• Published 27th Jul 2016
  • 2,462 Views, 18 Comments

Acquired Taste - Dontaskaboutit

Displaced story featuring the travels of a and story's of silk talking gentlman who has a desire to fufil any want or cravin, as long as you are willing to make a deal with him, The River King.

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It All Comes At a Cost

Within the depths of equestria, behind a gate guarded by the beast known as Cerberus, is a place, well more like a prison, known as Tartarus. Now Tartarus houses some of the more… well let’s just call them the more unsavory individuals of this here world. The scoundrels too dangerous to be kept anywhere else, or in any other country. The one almost everyone knows about is the one known as Terik.

You see Tirek is a red skinned centaur with two great horns he uses to siphon magic from the other inhabitants of this here world. Almost no one knows how he got such power, and why he would want it in the first place, but he used it to wreck havoc upon equestria and other lands before being stopped by two alicorns, also holding unknown and great power, and imprisoned here for his terrible crimes. He was feared by many and loved only by one, his brother. Those who still remember and know his story think he is the most dangerous one here, but oh how wrong they are.

You see, those who think this don’t know about the true demon within the walls of this prison. In the deepest part of Tartarus, beneath Tirek’s cage, is a glowing green lake with a boat drifting within it. This boat is made of only the finest wood, even with it’s age it is still pristine. On it is a small lantern holding a gem, a soul gem to be precise, casting a nice white blue glow on the boats lonely and handsome inhabitant.

This inhabitant is quite the giant, at least eight feet tall with a bulky build. It’s gender is male and he has swamp green skin. He is clad in quite the respectable attire, a brown leather trench coat with some holes and rips in it for character, a read undershirt with gold latches to hold the front of it together, brown leather pants as well with some heavy looking black boots. His fingers had random assortments of accessories on them consisting of gold and silver rings, all differently designed, each one most likely from a different culture. On his head was short black smooth hair and a truly amazing black top hat with a red silk hatband with a jagged fish hook on the leftmost part of it. But the truly defining feature of this specimen is his neatly kept short beard and his glorious, long, magnificent, stunning black moustache. The wonder having small gold beads weaved into it, only adding to it’s glory.

But how did such an oddity appear in these lands? No one really knows, even those who have meet him are not sure. Some of them say he just appeared, others say he is a collective of sin, but there is one who does know the true story even if he thinks it could be wrong. This being once told a draconequus of how he came to be.

He said he went to a gathering, a ‘con’ is what he called it. It was a place for his kind to meet and enjoy similar oddities and hobbies together and talk about them. At this meeting you could buy things and make deals with others, this is what he said happened.

He met a salesman he calls ‘The Merchant’ and made a deal with him. The Merchant asked him for a favor. The Merchant asked him “Hey stranger, I have deals that need to be made, a job of sorts, and was wondering if you would be willing to help.” the being then asked him what he would get in return if he were to accept such an offer. “A favor from me is what you will get, along with a token of my appreciation, what do you say?” the being thought for a moment before smiling and accepting the proposal, which is something to this day he both is happy about and regrets. Because on that day he learned,

“It all comes at a cost~” I pur to no one as I open my gleaming sickly yellow and black eyes. I start to fidget with my banjo, plucking the strings to make sure it was all in tune, after all Tirek will be escaping soon, and I need to make sure my upcoming guests will hear my call, so I can get their attention. I’m not sure who I’m talking to, I guess after so long down here the thoughts within my cranium started to get to me, whatever then, it was bound to happen one day. I have some to spare though, so until then I guess I could reminisce on my past for a little bit, you know take it from the top. Back to when I first came here…

Well maybe not that far, I guess I will actually start with my first major deal here, the start of my job. Anyways just get ready, for I’m about to swim down river, and I like to take my time.

Well this place sure is… unique. I look all around me after my latest Voyage, following the sweet scent of desire, and all I see is mountains and snow. Good thing I had thick skin or this small blizzard would probably hurt like hell.

“Who goes there.” I hear in the distance, the voice sounding more akin to a whisper. My eyesight adjusts to see a more white blue figure akin to a horse in the distance. It was a decent size as well, bigger than the other inhabitants of this world, but still a dwarf in comparison to me. It probably stood about six four and was covered in all sorts of furs. The form suggests male, along with the cold ice blue eyes.

