• Published 3rd Aug 2018
  • 1,046 Views, 18 Comments

Endeavors of the Enigmatic and Eccentric - Ice Star

A short anthology of Luna & Sombra stories.

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Moonlight Respite [Slice of Life]

Moonlight shone brightly upon my city of Canterlot tonight. I sighed quietly and took in the crisp night air. It was becoming so easy to call this city mine, for even though the ponies always had more unrealatble qualities than normal, this city was made for me. Magefolk bustled through the streets and magical knowledge was plentiful.

I reclined on the cool grass of one of the numerous quiet spots in Canterlot, free from the stately buildings that made up nearly all of Canterlot. Towards the edge of my night's vision, I caught the expected sight of benches and more maintained grass that bore the obvious signs of being trod upon, and clear evidence of casual grazing.

But all was quiet in this part of the city. Lamps holding merry werelights illuminated things more clearly, letting greater, more peculiar shadows dart about.

What could be better for a pleasant, tranquil date than moonlight respite with nopony but Sombra and I? It was a lovely get-away from any day's royal routines, and a fine way to spend time when I had no dreams calling to me, and nights did not require my management.

Lying with his head resting against my side, and cuddling close to me, was Sombra. He basked in the midnight-hour moonlight, clearly content. As my barrel rose and feel, I could feel how relaxed he was, as though the soft, low purr he was making.

Smiling, I carefully moved one forehoof so I could reach back and pet his mane without disturbing him. I had to adjust myself slowly, and move my hoof towards him in such a manner as well, to try and refrain from startling him.

What I get instead is my hoof getting headbutted lightly and nuzzled as I stroke two fuzzy ears. A smile quickly spread across my face, and I giggle. Joy and warm feelings are absolutely infectious when it comes to Sombra, and I still am in awe at these feelings, from time to time. They're something I haven't had for anypony else, and I appreciate them more deeply the longer he and I are together.

"I was beginning to think that you had fallen asleep, Som."

He still had problems when it came resting at healthier hours, or even consistent ones, even when his nightmares and night terrors did not trouble him. There were still times when he would be quick to fall asleep if he was brought somewhere quiet, dark, and he felt safe with me. The last one was something he had repeatedly confided in me, so there were times when I had to worry.

He mumbled something that I didn't quite catch and nuzzled deeper into my side, prompting me to unfurl my wings and hold them over him. On one side, each feather grazed him gently and he stirred again.

Repositioning myself so I could nuzzle him, I soon was able to lean close enough to see that Sombra did indeed look sleepy, and there was a tiredness to him. One forehoof was brought over his eyes, much like an improvised sleeping mask, and I would say he was near being half asleep as he lay at my side and under the gentle shadow of my wing stretched above him.

At least, until he made a properly grouchy grumble and his ears perked up. I could sympathize with not being in the mood to talk. Thankfully, we didn't have to. I did not have to go through nearly a dozen guesses with him to know what he was feeling, like I had to with Celestia when she was all mumbles and undignified attempts to shove her mane and head under her many pillows when I tried to convince her to get up and remind her to raise the sun.

Nudging my wing aside, Sombra lifted his head, still rubbing his forehoof across his muzzle tiredly. I caught sight of the crimson of his eyes as his eyes met mine.

"Will we be parting soon?" I asked him quietly, not that I really wanted to hear certain answers. We had been enjoying walking, banter, and quiet time together, but if he was exhausted, it would be best for us to focus on that instead. With his always-irregular sleeping pattern, I would have to accompany him back to his pocket realm, and...

A bit fatigued or not, no matter if Sombra looked worn from his day, his eyes could still read mine clearly, and he knew the thoughts that crossed my mind. "...Would you like to stay the night with me?"

"Of course, I would." I rolled onto my back, and then over again before standing tall and agile. Without my crown, necklace, and shoes, such movement came even more easily. "Spending the night with you would be wonderful-"

I was just about to refold my wings at my sides when I felt something uncomfortable, a bristle, a poke, and something not right... and I cringed.

Sombra ceased even the faintest purr and his eyes looked toward my wings. Usually, we would walk together, up the mountain, to his realm. Other times, I would fly close and we would make the trip, enjoying time well-spent in the other's company. Teleportation was best reserved for when I didn't want to deal with anypony else, such as around the castle, for the nagging and mindless prattle of the staff could be all too bothersome at times.

