• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,528 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Adventures in foalsitting pt. 1

I awoke early in the morning, my tummy growling. I called out for mommy and when she didn’t come immediately I began crying. Mommy finally came into my nursery, a look of exhaustion upon her face.

“My sweet little Blue, you called for me five times last night.” Mommy said with a tired voice. “Three times for a feeding, and twice for a changing.”

I honestly did not remember any of that. I was still hungry and reached up to mommy while pointing to my mouth.

Mommy picked me up with her magic. “My breast are practically bone dry after the amount you consumed last night. This morning you’re going to try something different. But first.” Mommy check my diaper, than let out a sigh of relief. “Good, nice and dry. Two poopy diapers is enough for one night.” I could not help but giggle at mommy saying the word poopy.

Mommy placed me on her back and walked to the dining room. Celestia and Luna were already there, with Ekko and North Star seated in high chairs. Mommy placed me in my high chair next to Ekko.

Celestia noticed how mommy looked. “Nightmare Moon, you look exhausted.”

“It is not easy being co-ruler of the night when you have a foal that wakens every couple of hours.” Mommy said.

Celestia put a hoof on mommy’s shoulder. “I know how you feel. Ekko was up most of the night howling at the moon.”

“And North Star wouldn’t stop crying.” Luna said. “The poor little thing is scared of everything in the dark.”

Twilight and Cadance soon entered the dining room. Nyx rode on Twilight’s back while Melody Note sat on Cadance’s head and nommed on her mane.

“What are you all talking about?” Twilight asked as she put Nyx in her high chair.

“We were just discussing how our foals are extra restless during the night.” Mommy said.

“Tell me about it. Melody refused to sleep a wink last night. All she wanted to was play.” After a few seconds of trying to catch Melody who was crawling all over her mane, Cadance finally caught Melody and strapped her into her high chair. Melody put up a fuss and banged her hooves.

“Odd, Nyx slept perfectly.” Twilight looked over at Nyx with a smile. Nyx smiled back, beaming with pride. “But perhaps it’s time we all enjoyed a girls night out.”

“Oh, but I don’t want to bother Quick Wit with having to foalsit at night.” Celestia said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll ask my friends from Ponyville to foalsit. Trust me, they’ll be more than happy to do it.”

“A wonderful idea.” Said Cadance. “We can even bring Quick Wit with us. I’m sure she would appreciate a night off as well.”

Ekko, Melody, North Star, and myself all look over at Nyx with angry eyes.

“Wat?” She asked with a shrug.

“U da only one who no get compwaints about bedtime.” I said pointing my hoof at her.

“Dat because I bwehaved.” Nyx said smugly.

“No, u butt kisser!” I replied. The other foals broke out laughing.

“U meanie!” Nyx then stuck her tongue out at me.

Our mommies then placed bowls of mush if front of us. “Blue, you can’t be feeding on my breast milk all the time. So this morning you’re going to try foal food.” Mommy said.

I looked at the foal food. It looked icky so I pushed it away and turned up my nose. “Come on Blue, you’ll like it. It’s strained peaches.” Mommy used her magic to pick up a spoonfull. “Choo choo! Here comes the train into Canterlot station!”

Mommy tried to get the spoon in my mouth, but I refused. She then started to tickle me. As I laughed, mommy placed the spoon in my mouth. The foal food actually wasn’t that bad. “See? I knew you would like it.” Mommy fed me more until Nyx nailed me in the face with her foal food.

“Dat for calling me butt kisser!.” She said with a laugh.

I wiped off the foal food and looked over at Nyx angrily. I scooped up some of my own foal food and threw it right at her. It hit her in the face with a loud splat.

“Food fight!” Ekko howled. Soon we were all throwing food at each other. Melody, Nyx, Ekko, and I all laughed but North Star just cried after he got hit.

Mommy became covered in food. Her mane and tail were a sloppy mess. “Perhaps this girls night out could last a week instead?”

