• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 5,643 Views, 155 Comments

Mane Effect - Quillery

An Earth Pony soldier of the far future seeks to uncover the mystery of an ancient space faring race, all the while hunting a dangerous fugitive across the galaxy.

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Preface: The M.A.N.E Effect

Harmony Lost


Once thought to be a power, nay a foundation of order that could stand resolute in the face of anything that would challenge it. Even against the endless power of Time. Through trials and tribulations the powers of Harmony were called to action against their foes. Again and again they were wielded by those sworn to protect the lands that held the values of Harmony dearly in their hearts. But Time will not abide anything to last forever.

Not even Harmony.

Civilizations rose and fell over the ages, friendships were forged and broken, life was given and taken, and Time proved its absolute power. With each tick of the clock, each ripple across the endless eons of time and space, the powers of Harmony dwindled, becoming forgotten, becoming lost. Those that once shared their homes and lives with others through love, tolerance and friendship, gave into petty hatreds, disharmony and chaos. It was then, when the races of Equestria, the one land that valued Harmony above all else, simply vanished into the forgotten vestiges of oblivion, to forge their own paths...


But even Time can grow bored with chaos. Time, much like chaos itself, is a fickle and complex being. Sometimes one such as Time must seek out a change of pace to sate the pains of its endless existence, for even Harmony has its entertainments. But when such great time has passed, when once powerful civilizations and races have risen and fallen long after the end of Harmony, how can any believe in its power? Sometimes, when all hope is lost to the endless throes of Time, it takes more than a mere spark to relight the flames of Harmony and of Friendship. Sometimes you need nothing less than the brightest Star to light the path before you.

And a Shepard to guide the way...


The M.A.N.E Effect

“I must say Worthy, this is your best work yet,” I mused quietly to myself. Getting into a court hearing as a reporter was no small feat, and getting into a military court martial hearing was even greater a feat. A simple drab uniform and dull colors, as well a few magical alterations was the perfect disguise as a common secretary. These Earth Pony’s needed to work on their color schemes, such dark and dismal colors.

Fashion tips would have to wait however. The court room was steadily running out of seats and I’d rather not have to stand throughout the entire proceeding. Luckily I found an empty section near the back and made myself comfortable on the tiny bleacher arrangement. The room was thick with hushed conversations, but that came as no surprise to me. Today was a day long awaited for ponies like me. Days like this built careers that turned into legend and I had seats on the first show.

I gave a little jump as my earpiece began to beep noisily. I tapped the tiny device silent and opened my omni-tool discretely to see what was the matter. The holographic screen flashed into existence, a single message displayed on the screen.

You have one new message.

One attached file.

New mail? At this hour? I accessed the file dubiously, wondering who in the Galaxy had my private contact information.

Opening Message...

To: NWorthy

From: Booky

Re: info you wanted.


This is the best article on Earth Pony history I could dig up on such short notice, but I think it will suit you just fine

Enjoy the read,


PS. You Owe me big time.

Booky. I should have known. That slimy worm had his hooves in things even I wouldn't dare touch. The mere thought of working anywhere near him made my skin crawl, but I had to admit that there was little that did not skirt past his ears unnoticed. I wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble to hire him if I didn’t think he could get me exactly what I needed. I glanced at the time, seeing that there was till several minutes before the trial would begin. I downloaded the file, intent of giving it a light read while I had the time.

Downloading File.......

Download complete. Read now?

Opening File.......

Entry: Earth Pony

Earth Ponies, from the planet Earth, are the newest addition to recognised Corral Space. They have been quickly noticed by many of the current Corral races, mostly due to their large and continuously expanding population, scientific development, and extensive colonisation. Their new-found growth, like other Corral races, was brought upon by their recent discovery of ancient Alicorn technology. According to Earth Pony scientist’s claims, the discovery launched their race centuries forward in terms of weapons, science, medicine and inter-spatial travel. The current reigning government of the Earth Ponies , the Stable Alliance, dubbed this surge of Earth Pony power the M.A.N.E Effect.

No...it couldn’t be. I had seen this type of database before, but only in damaged files and stolen materials. I knew Booky was likely privy to such knowledge, but to actually have a proper copy of it and send it to me no less. I glanced at the top of the entry, confirming my suspicions and my worry.






