• Published 24th Aug 2016
  • 11,155 Views, 304 Comments

Spirit of the Sacred Forest - Princess OtakuGeek

Once upon a time, I was an average geek attending a con dressed as Ori. Then I bought something and found myself spirited away to Equestria as my costume.

  • ...

The Princess

Tap tap tap

The sound of a pony knocking echoed through the castle, prompting Twilight to look up from the book she was reading.

"I've got it!" Starlight called out as she made her way to the door. When she opened the door, she found Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash outside on the porch.

"Oh hey girls, what brings you here?" She asked in the most casual voice she could muster. Even though they had taken her in despite everything she'd done, she still couldn't quite forgive herself and sometimes she wondered if they truly forgave her.

"Oh hey Starlight," Fluttershy replied. "Actually I came here to see Twilight. There's someone I want to introduce her to."


An hour and a half later, I was sitting on the table in the map room. Surrounding the large crystal table were Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Starlight Glimmer. My dress had been gently removed, neatly folded and set aside so the resident scientists could get a better look at me. Twilight was in the library gathering books while Starlight examined me from every angle. At least I knew I was somewhere in season six or right after the season five finale.

"Fascinating." Starlight finally said. "I can't say I've ever seen anything like it."

"Me neither!" Twilight exclaimed with a grin and a skip in her step as she levitated practically half a library of books behind her. I was suddenly worried about her going psycho and trying to dissect me. I almost reflexively started to make myself look smaller if only to not grab so much attention. I've never really been very receptive to attention. I wasn't a wallflower and to some extent, I did enjoy attention, but this kind of attention sent shivers down my spine.

Fortunately, Fluttershy's presence kept me calm so I didn't really freak out. Still, it was always a good idea to have a backup plan instead of just relying on somepony. Anyways, the alicorn princess strolled in with a smile on her face and a large number of books (to say the least) floating in her magic which she then stacked neatly beside the table. With her books stacked, she turned to me and gave me a far more scrutinizing examination that made me feel a little self-conscious.

"The bioluminescence alone is fascinating." Twilight gushed as she selected a few books from the stack. "You don't usually see bioluminescence like this in mammals. Usually, it's seen in aquatic vertebrates, invertebrates, and some insects."

Starlight's horn lit up and a couple books floated her way. "Maybe she's some sort of amphibious creature?" She suggested and Twilight shook her head.

"There aren't any aquatic traits and to my knowledge, the only aquatic species that possess bioluminescent traits live deep underwater where everything's darker. This little creature looks more like it was built for land rather than the sea, much less deep in the trenches which leaves us with only one possible option. Magic."

The books that the alicorn and unicorn picked up were set aside and new ones were removed from the pile. "Of course, it should've been obvious." Starlight muttered as she looked over her books. "Fluttershy, how exactly did this creature come into your care?"

Fluttershy recounted what had happened the night before as Twilight and Starlight gave her their full attention, practically hanging on her every word. When she finished, books were set aside and replaced by new ones. This pattern went on for a while with the two noting traits and looking through books until the pile ran out. At one point, Rainbow had to leave for her weather duties but Fluttershy stayed.

In the end, the two only confirmed what we already knew. I was a new species they'd never seen before. Though just to be certain, Twilight sent a letter to Celestia asked for her advice on the subject. A couple hours later, Celestia replied confirming that both herself and Luna had never seen or heard of anything like me. After running a few noninvasive tests and taking samples, Twilight sent us home. All in all, it was surprisingly painless and for that I was thankful. By the time we left, it was roughly noon-ish which meant lunchtime. So after picking up a few things, we returned to Fluttershy's cottage for the afternoon meal.

After helping Flutters feed the other animals, we ate our own food. After lunch, Fluttershy sent me off to hang out with the other animals. I spent this time exploring the house and surrounding area so I would know where everything was and such. I also tested the capabilities of my new body and found that I was lighter on my feet or rather hooves than before. I could leap and climb far better than I could before and I thanked years of gymnastics and trapeze training as I twirled and lept. My uncle was a trapeze artist back in the day and every summer, he would teach me and my cousins how to fly across the trapeze apparatus in his yard.

Later in the day, Rarity dropped by to fit me for my new outfits. Afterwards, she joined us for dinner then bid us goodnight and left, taking a few of her outfits that needed to be redone a bit. As it was getting late and I was tired from my long day, we started going to bed. So after Fluttershy tucked me in with a kiss goodnight, I began to drift off to sleep. And as I did, my mind contemplated the events of today and I wondered to myself what I thought of the situation. True things had been changed so abruptly and completely, but it wasn't like I could do much to change it. Besides, as far as situations go, it could be much worse. As my mind wandered to how much worse the situation could be, my consciousness sank into the oblivion of slumber and the world disappeared from my thoughts.


