• Member Since 26th Oct, 2015
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Zatoichi Vokunkiin

Just an observer from the shadows.

Comments ( 252 )

To be honest, I wish you keep up the romantic interest in your stories with the celestial sisters. It's partially the reason why I read all of your stories. Maybe both of them in this one since you have a Celestia and Luna one?

Egads, the grammar is a little off in the description...

Huh. This is pretty good. Now comes Luna watching his dreams. Then comes the guards storming in to capture the human only to be beaten to the curb. That's only a theory though. Can't wait for more dude.

7557277 Honestly, I am going in fully blind. This is the story I am putting most of my effort into. my two last stories are experimental ones to help me develop better and get feedback to improve my skills. I will keep working on them yes of course. But this one is going to be my main piece, considering I am also upping the word count in my chapters.

7557348 It all depends on how the events unfold in this story. I honestly don't know who will become his romantic interest. Should it be one of the celestial sisters, Twilighjt or even one of the mane six? Who knows.

i like were this story is going, even if it's just four chapters in.

Luna got lucky. I mean she's seen what an aragami is, what they are capable of,and who and what can take them down. Saying his actual name was also a mistake on their part.Now there is a gape of trust that will take some time to bridge. Invasion of privacy people it's a thing. Well at least he is returning back to Sweety and Rarity. They will be glad he's back. As for the romance bit. Try giving our fare zebra shaman a try. Not many romance fic's with her right?

7558879 Zecora huh? As much as I would like that..I wouldn't be able to find rhymes for everything she says...just couldn't do it :P

I guess that's true. Dang. Well the story is still fresh and our main man still hasn't met the main six. You could always have the romance build slowly. That's a possibility right?

7558937 I plan on taking my time with the romance in this story. maybe a few conflicting emotions here and there. Gonna try and flesh it out as much as possible.

Dang dude two in one day. That's impressive! Keep up the good work.:twilightsmile:

This is pretty fukin aweskme. Keep it up dude.

7561690 Only to those he sees worthy of trusting, once they break that trust though, its hell to get it back.

Aww nice chapter. Those three better lay low if they now what's good for them. Can't wait to read what happens next.

Another good chapter. And I'm glad Luna came to apologize face to muzzle. Take's a lot of guts to admit when your wrong ya know. Chances are those three blokes from the pond are gonna show up at the party. Will Raven keep his word to Applejack? Or will it be just a good party and he makes some new friends? The anticipation is killing me.

Well he can start his new friendship after hes talk with sunny d. Great chapter as usual big guy.

7569269 what can I say? The royal sisters are at the top of my attractive ponies list.

7569287 Well, I am with you there. Luna being my favorite over all though.

7569294 that's funny because it's the same for me with Luna being my favorite even though it's pretty close.


I'm beginning to see the praise the sun theme in your story's. Nothing wrong with that. Go for it. There's always next time for the other girls you know. And just throwing this out there. But for all we know Zecora only speaks in rhymes to those who don't get to know her. Kinda like how Raven only let's those he considers friend and family to say he's true name. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Celestia. I vote celestia. I think that cause of the way the two started out it will bring out more oomph to the story if they got together and maybe if when they help him get him to be able to change at will he accadently become immortal or ageless.
Story is just getting better and better. Keep it up dude.:heart::trollestia::heart:

7569356 Well, I have a princess thing going on to where each princess will get their own romance role with the humans I conjure up. In A Shadow Caught In The Sun, Celestia was meant to have the spotlight, but things changed. So I may give her that solospot here. Judging by the votes, Tia just might be the one.

Oh man your actually doing a vote? Hmmm. Then I vote flutershy. I think those two have more in common then they think. Hey whose stare would win? Raven's or Shy's?

They should kiss to break the tension.XD

As it stands, Tia may take the cake on this one. Cause ya know, she always takes the cake...*sighs and heads for the back door* I will excuse myself...

The balls of that guard trying to touch his baby am I right? I really like'd the symbiotic bit. Will make carting his weapon around much easier. Of course Our main man will probs have to explain what that weapon was to Sunny D.

Soooooo. What do you think dragon tasted like? I think it would taste like spicy chicken. (Yum) They are in for more surprise's when they see our main man eat.:rainbowlaugh: Can't wait for the next one.

7572921 I would imagine it tastes more like pork, since I have tried alligator before, deep fried. Mmm-mmm-mmm that is good eating!

Huh. You know I have no problems with the whole herd/harem fics. Great chapter as always.

7573794 i may do a herd fanfic next. But its gonna be a decent one. Not flat out clop.

So...I guess celestia is off the list of relationship material?

7576353 Well, with my last chapter...she has quite a headstart, That's for sure. ;)

I wonder what Tia meant by the last pony she bestowed her gift too betraying her? And what happend to Luna? Wasn't she invited? Cool sword though. Can't wait for the next one.

Oh.....shit. I guess she is the runner up. Kool. Celly's best princess.:heart::trollestia::heart:

I hope Mystogan and Calestia get together, that would be adorable...please.

Good chapter as always and for Celestia to trust him with a link to her mind. I'm happy about that

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