• Published 24th Aug 2016
  • 11,178 Views, 304 Comments

Spirit of the Sacred Forest - Princess OtakuGeek

Once upon a time, I was an average geek attending a con dressed as Ori. Then I bought something and found myself spirited away to Equestria as my costume.

  • ...


Before we went into town, Fluttershy insisted that I ride on her back so I wouldn't get under hoof and consider my size, I relented. Since Applejack had been coming into town to set up her family stand, we entered the town in the market area. It was still pretty early in the day, so there weren't a lot of ponies out, but there was still a good amount of ponies out and as expected, I drew a lot of attention. At the moment, however, I didn't care. I was on the lookout for a certain pink pony.

"Hi, there!"

There's a saying that goes this way, 'speak of the Devil and he shall come'. It refers to how when someone appears after being mentioned and while I wasn't talking about her, I was certainly thinking about her. Add in a sense that lets her know what's going on in her general area and her ability to interact with the fourth wall like she's the pony Deadpool, and I was pretty much screaming for it. Still, I feel my reaction at the time was justified.

Upon the sudden appearance of two blue orbs on a field of pink chiming out a greeting, I let out a shriek of surprise and backpedaled myself off of Fluttershy's back and landed on the ground on my own back with an 'oof'. Fluttershy in response, shot the offending mare a sharp look.

"Pinkie Pie, what have I told you about startling my animals." She scolded while her friend had the decency to look apologetic. While technically I wasn't an animal, I was too busy picking myself up to correct her. Plus there was that little thing called a language barrier.

"Sorry, Fluttershy." Pinkie apologized as Flutters turned her attention to me to examine for injuries. "See, my Pinkie Sense was telling me there was somebody new in town, so I got all excited about making a new friend. And while I was out here looking for the new friend, I saw you and your new friend and I just had to say hi!"

Fluttershy, having found no injuries, sighed and then turned back to her hyperactive friend. "I know you meant well, but not everybody likes surprise greetings." She said in a quiet but firm voice. "And while technically she isn't an animal, you shouldn't have surprised her like that."

"Okay." Pinkie said then turned to me. "Sorry about that little guy."

~I'm not a guy and apology accepted.~ I said, even though I knew full well neither of them would understand.

"What'd she say?" Pinkie Pie 'stage whispered' to Fluttershy who shook her head.

"I'm afraid I can't understand anything she's saying either." She admitted a little gloomily but not as gloomy as before.

"Really?" Pinkie asked in surprise and received a simple nod. "Wow, I would've thought that since you understand animals, you would know what she was saying."

"Like I said, she isn't an animal, therefore I cannot understand her." Fluttershy reiterated patiently. It didn't take much for Pinkie to figure out that that was still a touchy subject.

"Sorry." She apologized with a sheepish grin.

"It's okay," Fluttershy said. "Nobody is to blame."

"Thanks, Shy. So I suppose that means that you don't know what her name is unless of course, you gave her a name."

"Oh, I couldn't," Fluttershy replied. "Not if she already has a name and would prefer to be called by that name."

"Hmmmmm." Pinkie Pie hummed thoughtfully as she stared at me where I had been sitting on the ground. "Then there's only one thing we can do. We'll have to guess what it is." A grin then spread across her face as she rubbed her hooves together. "Fortunately, I'm a very good guesser. Now then, is it Blacky?"

I shook my head in a definite no and Fluttershy gave her friend a quizzical look.

"Blacky? Why would you say that she isn't black."

"Sure she is, see the black in her eye." Pinkie explained. "I thought it was worth a shot, but since it isn't her name, it must be something else. Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm just getting warmed up."

What followed was a long long LONG list of possible names that weren't even close. At some point, we moved our guessing game to the side of the road so we weren't in anypony's way. After a full ten minutes of guessing, Pinkie finally sat back and stared at me as she rubbed her chin in thought.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, this is much tougher than I thought." She said. "It's going to take all of my guessing ability to figure this out."

"Or maybe we could narrow it down a bit," Fluttershy suggested and I could tell she'd grown as tired of this game as I had. "Like for example, her physical attributes. Maybe they could help us."

Pinkie Pie gasped. "What a great idea Fluttershy!" She exclaimed then leaned in to study me. "Hmm, well you're small and adorable. Your fur is white and it glows like a light."

"Is that your name?" Fluttershy asked then clarified. "Is your name Light?"

Now up until then I'd sort of been running on partial automatic, only paying enough attention to tell when a guess was wrong or not. This time I paused mostly because of how close Fluttershy hit the mark. Fun fact, Ori's name is a Hebrew name that literally means 'light' or 'my 'light'. Basically, she sorta hit the mark almost straight on. Of course, I couldn't tell her this directly, so I had to try and communicate how close she was using hand gestures. She didn't understand what I was 'saying', but thankfully Pinkie Pie was there to translate.

"Oo, oo, she's saying that you're very close." The party pony said excitedly. "Now let's see if we can't guess. Um, Shiny? Bright? White? Phosphorus?"

And once again, I was shaking my head at every suggestion. Thankfully, Fluttershy stepped in before Pinkie Pie could start going through another long itinerary of names.

"What if we just called you Light until we figure out your real name?" She suggested and I nodded almost a little too quickly. It was as close to my name they were probably going to get. At least until we figured out how to communicate.

"Light it is then, and it's been a pleasure meeting you. See you around!" Pinkie Pie declared then began skipping away as she waved.

~Take care you silly filly.~ I said with my own wave, even though I knew she wouldn't understand.

"Thanks! You too!" Pinkie shouted in reply and I pretty much stumbled in shock..........