Though I may rule each and every one of them, and it was in my every power to command such ponies if I simply desired to, there were many who I was not proud to have in those halls. Idle hooves and gossips were not rare there, but my sister enjoyed them, and how I do not know. Others were nearly obscenely cheerful, and exhausted my energy and dampened my spirits.

What I did know was that I did not like how my feathers rested, or rather, how they didn't. While most weren't broken at the tips and caught among the others, there were feathers that were out of place, dislodged... oh, it really did not look so good.

I had been in such a hurry to see him... but, really, why did I roll over like that? Oh this, is no good...


My gaze flicked up toward him shyly, through my eyelashes. My head had been bowed slightly to allow me to examine my wings better, but I had not raised it to look at him properly out of instinctual embarrassment. "Y-Yes, Sombra?"

He nodded towards my wings, which would be harder to see for him, since he lacked my night vision. He saw and heard better in the dark than most, and he knew me, and my voice. I couldn't even hope a silly idea like hiding this now - or at all - would actually work.

"What's wrong with your wings?"

"I..." I swallowed a bit. "I forgot to preen them... and when I rolled over... they're a bit of a mess, Sombra."

"Preen?" he echoed back to me, voice more than a bit tired. He wasn't in the mood for wit, so there was a familiar brusqueness to it, but nothing that was uncaring. He wanted to learn, to seek answers, and to get things done.

And I can't believe that I had never preened around him. Oh, it probably ought to have struck me sooner, but I simply cannot believe that I hadn't. We share so much with one another, and I love him so dearly. We keep no secrets, and it is him I can be totally honest with... and he with me. Our relationship was founded on love, and on honesty, and all the happiness we bring one another... and so much more. So, to think that I have never, ever... oh, it's a bit silly now.

"Preening is taking care of one's wings and feathers properly, and as much a form of personal grooming as picking one's hooves, currycombing, and teeth-brushing."

To think that Sombra had never seen a winged equine, or even a griffon preen is curious. It certainly is not something anypony would do in public, but I always just... assumed, I suppose, that maybe he had seen Cadance do so nervously at some point. Or that he had seen me do so. That still nagged at me, just a bit.

"...Though," I stressed, fluttery nervousness feelings return and warmth crossing my cheeks, "preening can be a romantic gesture as much as a platonic, familial one and..."

I heard myself squeak faintly. It certainly could be romantic and...

I'm truly terrible when it comes to anything past that. I know I am, or, at least I think I am. Sombra doesn't agree, and he discourages such thought. We learn about love together, and through one another, even if there are still times when one of us will stumble. I help him up, and he does with me.

Sombra tilts his head to the side, ears flicking. "Teleportation is always-"

"No," I say quietly, "it's alright... I wanted to..." I look at my forehooves, letting my forelock fall into my face and my words die in the night air.

His ears flicked again, and I saw his tail swish. "Do you need anything for this? A brush of some sort, privacy, anything?"

Privacy for something he didn't understand was a terribly kind offer, and one that would be expected of anypony who did, and was still gracious. Not only was it kind, but a kindness that was one I could respect wholeheartedly.

"Sombra, preening is grooming feathers, rearranging them, and removing broken ones from wings using one's teeth. I don't really need anything for it, and at this hour, there's no worry about privac-"

Sombra directed one of his forehooves at himself, a gesture that gave a clear indication of what he meant.

"Oh!" I gasped. "You don't have to go anywhere... I wanted to show you how."

I got no remark about how he didn't have wings, but the usual fire was in his eyes, and for a moment they looked quite focused instead of drowsy. "There is a ritual of sort to this, then?"

Something like courtship.

"Yes! Yes, yes!" I chime with a touch of soft, nervous laughter. "Preening is a romantic gesture. One of the things I have learned from Cady is that couples like her and Shining - one winged, the other not - use it as... a milestone, and a sign of trust and love."

I finally looked up at Sombra. Trust was cemented between us some time ago, and not a worry; I did not expect or get any remark about how I could allegedly be 'not trusting' him by 'suggesting' this.

Instead, it was clear to me that Sombra was flushing a bit in the dark, looking just a bit surprised. There were few occasions when I could still get such a reaction from him, and they were glorious. He was deeply sentimental, and I knew just how to help it show! How could I not adore that? No matter how deeply I love this stallion, it will always be him that is the romantic between us.

I smiled nervously, but earnestly. Sombra's ears perked forward at the awkward, but well-meant gesture and he trotted forward. He leaned in for a quick, caring nuzzle first. I was glad to have some reassurance and nickered softly, gently returning his affection before we parted.

