• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 5,641 Views, 155 Comments

Mane Effect - Quillery

An Earth Pony soldier of the far future seeks to uncover the mystery of an ancient space faring race, all the while hunting a dangerous fugitive across the galaxy.

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Chapter 1: Welcome Aboard the Normanedy

Chapter 1: Welcome Aboard the Normanedy

“Be careful on that first take-off. It’s a doozy”

Starting anew.

It was something that I would never have predicted. Being saved from the streets, given a new life, an actual career. My purpose had changed, and hopefully it was for the better. I was a military pony now, and I was learning to see the world I lived in in a whole new way. The dull, grey, monotonous existence I lived on Earth was gone. My life had meaning now, I didn’t feel like another blip missed by the system anymore. I had a narrative now, one that I could actually control for myself.

My new life in the military took some time getting used to. I had a modicum of freedom in the slums, and being thrust into a structured and disciplined environment was different than what I had grown accustomed to, but it was not as bad I had imagined. It was worse. Early mornings, late nights, bad food and short tempered instructors. Physical drills in the mornings, combat drills in the afternoon, and more of both in the evening. It was an experience that made me miss the dumpster diving back home. I made some friends here and there through my training, but none really noteworthy as I got shifted around through different camps and instructors. If nothing else, they were some friendly faces to pass the time with, and I appreciated the company as I drifted through the ranks.

The only bearable parts of my new life were the training sessions that focused around my actual talents: Computer and engineering studies. My instructors seemed to enjoy working with me, and as my skills increased, I became the prodigy any teacher dreams of teaching. It was a decent relief from the tedium of military training, until I started to excel past the instructors and force them to give me more work. Yay, the benefits of being gifted. At least the work they gave me was fun, but I could not shake the feeling that I was being groomed for a specific reason, one that I had yet to uncover.

Weeks drifted into months, and then into years. I had actually gotten promoted a few times, and been brought along on actual military exercises, some with training purposes, some not. I was always designated the engineer for obvious reasons, but I always ended up having to carry a weapon at some point. From a technological standpoint, weapons of the current age were very cleverly designed. Most standard weapons were shaped like manacles, that attached to the hoof, and unfolded when in use. The assault rifles, in my opinion, were the most practical. Their plating was much larger than other weapons, and when not in use could be used as a makeshift shield, which would have been rather useful, if I was any good with it. Or any weapon really. At the end of my field evaluations, it was recommended that if I had to carry a weapon, it should be a pistol, just because it would cause the least amount of collateral damage.

At the end of it all, I ended up getting promoted to Specialist, whatever that meant. I was told that it was strictly a tactical role, much like a Lieutenant, but with more unique duties depending on my commanding officer. I was just grateful that I didn’t have to endure boot camp training any longer, and I now had my own choice of assignments and projects to work on. And I knew exactly which one to start on.

Since my enlistment, I had begun digging up rumors in my free time about a special project that was about to begin under Earth Military supervision. They called it ‘Project Normanedy’, and it was one of the many hushed whispers that floated about the various training facilities I drifted through as part of my new life. At first, it was just ‘something big’ planned by the upper brass, but as the months droned on, further information leaked about Normanedy. It was a ship, an experimental military frigate. Supposedly the greatest ship we could possibly build with the cutting edge of technology. What I found most intriguing of all was the fact that the project was funded by the Corral Council and co-developed in conjunction with the Pegasi.

Part of my learning experience with S.T.A.B.L.E was, like many others since first contact, learning about the new races of the galaxy that we had begun diplomatic relations with. The Pegasi were a sour topic among the senior officers, on account of the first contact war. I was just a foal when it happened, so I was grateful to learn more about it. It all started over the WHIP gates that we started discovering over two decades ago. Every time we found one, we unlocked new possibilities for the Earth Pony race. Unfortunately, we had no idea that activating them had earned us the ire of other sentient and space faring races. The Pegasi were the first, who immediately became hostile towards our reckless activation of untested Alicorn technology. After weeks of fighting the Unicorns introduced themselves to us, and intervened, settling the dispute diplomatically. And that was it, the hostilities ended, and the Earth Pony was accepted into the Corral Space Alliance. Those who had actually survived through that first encounter continued to have a strong negative connotation towards our new allies. Being the techno-dork that I was though, I was far more interested in the ship than those who were building it.

Eventually my former instructors started including me on smaller projects that involved working on individual components meant for the Normanedy, though they never admitted the classified details freely to me. I jumped at the opportunity to work anywhere near that vessel. I droned through the months of military exercises just to return to my technical training and my work. My life in between being a part of the Normanedy became unimportant. My very hooves, along with several dozens more, had touched part of what many hoped to be a new Earth Pony legacy.

Five years in the making, the Normanedy was the culmination of the greatest minds and resources the Earth Pony collective could muster. It was a vessel that we, as a race, could be proud of, and that would prove our capabilities on the galactic stage. Her weapons were capable of tearing through shields and hulls like they were made of tissue paper and marshmallow; her engines were capable of breaking the speed of light and then some. The stealth system was the most impressive addition, a countermeasure that could make a vessel completely undetectable from any sensory equipment. The cloaking field was a scientific breakthrough that scientists could only dream about before the M.A.N.E Effect, and the Normanedy was the first of her kind to have it. Truly it was a craft anypony would be lucky to be a part of, and it was easy to believe that I nearly died of excitement when I received a personal request from the Normanedy’s captain to be a member of its crew. To be hoof picked to be a member of its maiden voyage was obviously a dream come true. It would be the experience of a lifetime.

