• Published 10th Jul 2016
  • 327 Views, 2 Comments

Trapped - ShadowsOfThePast

Not everyone is happy. You think Starlight got all those ponies in her village through convincing them Cutie Marks are bad? Of course not. They already knew.

  • ...

4 - Sugar Belle - Murderer

She sobbed as the chains rattled around her hooves.

"Killer..." Whispered a passing pony- Her cousin.

The executioner next to Sugar Belle moved his ax an inch closer to her neck.

"Killer..." Whispered the queen as she glared with watery eyes.

She knew the pies weren't poisoned when she cooked them, she had even tasted them before she gave them to him!

"Killer..." Whispered the judge for her trial.

Sugar sobbed as she was forced a few more steps forward. She had even missed the king's funeral while she was locked in jail.

"Killer..." Whispered the executioner.

Sugar's head was forced onto the block, and the executioner raised his ax.

"Killer? No way." There was a bright flash as the ponies were flung back, and a light purple mare stood in front of Sugar Belle. She pulled the mare off of the block and they started running.

The mare started speaking. "Look, I know you didn't do it, but I can't prove it to them. However, I can hide you! In plain sight, even!"

"KILL HER!" Screamed the crowd of ponies chasing them.

"They can identify you by your Cutie Mark! If you get rid of it, they can't recognize you!" Sugar smiled and nodded at the mare, tears in her eyes. Finally, finally, she could find a place where she wouldn't be regarded as a murderer.