keeping her eye on the pony. "I mean, I've done a lot worse."

The other unicorn nodded. "Yeah, heard about your equality cult."

"Y-You did?!" Starlight flinched, pulling her hoof back. "I mean, I don't do that anymore, and--how do you know about that anyway?!"

"Me and Twilight chat every now and again. You know, talk about our lives and stuff. You came up a while ago." Sunset shrugged. "It's no big deal to me, I did something similar a while ago."


"Hypnotized a bunch of teenage apes, planned to use them to conquer Equestria. Twilight slapped some sense into me. Hey, maybe we could start a club or something." Sunset wrapped a leg around Starlight's shoulders, pointing at nothing. "Reformed Unicorns' Group! Actually, no, I don't know that many reformed unicorns. I mean I know this one girl who isn't a unicorn."

"There's this pony called Trixie who--wait, no, hold on!" Starlight moved out from under Sunset's foreleg. "I don't even know anything about you and you just come out of nowhere to ask me about--about my romantic life!"

"Why are you still focused on that?" Sunset asked, tilting her head. "I mean we got that straightened out like forty five seconds ago."

"Who even are you?! And I don't mean your name and stuff, it's... you're walking up like you know me already and... and casually asking me about my personal life, but I don't know anything about you!"

Sunset blinked, processing the words. "...Huh. You know what? You have a point... Wow. I went about this the entirely wrong way. Let's start over." She held out her hoof. "Hi. I'm Sunset Shimmer. I dated Sunburst once."

Starlight stared at her in disbelief. "Really, you just think... okay. Fine." With a melodramatic toss of her mane, Starlight lifted her own hoof and bumped Sunset's. "Hi, I'm Starlight Glimmer. I was friends with Sunburst when we were kids."

"Good to know. So, you want to..." Sunset paused, looking around. "Actually, it's been a while since I've been in Equestria. What is it that ponies do for casual get togethers again?"

"Uh.... hum." Starlight rubbed her chin. "You know, I... never really was good at the casual get together thing. Almost all my interactions with other ponies were either to convince them to join my equality cult or, after that, to redeem myself for forming an equality cult. So... What do you want to do?"

"Good question... I don't know, maybe some kind of board game or something?"

Starlight shrugged. "Yeah, sure, that... that seems like a good idea." She paused. "Are you... going to keep pestering me about Sunburst?"

"Weeeeeeeeeeell," Sunset hedged, "I do want what's best for him, and you do seem like you'd at the very least protect him from the hordes of mares interested in his beard, sooooooo..."

"Why would hordes of mares be interested in his beard?"

"Um. Have you seen that beard?"

"Yeah. It's just a beard."

Sunset stared at Starlight, completely shocked.

"...What?" Starlight shrugged. "It's true! I mean... why are you looking at me like that?!"

"So you're saying... mares don't like beards."

"It's a non-issue--I mean, if you like beards that's fine, but it's not universal. How did you not know this?"

Sunset turned away, mumbling to herself. Starlight swore she heard something about spices. Finally, the yellowish unicorn turned back. "Let's... let's just find some game to play."