The day I arrived was one I will never forget. There was excitement, and there was the state I was in. I think I earned a few strange looks as I trotted across the spaceport with the biggest grin I could muster. I think I was even skipping most of the way, hopping along in blissful glee. I felt I was being led along by the snout, but I didn’t care. I knew where it was talking me. And there she was, that beautiful, sleek, shining masterpiece that had been calling my name for five long years. Her core was a slender metal shell, hooked at its front like the beak of a falcon, flanked on either side by two framed and retractable wings. Near the rear were other fixtures of fins, tails and anything else this ship needed to be the best. All of it was colored the S.T.A.B.L.E blue, contrasted with white, black and steely greys. Across its bow, the name NORMANEDY was written along the hull in bold letters. I had made it. I could barely contain my excitement at the reality I was now facing. I was aboard THE Normanedy.

And I was about to paint her Med-Bay with my stomach contents.

I was in Heaven and Hell at the same time. On one hoof, I was aboard the greatest technological creation ever conceived, practically salivating at the opportunity to part of her engineering crew. On the other hoof, I was frozen on a medical bed, writhing in agony, trying and losing in a battle against constant waves of nausea. A little fact that S.T.A.B.L.E military often neglects telling it’s Earth born recruits is that being born in natural gravity makes it slightly more difficult to grow accustomed to the synthesized gravity aboard a standard spacecraft.

“Slightly more difficult my flank”, I muttered to nopony in particular.

“Terra-Firma Syndome, huh?”

Oh thank the stars! Someone who knew and hopefully shared my pain. I struggled to turn over, hoping to see somepony at least in similar agony to me, so I wouldn’t have to be alone in this torment. Instead, my gaze fell upon a stallion casually reclined on the bed beside me. He looked like he was enjoying a relaxing vacation with the way he laid with his body outstretched and hooves crossed behind his head, not strapped to a sick-bay table and ready to die like I was. What outraged me the most about this pony is the self satisfied little smirk plastered on his face. I made a mental note that I was going to hate him very much.

“Yeah, I had a bout with TFS when I started flying too”, he continued, oblivious to the glare I was giving him. “Nothing a few hours in a gravity chamber couldn’t fix.”

“Ugh,” I grumbled, resisting another wave. “I tried that already, didn’t work.”

He gave me a quizzical look, then threw his head back, laughing. “Oh well. I guess some ponies get used to it.” He waved his hoof passively towards himself, then me. “And some don’t.”

The urge to get up and strangle this pony was overwhelming, only to be silenced by yet another wave of cursed nausea. I groaned and turned away from my new best enemy, hoping to show him that I wasn’t interested in further conversation. Unfortunately, he kept on nickering to himself, thinking himself to be quite the joker, no doubt. His giggling only subsided when the sound of hoof steps approached from behind the curtain walls that surrounded us.

I turned over again to see the curtain fly open, revealing a light grey mare standing in the opening, with a very stern expression on her face. She was wearing a white coat with a red cross on the sleeve, which led me to conclude that she was the medical officer. Her cutie mark however, was something I could not determine. It looked like a small white cylinder with a faded white trail following it. I couldn’t get a better look as she trotted very loudly over to the stallion who lay beside me, his bemused expression unfazed.

“Piper! The captain has been looking for you everywhere!” she snapped, clearly not in the mood for jokes.

“Oh, but Doctor Chalkdust!” ‘Piper’ whined. “The captain said I needed to be cleared with a medical examination before I was fit for service.”

“Maybe I should check your memory then, because your examination was finished hours ago. Now get off your rump and get to the bridge! The last I checked, a ship needs it’s helmsman to go through the Whip Gates.”

“But this bed is sooooooo comfy!” he said, stretching himself out again to show his point. “Can’t it wait a few more minutes?

Chalkdust halted, inches from the bed. She glared at the rebellious stallion, tapping her hooves impatiently. Piper stared back, expression unchanged, mood unsullied. I lost count of the seconds elapsed of what I was witnessing, but I assumed that if it continued, I was going to be caught in the crossfire.

Chalkdust’s voice took on a tone of extreme restraint and refinement. “Mr. Piper, if you don’t get out the bed this instant and march your sorry flank to the bridge, I will get the Lieutenant down here and have him drag you there. Do you understand me?” Chalkdust took one final step forward, inches from Pipers’ muzzle to finalize her point.

“Ugh, fine!” Piper groaned. He shot his hooves in the air, conceding defeat. Chalkdust stepped back, allowing Piper to roll out of the bed. Now that he was standing, I was able to get a proper look at him. He was white coated with large brown spots speckled all over. The most predominant spot was one over his left eye, making him look something like an old fashioned pirate. The red bandanna wrapped around head, and the wooden rudder wheel as his Cutie Mark certainly solidified the similarity, but what was more jarring to me was this stallion, who apparently was the helmsman of the Normanedy, was barely larger than a full grown colt. He was lean and thin set with spindly legs, and a short stubby brown tail. If I hadn’t known any better, Piper looked like he was of age to start flight academy, not be a graduate.