A large number of thought processes in my head instantly suffered a catastrophic failure and all I could do was sit and stare at the pink pony skipping on her merry way humming a tune as I waited for them to reboot. They wouldn't for another five minutes and I don't think they'll ever be the same again.


Fluttershy patiently waited for Light to recover and once she did, they restarted their journey. Since they were in the market district, the closest of her friends was Rarity, so they started for the boutique. As she trotted down the road leading towards her friends home\business, a sudden shout made her jump.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" Called out a familiar voice which was quickly followed by a fwoosh and a thud as another of her friends made an entrance in front of her.

"Hey Shy, nice to see you this morning." Rainbow Dash greeted casually. "So what brings you to town, out for a grocery run?"

"Well no, but now that I think of it there are a few things I need to grab," Fluttershy answered her old friend. "Actually, I came to town because I wanted to introduce you to my new friend." Fluttershy then reached back and pulled Light off her back to show Dash. The polychromatic pegasus at first just stared at the creature which in turn stared back before waving, the motion snapping Rainbow out of her stupor.

"Shy, that has got to be the most interesting and somewhat cool looking animal I've ever seen." The cyan pegasus said rather bluntly. "So what is it?"

"I have no idea," Fluttershy admitted. "I've never seen anything like her before so I can only assume it's a new or undiscovered species."

Dash blinked. "Seriously, this little guy is a new species?" She asked then grinned. "That is so cool! So does that mean you get to name it's species or do you get an entire species named after you because that would be so awesome!"

"Oh I doubt I'd be naming this species and naming a species is a bit more than just giving a species a name," Fluttershy said as she replaced Light and began trotting down the road with Dash following. "First, a lot more research has to be conducted and not just on the creature. You've got to make sure it's really a new species and not just an animal that you've never seen before. After all, a creature that ponykind has never seen before could be common amongst say the minotaurs or griffons or ever a different part of Equestria. And even if it's a new species, there has to be a scientific name in the ancient language so it can be universal. Besides, even if I fulfilled all those requirements, sentient species aren't supposed to give species names to other sentient species."

Rainbow blinked for a few seconds answering. "Well, that's a bummer." She sighed. "If I got the chance to name a species, I'd give it an awesome name like...um...Razorwing falcon or something like that."

Fluttershy giggled a bit. "I can imagine." She said.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash agreed then what she said fully registered and she blinked. "Wait, you said that sentient species can't give other sentient species a species name."

Fluttershy nodded. "I did. That's because Light her is a sentient species, not an animal."

"Really?" Rainbow asked curiously. "Like that can seriously happen, sentient species can discover other sentient species?"

"Of course," Fluttershy said. "There are so many places where we haven't explored yet so it's not too much of a stretch to think that there are unknown animals and sentient species still out there."

"Whoa, and Light is one of these species?" Dash said softly and Fluttershy nodded. "So where'd she come from?"

As the group neared Carousel Boutique, Fluttershy recounted how Light had come to her care.


My introduction to Rarity went pretty much how I thought it would. The fashionista unicorn had thought that I looked absolutely adorable and had immediately set to work making an ensemble for me. An hour later, Fluttershy and Dash had finished explaining what they knew about me and I was being fitted for a new dress. Thankfully, Rarity had chosen a more simple, more ethereal style of dress that I know liked. It was made of a periwinkle colored fabric with a few cloth flowers sewn in. As she sewed a darker purple flower, she hummed thoughtfully.

"Well, I must say it is an honor to be making an ensemble for a new species." She said as she cut the thread and indicated that she was done. "It will be a challenge, but it is a challenge I shall rise up to meet. Tell me, darling, have you introduced her to Twilight yet?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, not yet." She answered and Rarity gave her friend a look.

"You do realize that once you introduce her to Light, she going to want to 'research' her." Rarity said with practically audible air quotes around the word research.

Fluttershy nodded again. "I am aware." She said calmly. "And I can assure you that I won't let anything happen to Light on my watch. That's why we're going to Twilight's last."

I breathed a sigh of relief and so did Rarity. "Well, that's good. I'd come along as well, but I just opened the shop and I've got orders to fill." The unicorn said.

"It's okay, I think I can handle myself," Fluttershy said with a wave as I jumped onto her back. "I'm not as scared as I used to be. Besides, Twilight is a friend and I'm very good at putting my hoof down when it comes to small creatures and critters."

"Yeah, and I'm going to be there as a backup just in case Twilight goes crazy." Rainbow Dash added. It felt good knowing that I wouldn't be going into this alone. Rarity smiled.

"Well, that's good to hear." Rarity said kindly. "Well, I'd better get started on all these orders and designs. Oh, and when I'm done with Light's clothes, I'll bring them around to your cottage."

"Okay, but don't make too many of them," Fluttershy said as she and Rainbow moved towards the exit. "Light's just a baby right now so she's going to grow and I'd hate for your beautiful outfits to go to waste."

"Oh don't you worry Fluttershy." Rarity assured her friend. "I can make adjustments when needed until she's too big. And when and if that happens, I'm sure Sweetie wouldn't mind a few new clothes for her dolls or something like that. Point is, don't worry about that dear. You just go see Twilight."

As she spoke, Rarity ushered us out of the boutique and slammed the door. And on that note, when then proceeded to make our way to Twilight's. Her castle was visible for when we were so I at least had a rough idea of what season of the show I was in. Shy and Dash were making small talk with each other, but I wasn't paying attention. I was focused solely on the castle in front of me as it drew closer and closer.

Author's Note:

And....there. Sorry for taking so long and delivering a short chapter. I'll try to post more as soon as I can but no promises. I originally intended to write more of this chapter, specifically Twilight's introduction to this creature, but I felt like this was enough for one chapter and I'm kinda not sure what to write for Twilight. Thoughts on how this interaction will go down are welcome.