It was what I feared. A Corral Council Codex file. That slimy, sneaky, flank stabbing little thief actually managed to get his hooves on a Codex entry. Only the highest of security clearance and importance in Corral Space had access to this information and none of them were ever allowed to share it with anypony. Even worse, he sent it to directly me, through an unsecured network to my own personal account. If that foolish cretin failed to hide his tracks adequately enough, I would be the one facing the consequences as well as him. The thoughts of potential future incarceration plagued my mind, only to be silenced by another sequence of incessant beeping from my Omni-Tool


Incoming Message from: Username [Bookworm]


Now he was sending messages to me? While I was sitting in the middle of an Earth Pony Tribunal? Was this fool trying to get me arrested on purpose. I glanced around, noticed that I was still relatively alone on my side of the room. I slid carefully away from anypony that was near and allowed the connection to continue, intent on giving that little worm a piece of my mind.

Connecting to Intranet Chat-Room.......

[Bookworm]: Hey worthy, did you get the file i sent you?

How could he be so casual? I wasn’t even supposed to be in this room, especially with an active omni tool connection. My only saving grace was the fact that Earth Ponies were never too particular about the simple forms of illusion magic, or else I wouldn’t even gotten past the door. But this communication was pushing it too far.

[Nworthy]: How in the hay did you get your hooves on it? Council Codex entries are not available to the public.

[Bookworm]: Lets just say i know a pony who knows a pony.

Will it help you?

[Nworthy]: I don’t know. It’s unlikely that I will be able to write an adequate report from a JAIL CELL!!! What in the Galaxy were you thinking!? Sending this to me in the middle of an Earth Pony Courtroom of all places?!

His response was delayed. Seconds crawled past as I awaited his response, no doubt trying to save his own neck, or worse yet, alert the authorities himself to apprehend me and make a clean escape of his own.

[Bookworm]: Relax Worthy. I didn’t get to where I am without knowing how to cover my tracks. You paid for security, you got security. I don’t mess around with that sort of thing when money’s involved.

Blast. I wished his reasons for caution were more altruistic, but he had a valid point. I did not skimp out on ensuring this sort of pony was adequately paid for his work. It did not do much to alleviate my frustrations towards him and his snide comments, but it did reduce my worry enough that I was not on the verge of fainting.

[Nworthy] You could have at least picked a better time to send it. The trial is about to begin and I know the Earth Pony government will wish to keep the media out of this as long as possible.

[Bookworm]: Trial? what trial? Where exactly are you?

[Nworthy]: Who else's trial would I be going to for all this trouble for?

[Bookworm]: Wait... You’re at THAT trial?

[Nworthy]: Indeed ;)

It seems that there are things that even an information broker can’t fathom. Then again, his kind aren’t usually welcome in the light of such affairs, including those of law and order. His kind would prefer to scurry around in the dark, which made the fact that I had something over him all the sweeter to enjoy.

[Bookworm]: How in the wide wide Equestrian Galaxy did you get into a military court

marshal hearing?

[Nworthy]: Let’s say I, as you put it, know a pony who knows a pony.

Now I am terribly sorry, but I have to let you go, the proceedings are about to begin. Taa taa!


Any secrets of mine, my dear Bookworm, will have to wait until later. For now, I have history to write. To be safe rather than sorry, I disconnected my connection to the intranet on my omni-tool, at least until the trial was over. I did not need further interruptions hindering me now, especially when everything was about to begin. The hushed conversations quickly silenced, and a broad uniformed stallion took to the podium in the center of the room. I turned on my tool’s voice recording instruments, hoping they would be strong enough to hear everything.

“Silence please,” the Arbiter began. “These Court Martial proceedings are now in session. Fleet Admiral Packard of the First Fleet presiding. Atten-tion!”

All of those that were uniformed snapped to a hasty attention, which was rather impressive. I suppose that the Earth Ponies had a well functioning military after all. An aged stallion approached the head of the dais. He was grey in color, further reinforcing the idle fact that Earth Ponies seemed to be cruely cursed to earth tones, pun intended of course. His blue tunic was adorned with badges and symbols of many colors, showing years if not decades of lengthy and dedicated service. I had heard some things about Admiral Packard from others, but those rumors did not prepare me for the intensity that his face displayed.

He reached the dais, mimicking the attentive stance of his subordinates. “At ease.” His voice was deep and resonant, carrying through the room with little effort. The attendees complied, and a quick snap of hooves filled the air before the room returned to silence once more. Packard took his seat at the podium, leaning forward to examine the notes on the holographic display.

“Bring in the defendant.”