He casually trotted past Chalkdust, who was still tapping her hooves, waiting for him to leave. He stopped briefly just past the curtain before turning back, with that silly grin still on his face. “Oh and Chalky, please call me Pipsqueak. It’s more...me, y’know?” He flashed one final grin before he stepped out of sight, and I heard his hoof steps clatter on the other side of the curtain, then silence as the door beyond slid shut.

I turned back to Chalkdust. She was shaking her head, muttering something under her breath. She turned her attention towards me, and moved to the base of my bed, grabbing the medical chart hanging from the edge. I could see her mouthing words from the chart, but I had no idea what she was reading. My body quivered with another wave of nausea, apparently sensing that immediate self termination might be a good contingency plan.

“So you’re the illustrious Shepard I’ve heard so much about,” she said, not looking up from the chart.

For a moment, my brain seemed to stall. Was she asking me a question? It was simple enough if it was, but for some reason I couldn’t immediately answer it. Most likely it was the fear of opening my mouth would have been giving my stomach the ‘all clear’ signal to evacuate. I decided on an alternative. “Y-yes, that’s me,” I stammered through clenched teeth.

Chalkdust looked up from the chart, eyeing me in bemusement. “It says here you have gone through every medical test possible to abate the symptoms of T.F.S and none have worked. Is this true?”

Not willing to open my mouth again, I simply nodded.

The old grey mare smiled. “Well then. We’ll have to fix that now won’t we? I happen to have a sure fire treatment for T.F.S that works every time. Definitely not something you learn from a textbook, that’s for sure.”

She returned the chart to the bed, and walked over the the medical cabinet on the wall. She reached inside with a hoof, rummaging through the bottles. I could hear the containers rattling together.

Clink. Clank. Click.

Wait. Click? At that moment, the cabinet slid over, revealing a small latch and a keypad. Chalkdust padded at the lock and it swung open, revealing what I assumed to be a secret stash of expensive medicines. There were strange shaped bottles filled with equally strange colored liquids. I could swear one was glowing blue. She grabbed the first bottle in her hoof, a long rectangular bottle filled with an amber liquid. She poured the liquid into a small glass that she took from the bedside table, and thrust it towards me, only to withdraw it momentarily. Her eyes narrowed, once again critically examining me.

She tentatively placed the glass in my hooves. “Drink it all down. Don’t stare at it, don’t taste it, don’t smell it. Just drink it,” she ordered.

I complied with no argument, downing the contents in one go. I instantly wish I hadn’t. The liquid wasn’t hot to touch and yet it burned like liquid fire, it wasn’t sour and yet it stung my eyes like pure lemon juice. My nostrils flared and my eyes watered in protest. Whatever I had just ingested was immediately at war with my insides. I made another mental note that this pony was trying to kill me. After several painful seconds the spasms eventually ceased, and I slowly regained my ability to form coherent thought. “What the bucking hell was that?!” I sputtered. Despite the briefness of the episode, I was panting heavily and drenched in cold sweat.

Chalkdust was laughing. She turned away from me to return the bottle to the safe. “If I didn’t know any better, I would guess that you have never drank a day in your life.” she chided. “That my little pony is the best hard apple cider this side of the galaxy. I dare you to find better.”

I blinked. “Alcohol,” I blurted. “You gave me alcohol? Is this some kind of cruel joke?”

I’ve had a drink or two before, even though I didn’t much care for it, but what pony didn’t to get through basic training? But this, none of them were as horrendous as this. This wasn’t pleasant. This wasn’t even enjoyable. This just hurt. A lot. “What proof was that? Fifty?”

Chalkdust glanced at the bottle absently. “Its probably closer to eighty. The more important question is; how is your stomach?”

I blinked again. My stomach...didn’t hurt anymore. The nausea was gone. All of the nasty pains that my body had been experiencing since we had left the spaceport were replaced by a soothing warmth. I felt good. “W-what? How did...?”

She smiled. “It gives the stomach something else to focus on. It should last a few hours, but we should be back planetside long before the-”.

“Doctor Chalkdust!” a voice shouted from no discernible source. Chalkdust lifted her right hoof, and brushed her sleeve away, revealing a device attached to her foreleg. It emitted series of lights and images enveloping her hoof. I recognised it immediately as a holographic omni-tool.

“Yes, Captain?” Chalkdust responded.

“Is your medical examination of our newest recruit finished?” the voice inquired. I identified the voice of that of a stallion’s, one that invoked a sense of familiarity it me, but I could not place it.

“Yes Captain. I’ve just finished.” Chalkdust replied, winking at me.

“Excellent. Shepard?” the voice asked, now directed at me.

I was caught off guard that the Captain was aware of my presence despite my being perfectly silent.

“Y-yes Sir!” I responded automatically.

“Please meet me in the briefing room. I would like to speak to you before we arrive at the Whip Gate.”

“Yes Sir, right away!”

The voice ceased. Chalkdust lowered her hoof, and walked over to the curtain. She took it with her mouth and pulled it aside, removing the barrier between us and the rest of the Med-Bay. Aside from the two of us, the bay was empty. I took this opportunity to examine the room, not having much time between stomach spasms upon my admittance aboard to take in the sights. It was, advanced, to say the least. I counted some beds, all adorned with expensive looking medical paraphernalia that I would most likely never understand their use. I had a feeling that I would be seeing the inside of this room a lot in the future.

“If you are done looking around, the Captain will see you now Shepard.”

