• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 658 Views, 15 Comments

Equestria Commandos - Richer19

Join Sunset Shimmer and the rest of Twilight Squad as they fight to protect Equestria.

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Chapter 2: Battle of Thorax_Prologue

Conference Room

7:00 GMT

When the last of the commanders arrived at the medium size room, all the talk died down. After all we all knew the reason why we were called. There was a war going on and we were going to be called into battle. It was something that I was looking forward to. After all me and my squad were eager to put all of our training and skills to the test. The three senior commanders were sitting at the center of the room. The middle one stands up and says "As you may have known; we have been called into service by Equestria. Recently, the Changeling Confederation has been getting more and more...bold with their attacks on the them and without a standing army of their own they turned to us. So that would mean we are finally going to be putting all of our training to the test on the desert world of Thorax."

As each of the commanders went over the missions that each team had, my mind went over what I knew about the plant. As far as I remember, it was a planet that sat just outside of Equestria's influence and contained basically everything changelings needed to grow. No doubt it would be one of the Confederation's primary hive clusters which makes it such a tempting first target. Bloody the nose and they won't be so eager to make a counterattack. It was then that I heard the commander saying "Twilight Squad." My ears perk up "You and your squad's mission will be to find and kill a Changeling Major named Silent Flyer. We believe he will be located in one of the spires that is located on top of a hive cluster." I nod my head in understanding knowing that I would get more details from the adviser who would be assigned to our squad. The commander then added "In order to mitigate any losses of the commandos, each commando will be traveling in their own gunships and have different landing zones."

This caught me by surprise and from the quiet murmurs it seems like the others commanders did as well. It would seem that they, like myself, thought that our first battle would be with our squads fighting together. To find out we will be starting separate was a bit hard to stomach. However none of us voiced our concern. Each of us were trained to handle whatever the Confederation could throw at us.

Landing Platform

Later that Day

If it wasn't for the helmet's auto cleaning spell, I would have gotten annoyed by the rain a long time ago. I was standing just to the edge, watching large Pegasus class transport ships loading up troops, equipment and basically everything needed for the upcoming war. I felt like I was bouncing up and down on my hooves, nervous and excited at the same time. The first of the gunships landed and I watched as Starlight looked at us before running to the ship. She got on and turned to give us a nod before we saw the doors close. She would be dropped the closest to our target and her mission was to make sure he was still there while I got the rest of the squad together. The next of the gunships came by and Moon Dancer took this one. She gave Trixie and I a wave before the door closed on her and she was off.

I looked at Trixie who was checking to make sure all of her charges were secure. Even with her helmet was on, I could tell that she was nervous. Despite her talent with explosive, I knew Trixie was more of a show mare then an actual fighter. I knew there were rumors about how she somehow altered the results of her training so that she would appear better then she actually was but I dismissed those rumors. Trixie was my squad mate and sister. I wasn't going to let her or anypony else down. Once I saw that she was ready, I moved up and placed a hoof on her shoulder before saying "Feeling nervous there Trixie?"

She lets out a soft gasp before saying "no...not at all Boss." I could only smile behind my helmet. I kept looking at her for a while longer before she added "Actually yes I am. This...this is our first real fight isn't it. I...I don't know that I'm ready for it."

"Trixie..." I paused trying to form the right words before forging on "The fact that you are nervous shows that you are ready. To be honest, I'm shaking in my hooves at the thought."

Trixie looked up at me and I sensed that she had a shocked expression on her face as she said "But you...you our Boss Sunset. The others and I watched your assessment for Squad Leader and I don't think I have ever seen a pony as brave as you are."

I nod my head and replied "I was scared during that assessment but one thing I learned was that, in order to be a leader, I had to learn to keep my fears inside of me and not think about them." I grip her a bit tighter to make sure I had her attention before adding "Listen to me Trixie. When we get there, some of our clone brothers and sisters will look to you as a source of inspiration. If and when that happens, you need to show them that they can beat the Confederation okay." She nods her head and I could hear the gunship landing that would take her. Despite it going against protocol, I gave Trixie a warm hug which she was quick to return before whispering "I'll see you on the ground and remember we are always on comms if you need to talk."

"I know Sunset...and thank you. I'm glad to know I'm not the only pony nervous." We separated from the hug and she moves to the gunship. Giving me a wave which I return, I watched as she was lifted off.

Now alone with myself, I spent the last few moments of peace calming my heart and breathing. I knew that the next few hours will be the calm before the trial by fire. I heard the gunship lowering down and picked up my rifle with my thoughts on the mission, the battle, and my sisters. It was time for the galaxy and the Confederation to witness the strength of Twilight Squad.

Author's Note:

Not much to say really. Next chapter should be where things get violent...and interesting.