• Published 16th Jun 2016
  • 2,809 Views, 57 Comments

My life as a chaos God - dimensional rift_13

Screw ball has been living the last 16 years as a human boy

  • ...

Nightmare Night

I was out of breath when I reached the cottage, the door was slightly propped open to allow the light and the warmth of the sun pierce through the dim cottage.

“Welcome back Screwball did you enjoy the race.” Fluttershy warmly welcomed.

“Yeah Rainbow might stop by wanting a rematch later, and why didn't you tell me it was nightmare night.” I responded excited I always loved Halloween which is the definition of nightmare night, back before the asylum.

“Oh that's because I usually skip this holiday I'm not a fan of the whole spooky costumes it freaks me out to the point of tears.” Fluttershy responded nearly in tears.

“Calm down Fluttershy it's okay you don't have to come out with me but Pinkie pie is having a welcome party for me later today and everypony is going to be there, and most of the ponies will probably already be in costume so would it really be that bad if you've already seen what they will have on before and went out after with me.” I said Trying to convince her to break out of her shell.

“I'll go to the party but we'll have to see about after the party.”

After that we ate lunch in silence Fluttershy had made what I could only guess was clover sandwiches. After Lunch there was a letter Slipped through the mail slot it was the invitation from Pinkie, she made it clear that the party was at four which is two hours before the festivities start.

I got ready for the party by summoning a full body Umbreon costume after which I summoned a saddle bag to store it in. The saddle bag was embroidered with my cutie mark on top of lilac colored fabric.
It fit perfectly over my back and made it so I could pull out whatever I needed inconspicuously. I summoned my pocket watch next checking the time it was nearly three and if we wanted to make it in time we would have to leave around three thirty meaning I had half an hour. With that in mind I started altering my room to make it more comfortable first I changed the color of the walls to a sky blue then I added a lamp on top of a nearby desk. I also started to summon replicas of things I had before hand when I was still in school back home.
I summoned an eclipse mp3 as well as a few second place canoe regatta trophies still cursing the name of those fucking girls who tipped me and my friend during that race. That's when it hit me why did I accept this one way trip I froze time for a few hours while I sobbed all of this was a bad decision. Why did I allow discord to steal me away was it because I didn't want to go back to my old life or was it for the selfish reason that I just thought this was going to be the good life even though I still need to hide my power. Then I made the realization that even if I continued my old life I would've always been watched nothing would be private at least here I could have my privacy and be in control of my own life. It was around then when I started time again not a second had passed but it had felt like an eternity to me.

I wiped away the remaining tears I must not let this faze me I have to stay strong for tonight I will either find myself truly free from control of others or I will find myself locked up weather it be next to my father or back on earth.

Fluttershy came up to get me around three twenty.

“ Do you have everything for tonight” she asked.

“Yeah” I responded trying to sound cheerful.

Fluttershy and I walked at a slow pace toward what I assume is Sugarcube corner, toward the center of town.

When we reached sugarcube corners I had to admire how it looks to be completely made of gingerbread. A fitting home for equestia’s number one baker.

“Fluttershy and screwball glad you could make it you're right on time the party is about to start.” Pinkie said excitedly.

She hurried us into the shop, where the whole population of ponyville was waiting. Twilight was already wearing her cloak for her starswirled the bearded costume, while Applejack already had her scarecrow costume on. Multiple Colts and fillies also were already in costume including Pipsqueak.

Pinkie went around introducing me to everypony. Most of them I already knew but I went along with it due to the fact that last time I slipped up Apple Bloom almost had a panic attack. When we got to Diamond tiara we glared at each other I could tell she didn't like me because of my eyes and maybe she found that I don't like her either due to the fact that she is a jerk towards others but even without knowing that she has that aroma around her that just tells you she's some kind of snob.

After we got through the line of ponies we ended up eating the cake I ordered, well at least the cake wasn't a lie I guess. It tasted wonderful the perfect fluffy texture and the frosting was amazing.

After that we played a bunch of random party games that I decided not to indulge in, because of course cider pong was off limits to fillies although why they had it at a fillies welcome party was beyond me.

“Hey screwball”. I heard a familiar voice from behind me. Turning I saw the crusaders standing behind me.

“Hey how's it going” I said.