Chalkdust had settled herself behind her desk beside the doorway. She was immediately focused on typing reports into her computer. I took that as a good sign that it was time to leave. I rolled over onto the floor, no small feat after enduring hours of stomach pain and then five seconds of enough booze to kill a small animal. Thankfully the soothing buzz did little to affect my ability to walk. I trotted past the desk and out into the hallways.

“Thanks, Doc. I owe you.” I heard no response, only a quiet humming as the doctor continued her work.

The Normanedy was a hive of activity. We had been flying for a few hours since we left Solaris Station, and it was growing increasingly difficult to move through the corridors without running into somepony who wasn’t paying attention or doing something important. Everypony was in full preparation mode, getting everything ready for the Normanedys’ shakedown run. From the Med-Bay I passed through several sections of the ship, moving from compartment to compartment with mild enthusiasm at their contents; the armory, communications, science bay. To a pony like me, nothing exciting. I got more kicks out of plasma fueled carbine injectors, and sub-sonic wave emitters. I hoped the captains summons did not take too long, because I desperately wanted to inspect the engineering deck afterwards.

I had a vague idea where the briefing room was, but I had a feeling I was drifting in the right direction. I lost count of how many doors and stairs I drifted through so far and was unavoidably moving up to another. ‘Navigation’ was imprinted on the door. I shrugged, and crossed through the threshold as the door slid open.

Jackpot. I had found the brain of the Normandy, and it was beautiful. Rows of navigational computers lined the walls, all being monitored by at least a dozen ponies. In the center sat an enormous holographic display showing star charts and galactic travel routes. The words NORMANEDY were painted on the wall before me in a steely blue. In front of the galaxy map stood an authoritative stallion in officers colors issuing commands to everypony within earshot. I approached him and announced myself.

“Specialist Shepard, reporting for duty Captain!” I said firmly, saluting.

The stallion turned to me, with a confused look on his face. He eyed me up and down, and begun to laugh. I dropped my hoof tentatively, my brow furrowed in confusion. With him now facing me, I could clearly see that he was not wearing a Captain's badge. He was an older stallion, but far from venerable. His cutie mark was a gilded compass rose, contrasting his auburn coat and blue officers tunic.

“I appreciate the compliment my friend, but I’m not the Captain” the stallion corrected. He straightened, saluting me in return. “Navigator Westward, at your service Shepard. The Captain has spoken very highly of you. He expects great things from you I’m sure.”

My ears drooped in embarrassment, and the only thing I could manage to save face was a stupid grin. I was definitely failing at being a good soldier. Thankfully, Westward didn’t seem to care. “The Captain will meet you in there.” He pointed a hoof at the door beyond the navigation computer on the far side of the room. I stepped aside to allow him to do his job, and quickly moved towards what I hoped to be the last door I needed to stumble through today.

The door slid shut silently behind me. The room was small, dimly lit and devoid of life. The only reliable source of light came from a large holo-screen on the far side. I walked towards the monitor, which sprung to life as I approached it. The S.T.A.B.L.E Military logo flashed across the screen, which began processing through worded documents. The screen was cycling through paragraphs of what appeared to be a classified military dossier. My classified military dossier. Records, facts, histories, grades, pictures and pretty much my entire life story was on display for all to see if anypony was to walk in here. Thankfully, it was only me in here to read it.

Me, and whoever was trotting up behind me.

A voice appeared from the darkness of the room. It was feminine, but other than that I had no idea who it was. “Shepard. Rank; Specialist, Engineer Level First Class. Graduated top of your class with honors. Involved in several terrestrial campaigns, some with scientific merit. Less than exemplary combat and drill skills.”

Whoever was in here reciting my life knew more about me than I did. I turned to face whoever she was, but nopony was there. I turned back the screen, and was muzzle to muzzle with what appeared to be a very large mare. The light from the screen behind her obscured her features in a hazy silhouette, but I could make out her golden eyes piercing through the darkness right at me. I instinctively stepped back, but she stepped towards me in tandem.

“But it isn’t your military accolades that interest me, Shepard. It’s the fascinating amount of criminal activities before your ,ahem, forced enlistment. Grew up in the slums of a capital Earth city. Moved from school to school, getting kicked out of or vanishing from each one. Multiple counts of theft ranging from valuable electronic hardware to software, hacking into secure military information banks. Quite the impressive list of crime I must say. I take it you fancy computers and hardware then?”

I did not particularly enjoy being interrogated by somepony who didn’t even extend the courtesy of introducing themselves, even if they were a Captain of a ship, especially when they were throwing my own past in my face. I wasn’t proud of I had done in my time growing up on Earth, but I wasn’t going to feel sorry for myself for what was in the past. It was time to show some backbone.

“Give me a wireless hacking interface and ten seconds, and I’ll have a V-Class Hunter Killer drone dancing and singing show tunes for you, Sir” I said with an edge. I stood my ground against the advancing mystery pony. They weren’t going to get me to back down.

She just laughed. I was getting tired of ponies laughing at me today.

