• Published 16th Jun 2016
  • 2,809 Views, 57 Comments

My life as a chaos God - dimensional rift_13

Screw ball has been living the last 16 years as a human boy

  • ...

The potion master and the butterfly

“Argh my head what happened.” I shouted as I woke up

Looking around at my surroundings it seemed I was in the middle of some kind of forest.

“Oh shit the fucking everfree forest, well this is fucking great what's next timber wolves attack yeah right.” I laughed.

Suddenly the air began to smell like rotting wood and a low growl could be heard throughout the clearing.

“Me and my big mouth.” I said as I summoned my zanpakuto from seemingly no where's “banki, tensu gantetsu.” after a few minutes I used “getsuga tensho.” and finished the battle granted it wasn't as graceful as ichigo makes it seem but it was effective.

I began wandering around the forest looking for either a way out or zecora's hut eventually when I zoned out I ended up literally running into someone.

“Ouch what did i run into a tree”. I exclaimed.

"I am many things but a tree I am not, and I do hope such a mistake is easy to spot." said the zebra

“Oh Zecora just the zebra I was looking for.”

"What would a filly like you need from a zebra like me? though of course any assistance I will give happily.” Zecora responded

“Well first off a way out of this forest then maybe some help finding shelter after all I can't wander these woods forever and cut the crap I know you don't rhyme every line you say.”

“How could you possibly know that young filly. Your chaos yes it's strong but not enough for me to worry for it's like a Lily.”

“ I didn't actually know until you confirmed it.”

“Well little filly you have figured out my darkest secret follow me to a cottage at the edge of these woods.”

I followed Zecora for awhile until we came across Fluttershy’s cottage it was actually actually quite nice but the garden in the back would put any garden I've ever seen to shame it grew rows of plants that stretched from 100 feet into the forest to the cottage back door.

“Wards protect this home from any creatures with harmful intentions if you're wondering you may go farther on your own for I have done my part and I have work to do.”

With that Zecora turned back towards the forest disappearing into the undergrowth while I turned and walked towards the cottage to see where this future will bring me.

The wards glowed while I passed through them showing a combination of complex spells and alchemic circles. They let me pass surprisingly enough although I'm not planning to be like my father who would spread chaos in his wake.

As I reached the back door I soon realized my mistake knocking on the back door of this earthy cottage would scare Fluttershy while on the front door she would think it was one of her friends or someone while on the back she'd think the wards had failed her. As I moved towards the front door I noted that the house itself had many of the same wards on it although many were scorched or burned as if they were being dismantled. When I finally reached the front door finally I quickly knocked twice and waited. I wasn't waiting long before I heard the doorknob turn and the door creak open slowly.

“Eek” I heard from the other side of the door.

“It's okay Fluttershy I just need a place to stay and my parents are currently out of the question so please let me stay here Zecora brought me here but she left a little while ago.”

“Oh you poor thing you must be starving.” she said as she whisked me inside.

As she brought me inside she closed the door and locked it.

“now let me lay down a few ground rules one no hurting the animals two no cooking unless I supervise you. Last time I let a filly cook I was almost homeless. Three no feeding the animals they are very picky and four be kind or I'll show you a side of my that you won't like.” She explained as she set me down on the couch. “Now I'm going to make you some dinner I'll be right back.”

With that she left me alone and I quickly became bored so I did the one thing I could think of see how well my energy had recovered from earlier today I started simple levitation spells on small objects such as a few books and a lamp the spell stayed strong so I put those back then went to a teleportation spell moving my self a few feet away. Causing a little strain but not to much so I decided to stop there knowing Fluttershy would come back soon.

Sure enough not even five minutes later Fluttershy walks in with two salads.

“Here you go a little one I wasn't sure what you liked so I made yours the way I like mine.” she said while handing me the plate or would it be hoofing I guess that's up to debate.

As I attempt to pick up the fork I realize my mistake I have no clue how ponies pick up their forks.

“ May I inquire about why your eyes are green swirls” interrupted Fluttershy “I just noticed now that you have your head up and i'm not shying away it's alright if you don't want to talk about it”

“No no it's quite alright actually you see I am infused with both the power of the alicorn who is my mother Luna and also the chaos of her one and only lover the self proclaimed god of chaos Discord.”

“ Your kidding right kid we locked away discord a few days ago and Luna would never have sex with a beast such as Discord” Fluttershy rebuttaled.

“ Be that as it may it was over a thousand years ago I was born but I was sent to a dimension where time passes much slower.” I said as I decided to use my magic on the fork.

Fluttershy looked at me with her mouth wide open as I used my magic to eat my salad which tasted a lot better than any salad I've had on earth of course I was quite a salad dodger on earth in fact I've never had a full salad till now I guess karma is a bitch.

After I set down the fork asked Fluttershy “do you believe me now”

“I guess with that evidence please don't hurt me for what I said earlier” she responded almost in tears.

“I'm not going to hurt you I don't want to be thought of by what my parents are although I do need a place to stay and a guardian so I don't end up in foster care or worse adoption also an education would be nice my studies were kind of cut short.”

“Why of course I'll help you can have the spare bedroom right down the hall next to me unfortunately you'll have to go through my room to use the bathroom as the more public one in the hallway is under renovations.” she explained.

Then I realized one fact I forgot to mention “You forgot to ask earlier by the way my name is Screwball.”

Author's Note:

Thank you for your constant support even with this long break being a closet brony makes it hard for me to work if you find any mistakes please point them out to me i would appreciate it until next time everypony

Special thanks to omnishifter for his help