• Published 13th Jul 2016
  • 2,090 Views, 36 Comments

Celestia's Replacement - nebulaegalaxy

Celestia is not who she seems. In fact, she's not in Equestria at all.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Beloved Hatred

Luna started her magic as Ashlynn sat patiently.

Despite Ashlynn’s belief that it would hurt, it was mostly painless. Mostly.


“You moved. Moving always makes it worse,” Luna answered starkly.

“I know, I know. It’s all my fault for moving blah blah… Are you done yet?”

“Yes. You should still rest, it is still gonna make you tired to heal yourself. Lie down.”

“Aaaaww, is wittle Woona warming up to me?” Ashlynn teased, playfully poking Luna, to the latter’s great annoyance.

“Stop poking me.”

“But you’re so fun to poke!” Ashlynn protested, ceasing her poking for a moment, then continuing again.

“I’ll kill you if you refuse,” Luna threatened, though Ashlynn didn’t take it seriously.

“No you won’t~”


“Ha. I knew it,” Ashlynn said, booping Luna on the nose.

“I hate you.”

“Nah. You may not like me, but you certainly don’t hate me.”

Luna growled, but hung her head in defeat. But that didn’t last long. “Ah well. Twas worth a shot, now everypony shall know that I may or may not be starting to like the human who calls herself ‘Ash’ a bit,” she said, playfully, lifting her head back up with a bit of a smile upon her face. Ashlynn playfully punched her.

“That’s more like it.”

“I was serious, however. Rest, Ash. Or you may regret it.”

Meanwhile, wherever Celestia was... (what, you want me to tell you? Damn you all, it’s a spoiler!)

Celestia, having played the part of Ashlynn Il-Mio-Amore for the past two years, was used to walking on two legs at this point. However, she hasn’t quite figured out how Ashlynn usually acts.

Ashlynn’s family did not notice she had changed much. Oh sure, she was more polite, but people can be more polite if they try. She also swore less, which only her brother, Brayden, noticed, but he didn’t say anything, until he noticed she had actually stopped swearing altogether. So he confronted his little sis.

“Ash, what game are you playing? You haven’t sworn once in the past two years. I know you, and that’s not usual,” he pointed out after pinning her against one of the walls in the house, to which Celestia shrugged.

“Maybe I’m trying to change. Have you thought of that, dear brother?” she retorted, twirling the brown hair on her head absentmindedly.

Brayden stared at the teen saying she was his sister, but he knew she was lying.

“You little shit. You’re fucking lying.”

“Watch your tongue, Brayden. What you say will come back to bite you.”

“Sure. Who are you and what have you done to Ash? I know you aren’t her, because she absolutely hates it when I call her Ash. And she never tells me to ‘watch my tongue’ or call me ‘dear brother,’” he responds, glaring at… Whoever this was. It’s not like he knows she’s really a thousand plus year old pony princess from a different universe. He just thought his sister had been kidnapped and replaced.

“Maybe I’ve grown fond of the nickname~”

“Why would you? Your ex used to call you that, and now you hate it as much as you hate him. So, as you can probably tell, I don’t believe you.”

Celestia flinched. She didn’t know that the human she was portraying had been in a relationship with nicknames. She had assumed it was just a name Ashlynn’s brother used to tease her, not that it had meaning.

Swearing under her breath, she ducked under Brayden’s arm and walked off without answering his question.

Ashlynn awoke, sweat pouring down her back.

Did I really just see…?

She lost her train of thought upon noticing that she had a blanket wrapped around her. That was not there before. She wondered if Luna had put it on her while she was sleeping, or if perhaps Discord did.

“Oh good. You are awake. Those kinds of dreams are not good if you are trying to heal. Trust me, they are nothing but terrible luck,” Luna stated.

“Right. Magic pony princess who sees my dreams. Of course you saw that. You were probably ecstatic to see Celestia,” Ashlynn quipped.