“An impressive boast, I look forward to the opportunity to see you prove it. I can see that I will enjoy working with-”

A new voice called out from behind me. It was deep, commanding, and once again, I detected the same sense of familiarity I had from the voice in the Med-Bay. “I see you have introduced yourself to our star of the hour then, Nimbus.” I turned my head to see a stallion enter the room. He tapped on the wall beside him, removing the darkness of the room with a dull light. I watched as the new pony approached me. He was tall, imposing, and rather frightening. He was chestnut in color with a silvery black mane and deep blue eyes, but his color scheme did little the soften the serious expression on his face. A face I remembered; Quartermane. I saluted out of habit, not realising that he was not paying any attention to me. His eyes were squarely fixed on the mare behind me.

“Of course Captain Quartermane,” the mare crooned sarcastically. “ I was merely getting, acquainted, with the pony I’ll be working with on this mission.”

I was definitely tired of being left out of conversations too. “Mission? What miss-.” I had turned my head to get a look at this mystery pony that had not yet done anything to gain my approval and was already signing me up for missions I had no idea what was involved. What I saw was something I would never have expected. It was not the fact that this pony had strange colored markings on her face masking a shimmering silver coat and golden mane. Nor was it the crimson colored exoskeleton armor that nearly doubled the size of her form. It was the fact that jutting from her sides were two large, extended, silvery feathered wings.

“Y-you’re a..a...pegasus?” I knew that the Pegasi were involved in the construction of the Normanedy, but I did not expect one to be part of its crew. I felt all I had learned of the Pegasi slip from my mind in panic, uncertain of what to say or how to act without offending her, noting that my boasting earlier may have already done so.

She simply kept smiling, and bowed her head slightly towards me. “Sky-Captain Nimbus, pleasure to meet you at last Shepard. I apologise for the cloak and shadow, I merely wished to interact with you for a moment before we got down to business. Captain Quartermane has spoken very highly of your talents. I look forward to seeing them put to the test. It isn’t everyday that you are called to action by a Council Sleipnir.”

I looked back to Quartermane. Captain Quartermane now. It certainly made sense, five years was a long time, plenty of time for him to earn a few promotions. He was beaming with pride as if one of his own fillies had won Little Miss Universe. I was part of this crew for no more than a few hours and I already being paraded around like a trophy. Sure I did well in my practical engineering , but to be chosen by a Council Sleipnir for those talents was a bit mu-. Wait, a Sleipnir?

“Special Logistics Enforcement Infiltration Protectorate and Naval Intelligence Reconnaissance,” Nimbus somehow rattled off in one breath. “The Sleipnir are the Corral Council’s chosen elite. The best of the best in Corral Space. Sent on the most dangerous of missions to preserve the peace that the Corral races have fought for over the last five millenia. And as it stands now, there are no Earth Ponies in the Sleipnir ranks, not yet anyways.” She gazed intently at me, as if she were suggesting something as crazy as-.

No bucking way. My combat and drill skills were poor for a reason. I sucked at them. My expertise was computers and machines, not infiltration and enforcement. And yet here I was, staring face to face with a Council Sleipnir speaking as if she were here to recruit me.

“Me? You want me to become a Sleipnir?

She laughed again, shaking her head. There was a slight hesitation in her voice. “Not... exactly.”

Quartermane placed a hoof on my shoulder, a look of encouragement on his face. “It’s time we were honest about why you are actually here Shepard. S.T.A.B.L.E has been looking for someone to put forward as a suitable candidate for the Sleipnir for the past twenty years. To become a Sleipnir is no easy task, but it not an honor bestowed solely on combat prowess. Sleipnir are those who can think critically, under pressure. They have to be flexible, able to lead squads into dangerous situations and come out on top. The Council insists that Earth Ponies are not ready yet, but we have made some headway in improving our standing.”

“A compromise would be the best word,” Nimbus interjected. “Most think that Sleipnir operate alone, and while it is true that we operate independently, sometimes we enlist the aid of a varied team to maximise our potential.”

Nimbus had a reminiscent look on her face, her eyes appeared lost in memory. “I’ve been a Sleipnir for a long time Shepard. I’ve always had a small crew to call my own. Some were soldiers, doctors, assassins, even magitechs. I have never had a mechanical expert boasting your talents.” She looked back to the holo-screen, which was still scrolling through my dossier. She waved her hoof towards it, activating her omni-tool, and the screen went blank. Then she looked back at me.

“And we have the perfect assignment to get your started. We can get to that in a moment, first let me get a good look at you.”

Nimbus began circling around me. Step by step she eyed me up and down. I began to wish I could escape this ship without further scrutinising. She passed in front of me and I caught sight of her cutie mark emblazoned on her armor; a small puffy cloud with a trail following behind it. I followed her carefully with my own eyes, and I noticed her staring at my flank. My face felt flushed.

“Shepard, I don’t suppose you could explain the significance of your cutie mark for me?”

Oh, that’s what she was staring at. Heh, right. I craned my head back to remark the thing that made me unique, made me special, made me, well....me. A canvas of stars alight upon the black void of space, four particular stars burning brighter than any other.

“It’s the constellation Scolar, the Scale of the Sky. Those born under it are believed to be those who make wise and logical decisions, at least that’s what astrologists will have you think. For somepony like me to have it as a cutie mark, I guess my talent is making choices.”

Nimbus scratched her chin thoughtfully. “The thing about decisions, is not all of them are easy to make. Some will pit you between right and wrong, good and evil, life and death. Many choices lie ahead of you Shepard, none will be easy.”

I nodded in agreement. That was surprisingly deep and metaphorical from a member of a species that prided itself on military strength, but it was no less appropriate.“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

Quartermane chimed in. “And see we shall. Pipsqueak!”