The chamber doors slid open, the metal panels echoing through the tense silence of the room. A chestnut stallion entered first, flanked by two other soldiers. The lead stallion looked as gruff and stern as Packard, and had a similarly dressed tunic to match. The two escorts behind him looked as commonplace as any other Earth pony soldier I’d seen so far. But between them, was the focus of my attention. Guided by the two soldiers, wearing a dully colored tunic and an appropriate scowl was the pony I had been most anxious to see all day.

The lead pony broke off from the envoy, taking a place near the front of the room, while the two escorts brought the pony between them to the central podium, facing opposite of Packard. The defendant sat at the chair provided, while the others remained in close proximity. I looked back to the Admiral, noticing that his eyes had followed the defendant unwaveringly since the doors had opened. He leaned back in his seat slightly, clearing his throat.

“These proceedings have been called into session to evaluate and determine the appropriate punishments for the actions taken by one Commander Shepard. Will the defendant please say their name and rank for the record.”

The defendant glared at the pony lording over the room with a defiant twitch of their head, before speaking into the microphone.

“Specialist Shepard, Engineer First Class, of the Third Expeditionary Fleet.”

Hushed murmurs broke out around the room like a plague at the response given. Even the fellow officers seated beside Packard seemed taken aback at what was said. Packard wait a moment for the din of the room to quiet down before continuing.

“Records dictate that you were awarded the rank of Commander nearly three years to the day, Shepard. There have been no notes of demotion since, but there have been many recommendations for it. Why do you choose to use a rank that you no longer are?”

Shepard’s icy glare did not change. “I prefer the use the rank I feel that I actually deserved, Sir. Not the one that was thrust on me because I happened to be in the right place at the wrong time. My actions alone should show that I was not prepared for the responsibilities of the rank I was given.”

I’d never heard such insincerity towards a superior officer in my life, and from a Commander no less. What on earth is Shepard doing, goading Packard into anger like that? It doesn’t even seem to be working.

“Yes, you have certainly garnered an impressive list of offenses,” Packard continued, unhindered by Shepard’s insubordination. “Some of which would have been grounds for immediate termination of rank. And yet, here you are, three years running and just now facing the consequences. For the record, I will now read your charges”

“Commander Shepard, you have been found guilty of the following on several counts each: Dereliction of duty, destruction of military property, disrupting the stability of standing peace treaties, disobeying direct orders, assault and battery of military personnel and civilian, aiding and abetting known convicted criminals, willing cooperation with terrorist organisations, unauthorised tactics involving excessive ordinance, willful endangerment of your subordinates...”

Oh my. I knew the Commander had done many terrible things, but that list was far greater than I had imagined. Even Packard looked like he was about to falter in disgust at the atrocities that Shepard has done. He paused in his reading, lifting his head to peer scornfully at the accused and releasing a weary sigh.

“Have I left anything out Shepard? This list is beyond acceptable, and not even including the convictions that brought you into military service to begin with.”

Shepard’s scowl deepened. “You forgot trying to save your sorry flanks from your own ignorance.”

Does that pony not care at all? The rest of Shepard’s life is on the line and I am sitting here watching it be thrown away. How can the Commander be so indignant towards a superior? Unless willingly going to jail is the only goal in mind.

“Yes, we’ve all heard your insistence at the existence of beings that lie beyond the galaxy waiting to descend on us all. The Corral Council has dismissed your claims, and due to your recent obsessive behavior and unacceptable practices as of late, This court has no reason to believe you either, and will hear nothing more on the subject. How do you plead to your actual charges?”

Shepard leant back in the chair, giving Packard a dismissive gesture. “Guilty, if you care that much.”

Theory confirmed, Shepard is purposely sabotaging this trial. I do believe the Commander actually wants to go to prison. But why?

Packard sighed again, a saddened look forming on his face. “That is...disappointing. You were a hero once Shepard, a paragon of all that this military stands for, somepony we could be proud of and count on to show what the Earth Ponies could do. Now you are nothing but a criminal, a renegade with your own agenda; spitting in the face of all that you have accomplished.”

The aging admiral leaned forward, asking what I believed to be the most important question of the trial. “What happened to you Shepard?”

Shepard was silent, before leaning forward as well, giving Packard a determined glare. “That depends, how long do we plan on being here?”

Why is Shepard smiling? Just before the executioners axe is about to fall, what could possibly be worth smiling about?

“As long as necessary, Shepard. Why?”

“Then you better get comfortable, it’s one hell of a story.”

Oh now this, this is good. Insight behind the actions of the galaxies greatest hero. The scandal, the intrigue! This exclusive will launch me to the pantheon of reporters! Transcription program, don’t fail me now!