• Published 22nd Jul 2016
  • 7,443 Views, 124 Comments

Lizard King: Tyrant - Mick0339

An archaeologist finds an amazing dig, however sadly he's alone when he discovers something even more amazing. He's in the body of an evolved Tyrannosaurs. Unfortunately or not, he also finds out he is no longer on the same world he knew.

  • ...

Food Question and Diabolical Water.

I was lying there, annoyed. Not due to the fact that this small pony, which was to be honest dwarfed by the two princesses, poking my nose, but how I wasn't dying of hunger. I was a carnivore, a beast that would eventually run dry without flesh for sustenance, yet here I was, alive, healthy and not wishing to snap my jaws on the pink pony in front of me.

"And we can eat all the cupcakes together, and then prank all my friends. You'd be really good at that..." Scratch that, I was dying of hunger, it was just such a sudden urge and this pink pony looked perfect. They're just too cute though; like a dog, you can't be mad at him or her for long. The puppy eyes truly kill.

I groaned, which translated to a heavy sigh from one of the largest predators on the planet. The pink pony though, was less than scared, she was ecstatic. She wasn't scared, I was. She was too peppered up. I remembered a girl like that in my high school. Surprisingly she was very popular despite her overly cheerful attitude. I'd only talk to her once in a blue moon, but man could she not understand what quiet meant. I even heard she wouldn't stop talking during final exams. Youth, it's all just garbage to me now though.

"Pinkie dear, I don't think it likes to be pestered," the pony from victorian london stated rather confidently, until my two predatory eyes descended on her and she got behind the cowpony girl. Don't quote me on these things.

That's when the loud mouthed, and too arrogant for me, rainbow pony laughed her well behind off.

"He's not that tough, watch," she said to my displeasure. She then slowly, and without a care in the world, strode over to my snout. My breathing was still resonating fear in everyone else, but the pink and rainbow ones. Speaking of which, there was also one who would not for the life of her come out from behind the door from the garden. How did I know this? Smell, it comes with the gigantic predator package. I felt bad for her; I'd shit my pants too if there was one of me around.

The arrogant-rainbow, as I've dubbed her, then proceeded to flail her arms and direct it to my snout, which she then bucked. It slowly kept getting more and more hard after each hit from her front-right hoof. That's when I came up with an idea.

Rainbow Dash continued to pound Luna's companion, who looked rather annoyed from it. She was gloating the whole time as well, taking in the advantage of the rather docile beast, which could tear a manticore to shreds. That's when it's voice croaked and it slowly, with the ground rumbling, stood up to finally put the coffin in for Rarity and Fluttershy. Applejack, along with Twilight were definitely antsy, but they were assured they wouldn't be harmed; after all, it did save them. Pinkie also joined in the fun and began to pester the beast even more. She somehow managed to speed up her talking, and then with Rainbow Dash continuing to hit the animal to show some kind of messed up dominance and prove a point, the beast had enough. It turned around and with a huge thud rested its head on the ground in a resting position, with its tail facing the group of ponies. That's when Fluttershy had mustered the courage and proceeded to move outside into the garden area.

"Is it safe--" That's when with a good sigh of relief from the creature, two ponies were sent sprawling into a nearby fountain. One was talking mid-air and one was completely shocked, and pissed. Fluttershy squealed and hid behind Twilight, to which the pony had her hoof to her mouth, holding back laughter. Applejack couldn't help but stifle a giggle as well.

"Hey, don't laugh!" Rainbow yelled from the fountain after she had emerged. Pinkie on the other hand never hit the water.

That oughta' teach em'. Even I couldn't help but laugh at the way the arrogant one reacted.

"That's what you get Rainbow!" Applejack yelled to her friend. I chuckled to this, which apparently could be understood as laughter to one of them.

"He's laughing," the ironically named Fluttershy said.

"How do you know Flutters?" Apple-flank asked.

"Well, I've heard some predators laugh before. It's sound pretty similar, but his is just deeper." I also had no idea she knew what sex I was. I wanted to hear this.

"Wait, Fluttershy, how do you know it's a male?" The librarian slowly, under the shroud of a hoof took out a pad and a quill from seemingly nowhere. I just managed to catch a glimpse of her doing this sorcery as I turned around. I kind of gave up understanding it though.

"Well, when you base it on the fact that he has sharper scales, and more accented teeth, as well as the fact he is more docile, you could easily see that he is a male. Females usually are much more aggressive in their territory." I mean, technically it's true. Well for my species, guys usually can't care less on many things besides women and weights. Well, for the majority at least, that and their family. But women, when they get pissed off, it's all over. Although, I'm curious on how she knew this.

"And so how did you figure all of this out?" Scribbles were still being made as the question was asked from the eager college student.

"I based it off of some of the reptiles I have. I mean, he looks like a lizard at least, or a very weird dragon, and the logic applies there as well." Still, I couldn't believe there were dragons here. I just had to see one up close. I wondered if I had a bigger bite force.

"Rex hasn't done anything to you all has he?" A voice all too familiar called. It was sun butt. Actually, if I actually called her that, I wouldn't be blamed, Luna would, but whatever; mute has its advantages.

"So why have you called princess?" Twilight I presumed her name was asked.

"I have a task for you my little ponies."

And here we go...

"I'm going to need some help with this; Rarity, Twilight, if you would." Celestia called the two over and they began whispering. I didn't like the sound of it, even if I couldn't hear. The faces they made as they disengaged from the conversation sent chills down my spine. They had evil grins, meanwhile if anything I should; I mean look at me!

That's when I saw the water buckets come out of nowhere. I slowly began to crawl backwards, and don't ask how. I just act like I'm prone in human form and then go backwards and whalla.

"Don't be scare Rex, it's just a little water." Their faces didn't suggest it was water though. All the other ponies were confused, but me, well I was definitely a little nervous. I just continued to keep my distance. Yet that voice Celestia was using scared the hell out of me. I just had to keep my distance.

That's when I found out I saw surrounded. I had hit a dead end and whacked into the wall. There was one on each side of me and they still had the creepy, maniacal smiles plastered on their faces. I had the wall behind me, Rarity to my left, Twilight to my right, and Celestia right in front of me.

"Luna asked me to do this!" Then it was all blue, everything looked completely blue and felt freezing.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shortness and delay, I haven't been feeling the best lately, and I honestly had trouble coming up with ideas for this.

Btw, never work out and get no sleep; you will not make gains.

Enjoy and let me know of any mistakes grammar or otherwise, thanks!