• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 661 Views, 15 Comments

Equestria Commandos - Richer19

Join Sunset Shimmer and the rest of Twilight Squad as they fight to protect Equestria.

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Chapter 1: Birth

Day 1

Growth Chamber

Unknown Time

I felt a stirring in my head like something was trying to wake me up from a blissful sleep. My vision was dark and hazy and my legs felt weak. I tried to open my eyes but were closed as they were stung by something. I tried to speak but my voice failed me. Looking down, I could see my yellow hooves floating in front of me but they were beyond my ability to will them to obey my movements.

"Hello little one...This is your first day." A voice called out to me faint but so close. It reminded me of how a mother would talk to their filly. The sound caused me to open my eyes and try to find the source of the voice. What I saw were two...creatures who looked at me like I was their child. I looked to the left and saw more creatures those they looked familiar to me. Before I could think on it further, the creature in front of me spoke again "You're designation will be SS-13." She paused as if thinking things over and I found myself drifting off back to sleep. As my eyes closed and darkness took hold of me I heard the voice say "We expect great things from you."

Hearing those words brought a feeling of pride within my body as my designation floated around in my head.

Day 10

Classroom Foxtrot

11:00 GMT

"You have been born into a dangerous time." Miss Easy Eyes said as she watched from the observation platform. Part of me wanted to look up to see her but I know that would be bad. I needed to focus and learn. In front of me was a hologram monitor in which an earth pony was explaining all the inner workings of the new TS12 Mk 6 Assault Rifle. "A sharp mind will be the key to survival." Easy Eyes continued and I felt myself nod a bit. I agree no pony would be able to last long unless their mind wasn't as honed as their weapons. A quick glance at the ponies next to me saw that most were either uninterested or staring at the screen with the same level of focus as me. The latter would be the ones to endure and become stronger and I wanted to be the strongest of them all.

I focus back just as the earth pony began to go into details about the attachments of the TS12 Mk 6 as Easy Eyes said "But, more often than not it will be your inherent physical and magical strength that will win the day." Again I nodded. I couldn't be a leader unless I was the best and every moment of my down time was spent in the gym or the simulation. Even as the lunch bell was rung and most of my classmates began to head to the mess hall I sat there making sure to get the last bit of info that I could before getting up. I would head to the mess and get a quick meal before heading to the simulation for more practice with my magic.

Day 13

Shooting Range

14:00 GMT

I smiled as I watched the two ponies on the shooting gallery, one a unicorn and the other an earth pony. Even a novice would be able to tell you who was the better shot. While the earth pony, using a standard AJ7 Mk 3 Battle Rifle, was doing acceptable enough. It was the unicorn who was superior in terms of accuracy and reaction time. I felt my body eager to get to my turn and see if all of my extra training was finally starting to pay off. Next to me, Easy Eyes smiles and says "As you can see, in this regard, you and your sister will be superior to your more common ponies." I could only nod in agreement as a buzzard sounded meaning their time was up. I waited for the unicorn to step to the side before making my way up. I lick my lips as I readied my weapon.

Day 18

Equipment Distribution

7:00 GMT

"Today is the day." I thought to myself over and over as I stood in line with my unicorn sisters. Today, we had all gotten our marks of graduation, though some of my sisters referred to them as 'Cutie Marks' for some unknown reason. It didn't matter to me what they were called. All that was important was that I would be getting the armor and helmet that I would use for the rest of my life. I could feel my lips dry and my heart threaten to race out of my chest.

Easy Eyes, with that same warm smile, says "For you are a prodigy, a unique unicorn. Something truly special." I nodded in agreement. The Prodigies were special and I was one of the best. My skills were so good that I was already selected to lead a squad; something that only a few could say to have achieved in such a short amount of time.

I walked over and saw the helmet that would be mine. Simple, clean white with a strong orange line right down the middle. There was a small hole where my horn would slide into and just to the left and off center was my mark. It was a sun which was colored yellow and red with the center having a yin-yang symbol. It was an exact copy of the decal that I had on my Manticore-class armor. Placing the helmet on my head, I was happy to feel it was large enough to fit over my mane without messing it up too much. As the interface started to sync with my armor, I heard Easy Eyes saying "Your weapons, your armor, and most importantly...your sisters."

