• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,528 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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No More Diapees!

I sat with Melody Note, Bioquill, Nyx, and North Star in the play pen that our mommies had set up. Nyx and I were stacking blocks, attempting to build a tower that could reach all the way to Cloudsdale. Melody Note and Bioquill playing Wonderbolts with their plushies. North Star was playing with his crayons and coloring book.

When the top was out of reach of our chubby little hooves, Nyx and I started stacking blocks with our magic. “Dis gonna be da best towa eva!” I cheered.

Nyx lifted up the final block. “Almas dar!” Just as she was about to place the final block, Melody Note let out a huge fart.

“Eww, stinky!” I held my nose with one hoof as I tried to swat away the stink with the other. Nyx did the same, but it caused her to lose her concentration. The final block hit the tower, causing all of the other blocks to come falling down. The blocks hit all of us on the head, and we broke out crying all at once.

Our mommies instantly ran into the room and started cradling us to calm us down. Aunt Cadence felt Melody Note’s diaper. “Oh my, looks like my little princess made a poo-poo!” Aunt Cadence cooed. “Let’s get you changed.”

Mommie kissed me on the head and tickled my tummy, making me feel much better. Aunt Cadence came back with Melody Note, who was now wearing a thick pink diaper. It was so thick that when Melody Note was placed in the pen, she could barely walk let alone crawl. When Melody Note tried to walk, she quickly fell back on her bottom. She bounced and foal powder poofed from the diaper. This made all of us giggle.

“Alright little ones, place safe and be careful.” Mommy said. She and the other princesses then left. Melody Note then gave Nyx a glare.

“Wy u tobble da towa? Dose bwocks hwurt!”

“It not my fwalt! U da one who made a stinky in ur diapee!” Nyx shot back.

Melody Note looked down at her big, poofy diaper. “Dat anuta ting, wy we got ta ware diapees all da time! Dey stupid!”

“Mewody, we have ta ware diapees. We just foals.” I explained.

“Well I sick of dem!” Melody Note then unstrapped her diaper. After taking it off, she threw it across the room.

“Mewody, wat r u doin?” North Star asked. “U gwet in twouble!”

“I don’t care! No more diapees!” Melody Note then started marching around chanting “No more diapees! No more diapees!”

Bioquill soon joined. “I wit u! Diapees r stupid!” Bioquill took of his diaper and joined in the chant. “No more diapees! No more diapees!”

Melody Note and Bioquill both stopped and looked at me, Nyx, and North Star. “Join us!” Melody Note demanded.

“Nuh-uh.” I replied. “I’ll gwet in twouble, and den mommy will give me da spankies!”

“I wit Bwue Moon.” said Nyx. “I don want da spankies!”

“Yeah, dey huwt!” North Star said.

“Twaitors!” Melody Note yelled. “We don need u! Come Bioquill! Wets take dis to da big ponies!” Melody Note used her magic to open the playpen gate. She and Bioquill then marched out and headed towards the room where our mommies were, all the while chanting “No more diapees!”

Our mommies were sitting at a table, drinking tea and talking about big pony stuff. They stopped when Melody Note and Bioquill marched into the room. Aunt Cadence looked down at Melody Note with confusion.

“Melody, what are doing in here? And where is your diaper?” She asked.

“No more diapees!” Melody Note and Bioquill both shouted.

Cadence just sighed. “Melody, you’re still very young. You need to wear diapers or else you’ll make a mess.”

“The same goes for you too, Bioquill.” Quick Wit said. “You’re too young to stop using diapers.”

“No! Tey stupid!” Bioquill protested.

Cadence picked up Melody Note. “Let’s go get you back in your diaper.” Melody Note then threw a huge temper tantrum.

“NO! HATE DIAPEES!!!!!!” Melody Note screamed as loud as she could, waving around her stubby legs and trying to wiggle free.