I smile as I notice that this being was the source of the desire, I guess I should get in character, “I’m sincerely apologise for trespassing sir.” I take off my hat a bow, “I was simply looking for someone to help, for I can sense the distress coming from within these here mountains, do you know why?”

The being came closer to me, “How do you know of my people's distress?” he asks, sounding quite confused… but I could also catch some hopefulness within him.

I stand back up straight, “It is my job to grant my assistance to whoever needs it, all I ask in return is a favor.” I then act shocked, “Oh where are my manner?! My name is Tahm Kench, the River King, and I’m glad to have made your acquaintance.” I stick out my hand.

He hesitated but in the end shook it, “My name is Vikas Eldritch, Leader of the Degos tribe, and if you are wanting to help, me and my fellow brethren would be willing to accept it.”

I adjust my coat, “What is it you desire for your people?” I ask with a smile.

He sighed, “If anything, power. You see we used to gladly roam all of this northland, happily raising our young and crops, teaching them the old ways, our traditions, and never once having to worry. But then they came, the horn and winged demons, they call themselves ‘Alicorns’ they killed our people, our mares and foal, colt and filly alike, using their magic to melt the snow flooding our huts and ruining our food supplies. Only a few of us survived the invasions, now we are all here, waiting for our own demise. I ask of you, can you grant us the power to take it all back? To get our revenge?”

I chuckle, “I can and will if you so wish, I only ask for one thing in return.”

He smiles and begins to cry slightly, “Anything River King!”

I lean down, “The invaders you speak of most likely have rulers, and king and queen if you will. Don’t kill them, but instead chase them down south would you?”

He sighs and nods, “If that is what we must do.”

I smile even bigger and stand back up straight, “Excellent!” I reach into my coat and pull out a chalice made of an ice that never melt, filled with a white liquid of sorts and hand it to him, “Have you and your tribe drink from this here chalice my friend, and you will gain the power of wind and blizzard, but be careful, this power can come at it’s own price, I’m not sure what it is, but you don’t scoff at something like this, understood?” Of course I was lying, I know exactly what will happen if they drink this, he never asked me to tell the truth did he?

He takes the chalice and holds it carefully, “I will heed your warning River King, and will follow through with my end of this trade, thank you.” He tells me with a smile.

I pull out my pocket watch, “I must be going now Vakis, be sure to win alright? Anyways, goodbye.” I then take an abyssal voyage back to my main home, a stagnant body of water within a swamp inside a unruly forest where everything is free. “ Now that left me satisfied, I better be ready, because sometime in the future I will be entertaining royalty, I’m already salivating and the very thought~”

Author's Note:

This is just the intro to the story everyone, so for the short length. Next few chapters will be set in the past, all the way up to the present. Been thinking this one up for a while and I'm happy to finally release it.

Comments ( 18 )

Fantastic start! Keep it up!

I don't think you're meant to put the entire first chapter in the summary.

Interesting, this has potential. :twilightsmile:

I can't wait for it is a good story so far:twilightsmile:

7429349 Wanted to give it a bit of the Tahm Kench trailer vibe, plus I always have really bad discerptions.

7429349 But I really like this one, and I think it came close to what I was going for, so I'm happy with it.

Tahm Kench?


Should be interesting to see where it goes, if it doesn't die like most Displaced stories do.
Seems those that have l crossovers tend to die quicker and more frequently.

This has peaked my intrest. Good job, can't wait to see more.

Tahm klench has klenched many butts, well, at least mine becuse of this story.

Tahm Kench, just your friendly neighborhood crossroads demon. I NEED MOAR!!!

So he created his world's version of the Windigos? I wonder how low he can go.

So once again the ponies are cause of the worlds biggest problems, so not surprised.
Waiting for more

if this story is still being worked on i will happily follow you and even help you for a price of course XD

Well I hope the story isn't dead, because you hooked me easy.

I like league of legend, I like the lore of the game, but Tahm Kench, who has an amazing teaser by the way, is not really a figurehead of the game (instead of a certain fox) and thus, isn't really used for all its worth.

here i am awaiting more, but the authors gone right out the door

here i am awaiting some pages but without an update its been ages

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