Day 19

Training Room Delta

13:00 GMT

"I need a base of fire on that Juggernaut!" I shouted over the comms as I began to fire my rifle at the weak spot located on the center region just under the super harder carapace. Besides me, two more rifles begin to fire at the same position and already I could see the monster staggering. Glancing to my left, I also shout "Where is my anti-armor fire." before seeing a round hit the hologram which causes it to stagger some more. I knew that this was the most optimal set up for handling one of these given what positions I had and all that was left was a focus fire until our weapons could punch a hole large enough to kill it.

As the rounds were going off, I remember the words Easy Eyes said to me prior to the start of my final assessment to being a Squad Leader "The gray timberwolves of our world hunt in packs to bring down much larger prey. So too must you become a pack leader and lead your sisters to become fierce hunters of Equestria."

I was taken out of my memory by the sound of the Juggernaut letting out a recorded scream before crashing onto the ground. There was a loud buzz and I lowered my gun. My body was still tense as I await the results of my exam, my eyes couldn't bear to look at the judges even if my visor made it seem like I was. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw Easy Eyes give me a smile and a nod which was enough to put me at ease. I knew right then that I had passed. Taking off my helmet, I wiped a bit of sweat out of my fur as I heard Easy Eyes say "Now...join your part and embrace your destiny as their leader...the leader of Twilight Squad."

Day 20

Outside Conference Room Tango

9:00 GMT

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the door. On the other side would be my squad...no my sisters who I would lead into battle for Equestria. Even without meeting them, I could already feel a strong bond with them one that was born through shared training and trials. I knew that no matter what we would be able to go through hell and back as long as we stood by each other. An hour ago, Easy Eyes gave me a basic introduction on who my squad mates were but I wanted to see them for myself. Taking a final deep breath, I open the door and prepared for what I was to see and what I saw filled my heart with pride.

My squad mates, as disciplined as myself and the rest of the Prodigy Commandos, were standing close together. Their helmets were off so I could see their faces and I liked what I saw. The first one to walk up was one that I expected. Although she had suffered a minor genetic defect that required her to wear glasses, her dark purple eyes shining with intensity as she says "Hello Squad Lead. My designation is MD-10 but you can call me Moon Dancer."

I nodded my head as Easy Eyes' voice said "MD-10, your foundation...a pure and uncomplicated warrior."

"Pleasure to meet you Moon Dancer." I replied as I took note of her mark, a moon with three stars around it as well as her armor which was well maintained and green in color. Her coat was on the light yellow side and her mane seemed to be a mix of red, purple and violet.
Before I could have a chance to introduce myself, I heard a small explosion, one that almost caused me to grab my sidearm out of reflex. Looking around, I saw the second unicorn which had a blue wand and moon mark come up to me and say "Greetings. You may refer to me as the Great and Powerful Trixie." Her azure coat and blue white mane complementing her dark purple eyes. Her armor was also maintained well enough and had strong yellow stripes to give it that personal touch.

I couldn't help but smile as I remember Easy Eyes' words about Trixie "TL-14...the heart and soul of your team." She did have a lot of heart in her and given that explosion earlier she must be the squad's demolition expert. I look over at the last pony, who was sitting back cleaning a TS12 Mk 6 with the sniper attachment. Her blue eyes watching me with a critical gaze that was only partially covered by her two tone purple with an aquamarine strip. Her coat was a pinkish color of sorts and her mark appeared to be a star that had two wisps coming out.

We both stared at each other before the mare seemed to smile, as if approving of something before she got up and says "Name is Starlight Glimmer."

I return the nod as I remember Easy Eyes saying that Starlight Glimmer, or SG-16, was the fiercest hunter out of all of us. The way she was taking care of her rifle plus the stories I had heard about her during training were enough to convince me of that. I look at the three mares, my sisters, and said "It is a pleasure to meet you all. My name is SS-13. You are to call me Boss or Lead while on a mission and Sunset Shimmer when we are off duty."

As the four of us began to get comfortable with each other and working together, I heard Easy Eyes' voice finally say "You are each a piece of a whole pony and Equestria will call you to defend and give your lives if need be." I vowed to myself that I wouldn't let that happen. That I would see each of my sisters through whatever comes our way using every ounce of my strength, skills and magic.

For I am Sunset Shimmer, Leader of Twilight Squad.

Author's Note:

Yay new story. I saw that cover pic on Derpiboou and I just felt compelled to write a fanfic about it.