The radio buzzed to life. “Aye, Captain Quartermane?”

I immediately recognised the voice of the scrawny stallion I had met earlier, and my previous fears were verified. That tiny pony really was the one behind the wheel of this ship, and I knew that I should find a way to play nice, or he may do extra barrel rolls just to torture my poor stomach. Quartermane continued despite the panicked noises I was sputtering.

“If everything is ready, you may proceed through the Whip Gate helmsman. I expect us to be in Equestria Prime’s orbit by sixteen hundred hours.”

“Aye aye Sir! Consider it done.” Pipsqueak responded, with a level of respect I did not think him capable of.

“So Shepard,” Nimbus continued, regaining my attention. “Have you ever been to Equestria Prime?”

“I can’t say I have.” I responded simply. It wasn’t a lie, I had honestly never left Earth’s solar system during basic training, and barely any further after I had graduated. Equestria Prime was as I recalled, on the edge of the Everfree Systems, and what I knew of those regions was limited. Independent, lawless, dangerous were the choice words used when Everfree was described to me, and I merely made a note to avoid those areas as best I could.

“Equestria Prime is considered to be a tremendous achievement for our kind Shepard.” Quartermane added. “It is the most successful planet colonisation we have ever accomplished, and is the closest planet to Earth’s natural climate that we have ever been able to find. It’s a paradise in its own right.”

“An excellent assessment Captain,” Nimbus said, once again taking hold of the conversation. “I look very forward to seeing it myself. The oceanic worlds we Pegasi live on are suitable to build our cloud cities in the sky, though they distinctly lack the aesthetic appeal that you Earth Ponies value so deeply.”

I could tell that Nimbus’ lament was genuine. She was not anything like the Pegasi that I was expecting. Strong, boastful, arrogant, militaristic to the extreme. Nimbus showed some of these traits, but not at the level I was expecting. Perhaps Pegasi were not as bad as I had been led to believe. Or she was really good at hiding it.

“What do you know of the Alicorns, Shepard?”

Now I was truly stumped. The Alicorns, the race that predated us by at least fifty thousand years. An advanced space faring civilisation that vanished without a trace. The only thing left behind of them was their technology. Like the ones we found forty years ago inside our own solar system.

“I guess that is the million credit question isn’t it?” I began. “They were a super advanced race way ahead of our time, fifty thousand years ago that vanished into thin air. The stuff we find now that brings about any significant advancement is mostly their technology.”

“And the exact reason why we are going to Equestria Prime.” the pegasus added. “They found something we believe to be Alicorn in origin. An obelisk or monolith of some sort. And its still functioning.”

That got my attention. Functioning Alicorn technology? I was starting to think that I was not only chosen for my talents pertaining to this amazing vessel, I had also been hoof picked to help decipher ancient Alicorn technology. Best. Day. Ever.

Quartermane broke me out of my reverie. “Now Shepard. You and the Lieutenant will accompany Nimbus to the surface to secure and recover the artifact. It’s was discovered near a small farming colony so there should be no incid-”

Pipsqueak’s voice shouted over the intercom. “Captain! We’re picking up a distress signal from the colony. You’re gonna want to see this.”

“Put it on-screen Pip,” the captain ordered.

We all turned to the screen, as the image shifted through static. Images whizzed by, accompanied by loud noises. Explosions and gunfire. The monitor continued to show something spinning sickeningly in circles, until I realised these images were from a helmet mounted camera. The spinning slowed down, showing glimpses of ponies, clad in heavy armor and carrying assault weapons. They were firing at something in the distance, off screen. The camera focused on a panicked stallion, shouting into his radio.

“We are under attack by unknown hostiles! They came from nowhere, we need help! We can’t hold out for much longe-.”

He stopped to look at something behind the camera, a look of terror developed on his face. The camera swiveled around, focusing on a large cloud of dust and smoke in the distance. There was something emerging from the cloud. Through the static and the motion of the camera, I could barely discern what I was looking at, and I could tell the Captain and Nimbus were having the same difficulty. At a first glance, it was.....well, large would be an understatement. It was colossal, and appeared to made of metallic plating. I focused on any detail I could to identify what this thing was, until the camera shifted again at the sound of nearby explosions drawing the camerapony’s attention.

Figures appeared on the ridge behind the frightened soldier, but he took no notice, still transfixed on what was beyond in the distance. The figures appeared equine in shape, but something was off, something I could not tell in the chaos of what I was witnessing. More gunfire and close quarters detonations rung out, the squad engaging whatever those...things were.

A blur of white dived into the frame, tackling the frozen stallion out of his stupor. “Ya’ll wanna get your muzzle shot off? Git’ down an’ return fire!” It was a mare! She had rallied the soldiers to defend themselves, even more gunfire ringing out, before the screen went blank. The channel hissed with ominous static.

“That’s all there is Captain,” Pipsqueak continued. “No comm signals from anywhere on the entire colony.”

Quartermane looked grim. “Rewind that message, hold at thirty four five.”

The screen obliged, showing a still image of the...whatever the hell it was. It was still enormous and imposing. It appeared to be a metal construct, maybe a vessel of some kind. The size was beyond recognisable scope. It was long and serpentine, with large tendril like appendages sweeping below it. It was emitting a field of energy, crimson bolts of electricity were bounding all over its massive form.