Bioquill threw a temper tantrum as well. Quick Wit picked him up. “Bioquill, you and Melody Note will calm down or else you’re both getting a time out.” Quick Wit said with a stern voice.

“U DUM MEANIE!” Bioquill then peed on Quick Wit’s face. Melody Note followed suit by peeing on Cadence.

Everypony gasped in shock. Quick Wit gave Bioquill her own version of The Stare. Bioquill gulped, knowing that he was in deep trouble. Quick Wit instantly flipped Bioquill over and spanked his bottom. She kept going until it was practically glowing red.

Bioquill cried as loud as he could. When Quick Wit was done spanking him, she washed his mouth out with a bar of soap.

Cadence and Quick Wit then wiped down Melody Note and Bioquill. They powdered them and stuck them in extra thick diapers. Cadence and Quick Wit then returned them to the nursery, making Melody Note and Quick Wit in corners facing the wall.

“Bioquill, the spanking and the soap were for talking back and insulting me.” Quick Wit said sternly. “You are in time out until dinner.”

“Melody Note, you may not have been as bad as Bioquill, but you are still in trouble.” Cadence said. “You are also in time out.”

Cadence and Quick Wit left the nursery. Nyx looked over at Bioquill and spoke to him. “Wat happend?”

Bioquill gave Melody Note a nasty look, then pointed a hoof at her. “I gots punished bwecause of Mewody! Mommy gave me spankies and pwut soap in my mouth!”

“Dat bwecause u you called her a dum meanie and wet pee-pee on her!” Melody Note shouted back.

“U wet pee-pee on your mommy too, but I gwet da spankies an soap! It not fair!”

I grew sick of their fighting. “Stop it! U both twouble makers! Dis no happen if u just use ur diapees!”

Melody Note turned around to look at me. “No! Diapees r dum! I big enough to use da potty, and I pwove it!” Melody Note once again removed her diaper. She then crawled over to the door and opened it with her magic. After checking to make sure no grown ups were watching, Melody Note snuck into the hallway.

I let out a sigh and looked over at Nyx and North Star. “We shwould follow her ta make sure she stays outta twouble.” Nyx and North Star nodded in agreement. We all left the playpen and followed Melody Note.

“U comin?” Nyx asked Bioquill.

“No. I no want ta wisk more punishmet.” Bioquill stayed behind in the corner.

We all followed Melody note as she made her way down the hallway. She stopped at the bathroom, using her magic to open the door. “Mewody, wat r u gonna do?” I asked.

“ I gonna use da gwowns ups potty.” Melody Note said. “Dis will pwove dat I no lona need diapees.”

Nyx, North Star, and I were all shocked. “But da big potty is dangewous!” Said Nyx. “It eats up foawls!”

Melody Note simply waved her off. “Dat just a myth.” She continued into the bathroom. Melody Note then used her magic to lift up the lid on the big potty. She then climbed up and sat on the rim.

Melody Note successfully went pee-pee in the big potty. She then used her magic to push down on the handle, making it flush. Melody Note then stood up on her hind legs. “See? Using da big potty is easy!” She said triumphantly. “And I don’t need dum diapees!” Melody Note then slipped backwards and fell into the big potty. Fortunately, all of the the water had drained out. Unfortunately, Melody Notes butt plugged up the hole.

With no way for the water to refill the bowl, pressure began to build up. The big potty began to crack and shake. “Wun fow cova!” I yelled. Nyx, North Star, and all ran out of the bathroom and ducked behind the wall.

The water pressure had become too great. The big potty exploded, launching Melody Note like a rocket right out of the bathroom, through the hall, and crashing into a large garbage bag full of dirty diapers.

All of our mommies rushed out to see what all the commotion was. They arrived just in time to see Melody Note flying through the air and crashing in the dirty diapers. Cadence walked up to Melody Note. “I...think that this is punishment enough.”

Melody Note emerged from the garbage bag with a dirty diaper on her head. “I HATE DIAPEES!!!”