“Oh har dee har har. Well, I was, but… But that is bad for your health and I need you to get better so you can lead me to her! So I woke you up.”

“Oh really. You sound a bit nervous about what you said. Last chance to change it. Is that the story you want?”

“Tis the truth. And I shall be damned to Tartarus if it is not,” Luna countered, serious.

“Oh fuck you.”

“Sorry, you are not my type.”

“Oh really? I’m not your type?”


“You started it,” Ashlynn teased. She waved her finger in front of Luna. “Naughty, naughty princess.”

Luna bit her finger.

“YEEEEOOOWW! Okay. I probably deserved that…”

Luna chuckled. “Mmm, yes, I believe you did. I advise you do not do that again, or I might bite it off.”

“You suck sometimes, you know that?”

“I do.”

“You overrated piece of shit.”

“You are venting.”

“Oh shut up I need to,” Ashlynn fumed. “You’re overrated. Celestia’s a slutty piece of shit that needs to burn in hell and Discord can go fuck himself. Twilight’s a pain in the ass to read any and all her letters, even though I probably shouldn’t put it passed her, seeing how it’s technically Celestia’s fault I’m here anyway so it’s not exactly Twilight’s fault I have to read her letters it’s her teacher’s.”

“Are you finished?”

Ashlynn sighed. “Yeah. I’m good. That felt… Really good actually.”

“You let everything off your chest. That is how it tends to work,” Luna stated, smiling.

Ashlynn slugged her. “You suuuuck,” she laughed. “I hate you.”

“I hate you too,” Luna replied, joining the giggle fest.

The two laughed with each other for a few minutes, though Ashlynn winced a couple times, when, all of the sudden, there was a flash and Discord appeared.

“Hmph. Having fun without moi? Well I never!” he grumbled, finding them laughing harder.

“Discord, please leave. You are not supposed to be here and you know that!” Luna smiled, but still laughed.

“Well, excuse me, princess! But it’s not my fault I came here to make sure you stop giving poor fluffy a hard time with the chapter title.”

“What chapter title?” Ashlynn asked, skeptical. “And stop referencing Zelda, it doesn’t suit you.”

“My dear Ash, you are ju-” Discord was zapped away by the angry author BECAUSE DAMMIT DISCORD STOP.

“Shall we pretend that didn’t happen?” Luna asked, turning to Ashlynn, who nodded.

Author's Note:

Comments ( 19 )

Is this story based off of another story?

8019429 no

unless there is a story like this?
but I came up with the idea by myself, so no

8019429 it's obviously based off this story he heard from his cousin who heard it from their friend who heard it from their uncle who heard it from one of his students who heard it from their little brother who heard from a hobo living near their school.

Surprise Motherfucker

Yes, you came out of nowhere with this chapter

8019876 *she
I'm a female :derpytongue2:
8020311 -insert very sarcastic reply to seemingly sarcastic comment-

8020701 Did I sound sarcastic? Oh well

*Throws back sarcastic comment*

8020708 just a bit sarcastic, yeah xD
-insert some sarcasm-

8020712 sry, didn't mean to :twilightblush::ajsleepy:

8020737 it's fine
sarcasm's fun (to me... is that weird? probably XD)

8020743 No, sarcasm can be fun

8020701 Ah, I'm sorry 'bout that. Normally I mentally mark everyone on the internet as 'they' just to prevent such errors. I guess I messed up because I was basing it on a joke from somewhere else.

I am gonna be that guy and ask if their is gonna be a update but i'm gonna throw in a twist and ask if their is anything I can do to help?

There will be an update at some point but I kinda have a lack of motivation to write for it atm :twilightblush:

I have motivation just no plan for my stories

“Well, excuse me, princess! But it’s not my fault I came here to make sure you stop giving poor fluffy a hard time with the chapter title.”

Zelda Reference?

Edit: I read the next line and I completely lost it

Great Job


if you want to know why please direct yourself to this blog post.

it explains everything pretty well in my opinion

please don't make me log in again after this

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