I turned to Nimbus, her eyes were intently focused on the anomaly. Even I could tell she had no idea what it was. Then I turned to the Captain. His grim demeanor had not changed. “How far out are we from the colony, Pipsqueak?”

“Fifteen minutes at best sir, closest S.T.A.B.L.E cruiser is about an hour.”

“Then we go in alone, we have no time to waste.” Quartermane turned to me. “Shepard, get to the cargo bay and prepare for a surface drop.”

“Yes Sir!” I responded. I turned face and quickly trotted towards the exit, as Quartermane continued issuing orders.

“Pipsqueak, engage stealth systems as soon as we are out of the jump. Take us in nice and quiet.”

The helmsman complied dutifully and the comm channel went silent. Just as I crossed the threshold of the door, I turned to look one last time into the room. Nimbus had rounded to face Quartermane, who was now pacing around the room.

The door slid shut in front of me. I shook my head and turned towards the stairs to the lower decks.

“Well,” I thought to myself. “Looks like this mission got a lot more complicated.”

“Now explain something to me. What exactly is a ‘Specialist’? And why are they only qualified to use pistols?”

My look of disdain towards the requisition officer did little to nullify the pure shock in his reaction to my equipment manifest. After the third repeat of the question, I simply gave up explaining it and snagged my gear from his table to prepare far away from his prying. Weapons never interested me, and I honestly hoped I could have gotten through my life in the military without actually using one. I realised that was moot at this point of course, but I could at least hope I would not have to use one often. I wandered around and eventually found an empty locker near the back corner and began going through my things.

The armored barding was a steely black with red and white trim. By all accounts, the material looked and felt as if it were made of solid metal and weighed about the same, but in my hooves it was surprisingly light. I examined the armor from helmet to hoofguard, only pausing once to realise that the section that would cover the flank was bare.

“I guess I have to get the cutie mark emblazoned on afterwards,” I thought to myself.

The armor was easy enough to put on, although I felt a tad foolish being the only pony left in the ship that wasn’t armored. Once I had that settled away, I busied myself with attaching my sidearm. I laughed to myself as I studied the hoof mounted weapon, it giving a whole new meaning to the term ‘point and shoot’. I enjoyed a few moments basking in my wit only for the sound of approaching hoofsteps to interrupt me.

“Shepard, right?”

How many ponies knew me already on this ship? I turned hesitantly around to introduce myself. The stallion appeared strangely laid back, relaxed, and incredibly calm all things considered. He was a gentle tan color with a dark blue mane, which did a poor job of hiding the scars along his face just under his ears. I peered for just a moment, catching a glimpse of metal, no, circuitry, embedded into his flesh. Implants. Was this pony actually a cyber-pony? I realised technology jumped forward a few hundred years in the past few decades, but this was a bit freaky.

He thrust a hoof to me. “Lieutenant Poindexter, Magitech division. You can just call me Dexter, everypony does.”

So this pony was the lieutenant that Pipsqueak was afraid of? He didn’t seem the slightest bit scary. Sure, the implants and scars added an air of brutality to him, but his calm and relaxed demeanor alleviated any sense of unease I had from him. He cleared his throat, to which I immediately fixed eyes with him, realising that I was staring at his implants the whole time! Worse yet, I had not even extended the same courtesy to shake his hoof in return. I jerked a hoof out, nearly striking his away.

“Yes, that’s me,” I blurted, completing the hoofshake. I noticed his eyebrow arch in confusion. “Sorry about the...staring.”

His face lit in comprehension. His hoof traced the side of his face, his smile remained constant. At least they didn’t look painful. “Don’t worry about it, I still run into ponies who have no idea what Magitechs are, or what being one involves. It’s still a fairly new ordeal for us Earth Ponies.”

Machitechs, another thing that accompanied my studies of the new expanding universe. Apparently the new technology we unearthed taught us how to refine a unique element required to actually power the more complex devices, including the engine cores capable of FTL travel. And, as is standard with any incredibly powerful element, comes rather nasty side effects if mishandled. In other words; radioactive side effects. In the early years of synthesizing Element X, (Again, brilliant naming. Might as well have called it sugar, spice and everything nice, considering what it was meant to do for us.) there were complications. Complications that included words like ‘unintended venting’ and ‘emergency containment protocols’. Suffice it to say, the ensuing fallout caused an unforeseen result.

Genetic mutation occurred within days, and scores of once healthy ponies became laden with strange illnesses. Quarantine happened within hours, and tests were underway to determine the repercussions of exposure to EX. After weeks of fear borne from the possibility of a new pandemic, reports started leaking out that those exposed to EX started developing strange abilities. They were faint at first, but as time went on and new tech was implemented, Earth Ponies were gaining a steady ability to actually harness and control magic, albeit at a reduced capacity compared to, say, the Unicorns. And thus the Magitech division was born, Earth Pony soldiers with the ability to perform incredible feats of telekinetic power with the aid of tumors brought on by radiation and surgical implants meant to control them.

“Once you get used to the headaches, you barely notice it,” the Lieutenant lamented. He trotted to the locker next to mine and closed his eyes, as if focusing. I saw a faint glow emit from his implant, and around the lock. It spun wildly around, and stopped precisely three times. The locker swung open on its own, and the Lieutenant opened his eyes. He beamed a smile at me. I just stood there, staring in awe at what I witnessed. In a seemingly futile attempt to kick start my mind, I tore my eyes from his, if only for a moment. For that brief moment, I caught a glance of his armor. It was solid black, but looked similar in design to mine, except that his actually had a Cutie Mark; A set of silver crescents in an arrow-like formation. A question came to mind, if only to break the awkward silence.