Time passed as it always does. Days turned into weeks which in turn became months. Specifically, five months had passed since I arrived in Ponyville. Not much to report on those five months except what Twilight and I learned about myself. A most key piece of information was that I was somehow void of magic. Now it wasn't like I didn't have an equivalent to magic (according to Twilight I was actually filled with the stuff) it just wasn't magic and Twilight hadn't figured out what it was yet.

In other news, there were other things I had discovered about myself. Specifically how I grew. After that first day, I hit some sort of growth spurt in the middle of the night. The next morning I woke up to find I had doubled in size which wasn't very significant since I was still quite small, but it was still interesting. Afterwards, I grew at a more normal rate or at least normal for my species I think. It seems as though I age at the same rate as a dog or cat to be more accurate. It made me wonder if my species ages like this or if it's just until I reach maturity.

Another thing that I noticed was that I never really felt hungry but I could still eat like normal, further supporting my theory that I was connected to the Spirit Tree. But anyways, aside from these little tidbits things were going well here in Ponyville. Gradually Summer came to an end giving way to Fall. Watching the Running of the Leaves was fun and soon it was time for the harvest. Lots of ponies from the Apples to the other small farmers were bringing in their crops for Winter and soon Ponyville would be holding their annual Harvest Festival.

The Harvest Festival is this celebration similar to Thanksgiving (at least the first Thanksgiving) that is held in the Fall shortly after the last of the harvest has been brought in. The reason for the festival is to celebrate the good harvest and the celebration itself is pretty simple. Basically, the ponies of Ponyville get together in the town square and enjoy a big meal together. Afterwards, they enjoy games, dancing, songs and so on. Anyways, the farmers were just packing up the last of the harvest and were preparing for the festival when it happened. Fluttershy, myself and the other animals were out in the fields gathering wild berries and flowers in anticipation of the festival and Winter (Flutters was planning on bringing her famous berry flower jam) when the sky was filled with light.

As the sun was setting, a tangible white light crept in amongst the fields and filled the air like a mist. I felt a slight tugging like I was being called and I instantly knew what this was. The Spirit Tree was calling out to me. But before I could do anything, Fluttershy scooped me up and held me tightly as we made a break for her cottage. I struggled in her grasp, trying to squirm out of her hooves, but all that got me was a tightened grip and a scolding.

"Light no!" She chided as we flew back to the cottage. "I know it looks pretty, but for all, we know that light could be dangerous! We should just get back inside."

On one hand, I saw where she was coming from, I know humans would likely panic if something like this happened. But on the other hand, I knew that this light wasn't dangerous and it meant that I had somewhere I needed to be. Unfortunately, I couldn't communicate this to Fluttershy and the pegasus didn't put me down until we were safely inside her cottage with the door shut. After she caught her breath, she turned to us.

"Alright everyone, you all stay here while I go into town to figure out what's going on." She announced then pointed to a certain white rabbit. "Angel, you're in charge until I get back and make sure nobody leaves."

Angel saluted and Flutters nodded before leaving in a way that gave me no way to sneak past her (darn it). Once she was gone, Angel shot me this look and I knew I wasn't getting out on his watch. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try.


I was right. That darned rabbit was admittedly good. No matter what I tried, he had every exit covered. Even the chimney. However, I was equally determined to get out of here and get back to the tree. If things were happening like in the game than I had to try and stop things from spiraling out of control if it was in my power. As I was trying to jimmy the attic window open, however, the lights suddenly ceased as though shut off by a switch. Dread and emptiness sank into my stomach.


The Elements sat in silence for a few minutes after the lights suddenly ceased, confusion and expectation etched on their faces. When nothing happened, however, Rarity broke the heavy silence that had descended upon them.

"Is that it?" The fashionista asked. "All that and that's it? Just a light show?"

"I thought it was an awesome light show!" Pinkie chirped with a smile. Twilight frowned.

"I highly doubt that was all 'just a light show'." The alicorn said. "It wasn't magic but I felt massive amounts of power flowing through the air."

"So what do we do?" Fluttershy asked worriedly. Twilight looked thoughtful.

"At the moment, there's nothing we can do." She answered. "I can scan Ponyville for anything off, but otherwise there's nothing can but act like nothing's wrong."

"That's all?" Applejack asked skeptically.

"Yes. If there's nothing wrong, then there's no point in acting like something is and further panicking the others." Twilight explained.

"Fair point." Rarity remarked. "Let's not forget that we're the heroes of Equestria. If we start acting like something is wrong then the others will pick up on it. Best case scenario, everypony will act more paranoid. Worst case scenario, things could devolve into a riot."

Applejack grimaced. "I see yer point."

"Me too!" Pinkie said then added in a more serious tone (well serious for Pinkie Pie), "and don't you worry Twi Twi, you can count on old Pinkie Pie to keep everypony calm and their spirits lifted."

Twilight smiled. "Of course Pinkie." And with that, the meeting concluded.

Author's Note:

Well, ta-da. I'm sorry it's not all that impressive and it's a little short. I just wanted to get this out so I can move on to the best part. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope to post a new one soon.