• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 14,907 Views, 177 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls in Space - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in action as they team up with the Heroes in a Half Shell to save the planet earth from destruction by changing the past.

  • ...

Walk in Space

Way out in space, the Ulixes was traveling through the star system. Inside the ship, the turtles and the Rainbooms were catching up on what else has happened before the earth was swallowed up.

Currently the Rainbooms were discussing the events of the Friendship Games which was where they met the Twilight of their world, "And that's when I decided to transfer to CHS." Human Twilight finished explaining.

Needless to say, the turtles, April, and Casey were lost for words, "Whoa. Talk about a wicked event." Raph said in amaze.

"An event that took a scary turn." Donnie noted.

"Dude, that Principal Cinch lady should've been arrested for blackmailing you and acting like she didn't do a thing wrong." Casey told Human Twilight.

"Or the very least fired from her job." April put in.

"We know." Rainbow agreed.

"See this is why I don't go to school." Mikey told them, only to get smacked by Raph.

"We don't go to school anyway, Mikey!"

"I can't imagine what it must've been like to be consumed by all that magic." Leo feared.

"It was nightmare," Human Twilight sighed, "All I wanted was to understand magic, but with the pressure from my old classmates and Principal Cinch blackmailing me it just spun out of control." she pat Spike who enjoyed it.

Sunset laid a hand on her friends shoulder giving her a comforting smile, "I've been there."

"Plus you're with us now." Applejack reminded her.

"And us too." Mikey smiled, as he stood by his bros.

Human Twilight smiled, "Thanks, guys."

"And you shouldn't feel so bad about trying to discover such remarkable anomalies, Twilight," Fugitoid began, "After all, who doesn't want to discover the vast wonders of the universe?"

"Pardon me, Fugitoid," Rarity spoke up, "But exactly where did you come from, and how are you so sentient?"

"Well, Rarity, since you asked so nicely I'll elucidate. You see I wasn't always a robot. I was once a man."

"A man?" Fluttershy asked.

"So you're a cyborg?" Human Twilight asked.

"Interesting." Princess Twilight said, feeling astounded.

"Indeed. I am from the planet D'Hoonib, a planet of humanoid scientists obsessed with penetrating the highest truths of the universe."

"Sounds like my kind of planet." Human Twilight said.

"Mine too." Princess Twilight agreed, as both Spike's rolled their eyes.

"One day I was working on a new form of psionic technology when the Triceratons came looking for me. They came to me to force me to build them weapons. When I refused, they attacked and destroyed everything in sight, leaving me hanging by a whim. My robot assistant placed my own brain in its own body. A man merged with machine, and I was reborn as a cyborg!" The top of his head opened up and levitating out was a human brain.

"Oh, dear." Rarity gasped at the sight of the brain.

"Ooh, brainy." Pinkie was ready to poke it, only for both Twilight's to pull her back.

"Pinkie!" They cried.


"The human brain is very delicate." Human Twilight warned her.

"Would you want anyone poking at yours?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Maybe if it tickled." she grinned, as the two Twilight's sighed.

Fugitoid continued, "When the Triceratons found out I was alive, they deemed me a criminal; A Fugitive Android.

"Fugitoid. Now it makes sense." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Quite so," Fugitoid suddenly looked dismal, "Of course my greatest fear has been the idea of losing my humanity. I don't want to be just considered a machine."

Applejack playfully punched his shoulder, "Well, shoot. We'd never think of you like that, Professor."

"Yeah. So what if you're a human brain in a robot body?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Everyone of us is different." Rarity motioned to the whole group who nodded.

"And that's what makes us who we are." Princess Twilight finished.

Fugitoid's eyes changed to a look of happiness, "Thank you all. I needed that little pick me up."

Suddenly the ship jerked knocking everyone to the floor, "What was that?" Applejack asked.

Fugitoid pulled up the ship on the monitor and saw some damage to one of the wings, "Well, isn't that swell?" he asked in sarcasm.

"Don't worry, Professor we'll patch it up." Donnie promised.

"Hey, let's go for a jump into space. You girls up for it?" Mikey asked.

"You mean walk out there in space?" Twilight asked in excitement.

"But we can't go out there without protective gear." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Don't worry, ladies. There's plenty of space suits for you all." Fugitoid said.

"Space suits?" The girls asked.

Fugitoid showed the group inside the storage room where they saw multiple space suits, gadgets, blasters, and weapons set up.

"Girls, we hit an all time high on the awesomeness scale!" Rainbow cheered.

"Holy moly!" Pinkie gasped.

"My space fantasies have come true." Human Twilight marveled.

"You'll find the astro suits are complete with oxygen converters, gravity boosters, and even alien language translators." Fugitoid explained, as the girls went to try some on.

Soon enough the girls stepped out wearing colored space jumpsuits like April's. Both Twilight's were colored purple, Rainbow's in blue, Pinkie's was pink, Rarity's was white, Fluttershy's was yellow like April's, Sunset Shimmer's was red, and Applejack's was orange.