“Good by the way watch out for Diamond Tiara in school on Monday her and her friends don't like us.” Sweetie belle responded.

“Oh trust me her bullying won't affect me much, I'm naturally obvious to almost any comment people make about me.” I interjected but she also should worry about what I could do to her. I thought to myself.

“So screwball what happened to your eyes.” Scootaloo inquired.

“Oh you mean the purple with spirals in the middle well I was born that way no one knows quite why.” I responded even though it might have something to do with my father, but I don't remember dropping my wards that kept my eyes looking as normal as possible I must have overdone it with the magic today. I thought to myself.

“Well that's kinda cool I guess” Scootaloo said.

“Alright everypony who isn't in costume go home and get changed festivities start in half an hour.”Pinkie yelled.

“Well I guess you guys better go I have mine in my bag.” I said as I walked toward Fluttershy.

“So are you staying or going.” I asked.

“I'll be going maybe next year but I think you should come with me if you want to, Luna is coming and you were already banished by her once.” Fluttershy remarked.

“I know she's coming as long as I don't draw attention to myself I'll be fine.” I retorted.

With that we walked away from each other she headed home while I went to put my costume on trying not to expend any more magic. Man I really got to get some regeneration crystals if they exist I can't keep drawing this much magic and still expect it to be only a small dent in my tank, but then again maybe this will help them expand. I thought to myself as I put on my Umbreon costume.

About fifteen to twenty minutes later the sunset as the festivities commenced I felt a surge of power well throughout my body that's when I realized that by my heritage this time of day would be when my powers seemed unlimited due to Luna’s reign powering the creatures of the night.

The town was full of festive games like bobbing for apples, and yet again cider pong I'm not sure if berry punch and Rainbow dash have the right party or if they just hadn't finished their game earlier, but what the fuck this is a night for children not drinking.

Of course I went around receiving the free candy that was passed around and I watched a totally wasted Rainbow Dash pull pranks on everypony.

When I got to Zecora’s nightmare night story I completely zoned out because I was on the lookout for my ever so fearsome mother. When it came to dumping candy in front of the alter I just duplicated my pile and laid it on the alter.

Just then Luna’s coach flew overhead and everyone started to freak out. Wow celestia is an ass isn't she I mean her jealous sister becomes corrupted and all the sudden she is a horror story right out of nowhere. I thought.

As we got into town it became apparent that only me and Twilight remembered princess Luna of course it doesn't help that she was using the royal canterlot voice which I feel was made to scare her subjects. Yet for some reason she brings her to Fluttershy’s cottage even though she is the easiest one to scare in the kingdom.

When Twilight got to Fluttershy's with Luna in tow I could tell that Fluttershy was fearful, but not because she was scared Luna was Nightmare moon no she feared that Luna had found me and was going after her now. How sweet of her to think of me in such a way but her fear is in right place if Luna had caught me she most likely would've went after Fluttershy as she harboured me in her home for a while but I'm just hiding in the bushes trying to keep tabs on Luna just incase.

As Luna walked back towards town I had to chuckle to myself as Luna didn't get that the town ponies were screaming because it was fun not to be truly scared but because it was fun.

When I reached town Luna was playing some kind of pumpkin toss game and she seemed to be truly enjoying it until once again Pinkie’s gang of children and town ponies decided to scream and run making my mother freak out and create the devils spawn bucking spiders, which I really bucking hate. Needless to say the town got told that they were no longer able to celebrate Nightmare night which saddened me because that meant that free candy was no longer available. After that Twilight found away to convince her not to be such a bitch which worked out alright for me.

“Hello mother” I said after the celebration had ended “Did you have a wonderful evening.”

“Why yes I did no thanks to you.” she responded.

“Now why is that I didn't even attempt to mess with you today I was having fun just watching you.” I shot back

“What so it wasn't you who caused this Faust forsaken holiday.”

“No your sister did that it does seem that she loves to mess with you does it not.”

“So it does but why would she do that we must talk to her.”

“So you're going to allow me to stay here then.”

“Why of course you haven't done anything that would make me want to lock you up yet or else I would have tracked you down myself.” she said as she turned toward her carriage.

Well that was anticlimactic and to think I was so ready for a fight. I thought to myself and then another thought hit me shouldn't I technically be an Alicorn due to my blood line.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long I had to rewatch the episode a few times