That evening as I, Ekko, Melody, North Star, Nyx, and Bioquill sat in the playpen Twilight came in with her friends from Ponyville.

“Ok my little ponies, these are my friends Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Girls, you know my daughter Nyx, this is Nightmare Moon’s son Blue Moon, Cadance’s daughter Melody Note, Luna’s son North Star, Celestia’s foster pup Ekko, and this Bioquill, the son of their foalsitter Quick Wit.”

Twilight’s friends all dawwed. “Darling, they are adorable!” Said Rarity.

Twilight gave them a list and a bag of supplies. “This is a list of all the places we’ll be tonight. Here are the foals diapers, bottles of breast milk, and foal food. We’re trying to get them to eat more foal food so that they don’t have to breastfeed all the time.”

Rainbow Dash looked at the list. “Woah! Looks like you girls are planning on painting the town red tonight!”

Twilight blushed. “Well, I have to go. Make sure the foals get fed, bathed, and put to bed.”

“Relax sugarcube, everything will be fine. Now you go and have yourself a good time.” Applejack said.

Twilight turned to us and waved goodbye. “Bye my little ponies! Be good!” She then turned and walked out the door.

Upon seeing that all of our mommies were gone, we broke out crying.

Fluttershy was the first to try and calm us down. “There, there my little darlings.” She flew into the playpen and approached Ekko. “A winged wolf pup? Your kind are very rare. Don’t worry, I’ve taken care of regular wolf pups before, and I know just how to cheer you up.” Fluttershy then reached into a satchel that was by her side and pulled out a squeaky toy in the shape of a squirrel.

Ekko stopped crying and looked at the toy. Fluttershy squeaked it a few times, and this made Ekko giggle. Fluttershy gave it to her, and Ekko held it with her paws as she nommed on it.

“That’s one down, but what about the rest?” Rainbow asked.

“Leave that to me!” Pinkie Pie approached Nyx and Melody. She then pulled out out a bag of flower (from where, I have no idea) and dumped it all over herself. Nyx and Melody looked at the pink turned white party pony and burst out laughing. “Works every time!” Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash approached Bioquill and North Star. “I know how to calm you two down.” She then picked up Bioquill and North Star and placed them on her back. “Hang on!” Rainbow then took off flying around the room. Bioquill and North Star stopped crying and started cheering.

“I guess that just leaves you.” Applejack said as she approached me. “I know the perfect trick to calmin’ down a foal. Big Mac did it to me, I did it to Applebloom.” Applejack then laid me on my back and blew a raspberry on my tummy. It tickled so much that I burst out laughing as hard as I could.

“Well, now that the little ones are settled I have marvelous idea! Why don’t we have a tea party!” Rarity said.

“That does sound nice.” Fluttershy replied.

“Plus, we can have cupcakes!” Pinkie said enthusiastically.

“And it will give me a chance to try out these cute little foal outfits that I have been working on!”

“That sounds dull.” Rainbow dash said. “I bet the foals would rather play a game of adventure!”

“I agree, that does sound more fun.” Applejack replied.

“How about the foals decide?” Pinke suggested. “If you want a tea party, raise your hooves!” Melody, Ekko, and I raised our hooves and paw.

“If you want to play adventure, raise your hooves!” Bioquill, North Star, and Nyx raised their hooves.

“Looks like split! Myself, Fluttersy, and Rarity will take Melody, Nyx, and Blue Moon for a tea party, and Rainbow and Applejack can take Bioquill, North Star, and Ekko to play adventure!”

“That sounds fair.” Fluttershy said. She then brought Melody, Ekko, and myself over to herself, Rarity and Pinkie for the tea party.

Nyx looked over at me as we passed each other. “Have fun wit ur wame tea pwarty!”

“At weast we get cupie cakes!” I said back smugly.

“We see abwout tat.” Nyx muttered under her breath.

Author's Note:

This chapter will be a two-parter. Expect mayhem in the next chapter!