I do not recall who did so first.

He looked to one of my wings, still loosely outstretched. "Do you want me to try...?"

I hummed quietly. "Perhaps... Here, watch me first."

Plopping backwards onto the grass with intentional gracelessness, I lit my horn with a gentle glow and bid Sombra to sit down at my side, and he did, but with much more care than I.

With him sitting to my right, I extended my right wing and lifted it up. It hid my face, and I was glad to have that minor privacy for now. I had lit my horn for Sombra's sake, and though there was a division of feathers between us, he would still have an idea of what was happening.

The full condition of my feathers was revealed to me, and I quickly took up a broken primary in my mouth and delicately pried it out, dropping it to the ground when I was done. I took extra care to go slowly, and exaggerate the delicate motions that were needed to do this. He may learn easily, but having a good teacher helped.

I wanted to make sure he observed properly as I pulled away all the weakened and broken, taking care to manage whatever would be the most sensitive first. He would be doing this for his first time, and I did not wish to make it more difficult for either of us. With his sharper teeth, I couldn't imagine him having an easy time with so many obstacles.

When all of those were taken care of, I felt more relaxed. Celestia always taught me to take good care of my wings, for her and I had more magnificent examples than most. My feathers were strong and sure, perfect for fast flight and powerful. If my pegasus subjects had wings like little songbirds, I was a falcon. My sister had to preen more than most, for her wings are great and downy. She preens when stressed as I comb touch my mane when the same feelings and nerves can trouble me, but the gesture is still relaxing, though I would prefer other forms of mutual grooming instead.

I look towards Sombra, who watches curiously, tail swishing across the grass. "Do you understand?"

He nodded, not once looking away from my wing. That worn look now had his sharp curiosity to duel with, for I saw both in his eyes.

"Do you understand well enough that you feel you would be able to try?"

"I think so." Ah, he still sounded quite tired. Sombra nodded to my wing with a short, pragmatic gesture. "May I?"

I extended my wing to its full length, allowing him to see the feathers that required straightening, and the primary and secondary feathers to be tended.

At ease, I closed my eyes and exhaled in a long, deep breath. This was going to be quite lovely!

Getting to share this with Sombra was important. Already, I leaned closer to him because I could feel his magic caressing my feathers and could not hold back a soft sigh. Sombra may be divine now, and could attempt to greatly wean himself off sleep if he wished, and I am sorely tempted to encourage it and take advantage of his irregular sleeping pattern, no matter how it complicates things, if it means we can bond over intimate gestures like this.

At least, I thought so until he actually began to try and preen me. The faint rumbles of a gentle purr had died quickly, and the stallion had nearly lunged into my feathers and clamped down on a few.

I made a sound somewhere between a gasp and a yelp, but found most of it stifled by Sombra's forehoof against my mouth.

"Purr-murr?" He blinked at me, worried and confused with one ear flopped downward in confusion and the other swiveled to the side. His bangs fell with the tilt of his head, mostly covering one eye.

His concerned sounds were mostly muffled by the bunch of blue feathers that were sticking out of his mouth.

My feathers.

I shoot him quite the icy stare, and a pouty scowl with it. "That. Hurt."

As soon as I had spoken those words, worry overcame any confusion and tiredness in his expression, and my roguish stallion spat out my feathers, eyes wide with worry and leaned forward to nuzzle my cheek.

"Luna, I'm sorry. I should have been far more careful-"

Pouting in full, I shaped my aura differently and scooped him into a hug. "Shh, I forgive you. What do you say we teleport tonight? You do need your beauty sleep. When the moon is lowered tomorrow morning, I think we can work on those preening lessons."

He opened his mouth wide, letting it gape at me in a large yawn that exposed his fangs. Then, I received another nuzzle, one that was clearly a proper nuzzle of agreement.

There was a smile upon my muzzle again, and I gave Sombra a kiss on his cheek. Preening was the last thing he needed to be stressing over.

"It seems even the God of Knowledge must put time into learning little things."

No matter his fatigue, Sombra chuckled warmly as he only does with me. "I wouldn't be much of a God of Knowledge if I didn't."

I did the noble thing, and replied with an eloquent raspberry that got quite the flat stare from him.


"Yes~?" I couldn't help but grin at this mischief.

"Your feathers taste terrible."

And for that, I couldn't help but light my horn and assault his ears with flicks of my aura.

He had absolutely earned it.

Author's Note:

Bird horse girlfriend and cat demon boyfriend make the world go 'round.