• Published 11th Aug 2016
  • 16,794 Views, 263 Comments

Sunshipped - Masterweaver

  • ...

"You didn't tell me you LIVED in the castle! I thought you just worked there!"

"What? It's a castle! What, did you think I would just walk there every day?"

"Uh, yeah? A little walk from the tree library to your palace, perfect exercise routine, plus you'd get to interact with your subjects one on one! I mean I didn't know your library was destroyed, you know?"

Twilight held up a hoof, paused, and lowered it. "Okay, so I see how that assumption could be reasonable, given the circumstances. Are you sure I never mentioned losing my home, though? It was kind of a big thing."

"It never came up," Sunset replied, shaking her head. "I don't know why, but... well. By the way, sorry about that. Sounds terrible."

"It... was." Twilight took a breath. "I've gotten mostly over it, but... it still hurts sometimes, you know? Losing everything you've ever worked for, and having to move into a new environment. I... do you know what that's like?"

The yellow unicorn shared a glance with the only other pony in the train car. Starlight rolled her eyes.

"I have a pretty decent guess," Sunset deadpanned.

"...Oh. R-Right." Twilight grimaced. "I forgot."

"Well... still. I guess you have a castle now." Sunset nudged Twilight playfully. "You're moving up in the world! Ain't that a thing?"

"I suppose." The purple alicorn shrugged. "How about you? How are things going in the human world?"

"Oh, they're... going." Sunset shrugged. "I mean, I'm still legally a minor there--"

"Wait what?" Starlight cried. "You're a minor?!"

"Over there."

"But--but you said you were Sunburst's big sister! Like, older!"

"Well, the mirror does a transformy thingy, and it made me into a teenage ape for some weird reason. I think it has something to do with being near the high school, or something."

"...That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever."

Sunset smiled sadly. "Story of my life."

Twilight, hesitantly, put a hoof on Sunset's shoulder. "Well... you're certainly... doing better now, right?"

"Oh, yes, no question." She chuckled. "I try to just roll with it these days. We've got this whole summer camp thing coming up..."

"Summer camp?" Twilight tilted her head. "What's that?"

"You know... summer camp? A sort of outdoors retreat that you go to during the summer, with... a lot of other people?"

"...Huh." Starlight frowned. "When you put it like that, it sounds obvious... why does there have to be a lot of people, though?"

"Well, see, it's a big place so they need lots of attendees to pay the bills, right? So it's usually all arranged as a big group thing, like with schools or religious groups handling the organization." Sunset looked between the two of them. "Have neither of you ever been to summer camp? I'm pretty sure there's places like it in Equestria somewhere!"

Twilight shrugged. "I was an introverted filly."

"And I... kind of spent my childhood in a trauma-induced haze of revenge and societal alteration planning," Starlight pointed out. "Wow, now that I say that, it sounds like I was really screwed up doesn't it?"

"We're all screwed up in one way or another," Sunset said philosophically. "I'm more comfortable in another world as a teenage bald ape then as the adult unicorn mare I supposedly should be. And Twilight's list-obsessed."

"I am not!"

Starlight and Sunset leveled flat looks at her.

"...I am not!" she insisted. "It's... for efficiency's sake! Yeah!"

"Sure," Sunset drawled. "Because clearly taking time to make a list for every single action you could possibly take is much more efficient then actually going around and doing the things you want to do."

"It's a lot better then bungling about without any plan," Twilight pointed out harshly.

"But becoming reliant on a plan reduces adaptability."

"Unless you incorporate adaptability into the plan!"

"At which point, you're spending more time planning then doing."

Twilight gave a furious growl at Sunset's smirk. "Alright, miss not-list-checker, what would you suggest?!"

"I make goals," she replied. "Simple goals."

"A-ha! Goals that you can check off the list!"

"Hey, I never said checklists were bad. Only that you were list-obsessed to a detrimental degree."

"She has a point," Starlight said hesitantly. "I do appreciate being taken in as a friendship student and all, but your list nearly hamstrung my attempts to reconnect with Sunburst. Not everything can be reduced to mathmatical positive/negative. Some things require... more flexibility."

Twilight gave her a look. "You, of all ponies, are the one saying not to reduce things to simplicity."

Starlight nodded. "Look, we both know what I did was wrong, and we both know why I did it. So, yes. I can learn from my mistakes." She glanced at the floor. "If I couldn't, then... well, I wouldn't be here at all, would I?"

"...okay, I guess you know what you're talking about."

"Oh look! We're here!" Sunset looked out the window. "Wow. You know, I never really saw the Crystal Empire during my whole trip here. It's actually pretty impressive."

"Yeah, the streets actually form an entire network for the magic to flow from the central palace out to these interflow posts." Twilight nodded at the two pillars and the three gems hovering between them. "That creates a dome which--"

"I would really like to hear this, but shouldn't we get off the train first?"

"Oh! Right."

The three of them stepped onto the train platform, rolling their shoulders. Sunset was the first to spot her target. "Hey there, lil' bro! What's the haps?"

"Oh! Hello, Sunset." Sunburst half chuckled as she walked over. "It's... been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah. Lookie at you, wizard of the crystal empire." She tussled his mane with a grin. "You always had the brains for it."

"Ah, um. I... didn't think you were... talking to me." The stallion coughed. "At all."

"...Look. Sunburst." Sunset put a hoof on his shoulder. "What happened between us... it was weird and complicated and, I honestly said some things that I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I just... want to start on a fresh start, okay?"

"Oh. Well. Um. Alright." Sunburst smiled awkwardly. "In that case, I, uh, I have somebody I'd like you to meet."


"Yep." He cleared his throat, looking to the station. "You can come on out now!"

Sunset blinked, turning as a black... bug pony of some sort stepped nervously out from behind the station door. "Um. Hi, miss... miss Sunset." He waved a hole-filled leg. "I... it's nice to meet you?"

"...Uh, nice to meet you too, I guess."

"Oh, right, you wouldn't have heard...." Sunburst chuckled. "This is Thorax, he's a changeling."

"Our first changeling refugee," Twilight confirmed quickly.

"Oh." Sunset nodded slowly. "Yes, I've heard of changelings. So, uh... why'd you want me to meet him, Sunburst?"

"Oh, well, you see..." Sunburst chuckled awkwardly. "It's kind of recent, but... we've started dating."