• Published 13th Jul 2016
  • 2,090 Views, 36 Comments

Celestia's Replacement - nebulaegalaxy

Celestia is not who she seems. In fact, she's not in Equestria at all.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Painful Healing

“What the hell are you doing!?” Ashlynn asked as they headed toward the infirmary. She had noticed Luna was casting some spells.

“Making sure that nobody else finds out that Celestia is missing,” Luna said pointedly.

“So what!? They probably heard you!”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean they know exactly what I said. They just heard me yelling. I yell a lot.”

Ashlynn rolled her eyes. “I know that. Remember the fact that I’ve been Celestia for over a year?”

“You never said anything about that. In fact, every word that has come out of your mouth was... Shall we say ‘unbelievable’?” Luna replied.

“Well, I told Discord. He believed me.”

“That’s Discord!” Luna countered, irritated. “He believes anything Celestia says. He believes anything that sounds chaotic, which your story does.”

“Well you’re a little bitch, you know that?” Ashlynn snapped.

Luna turned a darker shade than her normal indigo. “Well, if I’m a ‘little bitch’ as you say, then you must be a large one,” she countered as calmly as she could.

Ashlynn didn’t respond, just kept walking. Soon they reached the infirmary. Ashlynn stayed outside while Luna made sure nopony was inside.

Luna sighed. She didn’t want to believe Ashlynn, at all, but she was starting to think she was right. Maybe she didn’t know where Celestia was.

She came back out. “It’s clear! Come on, Ash.”

“Please, don’t call me that.”

“Would you prefer I call you imposter?” Luna raised an eyebrow at her

“Ash is fine...” she sighed

Sitting in the infirmary with only Luna, it was incredibly boring. Ashlynn just stared at the walls while Luna tried to figure out the medical equipment.

“Erm... Luna? You sure you know how that stuff works?” she inquired.

“Um… Yes?” Luna said, hesitating, not sure about her answer.

“Really. You sure? You don’t sound sure,” Ashlynn pointed out, a bit too sympathetically for the night princess.

“Yes. I think I got it now… Just put this here… And I think I just broke the machine.”

“Well shit. Now what am I gonna do? Trust you to use your magic to heal me? No dice,” Ashlynn sneered.

“It’s either Discord or myself. Would you rather try your luck with his magic?” When Ashlynn didn’t respond, Luna smiled a bit. “I’ll take your silence as you’d rather have me try then dear Dissy.”

Both Ashlynn and Luna might have heard someone say “Don’t call me Dissy!” but it might’ve been their imaginations.

Luna cleared her throat. “Well, why don’t you just rest for now. I need to see if this-” she lightly touched the machine- “is really broken. And if it is, find out how to fix it.”

“What even is that?” Ashlynn asked, curious.

“It’s a… Um… I don’t really know,” Luna mumbled, embarrassed.

“Good job fam. You fucked up,” Ashlynn laughed.

“Thanks for the encouragement. That was very helpful,” Luna grumbled.

Ashlynn laughed harder, then cringed, holding her side. “Note to self. Don’t laugh. It’s painful as fuck.”

Luna shook her head. "It makes sense. You broke your ribs. Of course it'll hurt to laugh," she pointed out.

“Meh. It’s your fault they’re broken. You’re the one who threw me into a fucking wall.”

“Well, I wouldn’t have if you weren’t here in the first place,” Luna argued.

“Not my fault I’m he- You know what? Why don’t you just go get whatever the hell that is repaired. The sooner I’m outta here the sooner we can find the other little bitch. The sooner we find her, the sooner you get her back and I can go home. Unless you don’t want me gone, which I could’ve sworn you did.”

Luna fumed. “Fine. I’ll go. Stay. Put. Or by Faust I will make sure your neck snaps next time I throw you into a wall.”

“Good luck with that! I’ve been told I’m hard to kill.”

“Bye whom, exactly?” Luna asked cheekily.

Ashlynn’s face reddened. “None of your business.”

“No one then. Thought so. You know, you’re very bad at-”


Ashlynn stared at the ceiling. Luna had been gone a couple hours. Seeing how there was almost nothing to do but wait, Ashlynn decided to sing what songs she remembered from her life at home. Midway through Warriors, she heard someone approaching the infirmary. She decided to hide herself somewhat.

Luna entered the infirmary. “Ash? Come on out. The machine, apparently it’s a heart monitor, is beyond repair.”

“You… You broke a… *snrk* heart monitor?” Ashlynn snickered.

“Are you gonna laugh? Because if you laugh, I will laugh,” Luna said snarkily.

“Oh ha ha, laugh at my pain, will you? My, how you’ve fallen Lul-”

“Ash… Were… Were you about to call me ‘Lulu’?”

“I swear I didn’t mean to. Don’t hurt me,” Ashlynn said, covering her head.

“No, I think I know why. If you were telling the truth before, then it was an aftereffect of my sister’s influence on you. Besides, if I wanted to hurt you, I’d wait until you were fully yourself. Then I’d murder you,” Luna explained, smiling as she mentioned murder.

“Woooooooww thanks for the boost of confidence. Remind me to find a way off your bad side.”

“No,” Luna said, her smile slightly smaller.

“Meh. So if you don’t know how to use the equipment, how long will it take to heal?” Ashlynn inquired rather quietly.

“I’m afraid my magic can only speed up your natural healing process. Celestia’s might speed it up to the point it seems as though they were gone in almost an instant, but she isn’t here.” Luna shook her head. “Instead of -what, two weeks?- it’ll take around five days.”

“Damn. Well, then five days it shall be.”

“Are you saying to use the spell?”

“What do you think.”

“Alright. Sit still, and stay quiet if it starts to hurt,” Luna said, lighting her horn.

Ashlynn nodded, and sat patiently, waiting for whatever happened next.

Author's Note:

Hiatus over, you may shut up now :D