• Published 3rd Aug 2018
  • 1,045 Views, 18 Comments

Endeavors of the Enigmatic and Eccentric - Ice Star

A short anthology of Luna & Sombra stories.

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Dance Like a Demon [Fluff]

Author's Note:

I needed more Lunbra because I always do, and again, miss writing these two basically every story I'm not. Contains references to stories like 'Dressed to Impress' and Sombra's crossdressing habits. It really doesn't have any spoilers to much else, I guess?

Dance Like a Demon


(It's just a small snippet of horse shipping, there's really no need for a summary, and tbh I can't really think of one.)

Luna tells me that when we duel, we dance. Together, we can move with strength and agility, and our flurries of magic and strikes of any weapon are precise. The adrenaline of these interactions and the power in our movements is addicting. The both of us are powerful, she is entrancing, and I'm nothing short of captivating. In her eyes, I see how awestruck she is by me in those times, and I catch my reflection in her eyes, and it offers me a confirmation of how mutual that look is between us.

Dancing has to be like that, how Luna makes it seem: dynamic... and remotely enjoyable.

I wince when I accidentally step on one of her hooves again; and grit my teeth before I can stop myself.

But her half-smile never leaves her muzzle, and her laughter fills the air. Of all the things she wanted to do today, dragging me off to sneak around the groves that populate the edge of Canterlot's city limits, where waterfalls pour down the southern side of mountain and spill into parks, vast private estates I hardly bother with, secret places, and best of all: isolated spaces where her and I were not likely to be disturbed.

With the sound of that laughter carried away with the same breeze that swept through the grass, leaves, and my mane, it was difficult to hold back the slightest curve of a smirk.

One look of adoration from her, and a touch of her forehoof - the one she moved upward, winding it into my mane - and I was pulled close for a quick kiss.

When I pulled away, my smile was wide and crooked, and I certainly felt better. Stepping on her hooves and managing to stumble with some amount of dignity for so long was not something I thought she would be looking forward to.
The nuzzle I accepted from her said otherwise. "There's no need to look so sullen-"

I stop her mid-sentance with a single eyebrow arched knowingly.

Now that we've stopped, Luna's focus is primarily on me. Her eyes watch mine, and her ears prick forward quickly in a clear sign of recognition. "There's no need to look more sullen than usual, Som. I have seen much worse."

"And how bad could that be?"

Smiling, she rubs one of my withers and I catch an intriguing, coy twinkle in her eyes. "Let me say that you have been blessed to never see Twilight Sparkle dance. I know formal dancing does not suit you, but with Cadance and I, you fare fine without restriction."

I chuckle slightly, levitating a few strands of mane from my bangs back into place. "I guess that's encouraging enough, even if these waltzes are monotonous I might just need practice. Do you really think I'm still okay on my own?"

"Without a skirt to trip over, you are doing wonderfully for a beginner!"

While her words were earnest in their encouragement, I still couldn't help but give her a proper flat stare. Every bit of her was radiating impishness, and her eyes were shining with a familiar look of mischief I can't be anything but fond of.

"Maybe," I begin, leaning forward to whisper in her ear, "next time I will wear a dress. The leading role is usually carried out by a stallion, isn't it?"

Luna gasps a little at the sly edge in my tone, as eager for our shared tastes in playfulness as I can be. "It is," she whispers back.

"I think it would be fitting for me to bring one of my dresses next time, so I can look the part."

When I start to nibble gently on her ear, she begins to giggle softly and leans forward. Two dark forelegs pull me into a crushing hug and together, we're pulled to the ground in an abrupt pile of legs and wings.


With the both of us spilled out on the mountain meadow, and still half-tangled in the other's embrace, we would be a sight to see. But we aren't, and this isolation is invigorating.

Luna is laughing at vocalizations I make that she cannot, but she claims they're adorable. I can't whinny or nicker like she can, but she has loved my trills and purrs immensely. Even some of my softer growls gain affection from her.

I just smile slightly, stuck between looking at the cascade of her mane across grass, glimpses of her eyes and smile, and the vast blue sky far above the two of us. Can I really be blamed for being happier around her, and because of what we bring one another? Because of us?

Even when we trip over one another, our time together is always worth it.

No matter how many times I stumble on her hooves, and she steps on mine and I glare and growl and sulk, this will do.