"This is awesome." Rainbow looked herself over.

"This is a style I can work with." Rarity admitted.

"Hey, Twilight, check us out." Spike called, as he and his dog counterpart stepped out wearing space suits made for dogs.

"You both look good." Princess Twilight smiled.

"Thanks. I just hope I don't get an itch while wearing this." Dog Spike tried scratching with his back paw but the suit was making it so his nails couldn't scratch his body.

"Now we're ready." Human Twilight said.

"Might I suggest you arm yourselves," Fugitoid suggested, "Better you go out there armed than not at all." Fugitoid showed them to a long line of space weapons.

The girls gathered around, as Princess Twilight picked up a space version of her trademark ninja weapon the kamayari. Rainbow Dash grabbed a space version of the naginata. Applejack grabbed a space version of shuko hand claws, with the claw parts made of plasma. Pinkie took a space version of her old bakuhatsugama with a plasma sickle. Rarity took two plasma sickle weapons, while admiring the plasma blades glowed purple like her hair. Sunset Shimmer held some space age kunai and throwing starts. Finally Fluttershy grabbed a space age fukedake blowgun.

The girls posed with their space age ninja weapons, as Rainbow spoke, "Like old times, huh, girls?"

"This certainly feels like a space age style." Rarity admitted.

Human Twilight looked over the weapons, and spoke, "I'm not exactly good with weaponry."

"Pick something you feel is right for you, regardless of inexperience." Leo encouraged her.

Human Twilight looked at the line up, before she stopped and looked at a hand blaster. She picked it up and held it up like she was a secret agent.

"An excellent choice, Twilight. Now, girls don't stray too far from the ship got that?" Fugitoid asked.

"Yes, Fugitoid." Princess Twilight, said, as the girls headed off, followed by the others.

Outside the ship, the whole group dawned their space helmets and jumped out of the ship. They floated around the gravity free zone while using their rocket packs to maneuver around.

"Check it out!" Rainbow cheered, as she floated around.

"This is the greatest experience ever." Princess Twilight gasped.

"I'll say." Human Twilight agreed.

"Yeah. The first dog in space has got nothing on this." Dog Spike said, as he and his Equestrian counterpart flew around.

"Look at me I'm flying!" Pinkie squealed, as she used her rocket pack to fly all around.

"Wait for me!" Mikey cheered, as he flew after her.

"Hard to imagine back on earth our past selves are doing who knows what, while we're up here in the farthest reaches of outer space?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah. We must be like the first kids in space." Applejack said, as she wore her stetson hat inside her space helmet.

"Well, second to April and I." Casey corrected her.

While the turtles and the humans were busy having fun out in space, Donnie was helping Fugitoid on damage control, "Well no leaks, but we still gotta patch this up." Donnie told the professor.

"Indeed. Though we can't risk it out here. There may be unexpected asteroids like before." Fugitoid replied.

"Yeah. Hey, guys. Back inside the ship!" Donnie called out.

Pinkie groaned, "Do we have too?"

"Fugitoid's orders." Leo said, as they flew back for the ship.

Once on board, they removed their helmets. When Pinkie removed hers, her hair was all flat. One shake of her head and suddenly her hair poofed back to its puffy style.

"So where can we land this ship?" Rainbow asked the Fugitoid.

"Not to worry, Rainbow Dash," Fugitoid pulled up some coordinates onto an orange planet on the monitor, "The planet Ooglon. A nice quaint deserted planet, which I guarantee will be the last place the Triceratons will find us."

"You're sure about that?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Positive. At least about 97%."

"So a three percentage we will?" Applejack asked dryly.

"Well, the odds are in our favor," Fugitoid shrugged, "Anyway, let's get moving. Stations everyone!" They all crammed into the four stations surrounding Fugitoid before the ship took off for the planet.

When they arrived they touched down onto the planet. They looked through the ships window seeing it was indeed deserted. The whole landscape looked like an endless canyon.

"You were right about this being deserted." April told Fugitoid.

"Indeed. Well, I'll go and start working on repairs." Fugitoid said.

"I guess the rest of us can explore outside." Leo added.

"Remember not to stray too far from the ship." Fugitoid warned them, as they stepped outside.

They walked outside wearing their helmets and began looking around. Pinkie spoke up, "We're on another planet. I can strike that off my list of things to do before I die."

"You really thought about going to another planet?" Spike asked.

"Of course." she grinned.

"Well, even for a deserted planet, there doesn't seem to be much to it." Rarity noted, as she walked around.

"That's why it's called deserted, sister." Raph replied, while Rarity scowled at his snarky answer.

Fluttershy looked around and sighed, "What a shame that no creature lives here."

"Don't be so naïve, Fluttershy," Rainbow said, "If creatures did live here you'd think they'd be anything like earth animals?"

"Well, I can imagine some would be bigger."