“Who do you speak to to get your Cutie Mark emblazoned onto your armor?” I queried.

He blinked a few times, then laughed. “You mean that Cutie Mark?” he said, pointing at my flank.

I turned to look, thinking he was just another crazy pony. And there it was, on the flank as if it were masterfully painted onto the armor, was my Cutie Mark. I looked back to him in confusion.

“The wonders of LED technology, huh?” was all he said.

My head twitched slightly, cocking to the side. Ohhhhhh, I get it. LED camera takes a picture of the Mark, then transmits the image to fibre optic plating. Clever, if a bit excessive.It would have been less expensive just to paint it.

“I can tell you are going to be a lot of fun to work with, Shepard.” Dexter continued. “We better get going, the Captain is waiting for us.”

He started to trot away, and I immediately followed suit. The cargo bay was steadily filling with small formations of soldiers, receiving orders from their superiors. I casually glanced around as Dexter led me to our destination. The walls were a continuation of lockers and storage bins. The requisitions officer that chided me earlier was still at his post, dutifully handing out equipment and armaments to the preparing soldiers. As we approached the rear of the bay, I noticed a large blob of canvas in the far right corner. It looked like a giant tarp was strapped down to cover something, but I paid no heed to it as we trotted past it and a familiar voice got my attention.

“Shepard! Dexter! Glad you could make it,” the captain shouted. Nimbus was standing next to him, busying herself with her equipment like the rest of the ship. Quartermane looked to Dexter, who had paused slightly at the sight of the out of place Pegasus, showing wariness towards her. “Dexter this is Sky-Captain Nimbus from the Corral, she’ll be spearheading your infiltration of the colony.”

Nimbus’ expression remained unchanged, still intently focused on the rifle attached astride her right wing. “Pleasure to meet you, and you again Shepard.” She said without looking up.

“You’re coming with us Nimbus?” I asked.

That got her attention. She looked up at me, a serious expression on her face. My earlier assumptions were apparently correct, she was very good at hiding her inner Pegasus nature. “The situation has changed I’m afraid Shepard. If this were a simple retrieval, I would most certainly be accompanying you. If what we saw of the colony’s condition is anything like we saw in the distress message, it is far more dire that we had expected.” She glanced at Quartermane, who nodded in agreement.

“The security of the Alicorn Relic is of top priority to the Corral, and I can’t take any chances with its recovery. With no offense to you, or your partner, I’ll be moving forward alone, with you as a rear guard while I scout ahead. I’ll keep in radio contact and meet you at the excavation site.”

The sound of rushing air and whirring hydraulics roared as I watched the cargo bay doors slowly descend, revealing the planet below. The surface whizzed by as we flew over what used to be plentiful farmlands. Now, it was a scorched battlefield. Smoke and fire tore across the landscape, and I felt a small pang of homesickness as I was reminded of a vast plains that surrounded my home back on Earth.

“Approaching drop point one Captain,” Pipsqueak shouted over the radio.

Nimbus stepped to the edge of the ramp, scanning the view below. She turned back to me one last time, with a smile on her face. “Don’t worry, I’ll see you on the other side.”

She flared her wings proudly, giving them a single strong beat. She arched her back, and shook herself through. Even with the roar of the wind outside, I could hear her take a single deep breath. Then she tensed, leaned forward, and bounded out into the open air. As she left the shadows of the ship, I could see the light catch on her silvery feathers, shimmering ever so slightly. She swooped out wide, and collided with an errant cloud that had somehow earned her ire. She plowed through it, leaving a small puff of white behind and an effervescent beam of white trailed behind her.

The Lieutenant scoffed. “That’s a bit flashy for an infiltration mission, if you don’t mind me saying Sir.”

Quartermane chuckled slightly. “True, but she knows what she’s doing. I hope there won’t be too much trouble with her methods, Lieutenant.”

“No Sir. Of course not.”

Pipsqueak’s voice shouted over the radio again. “Approaching drop point two Captain.”

“Right then. Shepard, Dexter, you two know the drill. Nimbus will be ahead of you, giving relayed communications. Scout out the colony, and find out where the relic is. Keep alert down there, we still have no idea who or what is attacking the colony.”

“What about survivors Sir?” Dexter inquired. “What should we do if we find anypony alive down there?”

“The relic is your primary objective Lieutenant. If you find survivors en route to the dig site then aid them as best you can, but don’t let it impede you. Our security forces will be dropped shortly after you to contain the situation, it is none of your concern. Stick to the mission.”

I could hear the Normanedy groan to a crawl as the earth below us began to slow. She hovered over a small ridge above the colony, which I could see smoldering in the distance. I could hear gunfire and explosions from all directions, but could see no sign of fighting nearby. I stepped tentatively to the edge, examining the ground only a foot or two below me.

“After you, Shepard.” Dexter said encouragingly.

I mustered what courage I could spare, and stepped out of the Normanedy and onto the earth of a battlefield, an act I hoped I would never have to do in my life. A small part of my mind tried to calm me as best it could. I mean, what was the worst that could happen?