• Published 10th Jul 2016
  • 327 Views, 2 Comments

Trapped - ShadowsOfThePast

Not everyone is happy. You think Starlight got all those ponies in her village through convincing them Cutie Marks are bad? Of course not. They already knew.

  • ...

1 - Double Diamond - Alone

The sand felt warm on his hooves, yet wet from the waves that had just receded. Double Diamond looked across the ocean, and could see the faintest outlines of mountains in the distance.

He wished he hadn't been so stupid.

The entire village had sent out a search party for him, and it had taken a week for them to find him

His family had debated over calling the royal guard. His mother's eyes were red from crying, and his father had screamed at him in front of the whole town.

And not a single pony had congratulated him on finding his Cutie Mark. He had been searching his whole life for his Cutie Mark on that island, and the mountains and snow had called his name since before he could remember.

He took a little trip. What harm could it do?

But he stayed too long. He got lost in the mountains, got lost in his euphoria, got lost in his joy over finding his Cutie Mark.

The moon slowly started rising over the horizon. He could feel the ship captain's eyes on him. Double Diamond was no longer allowed on any boats, ever again.

He'd have to make it quick.

He headed back home and entered the house with a plastic smile on his muzzle. He walked upstairs telling his on-guard parents he was going to bed.

As soon as he entered his room, he grabbed his goggles, the rarely used scarf hung in his closet, and some skis hidden under his bed.

He jumped out the window.

He landed on his hooves and ran. The captain spotted him and tensed, ready to grab him- Double hit him with a ski and jumped in a boat, quickly untying it. He rowed as fast as he could as he watched the clouds start to drop the gentle pitter-patter of rain.

He soon landed the boat near the mountains and ran off, and up-up-up into the cold frigid air as he climbed.

He looked over the ocean. Not a single boat followed him.

He put on his skis and slid down the mountain, only to find one of his skis to get caught on a rock and send him flying and flipping and lying in a broken heap on the ground.

A light purple mare walked up to him, her Cutie Mark an equal sign. "Hello there, sir."

Double blinked at her and tried to get up, but gasped in pain. The mare came over and used her magic to lift him onto her back. "I saw you last time you were here. You're lonely. And despite getting your Cutie Mark, no one congratulated you, just yelled at you."

Double sighed. "I... I wish I could live without this thing. It's done nothing but cause me pain when I tried to get it..."

The mare smiled sympathetically. "I know how it feels. Come with me, I know the perfect place for you."

Double let out a small smile. He realized wherever this place was, it would make sure he wasn't alone.