"Bigger and deadlier!" Rainbow got into her face making her afraid.

Pinkie was wandering further from the group before she heard something. She peaked around the corner of a boulder and saw an android walking around.

"Hey. Another robot. And if a robot is here, then maybe there is life on this planet. I'll go ask him," Pinkie ran over and spoke to the android, "Hi there. My name's Pinkie Pie. What's yours?"

The android turned around to reveal it was carrying a blaster, while in the chest cavity was a pink squishy brain alien that looked like it was sleeping, but instead was controlling the robot.

"Kraang is what is known as Kraang!" the robot spoke as it's mouth glowed with every word it spoke.

"Kraang?" Pinkie asked, "Funny. My turtles friends told me they faced a group with a similar name like that. What a coincidence."

"Puffy haired human, knows the ones called the turtles?"

"Oh, yeah. We're good friends. You know them too? That's great. I can take you to meet them." she offered, only for the Kraang to point its blaster at her and spoke.

"Take Kraang to the ones known as the Turtles."

Pinkie seeing the blaster get powered up grinned sheepishly, "I'm guessing you're the bad aliens that are the Kraang that the turtles mentioned?" The Kraang responded by further powering up its blaster.

Back with the group, Fugitoid called out, "Repairs are complete. We should get going now."

April looked around, "Where's Pinkie Pie?"

Raph sighed, "Figures she'd be the one to wander off. Though it's a miracle Mikey didn't wander off before her."

"I'm right here!" Mikey frowned.

"Hey, guys!" Pinkie called.

"Pinkie!" the girls cheered in relief, until they saw her walking over with her hands up. Behind her was the Kraang droid pointing its blaster at her.

"I kinda made a friend who isn't really friendly." she said nervously.

"A Kraang!" Leo called.

"That's a Kraang?" Sunset asked.

"Brain in the stomach so yeah." Mikey replied.

"Kraang has discovered the ones known as the turtles on the planet which is known as Ooglon."

"One measly Kraang isn't such a problem." Casey said with no fear.

"Yeah. We can totally take him on." Rainbow agreed.

"The human with rainbow colored hair is incorrect. Kraang has friends." The Kraang tossed a bunch of portable Kraang portal devices that projected portals.

"Uh, I don't like this looks of this." Human Twilight said in worry.

Emerging from the portals were a number of Kraang and Biotroids looking ready to fight, "That's a lot of Kraang." Applejack said in equal worry.

"Kraang, take the ones called the turtles prisoner, as well as the humans accompanying the ones called the turtles." a Kraang ordered.

Rainbow spoke up, "We're called the Rainbooms, and don't you forget it."

"Kraang is in what as known as acknowledgment. Kraang shall not forget the ones known as the Rainbooms."

"Do they seriously talk like this all the time?" Rainbow asked the turtles, while feeling annoyed.

"I know it's annoying, but it's how they are." Donnie replied.

"Ninjas, take them down!" Leo ordered, as the group went on the attack.

The girls fought the Kraang droids like they did with the Foot bots, but were dodging their blaster shots in the process.

Rainbow was using her weapon to defeat two droids while smirking, "Now this takes me back."

Human Twilight took cover before whipping out her new blaster and thought to herself, 'You can do this.' she fired a shot at a Kraang droid making it shut down and fall to the ground. The Kraang inside it climbed out and crawled away.

"Good shot, Twilight!" Dog Spike called.

Biotroids were trying to grab Rarity, who was dodging, "Get back you disgusting apes!" she swung her plasma sickles at a Biotroid disabling it.

"Watch out for the butt cannons!" Mikey called to her.

"What cannons?" Rarity asked hoping she didn't hear what Mikey described them as.

The two other Biotroids turned around and bent over sticking their rears in Rarity's direction. Their butts opened up to reveal two cannons each.

"Oh, my stars!" Rarity cried, as she ninja rolled around to avoid the shots.

Princess Twilight was striking some Kraang droids alongside Leo, while speaking, "Is this what the Kraang Invasion on the city was like?"

"No. It was worse." Leo answered, as they fought.

Casey was launching photon pucks with his stick. The pucks exploded upon contact with the Kraang Droids. Fugitoid and Human Twilight were also blasting away at the Kraang Droids.

Unfortunately, no matter how many droids they took down, more just kept coming through the portals at an alarming rate. Suddenly the whole group was surrounded, as a droid tasered Fugitoid causing him to shut down.

"Fugitoid!" Pinkie cried, only for the droids to aim their blasters at her and the others.

"Drop your weapons and raise what is known as arms." a droid ordered.

The group having no options dropped their weapons and raised their arms, "Oh, space apples." Raph groaned.

One of the droids announced, "Kraang, take the prisoners to that which is known as Kraang's Headquarters on the planet known as Ooglon!"

"Affirmative, Kraang."

The group was worried seeing they were in hot water right now, but had to be strong and hoped that they would be able to turn the tables somehow.